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Concert Review from Singapore: Trespassing into Glam Nation

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Monday, May 13, 2013

Posted at : Monday, May 13, 2013

Via @ALambertFans_SG

"If Kelly Clarkson is queen of the American Idol Alumni pack, it's safe to say that the king's throne belongs to Adam Lambert."


Anonymous said...

Well, yes ... the title KING fits Adam! He rules his craft and his personal self-expression. And our hearts.

xo laura

Anonymous said...

Adam gets my vote and I think he will one day usurp this title from Elvis!!!!!!


Anonymous said...

I don't know if Adam will take the title of King from Elvis, but he certainly is very special in the world of music. With his powerhouse vocals and amazing stage presence, Adam has become a global superstar. There is only one Elvis and there is no one like Adam on the music scene today. And both men have/had(Elvis) extremely loyal fans.

Anonymous said...

Adam's so loved!!! In International Star!!!
Asia knows talent & appreciate Adam!!!

carolynj said...

One of my favorite quotes from the article is, "...towering superstar has enough funny genes in him to rival any stand-up comedian." I love when he does a sexy move on stage and then laughs at himself.

Anonymous said...

There have been somem fine male singers on AI over the years, but Adam is miles above any of them as a complete entertainer. Looks, personality, stage presence. He is so much more than a singer. He oozes talent from every pore. And I agreee, carolynj, that Adam's humor is a real valued asset. I love how the article made note of it. I wish the talk shows would discover him as a real fun, entertaining gues with lots of stories too tell. He has a natural wit and humor, as good as any guest on all the big shows. They all need to "re-discover" him. He's the kind of guest who wouldn't even have to sing every time he was on; he could just talk and be entertaining.


Anonymous said...

How true, carolynj, sooo sexy cute!

xo laura

Anonymous said...

I think it's interesting that he has again brought up how the industry is interested in the money of it all. (Very last sentence in article.) I've heard him give a variation of that about a dozen times now. Must mean he's getting (or feeling) some pressure.
He is so well-spoken and gracious in his interviews.
Yay Adam!

Anonymous said...

I.just wish he wouldn't use the f much

Anonymous said...

@DRG, I agree, heck Adam could have his own talk show if you ask me, he is that entertaining, articulate, funny,interesting and not to mention easy on the eyes.

Wish we could open up a popular magazine here in the US and see a spread like this on Adam. The awards he has been getting, opening for Life Ball,At&T Trevor Project, China Awards, gosh, plenty to write about when it comes to Adam.


Anonymous said...

Adam would never be a fit with Ketterman whose a stick up his...

Anonymous said...

@ 1:17 PM The "F" word is from Old German for "plow".

Anonymous said...

@1:17 PM, I agree

glitzylady said...

So perhaps Adam had some farming ancestors


glitzylady said...

As in: AFL

AKA Adam Farming Lambert

Sorry: couldn't resist :)

Anonymous said...

Funny glitzylady!!

And fans, I understand your point of view... but please allow me to add that perhaps we should consider our fandom quite fortunate that he doesn't use it MORE in this day and age!! I am not 50 but I'm not 20, to give you a reference ;), and it just is what it is in terms of the F word. I certainly understand your feeings, thanks for sharing of course, but when I see what goes on in terms of language in modern pop culture, I see the glass as half full in terms of Adam's use of colorful language goes!! And honestly, I thought the two times he said it during his GLAAD speeach was totally charming!! LOL. Just my POV.

Shiggles said...

Adam could be the Premier of Pop or the Emperor of Excellence, I don't care. All I want is to see him get the kudos he so deserves.

Thinking back a few years, I'd really love to see him be the male Carol Burnett. He could pull off the comedy skits with ease and sing his face off as needed. With the right people behind him and beside him the public could have a variety show so lacking in this age of reality shows. He'd be amazing. Can I get an Amen out there?

Anonymous said...

