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Another Picture from Last Night in LA

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Monday, June 3, 2013

Posted at : Monday, June 03, 2013


Anonymous said...

Has he got ANY OTHER hobbies?

Anonymous said...

Keeping the mustache is his hobby.. ; )

Anonymous said...

Don't forget shopping - it's a good way to get acquainted with the locals when travelling around the world.

Sightseeing is a thing of the past!

Anonymous said...

That qualifies, I guess, and he has to dye it, too. :)

Anonymous said...

hey grow your own stache Leave Adam's alone. lol

Anonymous said...

@8:34... maybe Adam would say the same about you sitting at a computer blogging?? I really don't get off on being unkind like that, and who knows if you even have the mental capacity to get my point there, but friggin hell, why the snarky comment on one slice of someone's life. I am not one of those fans who ever EVER puts Adam on a pedestal, but hell, the dude seems like a pretty nice guy by all public accounts. He likes the social scene - you seem to like sitting at a keyboard blogging and being snarky while doing so... let us not judge shall we?

Anonymous said...

A new business for Adam to get involved in, dye. He uses dye for his own hair, eyebrows, eye lashes, Melvin, and who knows where else, LOL I think he really enjoys Sutans type of humor, probably why he sees so much of him lately. Sutan is a master at applying make up.

Anonymous said...

I know many of you have stopped voting for BB on the People poll for Idol judge...maybe it will help,maybe not,to vote,but I just hate to see Clay that much ahead of Adam.makes me sick!!

Anonymous said...

I voted for Clay a few times.

Anonymous said...

I never liked or disliked Sutan but he came across so lovable on his Sutan's Everything video with Tommy I really do appreciate him now.

Anonymous said...

9:39 I just came from the People voting site. I added up the percentages of all four people on the poll and it came to 101%. Does that sound right? I never vote on polls so I am not sure.

Anonymous said...

You should be able to vote ONCE only, all other systems are more or less corrupted. Otherwise it's all about who's got more time to vote over and over again.

And that goes for Glamberts as well.

Anonymous said...

8:34 -- Well, let's see now...

- performing at one of Europe's biggest fundraisers in Vienna, Austria

- collecting awards right and left for his incredible work with the LGBT

- working on a new album

- continuing the ever important networking in today's showbusiness

- being there for his REAL friends

- being the best godfather to Riff Cherry

Want more on the list?

Anonymous said...

Adam and his new love Bridger seem to like mustache. Is that some new trend among gays?

Adam seems to take now back all the the goodies he must have missed when he was like a prisoner in that house with Sauli. I hope he collects there also material for the new album. It must be a hot and dancy album with lots of cute guys and drinks and bars and mustaches and...

Anonymous said...

10:15 AM

"Working on a new album"? How do you know that? Collecting material by partying nearly every night? Maybe?

Networking with underwear models and porn stars? OK? Yeah, right...

Anonymous said...

10:19 I'm sorry I don't seem to have the tactful vocabulary that Adam or others have so I will just say your statement really shows your ignorance. " Adam and his new love Bridger seem to like mustache. Is that some new trend among gays?" Be Kind.

Anonymous said...

10:19 and prisoner in te house with Sauli. Give me a break.

Anonymous said...

10 15
You sound ridiculous

Anonymous said...

11:02 AM

That was a kind of sarcasm, lol.

Anonymous said...


But not the part "taking back the goodies"; isn't that true?

Anonymous said...

Adam should have all the fun he wants. He works and plays hard. No pun intended. Why not live your life to the fullest? Go Adam. Do what makes you happy. You are a grown man and don't need motherly advise or scolding. We love you and some of us just get overly preoccupied with your life. I'm a loyal Glambert with lots and lots of unconditional love!

Anonymous said...

