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New Picture: Adam Lambert and Sutan Raja

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Sunday, June 9, 2013

Posted at : Sunday, June 09, 2013


Anonymous said...

I suppose this is what we will be seeing in the days, weeks and months to come. Great.

Anonymous said...

This was Thursday nite after the ivy levan party

Anonymous said...

I'm going to keep a look out for more new music and concerts from Adam. Bye all! It's been fun.

Anonymous said...

I have see so many pics of Adam and Sutan lately, is he the flavor of the month? I know they are old friends and Sutan is a bit older and definitely taller than Adam. But change can be the spice of life. Does Sutan already have a partner?

Anonymous said...

Sutan surely has some muscle! But otherwise he looks feminine for a change, lol. I don't know why but I don't like Adam's mustache but he seems to be following his new boyfriends (Bridger) style, mustasche and transparent shirts.

Anonymous said...

I imagine Sutan is a close friend of Adam's..I also imagine he is a very intelligent, warm person. I feel sure that Adam IS going to get another album out..if not, then he will be doing something else that will showcase his amazing voice..even tho he obviously loves the nite life, I am sure he wants to fill his days with meaningful work..he is not a slacker...

Anonymous said...

Although it's always nice to see Adam enjoying himself, I really think he needs to start seriously working on his new album. I've noticed that other successful artists don't take as much time as Adam to put out new music, if one album doesn't work so well their back in the studio producing another quickly not wanting to waste time. The whole idea is to keep the music coming, the more music the more chance of having a 'HIT' which is what Adam needs to continue his success. He is hard working when he sets his mind to it, and loves the stage work, but boy he sure loves partying and doesn't seem to want to stop. He needs to be more self disiplined when it comes to his studio work, if he wants to continue with his making recordings.

Anonymous said...

Adam is a good friend and promotes Sutan's career a lot but I'm not too convinced if Sutan is promoting his.

Anonymous said...

9 20

If rca was behind a third album they would be arranging writing sessions and studio time. It's not just a matter of self discipline, it's having resources. He is going to NYC soon so maybe it's to have a meeting with rca. He is still on the roster but he has been put on the back burner

Anonymous said...

Anon @9:20AM-I absoluely agree with your comment. It may not be the point of view many want to read, but I think it's true. I am getting a bit tired of seeing Adam out and posing with the drag queens and others in these clubs. I know these are his friends, but I want to know about his music. Is he actually going to do a third album or is that a rumor or wishful thinking from his fans? Don't he, the band and the dancers have to rehearse for Pittsburgh or are they doing that in LA? I am interested in his career and not necessarily his nightlife and new boyfriend(maybe?) although that is part of the Adam Lambert lifestyle. I guess I just expected more to be happening in his career at this point in his life esp. after the success of the Queenbert concerts.

Anonymous said...

Agree more interested in career. Athough the LESS posed pics are fun to see. He is probably rehearsing during the day. Agree he likes to take on the look of his dating partners. Interesting dude for sure.

Anonymous said...

Pittsburgh Pride, Orlando concert
and San Diego County State Fair.

Anything else in the horizon?

Anonymous said...

Maybe Adam isn´t all that happy in his life after all like everyone wants him to be. It takes a lot of strength and balanced personal life to keep working in full force. Maybe he is getting his strength back with a help of his friends.

Anonymous said...

Damn he takes a little while off and yall complaining let him relax he did alot recently the glamily tour life ball, the 80's talk show now fashion police it been a year you impaitent greedy "fans" enjoy this album! You dont know ehat he does in the day, he cant write and record in 40 minutes. God damn give him a break

Anonymous said...

at 9:46 AM

Sleeps till the afternoon hours?

Anonymous said...

It does seem that several of us on this site have the same concern about Adam's career and the third album. Has he been put on the back burner as someone suggested? Here he is probably the best vocal talent in music right now and nothing is happening with his music career. It is wonderful to receive awards and to be recognized for his help with the LGBT community , but it doesn't do much to solidify his recording career, sell albums, sell tickets to concerts and bring in those dollars which is what the business is all about. He needs that hit single to get hims radio play, tv appearances and back on the concert circuit. As it is, many people believe he is finished in the music business because they really haven't heard, seen or read too much about him lately. If it weren't for this blogsite and a few others, I would have no clue as to what was happening with Adam.

