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New Picture!

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Posted at : Wednesday, April 10, 2013

VIA the_188: Oh just my friend Adam Lambert ^_^ #adamlambert #maccosmetics #mac #boricua #puertorican #sexy #single


tea said...

Proud fan ^_^ Stunning Adam (Yum)

Anonymous said...

I remember Adam saying he used to work at Mac at Macy's. Imagine encountering him there and asking for a makeup consultation. so much fun. I'd be shaking honestly and oh hi Tommy!

Anonymous said...

It's an old picture from last year.

Anonymous said...

Shady or Fever? I just voted for Shady at AfterElton's Hump day with Adam Lambert.It was a close call though.

Anonymous said...

Nice Pic Adam!

Anonymous said...

Old pic, Adams hair is shorter now.

Anonymous said...

peek a boo Tommy.

Anonymous said...

LOL!!! Check out this cartoon drawing of Adam feeding pkg meter:

24/7 post please. Thx! <3

Anonymous said...

Beatiful fan art by by @Kristy_Glambert

Anonymous said...

@RequestAdam: Press release on AT&T, Trevor Project & @adamlambert collaboration; quotes Adam

Anonymous said...

@LambertUK: Mayor Bower to be Grand Marshal for Miami Beach Pride, Adam Lambert to perform - Metro Weekly -

Anonymous said...

'American Idol' star Adam Lambert headlines Sunday evening at Miami Beach festival

Anonymous said...

@FleckingRecords: Adam Lambert is in good spirits, post-break-up (other celebs, take note) -

Anonymous said...

hope adam lambert perform shady and star light or tiem for miracle.

Anonymous said...

VERY IMPORTANT: those of you on twitter please use the following link to report venomous trolls on twitter:

Save it!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for all the links. Love the cartoon, the fan art and articles (the ones I could open).

Anonymous said...

I'm pretty sure this pic is from Kansas City, March 2012. He was there for radio promo.

Anonymous said...

It may be an old picture but, yes so stunning!

Re: the feeding the meter cartoon:

Look! Up in the Sky. Its a bird. Its a plane. Its SUPERGLAM!

Anonymous said...

Great pics. of Adam in InRock mag.

Anonymous said...

Whew, yeah great pics of Adam in InRock beast!


Anonymous said...

Lines to accompany meter-feeding cartoon / 5:24

Super Glam meter feeder
Heaves police-car with one hand
The other satisfying the frenzied parking-meter
With a smile and eyes peeking through his blue glam glasses
Officer looks agog behind the wheel
Hey! What are you doing...enraged, unbemused
Glam hero continues uploading the money-devouring meter
Oki-dok there you go; hee-hor officer, on the floor...bamm! lol!


Thanks for the cartoon SammieMa.

Anonymous said...

Good one, Lam-my!


Anonymous said...

DRG.....Thanks a bunch! lol!


Anonymous said...

Hmm I see you like the cartoon lines too! Thanks for 838 lol!


Anonymous said...

If you have 88 minutes to spare you might want to spend it here.
Consecutive variety of Adam's songs.NS

Anonymous said...

Out of subject. I think Adam has trouble with parking meteres:D

Anonymous said...

Sorry, I meant "meters"

Anonymous said...

Love this photo. Adam is wearing very little makeup. He's such a BABE!! :+)

Anonymous said...

Ashley posted this cute video on her keek profile:

Meadow turns dishwashing time into bath time.!hnxFbab

Anonymous said...

I used to keep yellow canaries and sometimes I let one out and it would fly frantically around the sitting room. But Ashley has made this bird trust her so much...inspiring; if only I knew I could have trained my canaries to take a bath off my hands. But I did watch several hatch right from a tiny hole they peck on their shell and fall out pretty limp. Nice video. Thanks.

CD, high quality, Adam's voice very clear upfront. Thanks.


Anonymous said...

I just watched Ashley's Keek. So sweet, now I want a bird.

Anonymous said...

Please....if you want a bird bring a net and cage to my backyard!,,, Please! It's 8:00 a.m. The breakfast feeding frenzy has begun....whatever you want, I've got it.....yellow canaries, parakeets in your choice of colors, aqua, sky blue,light green olive green, chartreuse green with blue tails,
A red macaw , and a very haughty cockatiel . My orange trees look like they are lit up with bright fat Christmas bulbs.
Most are escapees, but the chartreuse ones are wild ones who cover the whole state. Florida is sort of a
Garden of Eden of birds. This crowd is my's the time of year I have last summer's seed pods trimmed from trees to get ready for new growth. The lawn man bundled up the branches to take them off with him. I said, " no, leave them for the birds for a week or two".
So it's open buffet 24/7. The parrot family get first
choice, then they disappear and really fat orange bellied robins appear, then an assortment of doves, mocking birds , cardinals and really mean, screeching bluejays show up.

it's a Disney Nature extravaganza......want a bird? Take one, two or twenty!.........JAK

Anonymous said...

In my case, my balcony faces a hillside and every morning various cackling, whistling, singing birds will come to the trees there to quarrel! lol! They sound like they are telling one another to ship out; like, hey this is our territory and sometimes they zoom down to the ground and really fight...fiercer than what we do here! lol! But the yellow canaries literally sing as in doe-rae-mi-rae or la-ti-doe...I wrote down the actual notes! And they sing very high notes pitch-perfect like Adam! lol! And there are these two brownish birds with white crowns; they fly onto my window-sill and peer in! lol! Sometimes they poop! lol! Ahh later in the morning close to noon, two orange-winged eagles circle sinisterly above the trees; once I saw one swoop onto the field and clutched its curved claws on a bird. Also, two pink-necked pigeons made their nest on my balcony planter. The father and mother birds took turns to keep their babies warm and fed them. When the father bird flew back to the nest, the mother bird would fly off to the nearby trees to bring back small dry fruit. They impressed me with their parental commitment. lol! Eventually, the stronger of the two baby birds took its maiden flight leaving the weaker one behind; it stood on the balcony ledge afraid to follow its brother/sister. I had to give it a nudge and yes it flew! lol!


Anonymous said...

Love the bird stories. I would love to see all kinds of beautiful colorful birds, in my yard. We get a lot of sparrows and robins. I live in North Dakota and our state bird is the meadowlark. But you only see the meadowlark out in the country. We also have the state flower names the crocus. It is also called the pasque flower. They are lavender and kind of look like a tulip, but smaller. They peak out in the ground where the snow has gone off. So beautiful. This year we might have to wait enough month to see them. There is to much snow yet.

Anonymous said...

So what if this is out of the subject. We know we all love Adam here. We all have different interest in our life also.