Adam has said more than once, it doesn't matter who you see him out with, it's who he takes home that is important.
Sauli was the only bf that lived with him, due to circumstances, but Adam spent some time with him before he took him home. I think he will just casually date for a while now, just for sex sake. Sauli got so many hate tweets, and so did Adam, he probably won't have anyone move in, for a long time. He can afford hotel rooms now LOL. He now needs a house keeper now besides his mother who used to do it. Anyone up for the job?

Anonymous said...

What is wrong with you people. Have you got nothing better to do than make up stories. How on earth do you know if Adam has another bf. Seriously. Get a life

Anonymous said...

11:28 AM

I'll by the ticket at the very moment Adam tells me to come to LA. He must be used to eat some Finnish food b/c of Sauli and I can cook something else too. And I can also clean as does Sauli. I'm a very good substitute; and Adam does not have any temptations cause I'm straight, older and woman... Call me Adam!

Anonymous said...

11:48 AM

Many things indicate that Bridger Clemens is the new one. They have been seen after their 1st of May "adventures" in many occasions together. Somehow Bridger seems to hang always near Adam nowadays.

We who are invested in Adam's private life see these things, you know, lol.

Anonymous said...

What´s your source? Adam, Leila, Eber, Neil or someone in the family? Must be true then....or is it Twitter, IG ? Okay, so you know things for sure..yeah right..LOL

Anonymous said...

Not many occasions. Just the hollywood party and this fair. Actually we have seen another guy with adam at the movies and at chateau Mormont.

Anonymous said...

You guys have no better doing than write so much crap in these sites? - You are not even funny (if that is what you are trying to do).I agree with you 11:08...

Why do you have to tell nasty storys about Adam, who is the kindest person in the world?

Anonymous said...

12:24 Pm
Maybe because he seems to act sometimes like a nasty boy but is over 30 year old grown man.

Anonymous said...

he does not behave like a 30 year old least not like a man who `s standing in the spotlight 24/7/365. of course he has every right to go out, meet friends etc, but i don`t think it is a "normal" behaviour for a man his age to go out almost every night.

Anonymous said...

Right now,Clay A. is ahead of BB 56-40%,I believe.Adam wants this gig on Idol,so why will it hurt to vote for him on the People poll?People would be a better place than other"unknown"polls.Let's keep voting for a while..what will it hurt?No hateful comments,etc are necessary..too many troll-like comments today on here.):

Anonymous said...

He's 31 and he's a rock star , seems normal enough to me.

Anonymous said...

Not this again...if someone disagrees with Adam´s actions and doings, it doesn´t make one a troll!! You actually can have an opinion of your own and he still continues to be an amazing singer.

Anonymous said...

12:08 PM
I think there are more events where they have been seen together but I remember only Evita (the first tweet from B. having fun night w wasted looking Adam), Nylon party and this McDonald's, but I think I've seen some others too. So, quite a many events. And in McD. Bridger seems to be always where Adam and Danielle are. js

Anonymous said...

No, just those three. Only with Danielle at the fair. Stick to the facts

Anonymous said...

@9:39 AM, I haven't stopped voting on the People poll, but I can tell you that since I've been voting that bar hasn't moved an inch. Something strange is going on with that poll!!

Anonymous said...

OMG, the inmates are still running the asylum.

Anonymous said...

11:06 -- A lot less ridiculous than a Clay Aiken supporter coming on an Adam Lambert blog to make up false stories about his life.

Anonymous said...

Well we all have are own opinion but for me I like Adam going out and having fun ....makes it much easier to live my life vicariously through him....there for a while he was just staying home watching TV.... hell....I can do that here ...he's not hurting anyone so partying on....dear Adam....rose petal

Anonymous said...

Get this site under control or you are going to lose the few sane fans left here. We don't want to come here and read bullshit like this. If we did there are a dozen other sites to go to instead.

Anonymous said...

1:43 pm

Lighten up! You are taking this way too personally.

Anonymous said...

This site is overtaken by crazy fans of others. 24/7 Admin. Time to have everyone to login with their facebook or twitter profile.

Anonymous said...