Anonymous said...

He doesn't need to rehearse for more than a day for the Pittsburgh concert. Lol it's not like he would be rehearsing for that yet

Anonymous said...

9 46
There is no reason to think he isn't happy about being single if that is what you are saying

Anonymous said...


Couldn't agree with you more! I'm curious how certain posters assume to know what Adam is or is not doing during the day? How do they know he's not writing, arranging or possibly setting up collabs? Also how does 9:34am know "he's been put on the back burner" by RCA? Do you work for RCA?

Everyone is entitled to their opinion of course and if they are tired at seeing the "nite life Adam" then scroll on by. I, for one, enjoy all info and pictures of Adam. Let's not forget all the honors that were recently bestowed upon Adam either. The Hope of L.A. Was a pretty big deal here in L.A. I'm really proud of Adam and his accomplishments.


Anonymous said...

My post was answering the second anon 9:46am.


Anonymous said...

Now, a few of you show intelligence, but this site has been taken over by IDIOTS!
I'm out of here.
Soon this site will shut down because there will only be idiotic trolls.
Get a fucking LIFE!!!

Anonymous said...

Adam has been partying non stop even during his Asain tour. They had after parties every night. It hasn't stopped yet. When he parties late he has said that he doesn't get up before noon. doesn't leave much time for recording or writing music. He seems to have lost his motivation for getting a 3rd album out. Tuesday is Sutans BD, so expect more heavy partying. Pitsburgh will be one long party, except for the concert, But you can bet the after party will be huge. I cannot believe that some of these parties will include a little of smoking the funny stuff. Adam went up like rocket and is coming down like the stick. I am more than disappointed that he has made no serious plans for his album.

Anonymous said...

CT, I agree scroll by, if not interested. I like to see every "glimpse" of Adam that I get, thanks Admin:). MS

glitzylady said...

Adam said point blank in a recent interview that he is NOT going to be sharing every little detail about his new music with the fans this time around. That he has "learned some lessons" along the way about TMI (***too much information***). And I would assume that goes for every little detail of his private life also. Especially in the aftermath of his breakup with Sauli, it's not too hard to see why, at least judging by the ongoing comments seen here on this blog and elsewhere. He's going to date, he's going to go out at night, probably after having a busy day of work in some capacity...More power to him. He may very well be in talks with record company execs, writers, in the studio...but he's not talking about it publicly. He's said he'll be doing a new album, new music, so I personally believe him. (And I'm sure as hell looking forward to that new music, just like everyone else!!) These things take time, money, energy.. and rushing things through isn't necessarily the best policy. Just because we don't hear much about it, doesn't mean he isn't working on it and making progress. He said last time around he recorded upwards of at least 50 tracks for Trespassing. He may already have a few recorded for this one.. Who really knows. Because, again, he isn't saying. We'll know more when Adam feels the time is right to speak about the direction of the new music. The music industry is changing: perhaps we'll hear some new music bit by bit, perhaps a new single, before the big new album "reveal".. And as much as some don't enjoy seeing Adam with his West Hollywood friends, that's where he lives, where he feels at home and comfortable. If I were Adam, and I lived right in the midst of all those possibilities: rubbing elbows with the rich and famous in Beverly Hills, LA, and opportunities to hang out with friends in WeHo, I'd be doing it too. He's still young. He's single. He's gonna mingle. And some of that mingling involves networking with others in the music industry..etc... Patience... :)))

Anonymous said...

at 10:06 AM

Big in LA and admirable and all, but careerwise those things don't matter shit. He will be forgotten elsewhere if he doesn't make some good music.

Anonymous said...

@10:11 Stating an opinion is good but I don´t agree on your rude expression.

Anonymous said...

I would suggest that if you don't want to read people's thoughts about his career then you scroll on by.

