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Adam Lambert was at this event last night

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Posted at : Wednesday, June 05, 2013

And here are the pictures from last night!

Gelly ‏@14gelly:
angelaa_nicole_ Tonight's fun at #Evita with @justinmonroephotog & @realadamlambert


glambert tea said...

Atta boy! Adam, enjoy as much as you can.

Anonymous said...

The second pic was taken by his new boy bridger

Anonymous said...

Anon. 6:27 AM
How do you know who took the 2nd photo? Were you there? We know nothing about Adam's male companions and they are none of our business. Stop trying to cause trouble on this blog.

Anonymous said...

The girl in the picture tweeted that it was taken by bridger who is her friend. Lol. Why is that causing trouble?

Anonymous said...

6:39, because people are trying to stir up trouble by saying Adam is sleeping with Bridger before Adam has told us if he has a new boyfriend or not. But then you already know this.

We know nothing yet. Adam will tell us what he wants us to know when he is ready. Until then it is none of our business.

Anonymous said...

Lol girl you Need to get that stick out of your ass Obviously adam is sleeping with bridger. It is an interesting topic. There is no scandal.

Anonymous said...

at 6:48 AM

Oh, so they have both forgotten to shave in the morning?

Or are they just doing it Borat-wise?

Anonymous said...

6:48, different person responding but come on, you know this gets the fighting and trolling going.

Anonymous said...

Poor tommycrays didn't get a long break, did they. It's back to the denial again, lol. Sauli probably has someone new too. I'm already hoping Sauli brings him to Finland next time he's coming here. A new son in law.. :)

Anonymous said...

Well if he is sleeping with Bridger, good for him . Bridger is a cutie and if he's sleeping with Bridger and a couple other guys, good for him as well. He's young life is meant to be lived, and Adam seems to be very good at living it .

Anonymous said...

Ia and certainly not thinking he is a serious boyfriend at the point. I'm sure here are others. But bridger is one.

Anonymous said...

Bye, bye Adam Lambert! I'm fed up with these pics and vids of you partying around almost every night. I will leave you until I hear something about your new single, not just you being so very single. Enjoy you life to the fullest with friends and boyfriends but I hope you get some music done on day time 'cause your career is the most important. I wish you luck to Pittsburg Pride; have a wonderful time with Bridger who seems to be you significant other at the moment (always there). I know it's gonna be a wonderful concert. But please, make some new music too. I don't wait forever. And if it is only AI -judgment in the future, I'll be gone. Party while you're young and single, but be careful out there! And as long as I see just a club kid, I don't miss you. Bye!

Anonymous said...

7:28 save the drama for your mama.

Anonymous said...

So it really looks like Brigder is the lucky one :D

Angela Peterman ‏@AngelaPeterman
Tonight's fun at #Evita with justinmonroephotog & realadamlambert taken by @BridgerClements @ BLOK

Anonymous said...

In my books a 31-year-old guy no longer qualifies as a club kid, especially with a poorly shaven facial hair. Those days are long gone and it's time to find something else.

Adam, you've got to get a grip on yourself if you want to become famous and get some credibility in the business. What you are doing now will not take you far. You will soon be totally forgotten in Europe and the Asian market needs some attention, too.

Anonymous said...

7:41 AM

At least for a while; until Adam gets bored. Or maybe he is finally the one. Then, they both are lucky! Bridger is cute, Adam's type and seems to be funny and nice person.

Anonymous said...

We have no reason to believe that Adam is NOT working on new music ideas. We only see the nightlife, not the daytime activities. His management must be working with him to get things rolling. Adam's still young, IMO. And he likes to be with people. I want new music as much as everyone else. It'll come.

Anonymous said...

LOL at one or two nights a week equals every night.

Bye 7:28! Take 7:44 with you!

Anonymous said...

So Bridger is a smoker too. Adam prefers his boyfriends being smokers...

Anonymous said...

at 8:07 AM

What an earth does Adam see in this very unpleasant looking guy?

Anonymous said...

