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"Say What?"

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Saturday, April 20, 2013

Posted at : Saturday, April 20, 2013

New tweet from Adam...


tea said...

Need some help Adam?

daydreamin said...

Only Adam!;)

Anonymous said...

O^O^O^O^ ..... :-D

Anonymous said...

Yeah what, Adam?!?! LOL

Anonymous said...

O Hai.

Anonymous said...

Say "HI" baby. Your'e being videoed

Anonymous said...

I got yours right here Norm !!

Anonymous said...

I hope you're right,9:07. The media will have a heyday with this. :(

Magiclady said...

I can't believe he tweeted this!!!
sexy boy

Anonymous said...

If the glambulge could talk... I guess thats what the microphone is for.

Anonymous said...

just for fun nothing serious- its fun-more adam lambert music pls.

Anonymous said...

I need to start following Tony Bennett.

Anonymous said...

that is a picture from the Miami Beach Gay Pride concert I believe, at least part of it. lol

Anonymous said...

Oh Adam, you are too cute!! Haha, I love this!!

Anonymous said...

Just made my Saturday night! Oh Adam.....young vital man! Yowza!!!

Anonymous said...

That beautiful glambulge!

Anonymous said...

Unleash the beast!!! Now that's a Whole Lotta Love!!!

Anonymous said...


Coming in loud and clear.
xo laura

Anonymous said...

Adam always make problem for himself now that norm have 1 more reason to attack.

Now norm gonna say yes all Adam care about it's he's thing between he's legs and more drama.
Adam always advertise he's music and night club with boys and now he's thing ,he didn't do anything to support gay rights,now norm gonna be happy with new hit article.

Anonymous said...

Perhaps it's the name of a new song .....haha!! ;-D

Anonymous said...

Don't be so pessimistic. It's not that deep!

Anonymous said...

Obviously, IT says: Hey you idiot, take me back to Sauli as soon f......g possible!!!!

No offence. LOL

Anonymous said...

OK, I admit I giggled. We must all be 12 year olds today ;)

Anonymous said...

I think this is another reply to Norm Kent...F**k You!

Anonymous said...

@11:53 PM, Obviously, IT says: Free at last thank god almighty I'm free at last!!! lol

Anonymous said...

11:45 PM-Norm isn't going to say anything because he's already felt the wrath of the Glamberts. I'm sure he doesn't want another lashing!!!!

Anonymous said...

nice ,er, belt Adam!!

Anonymous said...

11.45pm take a chill pill. Adam wouldn't be Adam if he didn't stir things up once in a while. This is pretty harmless and so what if some jealous idiot wants to write mean things.

Anonymous said...

just keeps giving... <3

@JAK, hurry here, THE belt is showing... :)

Oh, how I love you, Adam Glam-Rocking Lambert!!!

Anonymous said...

some things are just meant to be fun and this is one of them. I wonder if someone tweeted Adam that picture?

Anonymous said...

Say: I'm a dick.

Anonymous said...

ok you're a dick.

Anonymous said...

In that pic EVERYTHING is in its place...
What a SIGHT to wake up to!!! :-D

daydreamin said...

Adam having Le Louis cake at Savva:

Anonymous said...

Haha!! :-D

daydreamin said...

Wow! Check this pic out! Buff -Adam!

Anonymous said...

The boys a handful ..,,in more ways than one...I love it:):):)...rose petal

Anonymous said...

Ahh, Adam sure takes our minds to places far and wide!


HK fan said...

@ laura

HK fan said...

@ laura

HK fan said...


Anonymous said...

Ok!!:) Adam you've got the worlds attention again!!!:)

Who cares about vitamin D3!!:)LOL

I saw the whole picture of him with this posed and he is really inviting he!he!

C'mon now what are we waiting for??? Attack!!:)


Anonymous said...

11:53 PM

Agree with you, but watch out, that jealous Sue will soon come here and start ranting " this is Adam`s site, not Sauli`s...".

Anonymous said...