When adam was working on his second album he was flying places to,work with people, we got constant hints via tweets from his collaborators and people in the studio with him. His twitter bio said that he was working on a new album. If you can't see that this time is totally different I think you are not very observant. Plus he is now filling up his time with random stuff that he wouldn't have time for if he was working hard on an album. I'm not blaming him. It's just silly to not see what is going on.

Anonymous said...

10:01 am

Oh brother...I never said that, did I ? I was talking about strength. Major changes require strength and focus even if the changes are okay. Single or not, happy or not, he definitely has had changes.

No need to be jumpy :)

Anonymous said...

I just watched a vid from last summer's Fantasy Spring's Cuckoo-song. Oh, how happy and sunny he was. Sauli, Leila and Terrance were in the audience and Adam talked to his bf. And was sexy as h**l. He looked so soft and warm (and sexy). Now with those mustasche he looks harsh and a bit gangsta to me. But I'm sure he will be sexy as h**l also in Pittsburgh when he is on stage. He and the band have the whole week time to rehearse.

Anonymous said...

We think wse see a lot of his whole day, but we don't. These nightly pix are just a glimpse. I think work is being done, music will come.


Anonymous said...

By analyzing Adam's habits by Twitter and IG, Adam is very often awake at 3-5 AM; he likes Bridger's pics etc. after being partying. So, if he goes to sleep about 3-5 AM, he surely wants to sleep till 1-2 PM? But I don't think it's possible all the time; only after the party evenings (I've noticed that it is often Tuesdays, Thursdays and weekends). So there is lots of time he may concentrate on making music, having contacts etc.

Anonymous said...

thing is..if Adam wants to sabotage his career, then that is his right..only time will tell..we all want so badly for him to be mega popular and successful..but this just may not be in the cards..we just have to wait (which is certainly difficult to do) to see what transpires in the near future...maybe he will get the Idol gig??? I noticed that he has changed the wording on his Twitter and it does not state that "new music is coming" anymore...I wish, like the rest of you, that I knew what was happening aside from the constant partying he loves so much..just DO NOT DISAPPEAR Adam!!!

Anonymous said...

10:36 am

Stalking much?!

Anonymous said...

Adam did not sleep until noon today cause he just tweeted about a weight loss pill...guess he must have used it..

Anonymous said...

10 53
Well I don't think he is sabotaging his career. But much is not under his control. He is trying to stay visible and doing charity and gay pride events to keep his name out there. The last thing he should do is what David cook did, disappear for a year working on an album. Because no one remembers him or is interested in listening to it now that he has new music.

Anonymous said...

His account got hacked. He didn't tweet that

Anonymous said...

10:54 AM


Anonymous said...

at 10:53 AM

When did the wording change? I didn't pay any attention to it but now that you mention it, there really was something else not that long ago.

Anonymous said...

But back to the subject, folks! What do you think about this photo?

glitzylady said...

The subject here is always "Adam"....

Digression happens.... :))

Anonymous said...

Sutan looks a million times better without makeup. And Adam should find something else to do than mingle with drag queens.

Anonymous said...

What do I think? I think I'm sick of Sutan, night clubs, silly faces, speculating that every guy he's seen with is a potential lover, crabbing about his ratty mustache and skinned haircut. Crying about Sauli (though I love him),
Adam go to PA and sing, stay home and find songwriters, go to San Diego and sing, go to FLA and sing, stay home and record.

Anonymous said...

Give the guy a break. The cd will be in the early stages, a lot of planning.

Adam only needs a day of rehearsal. Usually the band does a day on their own and a day with him. Follow Brian's twitter for clues.

Anonymous said...

11:25 - you need to take a break. We are now in Adam's down year - between tours and cd's. That's life. He is not obligated to keep us informed or entertained 24/7....even though that's the name of this blog.

Anonymous said...

at 11:40 AM

Between jobs you mean? Adam's got talent, looks, charisma etc - everything that an international pop star filling the biggest arenas needs - why is it not happening?

Anonymous said...

if only all his twitter followers, or even half bought Trespassing we would not be having these conversations. support people, support!

Anonymous said...

it must be incredibly disappointing to have an album get so much praise. but sell moderately. timing and promotion are everything. I hope the new mgmt group helps for album 3(and I still can't help but think that the Monte Pittman- related other album interfered with TP.