1:58 pm

Where´s your signature?


Anonymous said...

at 1:43 PM

There are loads but this is one of the few with no login required and it makes this one more interesting to follow.

People do get frustrated sometimes and like to air out a thing or two. And that should be ok. Plain and repetitive fangirling is boring and I think only a few of us are committed enough to continue reading the same things over and over again.

Anonymous said...

@June 3, 2013 at 1:10 PM

C'mon 1:10... some of these posts are clear cut BS, not even a troll really IMHO, but more sometime trying to get a rise, trying to stir the pot and kick up some ugly for their own gratification, or whatever. I don't see much bashing when someone offers a well stated opinion, so give me a break. Many posters here had admitted understanding that nobody deserves blind devotion and that Adam is not perfect as none of us are, but still they enjoy following him immensely while still feeling free to post opinions that may not be popular here... those peeps usually don't get trounced!! But some of these comments upthread are just ridic and foolishness!!

Anonymous said...

We (his fans) here on this site know Adam is is a kind, honest and generous man. Can't we leave him alone when it comes to his private life? It's only his business not ours. I know we all seem to have a big curiosity about Adam's private life but it's not us living it. Adam works hard and should be entitled to relax in anyway he wants. Whatever makes him happy ;)


tea said...

Wendy Williams poll for AI judge is done. Adam wins.

Anonymous said...

It is out of control here lately and something does need to be done or I won't be coming here anymore. The comments in the last few posts are ridiculous and not what one expects from a fan site. Looks like comments at Perez Hilton's site.

Anonymous said...

Agreed. Is this an Adam fan site or Adam hate site? Hard to tell lately. Admin, which one are you running?

Anonymous said...

Lol I love the threats to leave. Just go and don't whine about it. No one knows who you are or will care if you are gone.

Anonymous said...

It's amazing how our imaginations go crazy with every picture we see of Adam. I'd say he has plenty to do during the day, and at night he goes out. He lives alone, so I imagine he doesn't like being home alone. I sure don't. He meets people. connects with them, gets his pic taken by paps (a good thing, BTW) and gets himself out there. He has to be seen out and about to keep himself in the public eye. Nothing wrong with it. It's a good thing. He's single and healthy and happy. I think a lot more goes on during the day that is "business" related than we realize. I've been voting on the People poll and hope we can overtake CA. I think we can do it! We need to maintain a strong presence everywhere we can. I think it does matter, even if the polls seem irrelevant.


Anonymous said...

2:31 speak for yourself. I will care when all the sane are gone. I can't understand why you get your rocks off coming here either you are not a fan of Adam. Don't you have a rock star to follow somewhere? lol

Anonymous said...

at 2:44 PM

I'm not totally convinced that endless praise and idolizing someone without questioning anything at all is a sign of sanity.

Adamluv said...

TOTALLY OT - RIP Jean Stapleton (Edith "Dingbat" Bunker) from All in the Family. If you're a fan go to (used to be afterelton) and see a picture of Ms. Stapleton with Alice Cooper. It's an entirely different side of her! But for the uptight "Adam shouldnt be out partying blah blah blah" folks, YOU'LL PROBABLY BE OFFENDED SINCE SOMEONE SOMEWHERE IS HAVING A GOOD TIME! LOL. . . And to Ms. Stapleton, thanks for creating such a memorable character and again RIP. . . . Adamluv

Jadam NZ said...

I agree with this site has gone in a disappointing direction. I don't even read the A & S comments anymore or anything about Adams personal life because it is all speculation & BS.
I miss Glitzylady, JAK, DRG,
Rose petal, Lam my, Canadian,Sue, and other regulars.
I miss JAK's stories.
Like me they are probably scrolling by.
I don't know what the solution is to be honest.

Anonymous said...

Looking at Adam's recent pictures... is it the mustache or what that makes him look older or is it daylight that reveals a bit too much?

He is 31 and he now looks his age.

He looked a lot younger not so long ago.

