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Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Sunday, May 26, 2013

Posted at : Sunday, May 26, 2013


Anonymous said...

Bill Clinton and Barbara Eden made the local news, but no mention of Adam.

Anonymous said...

I saw Austrian clips online that were talking about him. Are you in Vienna? What channel?

Anonymous said...

That is an amazing pic of Adam Lambert and Barbara Eden. Really amazing. I notice that it's copyrighted to her.

Anonymous said...

First time I noticed he was holding his crotch and singing "Got my jewels.... LOL

Anonymous said...

@5:07 I'm in Iowa, USA

Anonymous said...

That picture with Barbara Eden is GREAT>>

Anonymous said...

5:22 -- I thought your first comment was referring to LifeBall's coverage in Austrian local media. I'm not from the US. I know that you as a fan is probably very open minded, but generally, are other people from Iowa open to différences.

Anonymous said...

Do we have a back story on the outfit. . . . who designed it . . does he get to keep it . . would be a nice Halloween outfit. . A vampire AliBaBa

tea said...

@5:33 I'm the Iowa fan. I'd have to say Iowa is not as liberal as it could be. That said, we are one of the few states that allow same sex marriages. The issue has had lots controversy, but I think at this stage that will not change because other states and big businesses are picking up on accepting it.
btw, Adam has had 3 concerts in Iowa, the turn out as good as any other entertainer. No better, no worse.

Anonymous said...

@5:33 regarding Adam's outfit, check out Adamtopia when you have a chance. The coat appears to be his Sleepwalker coat, embellished. Pretty interesting if true. Adam and his creative and thrifty ways.

tea said...

My above comment was directed at the first 5:33

For the second 5:33, go to
scroll way down and read about Adam's costume. Another poster here on 24/7 recommended this under 'Recent Pictures.'

Anonymous said...

Babara Eden was in Australia recently so she gets around.

Anonymous said...

Watched 'Love Wins Over Glamour' sooo many times my eyes are about to fall out!

Anonymous said...

When I first heard that Adam had his own coat embellished for his costume, I immediately told my friends that that had to be his "Sleepwalker" coat which I saw him wear in his Glamnation tour. I will never never forget that incredible rendition of "Sleepwalker" with that long black coat. To this day, "Sleepwalker" is still my very favorite of his many outstanding songs. I just LOVE you, Adam Lambert-you touch my soul when you sing!

Anonymous said...

wow BE really looks great!!

Anonymous said...

@5:16 PM-actually, Adam grabbed his "GLAMBULGE" just as he sang the words, "I'm coming hard with heavy pockets", during his debut with, "Love Wins Over Glamour". Watch it again as I have many many times to view the "MIDAS" touch!

Anonymous said...

5:53 tea: Thx. I guess no place is ever as open as us Adam Lambert fans would love the whole world to be :). But great to hear that he already gave 3 shows in Iowa and that your state is for equality.

Anonymous said...

No mention of Adam? He opened the gala with a magnificent performance, and they can't mention that,pisses me off.

Anonymous said...

Adam in that picture with Barbara Eden, he looks sooo good, I want to jump his bones! hehehehe, sorry being naughty tonight..


tea said...

@6:40 PM
Me too, that's why I posted. Let off a little steam that way. Sheesh! Adam is as American as Clinton and Eden.

tea said...

Adam is totally yummy looking in all these pics.
No need to be sorry about being naughty, NKlovesAdam. You're just saying what we're all thinking.

For all you tired of seeing my name, I'm done posting tonight.

Anonymous said...

Holy Moly!!! The second picture is to die for he!he!

Adam you are such a gorgeous person indeed!!:)


Anonymous said...

him and that girl in the black should go in the back and make some babies. damn.....

Anonymous said...

Barbara Eden probably felt tempted in the garden.

Anonymous said...

he grabbed the GLAM GUN

Anonymous said...

Goodnight tea, sweet dreams..I know you will have them..LOL


Anonymous said...

Only a thread about Adam Lambert could include conversation about a Glambulge, a Glam Gun, a jewel-encrusted coat and Barbara Eden.

Sweet dreams, Glamberts!


Anonymous said...

Have a safe holiday tomorrow Glamberts!!

Anonymous said...

There was an article in the local Sunday paper here in northern NJ about the Lifeball in Vienna. It was titled "A lavish colorful party with a purpose" raising funds for AID research. The article mentioned the costumed revelers, some of the notables attending, but not one word about Adam as Ali Baba and his performance. "The musical menu spanned the range from Mozart to Disney with a fairy tale Middle Eastern theme." Oh, well. Maybe it will be covered on Monday's entertainment shows. Let's give Adam some credit for the great performance he gave. At least show the costume which was magnificent. I know the evening wasn't all about Adam, but he should have been mentioned somewhere in the coverage of this event.

Anonymous said...

why clinton dint mention adam lambert- adam lambert support the liberal before-that obama guy.clitnon dnt mention adma lambert?if clinton wife run for pres?no support from gays america maybe just few.

Anonymous said...

wow I didn't know Barbara Eden was 78 year old. She is looking fine.

Shady said...