@ 9:31 PM Lawerence Welk is always on Public TV

Anonymous said...

5.30 you are an idiot no one would be jealous of that.

Anonymous said...

@daydreamin, WOW!, Nice! That is one from the past that I had not seen. If only there was no facial hair. (sigh)

Anonymous said...

It heard Adam sing Naked Love and now it wants to know why the heck Sauli-babe is at the pool and not there. :D

Anonymous said...

@7:16 AM Hmm I wonder where Sauli lives. That pool looks familiar. Not my business though I know!

Anonymous said...

Maybe they are roommates.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

He wore that belt for the Diva show with that long coat that he wore to open the show! I love it! Sue

Anonymous said...

Little boys and grown men are so insecure....they have to be constantly checking to make sure it's still there!,,,,,,I do love that belt!........JAK

Anonymous said...

A lot more power 'all dressed up'. Adam realizes that if he ever goes full nudity, his career is over! This is how you handle sexy the right way!!! It's like a great novel, build up the suspense.

Unknown said...

that belt he worn in Vietnam

Anonymous said...

No matter how old I get I am not a fan of total male nudity, I get the giggles and wonder "What was God thinking?"

Anonymous said...

I hope NO ONE is going to act like Adam is the only singer who does this?

tea said...

I'm not a fan of female total or almost total nudity either. The porn people would not be in business if they depended on me.

Anonymous said...

Well luckily we will not seen nude Adam.

Anonymous said...

For those with misgivings as to why Adam would tweet this, IMO when he saw it was already out there, the best defense is always a good offense, therefore, he tweeted it before someone else could make a big deal of it.

Anonymous said...

Well, it would be very nice to see him at his pool, not in the nude, but in turquoise or any other colour board shorts (ie. those black spiky ones are too short and loose).

Anonymous said...


That sounds like some sound advice that Eber would have given Adam.

Anonymous said...

Adam was only checking to see if it was still there, there was a rumor that Sauli took it, and won't give it back. So Adam is having to put a pair of socks in there, just to keep his image intact. LOL

Anonymous said...

Why he did not have one of his own?

Anonymous said...

Adams brain is in his Glambulge for sure.

Anonymous said...

that's where all mens brains are.

Anonymous said...

@9:08 AM, lol (love your comment)

Anonymous said...

Oh, and @9:21 AM, love your comment too! lol

Anonymous said...

at 9:00 AM

Awww,... so that's the reason he's been looking such a miserable sod lately - his favourite body part has been confiscated by Sauli.

Nevertheless, gotta love Adam for trying to put on a brave face. He is a sweetie and I really do love him to bits.

Anonymous said...

Sauli only wanted a souveneer (sp)
of their time together, didn't think Adam would miss it.

Anonymous said...

at 9:53 AM

In that case it is no wonder Sauli looks so happy and chirpy these days!

Anonymous said...

I have hear that among gays "the bigger the better" is not true...

Anonymous said...

@10:02 AM :DD

Anonymous said...

Sorry but anything that seizable would tip the little fellow Sauli over, better stick with what he has.

Anonymous said...

@ 10:52 AM

LOL, where's your sense of humor? No need to turn nasty here.

I think Sauli was very happy with Adam's junk for quite some time.

Anonymous said...

Adam looks happier than seen him in a good while. Happy handsome, healthy and free to live his life in anyway he chooses.

Anonymous said...

11:05 am

I think Adam has always lived his life just the way he chooses! Don´t make it sound like he didn´t when he was with Sauli! He chose Sauli and Sauli chose him. It´s all their business. Not yours, not mine!

Anonymous said...

Laughing SO hard right now--God, I love you Adam. XD lmao

Anonymous said...

10:52 am

Bursting here on your silly wish you´ve seen in Adam´s pants...sorry honey...none of us have and none of us will:)

Anonymous said...

Sauli seemed to be happy with Adam for 2 years but in the end of last years things changed. Something happened between those two. Now he looks happy again.

Anonymous said...

What's wrong with you people? Well, at least some of you posting here. Why is it so f.....g necessary to be so serious about everything?