Anonymous said...

@ Jadam NZ
Okay, I'll leave you with your select group.

Anonymous said...

at 3:04 PM

How many regulars do you think there are? The truth is that this site needs a lot more to live on than just a few regulars.

Also, the site is called 24/7 News, and I don't see how repeating how gorgeous Adam looks qualifies as news. So why do you think posts from you regulars are more valuable than from those who are not regulars?

And who is stopping you from posting whatever your heart desires?

I'm not.

Anonymous said...

3:04 you're kind of post chases away as many good posters as the trolls do.

Anonymous said...

some of these posts make me laugh. This site is actually quite brutal about Adam at times.Performances, clothes, hairstyle you name it.

Anonymous said...

I'm done with this site and will keep voting on People now.

Anonymous said...

@Jadam NZ
I'm here ....don't really get in Adams personal life as far as boyfriends go ....I don't care what he does as long as he's happy ....I've seen posts now and then from most you mentioned except Sue.... I'm little worried about her maybe she had her hand or eye fixed and will be back ....I hope so....Peace to you...,rose petal

Anonymous said...

I don't think I'm in the wrong saying that Adam wants more than he now has. He is ambitious but right now there's nothing much going on careerwise.

He is not getting any younger or prettier and all the good things, prides and such will not take him any further in his career.

He's got to find something else, change style, image, country or something. Make himself widely accepted and credible and not just among the LGBT community.

Yet Another Picture from Last Night in LA will not help him reach his goals either.

Anonymous said...

ADAM is losing so much to Clay at People’s poll for Idol judge!

PLEASE VOTE repeatedly here:,,20704914,00.html

Anonymous said...

rose petal... yes I am getting worried about Sue. She has been off the site for quite a while. I got the impression she was having heart stents. I hope she didn't need open heart surgery. I wish we would have asked her to ask her family to let us know how things were going with her. Ok back to the fistfighting on here lol.

Anonymous said...

rose petal... yes I am getting worried about Sue. She has been off the site for quite a while. I got the impression she was having heart stents. I hope she didn't need open heart surgery. I wish we would have asked her to ask her family to let us know how things were going with her. Ok back to the fistfighting on here lol.

Anonymous said...

I can think of two other sites where you would prob be more comfortable. Lots of nice old ladies. Look into it,. You are never going to change the nature of an anon site

Anonymous said...

3:56 I'm on it!!!

Anonymous said...

4:04 names of those places please. I'm 32 and interested in those places as hell.

Anonymous said...

Oh! No! I hope Sue is ok??!!

She is one of us who can kick some a**** here.... The rest are just jealous of Adams personality!!:)


Anonymous said... website has people to login with their twitter account. Why can't this site do the same?

Anonymous said...

Oh, I thought I was on the wonderful Adam Lambert fan site.
But no, I see that i'm on some teen age gossip site for people with nothing else to do but bitch and moan.
Hopping off now.
Grow UP!

Anonymous said...

PLEASE VOTE!!!,,20704914,00.html

Anonymous said...

talking about Adam's pride gig now I will be seeing him and the gang in 11 days. YAY can't wait.I will be there for the whole weekend I hope there is a good turnout for Adam and Joe McElderey? Places to eat, fully stocked bars in the streets, sounds like my type of party. The people in Pittsburgh seem very proud of their city and that's a good sign too.

Anonymous said...

Just voted some more on the People poll. Please, please, please, no no no to Adam singing country. God forbid.

Anonymous said...

Adam is a celeb. and everyone knows him. Especially where he lives in West Hollywood. He can't stay home all the time if that's what you want him to do. People love to take pictures with him. Haven't you notice on videos with tons of cameras at his face? Do you want him to be hermit and watch TV and seat behind his computer all the time like some of you that have nothing else to do but to put him under microscope with every step he takes? Get a life of your own. Adam like to socialize with people and goes places that he feels comfortable. His life with Sauli was boring and he couldn't stand it any longer. They drifted apart. Communication is a very important factor in Adam's life and he couldn't have a indept conversation with someone who couldn't speak English. So the relationship ended. Deal with it. It's over.

