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VIDEO: Adam Lambert with Carmit Bachar & Markus Molinari depart Roosevelt in Hollywood

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Posted at : Wednesday, May 15, 2013

VIA PopCandiesTv:

Adam enjoys a glorious evening with Carmit & Markus, Rock on Guys!


tea said...

Funny and fun. ^_^

Anonymous said...

Well Adam is not shy from the paps this time is he? He 's giving us his mega watt smile and looking very handsome IMO. Now the question is, who is the guy sitting in the back seat with him? Is it the same person we saw in the pic the other night with Adam and Mark Molinari when they left the movie theater. There was this guy close by Adam wearing shorts but we didn't know if he was with them or not.

The mystery continues.....


Anonymous said...

Trending on twitter now is Happy Birthday trespassing,keep it going!

Magiclady said...

I think the guy next to Carmit is the issue...turquoise shirt

Anonymous said...

Adam looks so happy in the video, big bright smile, he is having fun!!


Anonymous said...

He could be Marcus' boyfriend. Marcus was there both nights. Come to think of it, his attire at Gatsby matcehd Marcus - both in sloppy shorts. Who is the guy sitting beside Adam Gosh we're bad.

Anonymous said...

Yah!:) Adam is so cool with his priceless smile indeed!!:)

Who care about the guy sitting beside him!!:) As long as Adam always smiling and happy, rock on:)


Anonymous said...

Curiosity killed the cat! Never stopped us before. Lols

Anonymous said...

Someone must know who the guy is in the back seat with Adam . Hes wearing a shirt with roses print and looks really cute in that clear closeup in the video . Kinda looks like that guy from the abbey . C'mon its fun guessing who Adams hangin with now that hes single .

Anonymous said...

His name is Bridger Clements. He was pictured with Adam at Evita a week or two ago, in a group picture with Jeffrey Star and in another pic just the two of them.

Anonymous said...

Who cares with whom Adam dates, it will never last more than two years, as Adam himself has said...

Adam is so immature person, he is unable to the long-term relationship.

Anonymous said...

So sad how the relationship ended so suddenly. I lost some respect for Adam. He appears to be heartless. Obviously the ending of their relationship was not due to their busy schedules because they certainly have a lot of down time now. Adam cheated on Sauli and just likes to party and get laid.

Anonymous said...

@6:55 PM
sad but sauli is a cheater here....
didn't you see the article that a Finnish man revealed that he and sauli had sex while they are in relationship and interacted for the last few years? this Finnish man is supposed to be revealing another tommorrow.

Anonymous said...

who is the guy in blue in front of adam? maybe he's a real date.

Anonymous said...

Whoever it is sure doesn't look like Sauli. Sauli was very vibrant and a health nut. Will he find someone that wants him for his self like Sauli did? He may have messed up when he broke up with Sauli. But we don't know who broke up with who. Sauli may have gotten tired of that life. He claimed he wanted to settle down, was tired of the bar scene. They sure do have down time, sure not to busy to break up their relationship. Adam didn't have time for Sauli but he is in the streets a lot. I don't care what the reason for the break up was but don't insult us about this no time for each other reason. Some people want no responsibility and just think of themselves. They usually end up alone. Sauli could put up with all the friends.

Anonymous said...

Adam looks very healthy now he probably looks better than I have seen him. Sauli was certainly no healthier than Adam. Adam always excersized and took care of his self. He looked totally sober there. Sauli will never be healthy until he stops smoking. Just because he has not found the right person yet does not mean he never will, he will eventually. Adam is a very nice person and a great catch, also quite a looker.

Anonymous said...

Most of the people Adam hang with he knew long before he was famous, not all but a big part of them and they were his friends before idol many years before and still are. Sauli still hangs with Adams friends and has been places couple times with Adam after breakup. Trust me Adam Lambert has many friends and every one he works with loves him. This man will never end up Alone, never. Please stop trying to cause trouble here. Sauli no more a health nut than Adam not at all. Adam is a very good friends that loved him before idol and still love him now. Everyone that works with him loves him. Time to move on they both did, who cares what happened, the relationship been over for months. Are you going to dwell on this forever Geeze!

Anonymous said... 7:34 PM
you can't keep relationship with someone whom you dosen't love anymore, whether he's healthy bright or not.

and life is much deeper than just being bright and healthy.

and adam will find a great match 'cause he is a real wonderful man.

Anonymous said...

LOL that Bridger guy hardly has a sense of style with that rosepattern shirt and army pants...

Anonymous said...

Clearly Adam is interviewing all three of them to see who will be his next boyfriend after he and Sauli cheated on each other while neither were working very hard. Gosh, I can't figure out why we stay fans of such lazy shallow people. But I'll be back here tomorrow making more comments to myself.

Anonymous said...

