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Adam Lambert: Happy Cinco De Mayo!!

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Sunday, May 5, 2013

Posted at : Sunday, May 05, 2013


Anonymous said...

Same to you too Adam!!

Anonymous said...

Back at yer Adam from Oz!

HK fan said...

What is the significance of the 5th of May??

Adamluv said...

@HK - it is a date in history of a battle between a small number of Mexican soldiers against a hugh number of French solders in which the Mexican soldiers won thus beginning the exodus of France from their occupation of Mexico. . . . Adamluv

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Anonymous said...

New pics of Adam out on the town. Johnny was with him so a friendly prowl. One with Anderson Brooks as well.

Anonymous said...

If you haven't already ,please joinAdam's twitter .. It's so much fun

Anonymous said...

Who's Anderson brooks presume another friend. Does not look like Adam really dating anyone much yet!

Anonymous said...

Why would I want to follow Adam on twitter. Has he ever answered you or retweeted you? Adam mostly responds and retweets crazy fans on twitter. It disappoints me. Just being honest here.

Anonymous said...

I really am glad they keep these pictures of Adam just out enjoying himself on the darn weekend off of here. Because the nut cases come out of the woodwork especially on the weekend. Soon as one posted they live in fantasy land of there own he does nothing else. We all know that not true. Fortunately this weekend Adam will be in San Francisco I know he got some friends up there as well. He getting that great Glaad award so proud of him. I do not have a computer so I so hope someone post the red carpet and him receiving the award up here! But I do hope you all enjoy! So proud of Adam, it's Saturday I believe! Sue

choons said...

Anderson Brooks is a male model and "nightlife personality" based in LA. He knows Adam and Tommy.

Anonymous said...

Twitter is overrated. A person with much less followers can be as succesful I think. I don't know about other stars, but usually Adam's tweets get less than a thousand retweets. Most of his followers don't seem very active.

Anonymous said...

5:56 thanks I already follow Adam on twitter and enjoy it alot. My sister got in on a twitter party of his once and is still bragging about it.

Anonymous said...

I read all Adam's tweets go to the links and pics he posts but never find it necessary to retweet everything. That's just the way I roll.

Anonymous said...

I don't mind if there are only pictures of Adam out clubbing, because that is what we get from him. Adam does not have any other interests or hobbies. I don't expect him to date anytime soon. I doubt Adam even knows what he's looking for yet. Johnny is my favourite of Adam's friends. I don't like those who are friends with Tommy, Anderson and Jeffree, although I don't think Adam is very close with Jeffree.

Anonymous said...

I feel bad for him :( I have also bad feeling about his future in music business. Hope I´m wrong...

Anonymous said...

Adam's bar hopping is quite harmless, but I've recognized that pot smoking is not good for him. He says and does things that he maybe regrets later..

Anonymous said...

oh boy it never ends!!

Anonymous said...

Happy belated Cinco De Mayo everyone.

glitzylady said...

About Twitter: I mostly LOVE it..and opened my acct. to follow Adam way back when. I pick and choose who ant what sites I follow. It's fun IMO. I also follow selected news sites, etc. I don't often re-tweet Adam's tweets. Because most of the people that follow me are already following him anyway. Once in awhile I do...and sometimes I quote his tweets. Or others. So it would be redundant in most cases to always re-tweet. . And miracle of miracles, I HAVE gotten a reply from Adam. Twice. I was SHOCKED!!! To say the least. :)) And more than just a little bit excited. He can reply to and retweet whomever/whatever he wants to, just like the rest of twitter does.

Social media is the way of the world these days. It can be ridiculous but it has some great uses as well. Instant and mass sharing of info, sometimes live saving. For instance I used both Twitter and Facebook to let people know my husband and I were safe after the Boston Marathon bombings ...Friends, family and co-workers were thankful and relieved that we had an alternative way and fast of communicating to many people quickly. It is entirely what you make of it IMO.

Anonymous said...

This endless partying with random guys trying to get their 15 minutes with Adam looks pretty boring. The party pictures are always the same.

Btw, has anyone else noticed that the paps do not "harass" him anymore? Where have they gone? They are not interested in him anymore?

All we get is tweet pics.

glitzylady said...

Sorry about the misspelling in my above comment.. In a hurry...

Anonymous said...

What never ends????

Anonymous said...

Yes, twitter has it good sides too. I stalk twitter to know what's happening in the fandom. However an artist with less than 100 k followers can be as successful as Adam in the music business.

Anonymous said...

at 9:03 AM

Me too, China looks good at the moment but otherwise... to make it he should tone it down a bit.

