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Adam Lambert's New Twitter Avatar (and Latest Tweets)

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Friday, May 17, 2013

Posted at : Friday, May 17, 2013


Anonymous said...

Wow, that pic of Adam looking at his phone is drop dead gorgeous!

LOL at Eber.

tea said...

Beautiful Avatar! Perfect.

Anonymous said...

At last, a better, by far,avatar.

Anonymous said...

I love Adam

Anonymous said...

Give that official American Idol video some hits.

For those who missed it :
@AngieAI12 and I singing Titanium.

Anonymous said...

I am so hungry right now what are those two eating? I want some.

Anonymous said...

Angie has some beautiful eyes.

Anonymous said...

New avator is to die for. Love Eber's comment!


Anonymous said...

Love Adam's new avi. Views on titanium up to 55,000 plus,keep viewing on you tube link! I just love the duet! Angie has beautiful eyes but when I watch their duet it's hard for me to take my eyes off of Adam!

Anonymous said...

A&A look and sound absolutely beautiful together. Who ever is responsible for the pairing......thank you!


Anonymous said...

Like I've always said...his beautiful profile. Yea Adam makes sure he doesn't outshine in a duet. He is aware he may be the more polished and knowing. Be that as it may, to me it is not the reason for his being so sensitive to his duet partners, seen time and time again. I think the main reason is he wants the duet to sound as one in unison; and in order to do that, he has to embed / weave his voice into the harmonisation rather than stand out of the duet. So to me it's not so much about being humble or giving way; rather, of perfection in a duet. Having said that, Adam could have sung just a little, in his unmistakable high alto at the ending part of the Titanium song, to balance off Angie's soaring vocals throughout. That would have satisfied many rightfully unhappy glamberts here. And might actually end the song with a huge bang. Just my opinion. In any case, it's perfect as it is.


Anonymous said...

Lambert and Miller should become a duo. they look like a couple

Anonymous said...

Miller all up in his business.

Anonymous said...

Addicted to text ha!ha! But gorgeous and sexy!!!

Adams dad is really funny eh!!:)


Anonymous said...

Lam-my, I am guessing Adam would rather have a beautiful duet than outshine the person he is with. I was talking to a musician in a band one time and he told me he should blend in with everybody to make the whole song better, not show off his skills unless it was a solo part.

BTW I think any unhappy Glamberts need to take a second look at the purpose of the guest stars on the Idol finales and realize Adam got his update video last week with Ryan mentioning the secret duet and got the honor of introducing Jessie J and was brought back out on stage at the end of Angie's segment. And I loved the drama of Angie starting the song and as the camera pulls back Adam is revealed and the audience cheers. Reminded me of Adam not wanting his name mentioned when Queen received their MTV award and Adam was initially not seen as the performance started.

Anonymous said...

There is a lovely photo of Angie standing between Adam and Mom Leila; there's a strong resemblance of Angie to Leila. Angie could easily pass off as Leila's daughter; that means as Adam's long-lost sister and both can sing like blazes...a common gene. lol!


Anonymous said...

Cute pic of Adam with the girl from Glee.

Anonymous said...

I've always thought Angie is the total package like our adam Her eyes are gorgeous, like adam's _oh my don't get me hook on another idol lol. Adam is a hand full and been there every step of the way. I am interested in angie, just because I think she will skyrocket over the other two- just like Adam did!

Anonymous said...

7:37....Yea pretty much agree to what you said.


Anonymous said...

JAK here.....I twisted my husband's arm and made him watch the duet I had taped......he grudgingly agreed and at the end I asked, "what do you think?" He said, "it was she Jane Fonda's granddaughter?"
Since in our younger years he forced me to watch Fonda as
Barbarella a dozen times or more, I saw what he meant.
Angie does resemble that young Fonda. Naturally he made no comment about Adam......the old crab! Just because I obsess a tiny bit! *__*........<3.......<3

Anonymous said...

I want to buy this version of this song with Angie and Adam RIGHT NOW!!!!

Anonymous said...

Adam meeting fans departing AI:

Anonymous said...

" The more impressive pairing of current contestant with a previous season’s nonwinner on Thursday night was Ms. Miller singing David Guetta and Sia’s “Titanium,” with Adam Lambert, two shamelessly emoting powerhouses going for broke."

Read more:

Anonymous said...

i didn't care one bit for Angie till she sang with Adam. She calmed herself right on down and showed her artistry.
They should release that duet right now as a single. Right NOW~ and he should produce her next album. He brought out the very best in her. WOW!!!!! and he was a genius as a duet partner, singing to perfection but being sooo generous as to let HER shine, and boy did she.
Adam made me an Angie fan for sure!

Anonymous said...

Lyndsey Parker of Yahoo, Reality Rocks interview with Adam:

Don't forget to watch the embedded video at bottom of the above article.

Anonymous said...

63 Articles + Videos RE: ADAM LAMBERT on American Idol 12 5-16-13 Compiled by ADAM LAMBERT FAN CLUB on Facebook

Anonymous said...

HD video of Adam's interview in AI Press Room:

Anonymous said...

Updating my above comment, I didn't realise the pretty lady next to Adam is Angie's Mom. :)


Anonymous said...

Adam & Angie - 2 sexy, talented artists. :-)

Anonymous said...

@JAK .... I agree. Angie reminds me of Jane Fonda in Barbarella.

Anonymous said...

Adam's nose is PERFECT! :-D

Anonymous said...

Is Barbarella a band?

Anonymous said...

Barbarella was a very campy French science fiction movie based on a French comic book character. Jane Fonda played the title role in extremely skimpy (for the 1968 audiences) futuristic costumes! It became a very popular film with the males of our species!........JAK

Anonymous said...

Lammy there are too many to mention things that you don't realize. But, thanks for noticing that you missed one. A first for you.

Anonymous said...

You say you're giving drama with Angie, but Duck lips? C'mon Adam, save you duck lips for the clubs.