@8:15 Very unpleasant? I don't think so.He is a club kid and Adam wants to be a club kid again.

Anonymous said...

8:15 AM
His inner beauty, lol, and maybe he is good in bed. And this pic is not the best about him. He is actually quite cute (although I don't like also the first pic from Evita when they had the "night adventures" maybe first time on May 1st; Adam looks so wasted there too).

Anonymous said...

at 8:21 AM

Oh come on, take a look at his insta pics, he looks VERY unattractive and it's not just the looks, it's written all over his person.

Anonymous said...

Why not trust Adam to be friends with a nice person regardless of how attractive you think they are?

Anonymous said...

at 8:28 AM

He does not look like a nice person (the way he poses in pics) but maybe Adam does not do nice these days.

Anonymous said...

I assume all the people criticizing are meeting the same demands on their own selves.

Anonymous said...

Adam don't show your oofta tattoo to your new boyfriend's face when he is taken a picture! I wonder when Adam and Sauli will get rid off their oofta tattoos. Not a good idea to have common tattoos.

Anonymous said...

I usually try not to comment on threads that bash Adams personal affairs ....but I gotta say some of the stuff lately is just freaking crazy....I give props to any guy brave enough to be Adam's boy friend.... With all the crap goes on .....poor boy !!!! and woe to the poor guy who has the balls to go on a casual date .....or omg...:wants to hang out more than once.... and same on Adam for wanting to go out and have a good time ....and excuse me but .... get a little now and then .....have a few drinks and groom hisself how he sees fit.... I remember when Adam said entitlement isn't sexy.... I didn't think much of it then but I think I know exactly what he meant now.... I know I'll get blasted for this... So go ahead and fire away ..,. I'm not trying to change the site or question anyone's right to post what the see fit.... you might be surprised to hear some of the things I've done to defend freedom of speech ..., this is just my opinion no right or wrong .... well now I got that of the tips of my fingers ... I feel a damn site better.... think I'll get drunk and grow a mustache ....rose petal

Anonymous said...

8:44 AM
Lol I think most people are just interested in who he is dating, not bashing him.

Anonymous said...

I liked Drake and Sauli, but Bridger looks ok too. Good grief, why are glamberts so cynical and antagonistic. I don't smoke, but I have nothing against regular smokers. I am against pot smoking though, because it kills brain cells and makes you more stupid.

Anonymous said...

Bridger Clements resembles Markus Molinari. A lot.

Anonymous said...

8:44 AM
Also there are only a couple of cray who would try to contact the bfs via twitter or instagram. People talking on a fan site doesn't affect adam in the least

Anonymous said...

8:03 AM

From May 28 to June 4: at least 5 nights out of 8 equals more than 1 or 2 in a week. Just checked. And I'm not sure if that is all. You may also do it reading this blog threads starting: Last Night...

Anonymous said...

@8:51 I just read an article or it was an interview where Markus said he and his good friend Adam are both single and mingling. I wonder why he needed to mention Adam in this interview..

tea said...

@rose petal
like you I try to stay out of this Adam bashing, but honestly, the guy works diligently at every gig and the minute he has some down time, the fair weather fans along with the trolls are whipping him. The stress to make everyone happy 24/7 has to be unbearable.
I'll go along with getting myself a few drinks here, maybe we can meet up. I'll be looking for the lady with the mustache. ;)

Anonymous said...

I am amazed at how some here can look at a photo and imagine all kinds of things about who, what, why, when, how, etc. of what was going on at the time of the pic. You have far better powers of perception than I do. Or better imaginations.


Anonymous said...

@ 8:43
not a good idea at all!!! i totally agree with u. at least it`s on his hand ;-)

@ 8:27
i don`t think this bridger guy is attractive at all, too.i like sauli better. but if adam wants to date him, it`s his choice, not mine.but i will for sure not follow this guy like i still follow sauli.

i really hope we`ll hear something about adam`s new recordings in the near future...if he has the time for such thing ;-)maybe while recording a new album he`s going to tone it down a little bit... all this pictures of him going out are getting old...but at least it`s fun to read all those entertaining comments here, that never gets old

Anonymous said...