Why wait for 2morrow?!!
Your comment is HILARIOUS and such a recap of all the BS going on and on here...
Please post more & often!

Anonymous said...

@7:24 PM T That guy told Sauli contacted him on February via facebook and that hey had sex on March before Adam game to Helsinki. If that's true it doesn't matter cause Sauli and Adam were just friends on March and on February Adam was kissing with Oli and Cody in NY and I think they had a broke-up at that time or Adam wouldn't fooling around. Anyway Sauli said this guy is a lying.

Anonymous said...

It's clear that on February things fall apart between Adam and Sauli. They both behaved differently than before.

Anonymous said...

Who cares who is healthier, happier, least honest, sleazier? Why is it a contest? Adam and Sauli obviously called it quits in late January. They have moved on and have a right to look for new soulmates. You have to kiss a lot of frogs before you find a new prince. Can't we wish them both well?

That Finnish Tabloid tell-all is a crock. Even if it was true, it took place after they broke up. I would be surprised if Adam didn't run into this kind of problem at some point. Some people will do anything to be the centre of attention.

Anonymous said...

I'd love to see Adam meet someone with substance, someone as talented as himself and more mature. So many of these younger guys he goes for seem so self obsessed without any real direction in their lives.

Anonymous said...

@7:37 AM Adam wants to be in a center. I bet he couldn't handle situation where his boyfriend would be as or more talented.

Anonymous said...

Must say look at pics of AL when Sauli met him--xcept for him being star with money, no rav reviews ovr looks. Once he morphed into pretty with Sauli's help, they beating door down, same folks say AL is a whore. Acts lik has somethin to prove, need to prove it with record sales. Sauli's maturity rubbed off on AL, but AL hurts own image/career. Too bad AL could not repay Sauli's loyalty/maturity/sacrifice by not cheating. When it came time to step up AL couldn't do it. Who don't want a man, who works and has by you lik Sauli did? You don't get a TV Show goin out whoring. Think AL made big mistake dumping Sauli. Just waiting til the career ending compromising pics appear. AL believed his own hype and lets not forget Adam got dumped when stardom knocked due to his personal issues. Surface is surface and Sauli was/is very substantial on all levels. Very mature, respectful of self n has class--thats a keeper. The Finns kept him working even while living here. Thing about life is people who vote with their wallets hav final say--ex record sales. You could breathe easy when AL was with Sauli, no negativity n Adam got a lot of Cache from that. It's not what you do its how you do it. Right now AL is out of control.

Anonymous said...

When people are unattractive/don't fit in as a teenager, it has lasting effect. Adam does have same friends and Sauli fits in anywhere. Don't think he cheated, Finnish Media would have ate it up, but Adam had a choice and he chose the club boys. AL own worst enemy, immature, attention seeking and an exhibitionist. Doesn't matter who you sleep with, has nothing to do with morals/personal integrity. Believe Sauli dates black actor. Do wonder will Sauli get his own place when he returns in the Fall from Finland? This is what fans feared from Adam after the break-up, a return to pre-Sauli Adam. One day Adam will look back and say OMG!!! Plus when you get to 30/31 yrs old, its neither cute or pretty bein out pickin up rent-boys and partying all nite. If his music don't sell, hope party animals can give him a new contract, caus RCA/Sony is not amused, best not to alienate fans at home. Lost fans when he dumped Sauli..wait for the sales to reflect the fallout. It's not fair Adam is shut-out of awards for music, but this don't help.

Anonymous said...

When people are unattractive/don't fit in as a teenager, it has lasting effect. Adam does have same friends and Sauli fits in anywhere. Don't think he cheated, Finnish Media would have ate it up, but Adam had a choice and he chose the club boys. AL own worst enemy, immature, attention seeking and an exhibitionist. Doesn't matter who you sleep with, has nothing to do with morals/personal integrity. Believe Sauli dates black actor. Do wonder will Sauli get his own place when he returns in the Fall from Finland? This is what fans feared from Adam after the break-up, a return to pre-Sauli Adam. One day Adam will look back and say OMG!!! Plus when you get to 30/31 yrs old, its neither cute or pretty bein out pickin up rent-boys and partying all nite. If his music don't sell, hope party animals can give him a new contract, caus RCA/Sony is not amused, best not to alienate fans at home. Lost fans when he dumped Sauli..wait for the sales to reflect the fallout. It's not fair Adam is shut-out of awards for music, but this don't help.

Anonymous said...

