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Sauli Koskinen: "Adam Lambert and I hardly ever saw each other"

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Posted at : Tuesday, April 09, 2013

In a new interview with Seiska Finland, Sauli Koskinen talked about his breakup with Adam Lambert.

VIA Seiska Finland:
(Translation by Adam Lambert Fan Club)

Seiska: Sauli Koskinen Breakup: Adam Lambert & I hardly ever saw each other. See the hilarious photo.

Now that Adam Lambert & Sauli Koskinen are "divorced," Sauli has given this exclusive interview regarding the breakup. Published on Thursday, appearing in Stop Cash.

"Yes, we're divorced. It's been developing for several months. The reason is simply the fact that we hardly ever see each other any more," Sauli said to Seiska in a special interview.

Seven reporter grabbed Sauli Koskinen & Adam Lambert picture that Adam Lambert shared later on Instagram.

Source: Seiska Finland


Anonymous said...

Is "divorced" the translation from Finnish for separated or no longer partners?

Anonymous said...

That must have been difficult for both of them. Anybody who has had a long distance relationship or a partner with a demanding job knows how bittersweet it can be. I wish them both well and much happiness.

Anonymous said...

Is this google translation?? In Finnish divorced means ending a marriage.

Anonymous said...

1:21 pm

So true. They both said that the reason for break up was a lack of together time:( I`m so happy to see them in good terms:) And you`ll never know what happens in the future....:)

Anonymous said...

Lol that's bullshit tho. Adam has had a ton of time off in January and February before his tour started and he and Sauli could have had all that time together, but they chose not to.

Anonymous said...

Lol Bull!!:) to you @1:40 PM:)

Where you spying??????

You should apply for Adams personal assistant then Ha!Ha!

You are full of crap dear!!!


Anonymous said...

@1:40 I agree.

Anonymous said...

1:49 PM
Lol, Adam was seen practically every day during those 6 weeks and he was never with Sauli. Many nights clubbing with other friends, at friends houses, out to dinner, his trip to nyc, a weekend of fun grammy partys - sauli in LA and never with Adam. This is just a convenient excuse.

Anonymous said...

2:00 pm

You´re just talking BS. I think it´s exactly the reason they both gave. It was a decision building up in months. So I guess they were out of sync by the time you are talking about. So who should we believe? Certainly not you!!

Anonymous said...

Adam was definitely partying most of the time. He could have been drowning his sorrows too, but idk.

Anonymous said...

I´m sure the break-up reason wasn´t an excuse, but reality...both rising stars on their own field. Let´s believe what they said and leave it to that...they weren´t obligated to say anything in the first place!

Anonymous said...

2:04 PM
It's just the facts girl. They obviously broke up in mid January when they had plenty of time to be together if they were interested in trying to re-connect. They were together all of December too as I recall. Sauli went with Adam to Bali and Vietnam and they never spent one day of vacation together in those lovely spots. Adam just worked every day and Sauli just followed him around. If they were in love you would think they would have taken a couple of days in a resort setting to be together.

Anonymous said...

2:19 pm

LOL! Don´t make me laugh!!!!! You know nothing about the facts! Who do you think you are??

Anonymous said...

2:15 PM
Lol I don't expect them to tell the real reaons either. I just think it's obviously not this reason. And unless Adam has a hidden tour coming up no one knows about they would seem to have lots of potential time in the next year. I think Adam just fell out of love and wanted to be single.

Anonymous said...

Guys, this happened over more than the past 6 weeks. Adam has been on the road since "Mapril" of last year. And we do not know the business meeting schedule of either one of them. Personally I chose to believe what Adam tells me but ultimately it's none of our business.

Anonymous said...

Adam is/was busy with his own projects and once he was home Sauli was busy with his own developed new projects. Hence not enough time to spend with each other. As simple as that. Their interests along the way changed. They are now friends and both are moving on to explore new things.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

2:22 pm

Oh you must be the Miss Know-it-all!...sad for you, but you don´t KNOW anything who initiated what. What makes you think Sauli wasn´t the one who wanted to be single?

Anonymous said...

people give it a break, there is no specific timeline that anyone can check anything. and why is it so impt for people to be 'right' about things that are none of their business. interest is one thing, posting opinions as fact is ludicrous

Anonymous said...