Speculating on Adam's love life and cracking a few jokes is just part of the fun of being a glambert.

Anonymous said...

He and Sauli were so happy. And they are both happy now too. They are just happy kind of people. They don`t want to consentrate negative things. They are friends and Sauli might even live with him still. But of course some of it might be because of public. They are human beings and therefore they have to be sad or mad too. But not in public. Some of us could learn that kind of attitude from them. Smile and your days will be better (according Sauli)! Adam has hell of sense of humor!

Anonymous said...

It was a purpose silly remark to counter act the endless ones on here, about glam bulges how sad Adam is same stuff over and over.Adam fine.

Anonymous said...

@ 12:05
He bored to be just a boyfriend I think..

Anonymous said...

@12:12 PM You may be right.

Anonymous said...

Says: "Damned, I miss Sauli's lips and teeth!"

Anonymous said...

That remark is just classless and true to form,12.15 no one has a problem with that ??

Anonymous said...

12:12 pm

That may be the case.. at least a part of was in translation of a Finnish magazine interview that he said he never agreed to be a wallflower. And good for him:)

Anonymous said...

Sauli also said when asked about marriage when he was in Finland this last time, that he never gave it any thought at all. In that case what else would he be but a boy friend? Good for Adam and his fans for moving on not living in yesterday.

Anonymous said...

And Adam did say he wasn´t thinking about marriage either. So I think they both thought a similar way. Happy they´re still friends:)

Anonymous said...

@12:06 PM I guess you told us off. Take the rest of the day off. LOL!

Anonymous said...

12:36 They were not together when this was asked. It would have been odd if he has said he wants to get married. There would have been headlines all over Finnish magasines.. We can`t know what they want or did want. Let`s not speculate.

Anonymous said...

Oh it will be nice to get our site back someday without certain people lurking around every corner with nothing much to say, ho hum.

Anonymous said...

They both said that about marriage when they were together, more than once.

Anonymous said...

12:52 tell me about it. lol

Anonymous said...

LOL Like Adam is so good looking, God, perfect, sexy, that kind of thing you meant. Very intelligent indeed! And I don`t like S so I am not so called S people you all despice!

Anonymous said...

damn u Adam Lambert:))

Anonymous said...

Once again this seems to turn into a very long relationship discussion - which, for the record, is fine by me.

There those who never liked Sauli in the first place urging everybody to move on and then again there's a bunch of hopeless romantics who hope that one day those two will find each other once more and for good.

And, as usual, we've got a few trolls who wish create chaos either way. LOL

Anonymous said...

Yes 1.01 he all that and a bag of chips. Not to mention he a really nice man.

Anonymous said...

So many funny and witty comments! YAY!
Let's bring fun back to this site!

@Anon 12:06pm
I totally agree with you! This used to a FUN fan site. No need to be so anxious and serious all the time. Adam is the master of fun, funny and witty comments...

Anonymous said...

Sauli also said he didn't want to ever be a housewife. Sauli has ambition just like Adam, which is good, he wants to make his way working, and I think he is doing a good job. I would not be surprised if Sauli was still living at Adams condo, at least until this summer when he is going back to Finland for a while.But he still calls CA his home. Hope that works out for him, he has many Finnish friends. I was surprised to hear Adam say in an interview that Sauli can be fiesty. You don't know someone until you live with them.

Anonymous said...

@the first Anon 11:39AM
Thank you for saying what I've wanted to say since their break-up, cause there have been several comments along the way insinuating the same (that Adam would not have been free to live the life he wanted...and some such crap). You said it so well!

Anonymous said...

Personally I would think that Sauli could live at Adams for quite a while. They both would have their freedom, and Adam does not like living alone, he said so. But I don't think he will be rushing to have a boyfriend move in.I think he is comfortable with Sauli, without it being romantic. Lots of people share a place to live, and still each go their own way.

Anonymous said...

Adam loves to keep his Glamberts hot and bothered - even half way around the world, he has our blood boiling. More power to him - he is the BOSS!