9:12 AM
Some people never recognized that Adam and Sauli had broken up last January when it was obvious. So I imagine there are some with better observation skills than others.

Anonymous said...

Give me a couple week my hairs grows really slow, peace... rose petal

Anonymous said...

rose petal, I rarely agree with you but in this case, cheers! and growing that goatee with you :)

Anonymous said...

I certainly hope all you people that comment BS take a look at your own work ethic before commenting on what AL needs to do to gain success. Inspiration does not come from sitting in your apt alone.

Anonymous said...

I have a question.. Is it ok to ask something only Sauli relation in finnish here because I don`t know were I can ask this? His blog is heavely moderating..

Anonymous said...

9:36 AM

No,not sitting alone. But maybe you can call people to your home and sit with them. And get inspiration going walking in the fresh air etc. I get only bad inspirations from clubs and bars.

Anonymous said...

Not 9:36 AM but 9:38 AM

Anonymous said...

9:01, I can play your game.

Adam is not out partying every night. In the time frame you delineated:

May 28, went to a concert. This does not count as partying.
May 29, dinner at C.M. This is not partying either.
May 30, award dinner and concert with his mom and Danielle. Not partying.
June 1, afternoon McDonalds/Just Jared fair. Not partying.
June 2 and 4 out partying.

So two nights out of a busy week are partying. He managed to fit in a photo shoot and the other award ceremony plus whatever else we don't know about his schedule. You would think you would be happy with all the pictures we got out of the past couple of weeks. Guess not. Take your misinformed judging elsewhere.

Anonymous said...

at 9:47 Only this once :D

Anonymous said...

Well I asked so mayby it`s ok..
MiksikâhÀn tÀmÀ Saulin arvailtu poikkis ei enÀÀ laitata yhteisiÀ kuvia instaan? EikÀ Sauli ole vielÀ kertaakaan laittanut yhtÀÀn yteistÀ kuvaa heistÀ minnekÀÀn.. Onko se niin, ettÀ S ei halua julkisuutta sille vai onko kokko homma joidenkin keksintâÀ? TY for understanding and I won`t do this again I promise!

Anonymous said...

@10:17 Aha Ada question. No eikâs tÀmÀ kuvien laittaminen loppunut siihen kun Tye sai melkoisen ryâpyn TwitterissÀ, ehkÀ Ade sÀikÀhti? Jos ne tseukkaa en yhtÀÀn ihmettele jos Sauli ei laita kuvia, ei varmaan halua tuoda julkisuuteen uutta poikaystÀvÀÀ. Olihan se Adaminkin kanssa niin pidÀttyvÀinen julkisuuden suhteen, etenkin alussa ja lopussakin ;)

Anonymous said...

@10:17 AM

I'll try to answer:
EihÀn siitÀ monta pÀivÀÀ ole, kun hÀnestÀ oli kuva Katrin kanssa (toukokuun loppua). Ja missÀ K siellÀ S. Saulin luulen pitÀvÀn matalaa profiilia nyt kaiken suhteen. Aika minimissÀ ovat blogitkin, eikÀhÀn Aatustakaan ollut suhteen alkuvaiheessa mitÀÀn kuvia aikoihin.

Thank you folks! I don't either do this again.

Anonymous said...

8:51 AM - Do you mean his looks? I don't see much resemblance. Mustache maybe... Does any one know what kind of a person Markus Molinari is. Sorry, this is OT in Adam's site but I'm interested b/c he's Adam's long time friend (how long time; how did they meet?).

Anonymous said...

All I know about Markus is that he is a jewelry designer and club co-owner and a good friend of Katy Perry. I think he and Adam have known each other for many years.

Anonymous said...

Was Molinari the friend of Adam who tweeted that the relationship between Adam and Drake is over?

Anonymous said...