Some of you need a reality check. While Life Ball is the largest HIV/AIDS charity event in Europe, why do you expect the US media to do extensive coverage of it? The event and the opening ceremony was packed with famous people, and Adam was not the most famous one there. If you are honest with yourself you will admit Bill Clinton and his Global Initiative is a little more newsworthy than Adam in the typical two minute news story.

Anonymous said...

Oh my goodness, the height of his turbin!!! Love the man, the turbin and the costume.

Anonymous said...

You said it well, Shady.

Anonymous said...

I read that Roberto Cavali designed the costume. Maybe someone can verify this. It is a work of art, for sure. As is Adam.

xo laura

Anonymous said...

Some of those Austrian men are quite smexy.

Anonymous said...

On the other hand Entertainment T. Canada went over there to cover the huge event. They are going to cover it Monday, just showed a few minutes Friday. Who did they talk to for that brief minute Friday Adam, on the way there, many other people could have if it was that life ball plane. Wherever it was there were many around, they only showed Adam. I am sure Monday when more extensive coverage is done many more showed. Sure there is a buzz for Adam in Vienna,and the area televised , because that performance was spectacular and Adam opened the show. I really loved the song. The performance was wonderful! Have a lovely holiday , be off the grid quite a while, operation early tues. please throw a prayer my way. That performance if Adam's is Addictive the song really grows on you! Hope do not miss to much about Adam! Sue

Anonymous said...

Sue I am throwing many prayers your way. You won't miss anything, this site and all the irritable people on here aren't going anywhere. lol

Anonymous said...

The Life Ball website said who was designing the costumes and it wasn't Cavalli. He had something to do with the Mini Cooper and did the fashion show after the opening. I'm sure at some point Adam will tell us who it was that did the coat.

Anonymous said...

This was a wonderful weekend following the Life Ball. I pray they get overwhelmed with donations. So many sincere people working on this project. I never saw anything like it. Maybe they will put Love Over Glamour on iTunes and that will generate even more donations for Hiv/Aids.

Anonymous said...

Gotta laugh reading our posts about the Glambulge, Glam Gun, ....made me blush a little when I was watching him on the live stream and his hand went right for it.....I know we've seen him do it so many times in his own concerts but all eyes were upon him at that moment debuting the opening song..I got a little embarrassed for a sec. Then I reminded myself..this is Adam! He's always gonna do what he feels and, after all, it's only Rock 'n Roll! That's why I love him...fearless , brave spontaneous and the consummate entertainer.


Anonymous said...

CT, that audience has seen far more provocative things. There were drag queens and half naked people running around. Nothing to worry about.

Anonymous said...

11:15 PM, thanks for the reminder, just made a donation.

BTW, the exchange is currently 1 Euro = 1.29 US Dollar.

Anonymous said...

Sue, don`t worry ,lot of prayers and loving thoughts on you, feel protected,
you are doing what you have to,that will be good and day by day you will get better.:) Be confident in your heart. Soon you`ll be back w spice and sisu (Finnish for gutz) again:)MS

Anonymous said...

Good Luck tomorrow will be in many of our thoughts and prayers.


Anonymous said...

Thanks to all good wishes, yes please do pray tomorrow. Operation suppose to start around 8.30, tomorrow morning! love you! Sue

Anonymous said...

Thank you shady @9:16 for imparting a little perspective. As much as you guys love Adam, if you cannot see why Bill Clinton had more coverage than him, you really need to have a reality check.

Anonymous said...

I agree. They should have mentioned Adam as well, since he opened the gala.

Anonymous said...

10:31, Adam did not open the gala. He was a small part of the Opening Ceremony and his part came nearly two hours into the Opening Ceremony and it continued after Adam. Much, much more famous and/or important people than Adam were a part of the Opening Ceremony or were in the audience. The world does not revolve around Adam.

Anonymous said...

8:26 - shouldnt you be on Rush Limbaughs website with your typical anti-liberal crap?

Anonymous said...

Yeah, all of the news sources on Barbara Eden (whom I adore!) wearing her Jeannie outfit, mentioning Bill Clinton, Elton John, Fergie, etc. -- but never Adam. :( So, gotta give major props to CBS News!

Adam and Barbara are two of my very favorite people in life, so to see this photo -- it made my YEAR!

Anonymous said...

The Ali Baba coat was designed by Marco Marco..It will be preserved by Life Ball - and never worn again.. That's a shame, because I would love to see Adam strut around in it on American TV.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, that would do a lot for his image! NOT

Anonymous said...

Anon 2:54 PM
I just wanna see Adam STRUT like only Adam can!!! No matter what's the outfit... :)))))

Anonymous said...

2:24 PM, I've seen these short spots on tv. They are just enough time for them to say "OMG, look how great 78 year old Barbara Eden looks in her costume still and then she nodded her head and Bill Clinton appeared!" Surely you understand the nature of the news cycle in the US and realize if they are going to show anyone with Barbara Eden it is going to be the former President. If you didn't understand this hopefully it is an eye opening experience for you telling you how much you are missing if you wait to see it on tv.

Anonymous said...

5:05 AM, stupid comment. It's an elaborate coat for a charity ball, nothing provocative about it.