Anonymous said...

I can't see Adam rushing into another relationship too quickly but I can see him dating soon and meeting new men if he hasn't already. Just go slow Adam no rebound stuff you deserve the best. (Sauli too)

Anonymous said...

"Hot Stuff" ......that's our Adam!


Anonymous said...

That's a screen capture from Miami Pride when he couldn't keep his hands off bulgy while singing Trespassing.

Anonymous said...

2:52 yeah we know.

Magiclady said...

That is one picture I have not seen before.Like that look!

Anonymous said...

Another topic hijacked by a lot of inane comments.

Anonymous said...

I bet that pecker is in charge.

Anonymous said...

as far as I am concerned this blog site did not get to discuss/argue/grieve the break up because of a certain group of hoggy interferring women.

Anonymous said...

Didn't get to discuss the break up?
I thought we talked it to death.
We weeped, we wailed, we accused, we ranted, we fought, we mourned.

We talked the romance up to a happy ever after bells and even biological suggestions as to conception. We do have a tendency to overdo, over dramatize, over think, over advise every single aspect of Adam's nauseam.

He and Sauli had a beautiful love affair and now it's over. They have already or will get over it, surely we can do so to without excess drama. It's a new day.

Anonymous said...

That should be too!

Anonymous said...

1:01 AM
Are you maybe the one who earlier said that Adam need some extremely handsome, rich and famous bf? I am "S people", I love our sunny sunshine boy.

But as said. They have moved on.I don't think they will never be lovers again. Sauli once said that he does not like celebrities' on-off -relationships, so this must be their final and deeply thought decision. And Adam may have a new crush already. He wanted to take a "side trip" to Hong Kong and party with the same models he invited to his after party on WAG-tour. The model he seems to have met now twice on his new trip (Jay Jackson) is moving to NYC, so it will be easier to date from now on. JJ is not rich yet but he says he hopes to be some day. But maybe he is handsome enough to meet your requirements ('cause it seems that Adam's love has to be only handsome club kid and they can live happily ever after).

Anonymous said...

KI think the model has become a friend of Adams, and also gave Adam some good pointers on how to walk the red carpet. The change was very noticeable, with Adam looking very regal with one hand in pocket. You could tell he had been given some good advice.Adam has always said he is attracted to pretty boys in mid twenties and definitely shorter than himself. From his previous boyfriends they all fit the criteria. None of them had money, and he has said that he wants to be the dominant one. I hope for now he is doing what he said he wanted to do, just to reconnect with other singles, and have fun.

Anonymous said...

He doesn't have the time for a while to have a serious relationship, which seemed to be the main reason for separating from Sauli, He also said after his album is finished he will be going on a long tour. Probably world wide again. Sauli mentioned that they don't know what the future will bring, but for now they are both single.

Anonymous said...

Once again all the deep analysing and seriousness killed the fun! And by peeps who just can't get it that Sauli will be talked about on this site (like on other Adam fan sites, too).

The pic itself invites all kind of sexy and funny comments, so let people have fun.

Both Adam and Sauli definitely appreciate joking and having fun. Together and separately.

Anonymous said...

The split has never been discussed properly on this site, some people do their best to suffocate the discussion; "Oh yeah, they were in love BUT NOW they have moved on and there's absolutely no need to talk about it anymore. I love Sauli BUT Adam will find a new (ie. better, richer, more handsome, more famous) one soon enough."

My question is:
How can you be so sure this is final? People split up and get back together all the time! They sometimes say one thing and mean another!

Anonymous said...

LOL that we need to "properly discuss" somebody else's relationship and break up.

Anonymous said...

5:30 AM :D:D

Anonymous said...

@ 12:16 AM

Then why are you hanging around here? Why don't you just stick to listening to his music? Why discuss anything at all about somebody else's matters. After all, that's what he is, somebody else, we don't know him personally.

Just curious to know why some topics are more acceptable than others.

Anonymous said...