Thanks Admin for bringing the Sing article...excellently written with clear layout, like the questions highlighted in blue for easy reading. And the part in red, well, first time seeing Adam's hand-written note. Yea the use of a bit of colour rather than a whole spread of printed words is pleasant and eye-catching. And showcasing Adam's actual hand-written note augments authenticity. Only two words didn't go down so well with me with regard Adam; "circus" and "flamboyant". This tells me the writer does not know Adam in depth. But it's okay, there are many ways to skin a cat and I've always maintained that, about self expression. Nothing to worry about in this case. Like Adam said in the highlighted red portion, he doesn't take fashion that seriously; similarly, one's writing or self expression. By the way, I was hunting high and low to find out where this interview and the subsequent AI Adam segment filming took place. You said W Hotel...? Also the photo of Adam with friend at Glaad, in preceding thread...Adam is wearing the Sing shirt, I think he likes it. Anyway thanks Bryan Yeong! Terrific job!


Anonymous said...

Oh just a little amendment about not taking one's writing or self expression seriously...I do mine! And most writers too, definitely! So I guess fashion sort of, one wears it; have fun perhaps a few times; although fashion can last for years and years. On the other hand, one's writing / self expression may be more serious in nature because the writer bears her/his inner thoughts, or even one's soul. I think I got jolted here by Adam. lol! Summing up, I think it depends on the nature / type of fashion or writing.


Anonymous said...

@ Shiggles....JAK here. I would certainly love to see a return to a couple variety shows. I am really over "body part" shows, decaying bodies complete with maggots on a morgue slab is not my idea of entertainment, nor are reality shows of talentless people who are famous for being famous. I would love to sit down and watch light comedy, guests with talent and interesting interviews.

So I will give your suggestion an Amen!

Anonymous said...

Correction: ... bares not bears


daydreamin said...

@JAK i am in complete agreement about those numerous body part shows as you call them! Ill take comedy over Kardashian any day of the week month or year!

Anonymous said...

The title, king fits Adam, specifically...Funny king! or Sing king! sounds a bit like sinking. lol! But he's more, floating to me. Also, Sexy king! lol! Okay final one...Unconquerable multi-genre king! Hey Adam, remember that musical comedy I recommended: Lighthouse Whistling Phantom...oooh, akan datang / Malay for coming soon...Singapore cinemas. lol!


Anonymous said...

I think the W Hotel is the Westin, downtown Singapore.


Anonymous said...

And wouldn't the press have a ball with Sin King? Lammy- read before posting.

Anonymous said...

Oooh you might have hit the jackpot with your naive groping-in-the-dark demeanour...I bet you can't figure out what I'm saying, as usual, without fail. Well, pay your long-accumulated tuition fee upfront, if you want a very comprehensive answer. Hmm this sounds like a rather enticing slogan for a mind-boggling tuition encounter, one of a kind. lol!


Anonymous said...

What the hell are you talking about? On second thought, forget it. I really don't think anyone wants another of your very comprehensive answers. None of us signed up for Tutoring by Lammy.

Anonymous said...

Yea if you want so badly to talk to me, I can marginally accept this tone; naively dimwit / pseudo, is better than scheming or hitting below the belt with untruths and even a total lie; about someone, used to be close to me, that he was taken screaming to the asylum. Well, nothing of that happened and you and I know you are fabricating something non-existent to satisfy your own obsession bordering evil. I learnt something about you there; that you are indeed one who is capable of lying through your teeth! An outright liar! And you know it and I know it because nothing of this nature ever took place. Don't do it again! Or you may sink deeper into your own labyrinth of lies, bordering evil.


Anonymous said...

Now getting back to the title of this article...Trespassing Into Glam Nation; come to think of it, it's rather loaded with meaning; also killing 2 birds with one stone, because both of Adam's albums are appropriately combined under one


Anonymous said...

Lam-my at 8:07
You got the wrong guy kid, I don't know what you're raving about. ?

Anonymous said...

It's okay, the obsessed one will read it, I know; he/she has been trailing me two years now. In any case, I did not address it to anyone in particular. Wear it if the cap fits!


Anonymous said...

W Hotels are not Westin's, they are much more expensive and upmarket.