Anonymous said...

You know they didn't fire keith so they don't need adam on idol. Don't waste your time on silly polls. Fox will not pay attention to that

Anonymous said...

@cattituude: Oooh lookie! ADAM's gonna be on Fashion Police again for Joan's b'day! June 10th! Yay, Kelly!!!

Anonymous said...

Regarding Adam's "hobbies". Well,
MUSIC is Adam's hobby. He loves going to concerts and musical theater. Also, he is a movie buff by all accounts. He has his favorite shows on TV like most of us. He also is an avid reader! Adam is a people person. I'm sure he has a lot of people over to his place, but if he's not having a party, he prefers to go out rather than stay home by himself. He has said so in the past. Also, Adam networks for his career. He receives many invitations I'm sure so why shouldn't he go "out". I don't know why I'm even commenting about this except that some of the posts are getting on my nerves. If Adam didn't go out, we'd have nothing to look at but old videos. I suggest that some of the "fans" might want to go on you tube instead of this site. Just saying..
p.s..Sue-If you are lurking here,as I do occasionally without posting, I sincerely hope you are doing well. We miss you! Take care of yourself dear Glambert!

Anonymous said...

Just heard Shakira mention that even latinos are now enjoying country music. I don't mind it if people like country music, but do we have to eradicate all other genres? Seems that everyone is recording a 'country' song these days.

Anonymous said...

Adam has an amazing family as well as many great friends who love him dearly....if he was doing something that was likely to hurt him I am sure they would all voice their opinions loud and clear and they would be there to help him. I am not Adam's mother and he has a perfectly wonderful mother who seems to be always there for him. So it is not my job to worry about every detail of Adam's life. I am simply a fan who enjoys following this very gifted and personable young man.

There is nothing wrong with voicing opinions and having personal preferences but the mean and rude comments whether it is about Adam, Sauli or anyone associated with Adam have no place on any site. And all the nasty comments back and forth here I don't really get. Is that how some people get their kicks?

Anonymous said...

5:14 that is true,KU isn't going anywhere and that would have been Adam's spot.

Anonymous said...

I have been gone all weekend until now, was E!News on yet?

Anonymous said...

I like adam and clay this is gonna be a hard Choice

Anonymous said...

This one-liner. It has saved the last bit of my sanity. LOL/CRY Dear God, I needed the laugh. Sardonic or not. *Thanking you profusely rn*

Anonymous said...

alot of these parties/outings pay celebrities to show up - that is how they get pics and publicity about whatever they are promoting (MacDonalds, etc). this may be income AND publicity for Adam. I hate all the righteous comments on this site.

Anonymous said...

Sue had heart bypass surgery last week. She said her doctor thought they would have to replace 5 or more arteries. I keep hoping every day we will hear from her.

I have not been posting much lately.....the fun seems to have dried up.....I am hoping it returns. Wishful thinking.

tea said...

@6:47 PM

If you go to that link there's a video of a news interview.

tea said...

This is a link within the link I just posted. You can get even more info about what they're doing.

Anonymous said...

Nope, no longer an Adam fan site, now an Adam hate, criticize and troll site.

I wish Admin would create a log in system and moderate comments.

Anonymous said...

tea thanks for the links.

Anonymous said...

I am hoping for a good turn out for Pittsburgh Pride but from the facebook page it looks like only 2450 people have signed up.Maybe more will pop in at the last minute.

Anonymous said...

I've never signed into the Facebook site for the Pride event in my city. Not an accurate guage.

Anonymous said...