Isn't it odd, those old pics of Adam and Cheeks in drag are re surfacing. I wish Adam would have supported Sauli, as sauli did him. What a disappointment, Adam wanted us to believe in him and we did, only to get a cold announcement, about no time, things ran their course and a work load. Truth is A&S had time to be together, have been in same locate for 3 months now. Sauli was in LA most of the time that Adam was in NYC with other guys. Sauli was good as it gets and no mature established person is going to low rate himself with Adam. If your lucky enough to find love, it doesn't have an expiration date nor do you let hangin with folks who have no one or nothing cause you to dump a person, who's only there for you.After what happened to Sauli,no way anyone nice picks up with Adam. Stage act needs to evolve, get rid of friends on payroll, get real dancers, You can be gay, but don't need to hit folks over head with it, after all aren't we all more than sexual orientation. Its abt talent and voice showcase that, its what sells. Re enroll in Sauli's class and charm school, it seems to work for him.

Anonymous said...

Judging by Adam's behavior since the breakup, am beginning to believe Sauli left him because of the cheating. I think Adam tried to salvage things-moving closer so Sauli could get to work easier, but Sauli didn't want a cheater. They put on a show of togetherness in Finland, but Sauli didn't stay at the hotel with Adam that last nite. Unlike Adam, Sauli has a career, reputation and limitless future to protect. It's good for Sauli to not be attached at the hip in everyone's mind with Adam. Even more so in view of Adam's behavior. It was nice of Sauli to appear in the humorous pics with Adam, after all not to have done so, would have impacted Adam more than him. If you want to be regarded as consistant, mature and a good person, you have to project and be those qualities, being good looking is not enough to prove worth.Right now, Adam is not the person I and many others thought he was. Sauli did a lot for Adam, but Adam seems determined to throw his career away, may be frustration at lack of recognition and inability to break big in music industry.

Anonymous said...

Sauli dont seem the type to stay around where he's not wanted. I know he'll be one happy ass to leave LA for the summer and will have his own place when he returns. Pity the idiot in Finland when Sauli gets there. For Adam its supposed to be about the music, but its not. Depending on fans to buy multiple copies, so it looks like he has sales, that won't get it. Needs that Universal loved/liked image like Sauli has in Europe, funny how they kept offering jobs even with him living in America. this speaks volumes, as mainstream america has locked Adam out. Nice to see Sauli and Ade out, having good times. Hope Adam dont regret Sauli leaving, as his behavior denotes. Guess it is hard to accept, Sauli took high road. Adam needed Sauli more than Sauli needed him. All the Sauli haters, need to pray for him to return, but don't see it happening. haha

Anonymous said...

All of us know people that let someone be fully invested in them, and then when the got to another level kicked em to the curb. Shame Adam couldn't handle Sauli's success, caus the gay boys with so much to say won't be around if the new music isn't the bomb. No one falls out of love after 2 years for no reason other than their partner got a more hi profile job. Lets be honest when Sauli met Adam, A was in goth world, not that attractive at all. Nobody wanted to own him, now it's all about stunning looks, but there's nobody at home inside. If my career was on the line, I'd not be taking pics every nite like the circus fat lady, I'd be home making damn sure my next offering did not need the glamberts to buy multiple copies. Honesty is honesty and A has acted badly, immature and uncaring towards S and fans alike. There's not a genuine smile on his face, it's a sick smile, like why am I doin this--it's not where I want to be, but I don't know what else to do. Have to look like I'm having fun, so nobody sees thru me. How much quality time is spent in studio, when you are out til wee hours with diff. people each nite? A didn't act this way after getting dumped before. Is there worst to come after Sauli goes home? Sauli seems fine, new friends, no goin places where pappaz. are and hiding under sweaters, that's an insult to the person you are with and childish to boot. For a grown man to act this way, something is wrong, I hope he does not throw away his career, caus the new friends look treacherous, out for one thing only--one nite stand and we know where that ends up. Hope A's friends/family step up and say something, instead of trying to get a easy paycheck. If A ended relationship, he would not be acting this way. Sauli seems fine, at first sign of cheating, he got out, gave A his freedom, re: Sons of Midnight music, A tweeted, songs of loss and devastation. Song Sauli tweeted said I'm tired, get it in Playa. Good luck with all that.

Anonymous said...

Sauli was lik good luck charm, get him back. Oh, too late, he's taken already. Better luck next time.

Anonymous said...

If anyone offers you a coffee and bagel, look out.

Anonymous said...

Better days to come---for Sauli. Career goin great guns, major support and new boyfriend on top of it all. Way to go. Adam take note, u out there trollin with the trolls,how do you go from gold to gold plated?

Anonymous said...