LOL! So much Drama Mama here over Adam's social Life!!!
Maybe all will prefervAdam be in robes, like get binto priesthood/monkhood!!!

Grow up fans!!!

Anonymous said...

Im outta here. Sick of all the nastiness and assumptions. So much for a fansite

Anonymous said...

Adam should just end his career now. You guys are never going to be happy with anything he does so its pretty pointless. He is not allowed to go out, he cant have his pics taken with boys without you people assuming he sleeping with them. Basically he is a whore who parties too much.

Anonymous said...

11:23 and 11:26, how do we get Admin to give us back the fan site that was the reason we started coming here? I hate all the trolls and all the baseless judgment of Adam.

Anonymous said...

11.29 am Tell me about it. I used to enjoy coming to this site but now its all hate. Adam broke up with his boyfriend and now he has suddenly become such a bad person.All im reading are complaints. Its sad

Anonymous said...

7.28AM goodbye. You wont be missed. If you cant accept Adam the way he is then you were never a real fan. Adam has always been one for socializing and having a good time. Maybe it helps take his mind off certain things.

Anonymous said...

I suppose Adam should lock himself in his room to make you guys happy.

Anonymous said...

11.14am What fans?

Anonymous said...

at 11:43 AM

I can do it for him and swallow the key once I've locked the door from inside!

Anonymous said...

Why do you people read this kind of thread when you know there will be speculating b/c of the pics? Or should all the comments be saying that "lovely that Adam is having fun and he looks great"? There is a thread about the gig in Pittsburgh and only 10 comments. Why don't people comment there?

Anonymous said...

7:28 Am:

Bieber, is that you? Or maybe most likely one of the "rejects" who will never have any chance to get lucky.

Anonymous said...

at 11:58 AM

I checked that one out and it was boring and repetitive, not worth posting anything at all.

Anonymous said...

at 7:28 AM
at 11:59 AM

It does not surprise me that some people become fed up with club and party news when there's no new music in the horizon.

Prides and related charity stuff are ok and important but hardly significant careerwise. They might make his path even more difficult in our prejudiced society. Sadly.

Anonymous said...

Sane fans like 11:26, 11:29, 11:34, etc, see you in the Pittsburgh Pride post. The judgers who want "lively discussion" can have this one.

Anonymous said...

12:12, more than half of the US is not prejudiced. And the younger people are the more they believe in equal rights. So the Pride and charity events are not hurting Adam. They are a win-win.

Anonymous said...

re: 12;12

So tell us why you're here. Certainly not because you want to "help" Adam with his already successful career. And no, he does not "need" a radio hit. Haven't u heard? We get our kicks at concerts and on the Internet. I seldom listen to air-wave radio-broadcasts cuz so much music there these days is too homogenized, repetitious, and boring. Adam is unique and we all still visit FYE and TSP.

Anonymous said...

11 26
Lol adam has always been a whore who parties too much. If you don't know that you haven't been paying attention. It's just who he is. I don't judge him for it and neither would any sane fan. That's part of what makes him fun to follow. He isn't some boring kris allen sitting home watching tv in Arkansas with his Little wife. He is crazy. He is promiscuous. He can drink way too much. He can punch a hole in the ceiling or get thrown in jail. That's our Adam

Anonymous said...

who are all these ugly men popping up in these pics. they want their 15 min.

Anonymous said...

ranting about all the hate on this site, but still coming back and reading all of it. sounds hypocritical.

Anonymous said...

@ 12:18 PM

Hmm... how have I helped him with his already successful career, well, I've bought all his cds plus all his songs on itunes (silly me), I've been to two concerts more than thousand miles miles from home and participated several more or less useful polls. Donated some money but that's just about it. I don't think these fan sites make much difference, even if I spent all my days praising him here at 24/7. And I prefer to be honest, if something pisses me off, then I usually say it out loud.

Anonymous said...

didn't Molinari work at Dunkkin' Doughnuts?

Anonymous said...

I wish good luck to Adam and his new boyfriend(s), maybe we hear new music soon!

Anonymous said...