Anonymous said...

12:22 pm

Exactly...disappointments suck, but make you stronger, if you´re willing to learn from them... and he will :) What do you mean when you referred to Monte? I may be ignorant, but what happened?

Anonymous said...

Oh my fucking god some of you nag nag nag on adam he says he wont talk about it so hes not its been a year A YEAR WAIT YOU IMPAITENT GREEDY SO CALLED FANS! He is single he wants to have a good time, hes a somewhat party animal likes to have fun,OH WAIT HE CANT DO THAT ANYMORE BECAUSE HIS FANS SAID SO RIGHT? This is why one day he will stop singing and you cant do nothing about it!

Urethra_Franklin said...

Just cause he's out having FUN doesn't mean he isn't working on the damn album. Hes just living his life! Jeez.......

Anonymous said...

Adam like all of us has 24hrs a day to work, play, sleep, meditate, pray, laugh, cry, ,,,,,etcccccccccccc

What do u do in your 24 hrs a day???

Anonymous said...

Ha! Ha!

Maybe Adam's gonna joint venture to open a nightclub!
That's why Adam in clubs 24/7!!!

Crazy trolls!
get a life, we know you love Adam like all of us Glamberts do!!!

Anonymous said...

Drag queens look all the same because too much makeup makes them look like sisters/brothers. Usually there's too much of everything, really.

I think clean faced Sutan is a good looking man for his age.

Anonymous said...

The only reason Adam said he will not talk about his new album, is because he hadn't started it yet. Even I could see thru that excuse, when he said it. When he has something concrete to talk about, he will be forthcoming. He can't keep a secret to save his life LOL.
Why is he poor Adam who needs all this time off to have fun, other people work full time and still have time off. He has a few million in the bank now, so he probably doesn't see the urgency to get that album started. Since the beginning of the year he seems to be in a tail spin, just doing gigs that he has to, which has been great for us fans. I think his life is a little empty, ( not talking about Sauli) and he seems to be filling it in his own way, not using good judgement. I don't think he is rubbing elbows with other famous people in the bars he has chosen. They are all very small fry. Putting all his eggs in one basket now for gays and lesbians, is nice, but it will
never help his career at this time. I am not dissing the gays and lesbians, they are all proud of him and greatful that he is helping their cause. But his priorities are in the wrong place for now. Hope he wakes up and smells the coffee soon, he is losing fans now.

Anonymous said...

I would LOVE to spend a whole day and night with Adam. I just love the guy. As long as he is safe, happy, and healthy. That's ALL that matters to me. He needs to live his life for him, not for us.

Anonymous said...

this is true, but in order to stay relevant, he needs to appeal to and straight, and the gay community hasn't really embraced him all that much..his core fan base is straight he needs to satisfy us!!! LOL Adam has to be himself..I just wish, as a mom, that he would visit straight bars sometimes and communicate more with his fans...but, even as I type this, my gut feeling is that we may just get a surprise soon regarding his career..we are an impatient lot, no?? lets keep hanging in there and enjoy the exquisite pics of him in the meantime...

Anonymous said...

It is amazing to read through all these different comments about Adam, his life and his music career. There are certainly some passionate feelings here, both positive and negative. I guess I feel a little bit of each depending on the subject at hand. But when all is said, what I want for Adam is success and happiness both in his personal and professional life. He will live his life as he chooses as he has always done and if you are a true fan, you will accept that.

Anonymous said...

2 23

Bootsy bellows is not a gay bar. It's a high profile celebrity hangout

Anonymous said...

I agree that he needs to connect more with other than LGBT community IF he wants to make more record sales etc. BUT... do we really know what he wants?? He might us well be content the way he lives his life right now. How many of us go to places we feel uncomfortable with?? Not many, I dare say. I think he´s learning right now, that being open can be hurtful and consequences not what he expects. I think he´s brave and genuine. And sometimes way too nice.