Message to Anons 12:52 PM and 12:57 and

This site NEEDS all of us - trolls I'm not so sure, lol - LOOK AROUND and see the number of comments in other threads, mostly from 1-30 only!
This is the only thread that keeps getting bigger...sorry, longer...(THAT PIC!), meant gets more and more comments... So obviously (if you come here), there's something more interesting than in other threads...just admit it, free your mind and the rest will follow, Lol.

No need to divide people with silly or hurtful names (S people etc), Adam will never please all of us in every way, however wonderful he is! And it will be the same with his boyfriends (just as an example), no one will please us all.

Let's just keep being fans and discuss what the heck EVAH this GORGEOUSLY ENDOWED HUMAN BEING happens to bring to the table, ok and LOL. And Sauli deserves to be on that table (even after their break up) as much as anybody or anything!
(sorry for mistakes)

Anonymous said...

In my opinion, Adam just thought this picture was funny and was sharing a laugh about it.

Anonymous said...

JAK @ 8:37 PM

You are one of the regulars and there's one thing I would really like to know.

You seem to be so convinced that those two are over and done with - but how do you actually know that?

Indeed, you are one of the people trying to regulate what should be written here and what not.

I would like to point out that it is not your job unless you own this site and if you do, it is not sensible businesswise.

Anonymous said...

I'm in total puzzlement of the need and hurry of some people here to cut Sauli out of AL 24/7 and out of Adam's life!
Do you also immediately abandon people who have been married or partners to yr relatives and friends, once they divorce or separate, their names are not to be mentioned etc., the same treatment you've given to Sauli? Assuming the divorce or separation has been amicable and without drama, this kind of behaviour is just awful, imo.

Anonymous said...

JAK here....I am not convinced they are over and done. I can't understand how Adam let Sauli slip away, he is adorable and I think he was very good for Adam. I recognized the love expressed in their eyes when they were together but now I am trying to believe and respect what Adam and Sauli have both told us. We have no control over their situation and I think there has been endless speculation about the reasons, accusations of cheating on both their parts, which is rude, accusing Sauli of being a greedy opportunist, accusations of

Adam hooking up with everyone he takes a photo with.It gets ugly. If they have parted friends, God bless them,
I still follow Sauli and if they should get back together I would be thrilled, but it's none of my business.

As far as the subject not being properly discussed....just
how would that be a debate with representatives pro and con trying to conclude that they should or shouldn't be allowed to break up? Should Judge Judy make the final decision?

I do not desire to regulate what comments are made, but I do get to comment on those comments!!!

Anonymous said...

Maybe we should take Adam's and Sauli's lead on "proper discussion." They very nicely made their statements and haven't argued it or dragged the subject out. All our Monday morning quarterbacking won't change anything and will just invite an invasion of the trolls. Let's be respectful of the mature and discrete way they have handled it and let it go.

Anonymous said...

JAK I appreciate your comment! TY! They are friends. Adam liked Sauli`s instagram pictures today. Sauli is propably living with him. They are part of eachothers lives. I don`t agree any offensive writings about them (both of them). But I don`t know why is it so terrible to even mention Saulis name here. They were together over 2 yeyrs.. And now somebody said Sauli is yesterday`s news... What the hell.. He is a human being also. This arguing about him makes thing so nasty. I like also read about Sauli (as some said earlier). But I don`t want fight. And I also don`t want peeps categorice S people, T people, trolls... We are all people. And atleast most of us really like or love Adam!

Anonymous said...

I care about Adam liking Sauli's pics about the same amount that I care he liked Terrance's or Danielle's pics, which isn't very much.

Anonymous said...

And I care about your remark, not so very much.

Anonymous said...

Well, it looks like Oofta and IT decided to use the microphone in order to get their message through to Adam's ears about hauling the butt where it belongs. :)

Anonymous said...

Adam's sarcastic sense of humor!!! Love it!

U can put any caption to it!!!
A good one to all the Bullies!!!

Good one! Love u Adam!!!

Anonymous said...

Just do it boys!