Socializing is airing out the dirty laundry for all to hear, I'd rather be piddling papers somewhere than feeding hogwash in the direction of the hog.

Anonymous said...

he wants his doughnuts dunked.

Anonymous said...

12:38, you are so full of crap and ignorant. You see one inch of Adam's life and make a judgement. He is a great man. I love this site but anymore reading the comments just make it not worth coming here.

Anonymous said...

What if Markus worked at D Donuts while Adam worked at Starbucks? Free coffee and donuts for everybody!

Anonymous said...

12 53
Omg lol. I am making no judgements at all. I love adam and accept him. You seem to be the one who can't do that.

Anonymous said...

12 47

Adams career will be what it will be. Making fake sad faces about what you see happening doesn't help him or his fans. We have no control and are only along for the ride

Anonymous said...

High five Rose Pedal! Sue

Anonymous said...

Anon 1:05 and esp re yr previous post

Could you just watch the language and NOT be so brutal in what you say.
I have no problem w it, but there are younger fans here (also from other countries) not needing to read your or anyone else's profanities.

So please state your love and acceptance of Adam with more civil words, tyvm!

Anonymous said...

I used no profanity.

Anonymous said...

Who fucking used a profanity?

Anonymous said...

And now Adam is going to studio with a friend of Sauli:)

Anonymous said...

at 2:09 Lol and last night he was out with Sauli's roommate :D Nice to see they have common friends.

Anonymous said...

Next Adam could meet Ade...

Anonymous said...

@2:19 lol xD

Anonymous said...

Hahhahaa!What's the amount of population in LA? ;)

Anonymous said...

Hahhahaa!What's the amount of population in LA? ;)

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

So Adam is doing recording!?

Anonymous said...

People judging adam we are here to love him and see news about him not judge him because he is going out frequently, what so now he can't have fun and live life at least fame isnt driving him to drugs. Keep critising him thats exactly what your doing hes human yall expect him to make music and preform how about relaxing damn

Anonymous said...

2:38 amen

Anonymous said...

This upcoming era is make or break with US radio for Adam Lambert. We know that Adam is an intense, hyper-self critical perfectionist who agonizes over each performance and every piece of music he produces. He must feel intense pressure right now. This is directed to every one of you who lack emotional intelligence: GIVE THE GUY A BREAK WHEN HE NEEDS TO BLOW OFF STEAM WITH HIS FRIENDS. You aren't Adam's fans, so go find yourselves a PERFECT human being to follow...and good luck with that. #Self-righteous idiots.

funbunn40 said...

@ rose petal, Another high 5! Adam is a diciplined artist that works hard and occasionally plays hard, which is his choice, with no need to defend or account to anyone. He lives in the center of West Hollywood where he lived and played before Idol. I think some fans have a problem with Adam partying with those that he has always felt at home with and accepted because he is so handsome, masculine looking and has so many other main stream attributes. These places are where Adam feels most comfortable and where he socialized before Idol. It's familiar and normal for him. I understand the concern of those that think he will isolate his fandom to LBGT fans only, and may turn off potential straight fans, but Adam lives his life honestly with no apologies or excuses. It's who he really is and he is true to himself,regardless of what many would like to change or expect. Adam may not like coming home each day to an empty house and he has always loved socializing and being with people. I also understand our curiousity with his personal life and I look at the pics and read the blogs too, but I really don't care if Adam is sleeping with someone, keeping company with someone or not. I just hope he practices safe sex for his own health and is happy being free to pursue his career and live his life as he sees fit, without judgement, his friends being harrassed or insulted. He is who he is, a really good, decent, talented man that can never be everything to everyone. He has to walk his own path like each of us, learning and sometimes making mistakes along the way. Adam will be just fine and we will too, in spite of our protective concerns.

Anonymous said...

Funnbunn, thank you for anintelligent, caring post. Adam deserves so much more than he gets at AL 24/7 ILHSFM.

Anonymous said...