Lol is the biggest troll/Weezle this site as ever seen! Over and over again she said bad things about Adam, did you here her the other day! His net game doubt he will get paid much for endorsement so unprofessional. When someone said the amount of money one of them was getting there two more that got one and Adam, the lady said it was a lot she said well maybe basket ball player, all we know he probably I'd it for free it was unprofessional, Adam looked as good as any if them I saying that. The lady replied he did not do it for free they would not pay one and not the other. She had pretty much spent most of the night pointing out how she does not think he has an album either. Her and this other one that probably agreed with her or whoever here, or she agreed with herself! RCA probably would not Bach him this time if he did he have to do it himself! This just a small bit if what she said and her pardoner she like to talk too! Any time anything positive make sure we know that's not true are accurate! This has been going on day after day after day! She not an Adam fan, if she is she the most awful one ever! I complained about her before! Think she needs to be ignored, because nothing she says is true! Adam did not have tons of time in jan and feb. as she said he was getting ready and rehearsing for that tour, made not been huge but it needed rehearsal! Do not care what she says about me everything I said is true.

Anonymous said...

Ooh, we have mind readers and crystal ball readers again.

Anonymous said...

END IT you lame O's.
You OBVIOUSLY know way more then Adam and Sauli do about their relationship. Of COURSE you do!!!!

Man do you have too much time on your hands.
Stupid silly gossipy minds!

Anonymous said...

Turning out to be just another pathetic thread by someones who are delusional and sadly trying to impress people with their "knowledge"...booooring!

Anonymous said...

I think Sauli wanted out and Adam SANG to Stay to work it out. But finally they agreed to be just friends. I know bunch of couples who are seperated and stayed friends. Have you seen the show Seinfeld? Seinfeld and Ellian were in love couples then became each others best friends. This is so true in real life.

Anonymous said...

They're mostly twitter readers and researchers, called trolls. Saw a list of them yesterday and they are only a handful getting reported and blocked. They are sick and they get enjoyment spreading rumors and lies. Ignore them!

Anonymous said...

2:28 PM
Lol you are hilarious

Read Adam's new interview. He says "the relationship just ran its course" in other words he was just not interested anymore.

As far as the album goes, he is again very, very vague.

Anonymous said...

S. Florida Gay News ‏@soflagaynews
Part 2: Adam Lambert Talks Life and Love with SFGN -

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

OT. Let's talk about music then. Hurts' Miracle is so good. On repeat. I have to get the album Exile.

Anonymous said...

"I’m going to start working on new music soon. I don’t know when exactly. I don’t know how long that’s going to take to wrap up."

So basically he is doing some random shows and hoping someone will give him another album. But no definite plans

Anonymous said...

OT. Listened to Justin Timberlake's Mirrors (song) for the first time. Didn't like it. At all.

Anonymous said...

Could be that Sauli had made a decision to leave or something unpleasant happened before Christmas and Adam's reaction was to get back at him somehow. All that clubbing without Sauli, perhaps he was trying to prove a point or something. After all, Adam is known to be both jealous and possessive in a relationship.

The comment about the relationship running its course sounds strange but understandable. I'm sure he would never blurt out his inner emotions about a breakup to some journalist.

Anonymous said...

"I have my whole future in front of me."

"We’ve actually started brainstorming what this next project is going to be. I can’t say anything more about it right now, but I’m excited."

"I’m going to start working on new music soon. I don’t know when exactly. I don’t know how long that’s going to take to wrap up."

Adam is unique whether some of you naysayers like it or not. His label and management will do anything to find him the right producers. As Roger Taylor said his voice is one in hundred million and experts would love to work with him.

Anonymous said...

In case anyone wants to comment on the win ---- go here

Anonymous said...

@ 2:28 p.m. You think this bad person should be ignored. Then tell me why you have the longest comment on the thread talking about her.

Why don't you ignore her?

Anonymous said...

someone will give him an album.... do you have any idea what it takes (and how much time if you do not want to rush to do an album?

Anonymous said...

This is so tiresome people trying to psychoanalyse the reason/s Adam and Sauli broke up ...... and not doing well at it at all. Let it be, folks. To state the bleeding obvious again, it's none of our business!!

Anonymous said...

Has every person here only had one relationship with the first person they dated? No one ever broke up before? No one had a long distance relationship that didn't work out? No one dated a couple of different people before finding the right one? Maybe I am the only one here and all the other comments are one or two trolls.

Anonymous said...

I think the people who doubt Adam and Sauli's explanation and have better "explanations" are still living in their parents basements.

Anonymous said...

