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New Weibo Post from Adam Lambert

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Monday, May 20, 2013

Posted at : Monday, May 20, 2013


Anonymous said...

food for thought Adam. Keep giving Adam and Angie's duet some views. They are starting to slow down and it hasn't even been a week. Does anyone know when Adam leaves for Vienna?

Anonymous said...

He said he was going to be in New York this week. I'm assuming he's stopping there to see friends before hopping over the pond.

Anonymous said...

He actually said in a couple of weeks to see some of his friends performing, and take in some shows.
Wondered if Sutan was doing anything in NY soon, or if he might take Sutan to Vienna , to do his makeup. Looks like this might be right up Sutan's alley, to do Ali Baba makeup, he is definitely a pro at this sort of thing, plus Adam having a good friend along. N.Y. might be on the way back from Vienna.

Anonymous said...

StarCrush: @AdamLambert Wants to Judge @AmericanIdol – And If They’re Smart, They’ll Hire Him [VIDEO] With whispers that the entire ‘American Idol‘ panel is set to be axed for Season 13, rampant speculation has begun about who should take over to save the sinking ship that is the ‘Idol’ ratings.
One such person who’d like one of the vacant slots? Our imaginary bestie Adam Lambert.


Anonymous said...

RT @PLL_A_Team: RT if you want Adam Lambert in the season 4 PrettyLittleLiars Halloween episode!!


Anonymous said...

This is too funny!! My daughter sent it to me..check it out.


Anonymous said...

I am re watching Angie and Adam's video, I am totally addicted to it,just beautiful. Give the starcrush article and video hits too. Well just give everything views, China idol the 80's show etc!

Anonymous said...

No one has answered the question at the top of thread....what was the biggest risk you've ever taken????

I'm thinking.........JAK

Anonymous said...

Glad Adam took the risks he has taken. You never know what you can do until you take that leap.

Anonymous said...

Abdul then chimed in, completing the Idol circle of life and thus making us miss the episodes when Paula and Simon would fight like an old married couple and people like Adam Lambert would rock our reality-singing-competition world.

Thanks Paula,


Anonymous said...

Pretty Little Liars wants us to trend #WeWantAdaminPLL. So you ever is on twitter please r etweet. It might help Adam get on the next Halloween episode. He should have a new single out by then and I think they saw quite a boost in rating. we also saw how Cuckoo and trespassing got huge bumps from Adam being on that show!

Anonymous said...

NKlovesadam . . . .let's shut up Taylor Swwift TOO!

Anonymous said...

...this is off topic here but I just saw the Billboard Awards stuff online..yeah beyond bad...but anyway...we need to hit the JLo videos of her red outfit and comment... copy Adam Lambert much!

Shady said...

Adam is wishing some people Happy Birthday:

Adam Lambert ‏@adamlambert
@cher happy birthday!!!

Adam Lambert ‏@adamlambert
@MDMOLINARI Happy Birthday!

Shady said...

JLo wore an outfit by The Blonds with red furry sleeves to perform at the Billboard Awards and MTV Style noticed the similarity to Adam's jacket for Divas.

Jennifer Lopez Or Adam Lambert: Who Looked Fiercer In Fuzzy Sleeves By The Blonds?

tess4ADAM said...

Biggest risk I ever took in my life was re-marrying after a horrible first marriage. That was nearly 50 years ago & I haven't regretted my decision for one second in all that time. I hit the Jackpot!!!

tess4ADAM(LAMBERT Outlaw)

Anonymous said...

Shady.... I feel better now :)

tea said...

@3:10 PM
When I went to your link my first thought was the same as one of the commenters who said
"The Blondes designed two outfits so similar. Wonder if they let JLo know about Adam's jacket they made much earlier"

Anonymous said...

The biggest risk that I ever took in my life (even though there were many) was to climb a rugged mountain (8,500 feet high), during off season, isolated, in the Grand Tetons, all by myself in bear country. When I got to the top, I felt myself passing out and I thought I was going to die there in the midst of that incredible view, and I remember just peacefully succumbing to possible death. I eventually was able to gain my composure and make it back down that painful descent right before dark fell. Believe me, I celebrated that night in the wonderful Wort Hotel, so proud that at my age of 65, I solo faced DEATH straight in the face and lived to tell my adventure. It truly made me a stronger person and to more powerfully live LIFE! You would know whom I am, but I choose to keep this ANON. This experience is why I can so passionately love Adam Lambert and his incredible gift to the world.

daydreamin said...

Just got back from the dentist and the girl who cleans my teeth said her sister's friend is a makeup artist by the name of Chris from Las Vegas (she couldn't remember her last name but is Vietnamese and has done Adam's makeup several times. Small world!