When he was in a committed relationship he earned lot of sympathy points from people that otherwise would have looked elsewhere.

So sorry, but that's how it goes in this world.

Anonymous said...

10:30 the

Anonymous said...

Oh lol. Adam has been papped quite frequently lately, including last week at bootsy bellows.

And why would he get sympathy for being in a relationship?

Anonymous said...

Yep!!! Trolldumb alright:)

Poor Adam, he can't even celebrate Cinyo De Mayo with his friends!

gezzz! Don't be so shallow! Remember when we r young b4, clubbing, dancing was our net work & social life after a hard day's work. we have done that so now most of us wants Adam to sit & home & play crossword puzzels, knit, LOL!
Be Happy for Adam & let him live his life, he's an adult & a World Super Rock star!!!, Yes, we watch him grow like our own son:) & feel very protective.He's home & safe with family & friends:)
Have a great monday all!!!:)

Anonymous said...

Well you poor little trolls bad times are coming Adam get that Glaad award Saturday loads of celebrities and there will be governors and sport teams, there getting other awards too. There gonna be all kind of pictures and pap's. what the kindergarten trolls are out of school already?

Anonymous said...

11:07 AM

No, he's been out a lot more but the "pap outcome" has been less than usual.

Anonymous said...

there should be a test to get on this site, aimed at kindergarten level, so those of you with endless time to make stupid remarks would go away. your remarks will not deter those who are truly interested in AL and his career.

Anonymous said...

Lol I'm not one of the idiotic regulars who thinks adam is some huge international star, but he is a well known gay celebrity who gets papped and covered by the media all the time.

That's the least of his problems I think.

Anonymous said...

When do you think GLAAD decided to give him the award they are giving him? Just curious.

Anonymous said...

at 12:01 PM

You made me curious... so what do you think his biggest problems are at the moment?

Anonymous said...

12:22 is a troll responding to themself.

Anonymous said...

Hello trolls!

Anonymous said...

ok back to fandom stuff here. Adam's twitter needs a little over 6 thousand to reach 2 million, also the TP lyric video is nearing 2 million so give it some views. All just for fun folks no one needs to get their bowels in an uproar or anything.

Anonymous said...

Adam is an international stars and ha has no real problems! I said it before and I'll say it again lol is the biggest troll this site as ever seen! She an absolute she brings down everything Adam does.he is doing well internationally he has no real big problems.he a little more than just a celeb. The man is a big talent, he is doing well abroad. You taking up for Adam is a real joke, just wanted to get your little stab in there anyway you could loll better described as an out an troll. Yesterday she said Adam management told china to give him the favorite international artist award, guess they told Hennessy in china and Japan to give him am award for best artistry. Any time she sees the trolls are her sister trolls circling she jumps in.

Anonymous said...

Hey Sue, Your ridic exaggeration and defense is what keeps me coming back here to lol.

The hennessy gig wasn't an award you fool. Just a nice gig that he got.

Anonymous said...

It is so amusing when you girls get upset about everything - and no, I never have to respond to myself. Why would I do that when you are here?

Anonymous said...

I have a Twitter account, but I'm not active on it. I do read Adam's tweets but do not re-tweet. I think Twitter is very cool and I may be more active on it sometime. Adam's answering my tweets to him or not would not determine whether I follow him on Twitter.

Adam is doing just fine, I think. His club outings are work/play combos. He is paid to do some of them. Some are for charity. Some are just his choice. They don't reflect his whole life.

He has shows lining up and new music to work on. I just sigh when I see some posters here thinking to themselves, "What can I write on this thread that will make people feel unhappy and mad?" What a sad goal.

The reasons for Adam's GLAAD award have been covered in numerous articles. If you don't know why he is getting the award, just look it up. The reasons are numerous and valid, IMO.


Anonymous said...

Oh ADMIN PLEASE, post a new thread, preferably several, ANYTHING ADAM RELATED!!
Old or newer pics, need to rest my eyes on something BEAUTIFUL & INSPIRING!!!

PS. Can't understand all this stupid whining about him going to bars... Let the man live, enjoy, work, eat, drink & sleep as he pleases, with whom he pleases!

Anonymous said...

Sue lol is a lone troll but the other troll comments and answers herself. Why anyone would get delight calling an older and not well womman a fool and trying to make people mad is so far beyond me but I will continue to get excited about everything Adam does.

Anonymous said...

at 2:00 PM

Who's stopping Adam from doing whatever he pleases?

Even though you love him, you don't have to love everything he does. He is human although most probably more beautiful than any of us here. Nevertheless, he eats and shits like the rest of us.

tea said...

2 more new articles (read publicity) for Adam about Bedlam. No new info, but I love that it's continuing to be 'talked up'.