Everything you said is true, and for the last 2 years he did all that with Sauli, he never just stayed home, unless he wanted to watch a program he recorded. Also it was Sauli who said one time to Adam, "Are we boring?", because they were watching True Blood or something. Adam visited his family regularily, and took Sauli with him, they often went to shows, concerts and movies together, and also took other friends with them. Have you people missed all the pics of them coming out of restaurants and all the other places together. When most of it sort of slowed down was when Adam went on tour to Asia, and Sauli went to Finland for a month on business, their lives took a turn, and they could not count on seeing each other all the time. I don't think it was their choice to separate, it just happened that way with both of them taking their careers very seriously. It's like fate took over. But Adam went out as often as he wanted, and always took Sauli. Now they need to be single and go out with friends, and not vegetate at home by themselves. I just wish Adam would get inspired to start his album, he needs to work with some writers to get him over this slump.

tea said...

Adam tweeted this pic just a few minutes ago

Anonymous said...

8:22 good to hear that !

Anonymous said...

You don't know that Adam is in a slump. Adam said he isn't going to talk as much about the new album this time. He co-wrote and recorded the Life Ball song without our knowing it. There is the pic Nile Rodgers tweeted showing Adam recording something we don't know about. Fans need to calm down and stop the wild speculation. Wild speculation about both Adam's personal and professional lives.

Anonymous said...

I am voting on this People vote and the % moved up for Adam. I think the other guy's fans are sleep. Let's vote Glamberts:,,20704914,00.html#disqus_thread

International Glamberts we need your help. Please vote while we are sleep. LOL!

Anonymous said...

Better link:,,20704914,00.html

Anonymous said...

maybe admin could post a picture of Adam's new tweet.

leilani Aloha said...

Totally Agree with GMT 6:36 PM:)

Enough said!:)

Anonymous said...

WoW! Slow Monday huh!:(
2 many trolls!!!

Anonymous said...

WoW! Slow Monday huh!:(
2 many trolls!!!

tess4ADAM said...

Hi Glamberts!! Just stopping by to catch up on ADAM news. Don't post much anymore ... can't join in the convo ... too depressing lately so I just read & move on. I suppose this doesn't mean much but I for one am VOTING in ALL the polls concerning ADAM ... relevant or not. That's just how I am & what I do. To me ... they are ALL important enough for me to support ADAM .. but that's just me I guess.

@sue ... I hope you are doing well & are on the mend & will soon be back here @ 24/7 as fiesty as ever. Take care & GOD Bless You!!
Love 'n Light ... your fellow Glambert ...

tess4ADAM(LAMBERT Outlaw)

glitzylady said...

"Adam Lambert Stops To Fill His Tank:
Adam Lambert Stops To Fill His Tank In This Photo: Adam Lambert Singer Adam Lambert stops to fill up his gas tank in West Hollywood, California on June 3, 2013."

12 pics...

Anonymous said...

I truly feel sorry when people reach celebrity status, as has our Adam. Adam is dammed if he does and dammed if he doesn't. Can you even imagine trying to please hundreds of thousands of people? Heck, most of us can't even please our families. His every move is scrutinized by thousands. He handles it all with grace and class-he treats fame very well as compared to some of the other big names. Don't change Adam (should you be lurking on this thread)-stay your marvelous loving self.

Anonymous said...

I simply pray for Adam, always include him in my prayers.

Anonymous said...

I've been voting like crazy on People site . . I don't think peeps are voting for Clay . .they are just voting against Adam because they are trolls.
Just like they come here and blog . .I guess they don't have their own Idol to follow...

Anonymous said...

Or maybe Adams fans know that a huge decision by fox is not going to be determined by a silly Internet poll.

Urethra_Franklin said...

June 3, 2013 at 9:33 AM

I'm late to this post but I LOVE YOU!!!! I just proposed marriage to someone on another post. But maybe I'm more into polygamy than I thought. Marry me?

Urethra_Franklin said...

June 3, 2013 at 9:47 AM

Data is my business. Yes you can have 101% because there is always a +/- 1 point rounding error that can occur...and it does quite often. More times than not actually.

Anonymous said...

U. F thanks for explaining that.