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Socialite Life’s Favorite Charitable Celebrities: Vote For Adam Lambert

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Friday, April 12, 2013

Posted at : Friday, April 12, 2013

Adam Lambert is up against 5 others on this Socialite Life poll on "Charitable Celebrities".

HEAD OVER TO SOCIALITE LIFE HERE to vote for Adam Lambert!


Anonymous said...

Wow, he's way in the lead!

Anonymous said...

thanks for the reminder I done forgot about it.

Anonymous said...

Just read this tweet:

@KyleCollins: BREAKING - Just spoke with a top Pride official who says @adamlambert's show Sun will be "above + beyond" what was expected #MiamiBeachPride

Anonymous said...

@8:10 Wow ,hope we get great videos! Watching Adam perform is like mind blowing,it's what he was born to do! Glad he is ahead in the poll now,just voted.

Anonymous said...

JAK here....isn't Adam always "above and beyond?"

Anonymous said...

It won't let me vote repeatedly unfortunately. Can anyone else vote repeatedly? I'll try again later. Adam is ahead but needs more votes to be WAY AHEAD!!

Anonymous said...

Holy Moly! Think it will be like the performance he did in Australia?

Anonymous said...

JAK here.....I seriously hope the studded codpiece doesn''t make another appearance! Once was enough !

Anonymous said...

I voted a few days ago and it still won't let me vote again. So one vote only, I guess. Sure hope we get great videos from Miami - sounds like it will be a rockin' show! But then, it's Adam ... of course it will be spectacular! And being a Gay Pride show, he'll probably let his dancers go all out. Ha!

Anonymous said...

There is one other contest going on over at the "Glam Video Music Awards, ( Adam is losing, but fans just found out about it, hope he catches up!

Anonymous said...

I wouldn't mind seeing that Sydney costume again if his ass is still there. All the green drinks may have made it go away though ;( Still looking forward to a great show :)

HK fan said...

agree JAK,
didn't like that Sydney outfit, the codpiece especially..

Anonymous said...

Just curious, what was wrong with the codpiece?

Anonymous said...

The whole outfit in Australia was awful. Looked like S&M in a too tight rubber suit, I was expecting whips and chains at any moment. Not sexy - degrading and laughable - and the codpiece - ! He looked like a super hero from the planet sleaze! -o-

tess4ADAM said...

Guess @JAK must have opened Pandora's box ...... the trolls are starting to come out of the woodwork to 'voice' their opinion!

@10:50 PM ... NOTHING! ... IMO

HK fan said...

Just didn't like it, my least favourite ever of his performing outfits.

Anonymous said...

Don't even know which one you are referring to, but I highly doubt he wearing it! Sure he got something special in mine. Quite sure it will be a great show! Sue

Anonymous said...

I loved that costume. It was so over the top. And sparkly ;) I'm sure there wasn't room for another spike or rhinestone on it. I'm smiling just thinking about it. No saggy pants there.