Calling Adam a whore who parties too much etc. @12:38
The whole post just gives a pretty ugly pic of this fandom and of you as a fan.
I'm thinking of younger fans, foreign fans who are not familiar with 'your type of lovin words' nor should they be!

Anonymous said...

he says he loves straight women, gay women, bisexual women, straight men and gay men. He said it wants all walks of life in his audience.

Anonymous said...

I always wondered if Adam was confused by his straight audience? whataya want from me cause you sure aint gettin' any.

Anonymous said...

Sharing roommates now? it is getting really juicy.

Anonymous said...

3:00, 3:01 and 3:03
What moronic posts!
By one & the same do not know what. yak

Anonymous said...

Does Adam know any normal looking people?

Anonymous said...

Anon at 3:01PM--Why would Adam be confused by his straight audience? Aren't they the ones who first became fans on AI? I know I did. I was mesmerized by his amazing voice and unbelievable stage presence. His sexual orientation never entered my mind. I guess it's because it didn't matter to me at all. Isn't the straight audience(mostly females) the ones who went to his concerts and appearances? Didn't they buy his albums? I realize he has a lot of friends and acquaintances in the gay community and enjoys clubs and parties with them, but do they make up a significant number in his audiences or buy his music? I don't think so, but I could be wrong. Frankly, I don't care who his latest bf is or with whom he sleeps unless it is going to hurt his career if that becomes the focus of his life. I just want him to make music, to work on that third album and to give us a single that will get radio play as did WWFM.

glitzylady said...


Anonymous said...

@3:12 PM just for you

Anonymous said...

I don't come here much and now I know why. I am amazed at the "knowledge" some people supposedly have regarding Adam's personal life. I don't care if I get bashed--it has to be said, unless you are part of Adam's management team, inner circle of friends, or are a family member you have no right to dictate to him how to dress, groom himself, when to go out and how many times a week he is allowed to, who he parties with, when he decides to go into the studio--I could go on and on. As a FAN you only have the right to partake of his music, public appearances, and events. And to LOOK at the pictures he chooses to share, not analyze them or critique them. To speculate, dictate, and preach to him--that is going over the line and into a strange, dark territory of trying to be his mother or personal manager. If he doesn't act to your liking, then follow a celebrity who does. Don't stick around and gripe, whine, or spread your negativity. He would be better off without you stanning him in such an unhealthy way. Come to think of it--you would be better off too.

Anonymous said...

3 53
You sound completely nuts. Just so you know. Lol

Anonymous said...

Jealous people who comes and post here are lifeless indeed!!

Nobody wants you that's why you hate Adam so much because his successful and worthy he!he!

Remember jealousy kills!!! Watch out haters!!


Anonymous said...

3:53 PM

Ever heard of freedom of speech?

I haven't got any authority to tell anybody what can be written here and what not. Neither do you. Holier than the pope attitude will not benefit anybody.

Just grow some skin and everything will be fine. No worries.

Anonymous said...

Obviously no one here dictates to adam silly girl. Please tell me you are 90 years old and don't really understand what an Internet fan site is all about

Anonymous said...

Sometimes the truth is uncomfortable

Anonymous said...

This is NOT an Internet fan site, this is an ADAM LAMBERT fan site in the internet called AL 24/7 News. Good luck finding the Internet fan site you are looking for, poor baby, you've obviously lost your way...
And in future please at least address your 4 miserable lines to the comment you are referring to (which by the way is not written by me, you just needed some guiding and I thought I'd help, lol)

Anonymous said...

Lmao. You sound like a doll!!

Anonymous said...

3.53 Well said.

Anonymous said...

LOVE the striped shirt!!!

Anonymous said...

I don' t care what anyone elses opinion is. I love Adam Lambert! He makes me happy. Whether it's his career, music, personal life, clubbing, dating, projects, awards, I want to know about it all!! Adam is a very entertaining person and I wouldn't want him any other way. It's his life. Let him live it!

Anonymous said...

