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Beautiful Collage of Adam Lambert with his Friends

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Friday, June 14, 2013

Posted at : Friday, June 14, 2013

A simple collage of Adam Lambert with just a few of (IMO) the most understanding,
supportive & loving people in his life. #GoodFriends.

created by Lyns Blued-Eyed Soul @karabert


Anonymous said...

Beautiful Adam and friends! Beautiful sentiment - Friendship!

Anonymous said...

Weird for a fan to decide this even with the IMO: "a few of (IMO) the most understanding, supportive & loving people in his life", but still great pics.

Anonymous said...

Ditto. Great pics, though.

Anonymous said...

Agree 7:53 - No Danielle and she is his best friend.

glitzylady said...

Danielle Stori is with Adam in the first picture, upper left corner :))

Good representation of some of those people who are important in Adam's life, that we've "met" over the past few years.

HK fan said...

Love this photo, he has got some great friends who really seem to have his back.
I too thought it was Danielle in the first photo.

Anonymous said...

Beautiful collage but I think IMO should be ten times underlined cz many people are irritated by this too. Like there wasn´t enough buzz already about the partypics.

Anonymous said...

Talking about party pics, hahaha.
I realize now that Adam has 2 secrets, first one is about his new album, second one is who he is going to see when he hides in the back seat of a car. He is not drunk, or sick or unhappy, he is hoping the paps won't see who his new date is. There have been many guesses, but I am sure most are wrong. He is not going to let it out who is his current BF is, because of fans and haters. We all saw what happened when it was found out about Sauli, and he is trying to avoid that. Good luck Adam, and part of this hiding is prolly even Adam doesn't know if this is just a little fling, or something more. Ok now is the time to jump on me for having an IMO. I am a fan of Adam and not a troll. I will back him however he plays the game.

Anonymous said...

Adam realizes how important it is to maintain your real friends. Fame and fortune doesn't always last forever. But your closest, truest friends do.


Anonymous said...

What party pics? Sorry there are too many parties to keep straight. Danielle is most important, going way back to high school. The only one I would quibble with is Tommy. He is the only friend on the collage who doesn't pre-date Adam's fame. Not saying he isn't a true friend, just saying that people who know and love you when you aren't famous are belong in a special class.

IMO LOL. It's always IMO isn't it?

Anonymous said...

I thought that Sauli was still a Close Friend??? I miss seeing pics of Sauli. I wish that down the road if they have more "time" they might hang out more again.