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Beautiful Picture of The Day: Adam Lambert's Beautiful Eyes

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Friday, June 21, 2013

Posted at : Friday, June 21, 2013

VIA @LadyFever7


Anonymous said...

HOLY CRAP!!! Thank you so much to whomever took the time to put this together. You think I could get it made into wallpaper?? LOL!!!
Those eyes are definitely gorgeous and intoxicating.

Anonymous said...

Sorry...just saw it said LadyFever did this. THANKS A MILLION!!!

Anonymous said...

Nice!!! Sexy Beautiful Adam Eyes!!!

Anonymous said...

Oh those beautiful, mesmerizing eyessssss!! I could get lost in their depths.......

Anonymous said...

Look into my eyes, baby eyes!


Unknown said...

Lol that song verse is very right for this ;)

Anonymous said...

I love Adam's eyes but this is weird.

Anonymous said...

One close up of Adam's eyes is ALMOST too much... 84 of them IS TOO MUCH... Makes me dizzy! :)

Ps. That's should be a patent protected saying...'Mesmerizing like Adam's Eyes' or 'the day was perfect, just like Adam's Eyes'...or 'the colour was changing just like in Adam's Eyes'...

Anonymous said...

Is this a poster? I would love to get my hand on it.