Anonymous said...

I have to try to download that magazine again. The last time I tried I couldn't get it to work. I have been hearing so much about it. Thanks for the links.

Anonymous said...

First if all lol or the biggest pain in the ass or troll this site ever seen. Adam Mirchell Lambert DID RECEIVE a Hennessy award for best artistry in Japan last year right before he performed for Hennesey and right before or after his performance on the MAMA award of which only two american's performed B.O.B. I say the very same things many of the good loyal fans here say. You made your stupid remark about Adam being a gay celebrity before I ever commented at all today , so stop using me as the reason. I called you down several times so you will get back at me and Adam. People like you do Adam such a favor just makes his fans more loyal and supportive. It's like good medicine trying to fight a cancer, but that nasty cancer just. Keeps on spreading until somehow that cancer gets blocke out. Don't try blame me that you keep coming on here with your poison . Hey you fool / troll lol I saw him get the award. Him a several Asia people got it at a Hennessy conference the picture were up here. They just presented it to him he showed the award . It was a best aristry award! Wrong again! I don't consider anyone a fool that is supportive of stellar artist like Adam. Everything I say I substantiated I saw him receive after a press conference he held up the damn award. Your so, so mad at me because I called you out for your crap. So every time I say something true and nice about Adam you spew your crap and not just me other people you do it too. If I never came on here you would do it. I was not on here awhile back couple weeks but I checked in there was lol, sentiment signing some not Sam old stuff. I am not signing all the time when lot of you with your poison do not! Why should I. I know you don't. I have things to do in this world and appointments this week no time to keep fighting with trolls. No matter what any if you say he just fine!

Anonymous said...

NO ONE HAS to fight trolls. Scroll on by, SILENTLY!

Anonymous said...

Anon 2:18

READ the comments on this (or any) thread, where there are pics or links to pics of Adam in a bar, restaurant or night club AND you know why I said what I said.

Anonymous said...

at 2:29 PM

Whoa slow down a bit, that sounds really dangerous, and before you go on, I'm not the one you are angry with. Never once said anything about any kind of awards.

Anonymous said...

I just came from looking at the BedLam Fanzine and I loved it. Now I have to get it on my computer.

Anonymous said...

Lol. Sue I hope you are getting some psychological help.

Anonymous said...

I echo 2:33's post. This thread expertly illustrates why 24/7 users with an interest in keeping it fresh, civil, interesting & legit should just SCROLL ON BY. When a posters answers him/herself (and I do believe that does take place) it is fairly apparent. Legit 24/7 users should just scroll on by. Please. :)

Anonymous said...

2.29 I talking about lol 1.41 and she certainly did say stuff about awards total lies yesterday and today. No one being dangerous. If you put up with this awful woman for months calling you silly stupid a fool and delusional every time you talk about an award HE did get or anything else good about Adam you would get a bit angry yourself. This woman is the definition if troll in the dictionary. I was just saying nice things about Adam yesterday and other people were too, so she picks me to call me silly because she said Adam management got the Chinese to give Adam the fav. Int. artist award and if ever there was a stupid comment that was it, and totally not true but that's nothing I could go in for hours anytime anything happens for Adam he does it for free or it's no big deal I sure she thinks Ad management got him the nom. For WWFM as well! Wet paint has a got a great article about Adam digital magazine of over 200 pages to start from Glambert's. first issue is really big then I think others! Glambert's starting it! Said how loyal Glambert's are. They wonder if Angie's angels this year would ever be so loyal. Read wet paint article on new Adam Lambert magazine, digital magazine. Sue

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Anonymous said...

Lol don't start that crap again I cannot stand you your horrible. I was nicely talking about Adam yesterday minding my own business and being the troll you always want to cause trouble, you live for it. There not a thing a wrong with me getting rid of you and other nasty trolls off this site. You really need help constantly coming on someone site and just saying nonsense and nasty stuff. What you said today is nothin that's was nice for you, you do it day in day out. Everything Adam does you bring it down and say I am not one if these fans this and that . Your not a fan period your a troll.there truely something wrong with someone that's not happy unless that are bringing some one else down. For my health I am out of here.let the trolls run the site, you just lost another great fan I mean it this time I do not care what crap she or any other troll says about me, they are unimportant. Someone needs to police this site so many real fans are leaving then be nothing left soon but trolls! It was not just today or yesterday this woman is awful she downs everything he does, go back and read some stuff!this site is now Adam Lambert trolls 24/7. I love Adam he will be fine these people are nothing and will hurt him none.but they are ruining and otherwise great site. Now that I am gone lol can run Adam down to her heart content along with the others! I hope DRG the other few sweet people can hold on, other wise it all goes to the trolls. Sue

Anonymous said...

