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Life Ball: "It was decided NOT to release the song 'Love Wins Over Glamour' for download"

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Posted at : Tuesday, June 04, 2013

But you can still enjoy the amazing performance on Youtube! (as many times as you can!)


Anonymous said...

I'm disappointed :( I really hoped LWOG would be on iTunes and profits would go to the charity. They must have their reasons I guess. I have been viewing on YT regularly.


Anonymous said...

dang... now I am going to have to learn how to download it so I can have it in my I-touch library... well, I've been needing to do that, figure that out, for like forever... so this is just the kick in the pants I needed.

Anonymous said...

Bummer ..,,good song ben stuck in my head since I first heard it,,,,rosr petal

Anonymous said...

I thought Adam told us this long ago?

Anonymous said...

The song Doesn't sound like it was Finish.its a good song but its not a hit and right now adam needs a hit

Anonymous said...

I thought is was a dismal mess of a song, lyrically and musically. Glamberts alone couldn't buy enough copies to have it break even for production costs.

Anonymous said...

10:34, it never could have been an single or hit for Adam. The song belongs to Life Ball, not Adam. It never would have been released as a single for Adam or received the push singles do.

Anonymous said...

LWOG was light-hearted and catchy and never intended to be all that deep. For this one occasion It celebrated life and love and Adam displayed his high energy and fine peacockery and if some find this "cheesy" then tuff noogies - go find someplace sad and cold and go there to brood.

Anonymous said...

It was recorded very fast and specifically for a one-time event, the LIFE BALL. It was incredible that evening (in large part due to Adam's performance with the dancers), but it would definitely need reworking before being released for 'general consumption'.

Anonymous said...

Its difficoult to enjoy the song cause the german lady and (gentle) man are talking during the perform.... sonnst sie spreche positive sache about Adam.

Anonymous said...

Bummer!! I really wanted this on iTunes. Life Ball put last year's (2012) theme song on iTunes. Why not the 2013 theme song? Do you think this was Adam's choice? Maybe he didn't want it out there so people wouldn't think it was his new music and part of Album #3. We Glamberts understand this, but it could be confusing to others. We must abide by the Bossman's decision.

Anonymous said...

hey dude up thread... to each his own opinion and here's mine... the song was far from a dismal mess. I think it was rather well constructed actually, beautifully sung we can agree I'm sure, but also a well constructed and well planned song imho. Very euro pop and if I'm not mistaken it was delivered to an audience with a palate for that.

tea said...

Here's a new article promoting
The New F Word

tea said...

From Billboard

Anonymous said...

So agreeing with you.
Think it's a shame and a missed opportunity to get money for their cause... and also get this song played and Adam's voice heard at least in European clubs... Perhaps the red flag came from Adam's management...

Anonymous said...

It was completely in the hands of the LifeBall committee if they wanted to put out a single, not Adam's decision.
They didn't. Perhaps last year's song was better. Adam did not write the song, he added a few, very few lyrics.

glitzylady said...

For anyone wanting to download "Love Wins Over Glamour", the version WITHOUT the announcers speaking over the song in places, here's a Soundcloud link..with a "Download" option. Via Scorpios4Music

Anonymous said...

I think that trying to release this song wouldn't have done anything for Adam's career. It was written specifically for this one time event and wasn't really anything special in my humble opinion. We will just have to wait for a new single from Adam's next album whenever that is released. Is he really working on it now? It seems as if he is doing a lot of socializing and we don't hear much about writing songs or being in the recording studio. Am I wrong about this?

Anonymous said...

He said he has been in the studio. Said it recently.

Anonymous said...

don't like the song.

Anonymous said...

Annonymous ll:35
I truly believe you are in the minority with your opinion --every comment I read thought the tune was very catchy and had a great hook.

Anonymous said...

Were they all starry eyed Glamberts? That would make a difference. As much as I love Adam the best part of the song was his costume. 3 generations in my house watched the performance together our opinion was unanimous.
But different tastes, different opinions are allowed, at least I hope so. BTW I directed 3 musicals a year for 20 years, so I'm not a novice. Just not a fan of Love Wins Over Glamour.

Anonymous said...

I think Adam will continue to shine no matter what he sings or wears..

Anonymous said...

"It was decided... "
I've always HATED (sorry, but here the word just describes my feelings of many, many years), when media headlines or people talk in PASSIVE!
There are always REAL PEOPLE behind all these decisions! Why not give the real info, WHO decided, based on what and why?

The same goes for why is Adam not in TV more? Why is he not played on radio? Can't somebody get a journalist (Lyndsey P for example) to dig the real answers instead of these tiresome speculations & rumours.

Some fans/non-fans speculations is not the answer I'm looking for...(not being unkind, just frustrated, lol)

Have a nice night ya'll!

Anonymous said...

I thought the no. Was perfect for what it was, opening no. For the life ball. It was suppose to be a whimsical musical type no, sort of theatre. Was not meant to be a regular pop no. Adam just sung what he was given, think he may have helped finish it but the song was probably virtually there, when he worked on it. The opening no.was a spectacle, and just what it should have been! I enjoyed all of it. Adam has said he wants this album to be a surprise because he talked about it last time, the record company wants him keep quite about it. No that does not mean he not working on it. He also said he has been in the studio, working on it.we only see few picks of him out, he got whole days we know nothing about, sure he working on writing ect. I knew speculation would run rampant, also telling him how as usual to run his career! There no comparing KA or David Cooke to Adam. Adam is an international star, also a much bigger celeb. I do believe he has sold well abroad, overall between two albums taking into account all world sales for both albums he done fine, counting abroad sales.hope third one does great here. I have a feeling Adam got surprises and maybe duo's possible. He will always be in this business singing in one capacity or another. Worrying about it will not help anything, I finally falling asleep, sue

Anonymous said...

12:04 because there is no scandal here. Get over it.

Anonymous said...

Sorry @Anon 6:47am, if I did not make myself understood (w my broken English) - was certainly not looking for a snarky answer by a bully!

Wasn't talking about The LB Song only! I thouht maybe someone with connections and a sane head with good writing skills (there are many of those also on this site) could sometimes ask a professional's opinion on some of the issues of which there are only SPECULATIONS, RUMOURS AND STUPID ARGUMENTS ad nauseum!!!
And I don't mean scandals or Adam's possible BF candidates! LOL