You've made it when people sell fake cheating stories to Finnish rags!!!! Adam would not have dared to set foot in Europe, if announcement had been made while he was doing mini-tour. Needs to thank Sauli for having decency enuf to go along with charade, so he could get those extra couple of pennies. He will need them, best hope Brian May gets leg together, so he can get payday--don't know if new music will do it, lost fans caus of breakup, just when fans began to breathe easy, no bad press, pics of every gay rent boy and troll on internet. It's free to take pics, and A's expression is stupid on each and every one--enuf is enuf. You made a mistake, pic up pieces, make mind blowing platinum CD. Next time, don't out your partner, when you plan to replace him with bottom-feeders, out for you know what. Will you stop when you are secretly recorded having sex and you wake up to family and friends calling to ask have you lost your mind? The game being played is old, you lost love of your life, now show yourself some respect and learn what not to do. Being fabulous looking is not enough, fans are unbelieving of current activities, if you give up someone worthwhile, at least make it worthwhile. Everyone has made mistakes--maybe not as public, but don't go from bad to worst, when you need people to support you. Really like how Sauli is pristine in all this, comes and goes as he sees fit, not photographed with sleeze of the nite, out with healthy looking friends, no bad press, stepped rite up to finnish press and person who said he was a cheater. That's right he could caus he had not done anything, while Adam was photographed giving deep tongue CPR, in NY and Russia. Sauli takes pics with females--fellow finns and nary a sleeze bag in sight, shows respect for self. Feel sorry for Lambert family, once again praying not to wake up to negative headlines courtesy of their family loved one, who wants to be a star, this is not way to break through barrier in America.

Anonymous said...

When you go out with people and have to hide your face, why go out at all?

Anonymous said...

When Sauli returns to US, first item on contract will be studio paid for apartment/condo of his own and new phone number, private for family and friends. AL will not make family/friends list, will be on blocked list. Years from now, when A sits down and exhales, will look at long list of random encounters and say how, why, wtf was wrong with me. Last few people wanted publicity, money and not me, how did I go wrong and why can't I find someone who truly wants me for me, I musta forgot how it was before I went with whats his name from over there, when I couldn't buy a date, never mind love and when I had it I let it get away--I ran it away, on advice of guys who betrayed me on every level, saying I was cute and gorgeous, but that guy from over there, he's an even more hi profile celebrity than he was when I met him. Turns out he didn't need me after all, and none of those guys bought my music after all, just wanted to spend my money and take pics to be seen with me. How shallow is that? On both our parts. Now everyone says I'm good for 1 nite, hit it and quit it. Can't attract anyone decent caus of what I did to what's his name, damn I fucked up. Will never get anybody worth having again, I'm 40 now and the word is out on me. What's his name didn't get judged by association with me, got out in time and I don't know his number. Wow.

Anonymous said...

gay relationships no different than heterosexual relationships, trust and self control matters. What is different is no one likes to see someone seemingly unattainable put themselves out there, almost as a dare. Everyone wants to be the one, or at least get a piece of the action. Solution is not to put oneself out there especially if you have someone worth having. Seems Adam's head got turned by guys who were on the spot and available. NOTHIN GOOD HAPPENS AFTER MIDNIGHT.

Anonymous said...

As is case with many prof athletes etc. while there is a perception of doing well, there may be a need to divorce yourself from familiar/comfy others. Not saying get new and dump old friends, but image is important and celebrities who don't change their perspective on all levels court trouble. There is a need for a private life sep. from public life and it's painful at times to see Adam doing whatever to be in public eye. There's plenty of places to go for celebrities who are not trying to be seen and if you go certain places, you can guarantee an uproar ovr your presence. Particularly places that cater to people not on your economic/social level. Adam's music doesn't sell and perhaps he's struggling with some career related issues, outside of his control. Lack of US Trespassing tour is troublesome. While his ex did sacrifice to be with Adam, he seemed to stay the course and advance his career and it seems Adam could not deal with the fact, his ex's popularity was increasing, esp. in Europe. Two diff. people Sauli prefers to keep private life, private and doesn't seek publicity. Actually likes US due to now being so hi profile in his own country. Wish best for both men.

Anonymous said...

Actions speak louder than words. Has to be a balance between work/play. What you do affects image and am disappointed in Adam. To say you dumped someone, you proposed to love, after outing them worldwide is cold, especially for too much work reasons and only work you seem to do is taking photos. While the ex is seen working and to stop negativity over breakup appeared with you in an effort to stop outrage-which wouldn't have affected his career, only yours and even was seen with you in Finland/Russia/Vietnam/Bali in order not to affect your concert sales. That's the difference between a mature person willing to take a hit for the team and a selfish, arrogant idiot who don't care about himself, or image he's projecting. In a way it's like looking at someone self destruct, which has nothing to do with being gay, just immaturity and a liar. This is the person fans hoped had grown up thru the relationship, but we all know one has to face oneself in the mirror one day, as looks don't matter in the long run. It's not easy to find someone who will be with you for the right reasons. The ex was a celebrity overseas all along, although many tried to diminish his career, but proof is in results, a TV show, he's moving on and up, regardless of assoc. with Adam.