After reading all these comments, just have to throw in my two cents. I am mad about Adam Lambert. Yes, that ceiling punching, jailbird wild guy. When he gets into trouble, I love him even more. As for that cast of characters he hangs around with - my favorite of them all is Tye Blue. Too bad he is rooming with Sauli, because i think Adam and Tye would be perfect together. Their backgrounds are almost identical and Tye is a really decent professional guy - and definitely good looking. Guess there is no "magic" there with Adam - maybe they have known each other too long. Adam likes the thrill of the unknown - always looking for new adventures.. I think he is just looking for inspiration to create Album #3. Don't worry Fans, be happy!

tea said...

@6:28 PM
You said it perfectly. That's how I feel.

Anonymous said...

Clueless here. Who is this Bridger?

Anonymous said...

You worked all day..get home and grab something to eat..turn on the TV..sit on the couch..grab your ipod or lap top and start browsing thru Adam Lambert blog site..searching, waiting for a comment you can interject your know it all opinion on..It's dark look at the time and realize you haven't left that spot all to get some sleep.. you have to go to work in the morning..and over and over. Adam has a full time job to, he works for RCA and knows his responsibilities..also relaxes and connects with friends..recharges the spirit so he can return to his job refreshed and creative.

Anonymous said...

Again, just hope the Album #3 won't take too long to release.
That distance between FYE and Trespassing was so differcult to handle with promotions and the industry. Apart from that, good to see Adam having some fun time. He is afterall a party boy and so is the vibe of W Hollywood.

Anonymous said...

It's the straight people who have the trouble with the gay lifestyle and not vice versa.

Anonymous said...

people on this site who have a problem with Adam out partying should get up off their asses and give it a try, maybe you'll enjoy life and have some fun instead of bitchin around always looking for the negative side of life. what a shame, feel sorry for you all.
Couldnt ask for a better human being than Adam Lambert, so much love to give and share with any walk of life.

Anonymous said...

11 26 spot on, Adam should just come out and tell many so called fans to go f*ck themselves, who needs them. So inter twined into his life, its really embarrassing.

Anonymous said...

You all should just tell yourselves that Adam will probalby have many love affairs. Dont get so attatched to his lovers. Then you wont be feeling so blue, they arent, good grief Charlie Brown, life goes on, laugh a little enjoy

Anonymous said...

some gay people have issues with Adam not being gay enough, he cant please them all, so what. How he lives his life is inspiring and fun, anyone who doubts him should shove it.

Anonymous said...

What is "gay enough"? A feather boa and 5 inch

Anonymous said...

This is one of the funniest threads I ever read. Especially love the person throwing in the Dunkin' Donuts and Starbucks. and the roomates sharing etc. A person coming here for the first time would laugh their head off.

Adam's taking a breather. He's single for the first time in 2-1/2 years. He's out and about and meeting new guys. Sauli is waiting on the fall launch of his LA-based TV show and probably out meeting new guys, too. Quite happy to admire their pics while we wait to see what happens next. Fan-girling is supposed to be fun.

Anonymous said...

@7:35 PM
Come back often. You can count on this stuff every day. lol

Anonymous said...

@3:53, perfectly stated.

glitzylady said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

Bridger is a strange name but it's the person who matters.

Anonymous said...

I wonder if Bridger has any tattoos.

Anonymous said...

After detecting the negatives IMO there is only one person who is writing these negative stuff and she responds to her own comments as if there are more than one person feeling the way she feels. From now on please ignore negative comments.

Sending light & love to our rock star, Adam!

Anonymous said...

Spot on!
Thank you for saying that. Finally!
And in a short, simple and straight forward way.

Anonymous said...

Who knows if he is dating bridger, again with the automatic assumptions

Anonymous said...

5:32 AM
We know he is taking him to partys and hanging out with him in clubs. Do you think Adam is dating no one? Adam is never one to lack for male companionship.

Anonymous said...

7:28 AM Agree with you. And besides that Adam is not so young any more, he is 31, not teen... He's getting too old to be a club kid...

I think he has some sort of age crisis.

Anonymous said...

I see a troll crisis.