Shiggles said...

Adam's jacket looks so soft and plush while JLo's sleeves look like the microfiber bendable thingy I clean my ceiling fans with.

leilani Aloha said...

I think Adam's make up artist is call Jenny:) She did Adam's make up during the Glamnation tour & she works with Sutan too I think if my memory serves me well :):):)

Anonymous said...

Great memory Leilani Aloha! I'd forgotten about the second make-up artist Adam had when Sutan wasn't there. Ahhh, brings back great memories of the GNT. I can't wait for album #3 and then hopefully a wonderful tour! Can't get enough of seeing Adam perform live.


Anonymous said...

There were many risks I wish I had taken in my life but didn't. Oh well, you can't look back. The bravest thing I did (or dumbest!) was hold a monkey while getting my picture taken in Miami! My husband wouldn't do it and thought I was nuts! The monkey was dressed up like a baby but probably could have done some damage.haha..nancdruuu2

daydreamin said...

leilaniAloha, I asked if she meant Jenny Chua and she said, no it was definitely her sister's friend Chris. She said what a nice guy Adam is.

HK fan said...

Glad your big risk brought such wonderful results Tess4Adam.

I'm not much of a risktaker..I suppose the biggest risks I have taken in my life is to have more children after having a severely disbled child, that was pretty nerve racking.... and leaving friends and family and moving over seas..first to The UAE, then Germany, and for the last 16 yrs Hong Kong.

Leilani Aloha said...

oops! sorry, wrong make up artist :(

Thanks Daydreaming for info:)
Surely we'll find out soon from some PI Glamberts! LOL!

Anonymous said...

Adam has probably had dozens of makeup artists over the past couple of years. Every show he has been on has a makeup artist and he may have used several for other events. What is the big deal with finding out who it is or saying you know someone who knows someone who has a sister who blah blah?

Anonymous said...

Biggest risk I`ve ever taken was not my choice to stay home w my children after I never regret that but once I took a shortcut on my way home from school late at night.Only 2-3 km riding my bike at 19 years of age.I had a choice which was a general road streetlamps along the whole way and the shortcut through the darkness.I rushed into the complete unknown having only an inocent faith as a companion and just after minutes I was followed by a gang of men runnig after my bike.I never forget my fear
and my exchausting strength.I managed to escape but after that I never in my mind try to find the easiest solution.I work everything trough.MS

Anonymous said...

My biggest risk was marrying a guy after knowing him for 3 weeks........ 38 years later with two lovely adult children we are still together. Just wishing for some grandkids to complete the circle!


Anonymous said...

Wo! Wo! Anon: 12:45 ai ai ai !!! chill with your tone:):):)

we Glamberts are just talking:) & sharing on this Adam site, it's Adam's fan club :) Be NICE :)

Relax man & enjoy Happy Tuesday!!!

Anonymous said...

JAK here.....I see the predominant subject for risk taking is marriage. I'll go along with that. I turned 21and married my boyfriend/fiancé who was still 20 (his Mom had to sign permission). I was still in college and he was a penniless airman 1st class in AF. His pay scale was laughable and I only worked occasionally as a runway and magazine model......not the big money type......the little money and maybe a free lunch type. Our wedding gift from his folks was a rust bucket $200 car and from mine was a much needed 2months rent and deposits. We had been dating almost 2 years and being a member
of the "nice girls don't" sorority .... the frustration was killing us!

Now THAT was a wedding night !!!!

daydreamin said...

Anon 12:49 no duh. OBVIOUSLY Adam has had many makeup artists over the years. Do I have to check with you before I share a cool moment that someone shared with me about Adam today that was totally unexpected and then share it with an Adam fansite such as this one? I don't think so. Your comment was rude and uncalled for.

Thanks anon 11:20!!

Now, going back to being nice and minding my own business...sheesh!

Anonymous said...

daydreamin, keep sharing, this site is just like Jak said a while ago brilliantly, a place where everybody is talking at the same time, it feels good like a family and I read every post. I like your posts a lot and am learning to share too.I just have a hard time keeping in the topic,but then you can ignore me freely and I appreciate that too:).MS

Anonymous said...

@daydreamin 12:18
Right on, gurl!
Keep sharing and smiling, like you have done the whole time.
You are one of my favorites for as long as I've been here! Luv ya!

daydreamin said...

Thank you my friends:). YOU are why I have to come here every day. I feel lost if I miss a day even when I just read and not post. I so wish we could all have a glamily union and even the trolls because I am thinking attitudes might hopefully shift a bit as in a glamquake:)

Adam what have you done to me?