Lol you please look into your problems and you get some real help. A person that's not happy unless they are running Adam Lambert down in this case your needs some help, heal yourself! Maybe you will be a nicer person, you are very sad! Bye for real this time!

Anonymous said...

8:16 -- Disappoints you? WHO are you? OMG, crazy people out here again!!

Anonymous said...

24/7 -- You may want to post something new here? I would like to know why GLAAD doesn't allow donations outside the US, in Adam's name? As soon as I saw Adam's last tweet, I went to the GLAAD link he provided to find out that ONLY USA residents are allowed to donate????!!!

Anonymous said...

Is there a full moon out tonight? I bet Adam would LHAO at these comments. They sure made me laugh. That's right baby we got your back. Keep being you, can't wait to see you on the GLAAD Red Carpet and I will see you in person at the Pittsburgh pride. I am trying to lose ten pounds in case I have alot of walking to do there. So far I have lost ten oz.

Anonymous said...

OK -- ALL YOU PEOPLE REQUESTING NEW NEWS ON ADAM, CHECK THIS GREAT NEWS ABOUT MEL B (America's Got Talent and Spice Girl) and what she's saying about our ADAM LAMBERT!! GOD, I LOVE ADAM!!

Anonymous said...

3:55 -- Love your sense of humour!

Anonymous said...

2.07 thank you sweetie I just saw your post. Makes me feel better! You take care of Adam he is a sweetheart and a huge talent! I do have lots if health problems so many tests and my daughter today had to put down he beloved dog from cancer! So I was pretty sad already today I took care of that dog a lot! Well gone again just had to tell you that was kind if you! Sue

Anonymous said...

Adam Lambert @adamlambert
Win a trip for two to see me at the #glaadawards in San Francisco 5/11 - donate $10 to @glaad at
40 minutes ago

Anonymous said...

Don't miss seeing @adamlambert walk the red carpet at the #glaadawards 5/11. Sign up for the live stream

Anonymous said...

Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me. Sue, if you love Adam as much as you say you do, then why would you leave this fansite? Also, who exactly is your nemesis?

Anonymous said...

@sue, the sticks and stones... words are just a reminder to stay strong. I don't that came across in my original post.

Anonymous said...

4:08 you think Adam has only one fan site? Bahahahahaha

Anonymous said...

ok I am officially in it to win it, the Glaad trip. I just won a TV so who knows maybe I am on a winning streak.

Anonymous said...

Sue I know how you feel I have to make some decisions about my cat soon that has cat aids.Her tongue is ulcerated and she can barely eat now. We have been keeping her alive with antibiotics and steroids for a while now. It is heartbreaking. I keep saying no more pets but don't listen to myself.

Anonymous said...

I write a comment whenever I like a article on a site
or if I have something to add to the conversation. Usually it is triggered
by the passion displayed in the post I looked at. And on this article "Adam Lambert: Happy Cinco De Mayo!!".

I was actually excited enough to drop a thought :-P I actually do have some questions for you if it's okay. Could it be only me or do a few of the comments look like they are written by brain dead folks? :-P And, if you are writing on additional places, I would like to keep up with you. Could you make a list every one of all your communal pages like your linkedin profile, Facebook page or twitter feed?

my site - Big idea Mastermind

Anonymous said...

Lol I can't with some comments.

Dear trolls, you are absolutely right - Adam's career is going downhills, without Sauli he is slowly turning in an alcoholic partying in all this clubs, paps have no more interest in taking pics of him, he gets award for nothing and no one cares about him anymore.

So how about you take some weight off your sholders and stop worrying about him so much? I mean, he has no career ahead of him at all, so it would be so much easier to just forget about him and stop coming here. Seriously, it would be totally awesome!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

The season eight runner-up will team up with this year's frontrunner on the May 16 show closer.

Anonymous said...

lol some guy tweeted he had been asked by Adam's friend to come and meet Adam. Then he told Adam he sounded like a woman (but he did say Adam is a nice guy though). Some smart ass on twitter asked the guy if that was his way of turning Adam down. :D

tea said...

@5:05 PM
Thanx for the link --- things are looking better and better.

Anonymous said...

Adam will be on Idol Finale. Assdffgghhjkkl


Anonymous said...

Adam on Idol Finale.......woohoo!!!!!! I guess I'll be watching the Idol on May16th.


Anonymous said...

Lol please stop writing yourself, trolls stick together like a bird of a feather!