IMO Sauli wanted out cause he posted a mv on his twitter which implies he was at an empty house all by himself and when Adam came home either he was sleep and Adam was awake or Adam was sleep when he was awake. There was an implication of Broken English in the song as when they were together he thought he understood Adam but Adam meant something else. Adam dedicated Broken English to Sauli at his concert in Finland. Here is the mv that Sauli posted on his twitter:

Good thing is that they are friends and who knows they might get back together one day. Oh well..I wish both of a great future.

Anonymous said...

I don't get it....why is there so much conjecture on this site about the reasons for the breakup? Why do we have to know the whole truth? I don't find it impossible to believe that they really didn't have enough quality time together with all the traveling Adam did starting with all the radio promotion gigs last spring up until present time. What's the difference when, how, why....the results are the same....they broke up. Story over. Wishing them both much success in their separate careers....their private lives are theirs to live, not ours.


Anonymous said...

It looks like in tomorrow's interview Sauli will be saying the same thing as Adam did.

Seiska magazine has the largest subscribership in Finland so many people will read the interview and it will probably also be good chance to let them know about Sauli's new video blog.

It will be sad to hear about the breakup again but it's a good way to let Finnish non-fans to know that there was no drama involved.

Anonymous said...

Just sayin, this is me talking about me. If Adam was my man, I wouldn't care if I saw him once a year. I'd live in his house, sleep in his bed, cook in his kitchen, take in his essence. Then when he comes home....Bang!!! I'll kiss those kissable lips, run my finger through his hair, ohlala..I would never leave him. I would stay with him forever. That's me! This is my fantasy.....

Urethra_Franklin said...

Oy Vey

tea said...

This picture is hilarious. Judging by the color of their faces, it looks like Adam is winning. lol

tea said...

@2:03 AM
From my computer view, I'd say the only drama is coming from the fandom of both men.

Anonymous said...

Sauli is happy. He's already said he came to LA on a "crush". He's taking full advantage of his connection to Adam, and now has a show. He got his fill of the LA scene and of being the stay at home "housewife". He couldn't drive & probably got tired of being stuck in the hills while Adam was away. That may or may not have been the reason they moved to the city. I just hope that Adam didn't give up his house for Sauli. Maybe there were too many memories there. Maybe Adam wanted to be closer to the nightlife.
Whatever the reason, Sauli is the one who has benefited the most from all this. Adam is ever the romantic. And that makes it all too easy to get burned.
He puts on a good game face, tho. Bless him.

Anonymous said...

sk couldn't handle being the little fish in the very big pond.

Anonymous said...

at 3:58

Sauli is staying in LA

Anonymous said...

someone is obsessed with the word TROLLS.

Anonymous said...

all Sauli got out of it was the clothes he wore in on the occasion and some shopping sprees on Rodeo.

Anonymous said...

He got 2 years of Adam, I'd say he was a lucky guy as was Adam.

Anonymous said...

Uh. He also got to travel to different countries, clothes, dinners & clubbing, enjoy a house on the hill with a pool, and most of all, a TV show.
I hope he really loved/loves Adam, but none the less-he got the bigger end of the stick (no pun intended).

Anonymous said...

Uh except for the TV show those are all the same things I got when I hooked up with my guy. Should I feel ashamed? I do really love him....JAK

With one additional exception, the house isn't on a hill.

Anonymous said...

Uh, are you still with your guy? If so, your point is moot.

Anonymous said...

I had to laugh at the comment from 5 24 about if Adam was her Man, hell yes. If you truly love someone you Make it work, schedules or not.

Anonymous said...

@7:47: Thank you.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

@ 7:24 P.M. Temporarily, but you never know!...JAK

Anonymous said...

Hah - JAK - thinking of becoming a cougar?

Anonymous said...

With this whole thing, I feel the situation is kept so secret so it won't turn out to be like what happened with Monte. Remember? I feel Adam wanted to keep this relationship but Sauli wanted out. Adam gave a lot to Sauli and I am sure he is helping him out now too. From the video I saw this morning, Sauli is still living in Adam's new resident cause the video was filmed on his apt.'s roof top and I believe Adam was taking the video cause I heard his giggle at the end of the video. I remember in one interview Adam said yes he approached Sauli in Finland but Sauli kept calling him wanting to see him again. Truly who wouldn't want to be with Adam. After this break up news most medias are writing who should be Adam's next bf.

Anonymous said...

How about singing to Sauli when Adam performed with Rock Royalty Queen. How out of this world epic is that? I mean really who has serronaded to their love like that?