Anonymous said...

watching the voice,,never do but please someone somewhere put Adam on TV singing Stay and Starlight,,,,those folks that sang it just now..well all I could hear was the voice of Adam Lambert just doing justice to those songs and anything he sings!..Is it true Adam on Idol finale ..THUd

Anonymous said...

According to THR, Adam WILL perform a duet with Angie Miller on American Idol 2013 finale, May 16th!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

I has to say 4.42 thank you sweetheart, I so appreciate that! I had to come back and say that, bless you , you may me feel better! Adam lambert sounds like a woman that is hilarious! 4.33 it was my daughter son and law and grandsons dog. Large dog I took care if her many times before the kids and when they went places. I for two weeks at a time just took care over the Easter weekend. She was so sick she had a huge cancer in her mouth sounds like kind of the same! They got her special food and pain meds and about 6 pills. She was eating well but it had be very soft and special food. Last few days not hardly eating, just paying bit resting. So they finally had too, buried her at his grandmothers, today. I was crying off and on all day! My little dog is 11, still doing well but takes seizure meds. She had them. Then you come here people being mean to such nice man, well he will always prevail because on the other hang he has crazy loyal fans, the trolls are nothing. They have another small dog I don't think there ready for another right now when they are we will go together get one, if they ever are. Fantastic news Adam on idol! Looks like the old career is surviving without Sauli after all! China idol starts right after idol. They been show casing other idols, bet they show Adam in Asia some, they took footage! Have not watched idol much but those girls have good voices so could hold there own with Adam on a duet, hope they kill it. Oh and I so sorry about your cat they get to be like your kids, I feeding two stay cats now cannot see any animal go hungry! Sue

Anonymous said...

What us THR so excited yea Adam!

Anonymous said...

American Idol! May 16th!

Here we come, Glamberts, to give your show some ratings, AI. Hope Angie wins this thing cause it will be only a good thing that Adam will sing with winner of this season. I might throw some votes for her this Thursday so at least she will make it to top 2. Here comes us Glamberts on May 16th to show AI that they missed a great rating opportunity by NOT having Adam as a judge for the show this season. Big mistake on their decision making and hopefully they'll have Adam on Judges' panel for the next season of Idol.

Anonymous said...

Tweet from Adam:

@adamlambert: Win a trip for two to see me at the #glaadawards in San Francisco 5/11 - donate $10 to @GLAAD at

Anonymous said...

Yay! Adam on Idol soon!!

glitzylady said...


tea said...

Carter has more info on Adam and Angie on Idol finale

Anonymous said...

Yea lets all vote for her, have not voted since Adam but will for her because of Adam and what little I have seen like her the best! Do anything for Adam! Ok I was angry earlier was no gonna post. But sweet people here said nice things. Then Adam on Idol finale, much more important than regular show at least some what! Yea, yea yea. Thank god good news just spent all evening consoling my sweet daughter, got all kinds if work and what head ache. But what fabulous news, a badly needed shot in the arm for them too! Said Hudson has not confirmed, it may be because she said stuff earlier about them going out on top, who knows. Sue

daydreamin said...

I am over the moon excited about Adam on idol and was already loving Angie. A duet! OMG!!!!!

Anonymous said...

4.33 I read your paragraph better, honey it's hard. She said they fed her bath her and cuddled! It's hard. My little dog is 11. She ok, but it will kill me have a wiener dog too and feeding and keeping twi stray cats, small town tend to leave them here. It's so hard when they are so ill I think when you done everything you can and they are not gonna get better, u think it is a kindness. She could not do it her husband did it and it was hard for him.if you need talk I am here, I so sorry I did not read everything good enough, did not mean to be unfeeling. That was I think it's a kindness, really in the end all you can do. I am here if you need to talk! Sue

Anonymous said...

let's pay it forward and give Keisha-Renee some votes on her contest to open for Brandi one night. She is number 13 out of 53.

Shaley said...

@4:33: Your post brought tears to my eyes. I'm so sorry for what you are going through with kitty. I've been there quite a few times, so I know how very hard it is. They are like your children and it's heartbreaking to see them suffer.
My heart breaks for you and the decision you have to make. You will be in my prayers.
And Sue, so sorry for your loss also.

Anonymous said...

Queenbert & Angie on American Idol will be another epic finale moment. I stick with my wish and I'll ask God to please make it happen.

Anonymous said...

I think Adam has enough star power for the Idol finale. They don't need Queen to boost him and Angie. Save that moment for when he and Queen start their tour - best promo on the world.

Anonymous said...

I doubt that God watches Am. Idol and if you want to petition God find a situation of merit.

Anonymous said...

Back on topic..."Happy Cinco de Quatro"...Barack Obama