Anonymous said...

am I crazy???I find Sutan VERY sexy!!! To look at me you would never guess it, but I am a bit left of center and I actually find gay men..esp. good looking ones, extremely attractive...I guess this is one reason I am so damned obsessed with Adam..

Anonymous said...

2 38 you're not crazy. most gay men (excluding barney frank and j. edgar hoover)are very handsome. i was attracted to adam from the beginning and i didn't know he was gay at first. and yes sutan is very sexy, fun, friendly and is a good and long time friend of adam.

Anonymous said...

Adam's career decisions are part of his management, too. He is supposed to make money for himself and for them. He HAS made money for the record co. as well as for himself. I hope he is being supported for his new music by his record co. Just because we're not hearing about it, doesn't mean nothing is happening.

Adam knows far more than we do what he has to do. He knows he has to put out new music.

I think Sutan is hot, too.


Anonymous said...

adam lambert dont take weight loss pills is not very good- drink lots of water 7 glasses a day -veggies-fruits fish little emat and smoothie. less alcohol it age you so fast. pancreas cancer too mcuh drink all ur life or lessd rink- less alcohol smoothen ur complextion enough sleep smoothen ur omplextion asw ell.

Anonymous said...

Less alcohol and more sleep will not erase acne deep scarring. Look past the scars at the man he is.

Anonymous said...

Such IMPATIENCE on this thread. Some singers take years to record and release a new album and some of those albums sell well when released. STOP being so DEMANDING and accept that Adam will do what Adam wants to do and no amount of foot-stamping and petulance by his fans will make any difference to how he develops his musical career.

Anonymous said...

I can't believe the stupidity here.

Anonymous said...

at 12:30 AM

You can't?

In my opinion it's been more entertaining than for ages. I was getting so bored with the endless posts about Adam's good looks and people with nothing else to say. Now they are talking more and there's more variety.

Anonymous said...

12:48 AM
You enjoy people WHINGING about Adam's presumed lack of work towards his next album and/or whatever else he has planned professionally, and his frequent partying. Is that how you get your kicks?

Anonymous said...

at 12:57 AM

Like I said there's more variety, whinging too, but also plenty of hilarious comments on various subjects. It isn't that serious, you know and you should understand that if you have any sense of humor. Still, I think everybody posting here loves Adam, in their own way, which might different from yours.

Anonymous said...

Of course the fans don't influence what adam is going to do but that doesn't mean people can't talk about what they see happening. I have no expectations or even hopes for his career. If he does an album or goes on broadway or opens a bar. It's all good to me as long as he seems reasonably happy. No angst from me.

Anonymous said...

@Anon 1:34
Being a fan is SUPPORTING your e.g. 'music star', doing something like buying his/her music etc., giving him/her your best wishes in everything, thus enabling him/her to continue building his/her career and making more music, touring etc.

Being a fan is NOT trying to tear him/her down by constant & totally unfounded gossiping (based on twitter TWATS and subjective & groundless interpretations of pap/fan photos and all the bullshit stalking that is possible with the help of modern technology).

Being a fan is hoping and expecting him/her to succeed in the career he/she has chosen - that makes you a fan.

Of course fans want their favorite to be happy! But just hoping him/her to 'just be happy' and not caring about his/her career (in the capacity of a fan) sounds like you are trying to be his/her close personal friend... and that my dear, will never happen!

Digging every bit of a gossip and info of Adam and spreading stupid rumours (however fun you think it is) will not further his career! Only supporting him by byuing his music (go buy FYE and TSP, I bet most of the 'idle/idol gossipers' here have not bought his music evah!) and going to his concerts etc.& LOVING him no matter what, brings him longevity in music.

If you don't feel that, go find someone who makes you feel that way, cause it sure FEELS GOOD!!!

Anonymous said...

3:42 am

A very mature and reasonable comment :) Thanks! It also means that you need to have a brain of your own and common courtesy to be polite in your comments.


Anonymous said...

@3:42 After your post nobody feels good and nobody got excited to buy any more records.

Anonymous said...

@ 12;57 and 1:07 a.m..

Whinging? From the verb whinge?

Perhaps you mean whining, from the verb whine?

While I'm being rude to people, please note that the word for very large is HUGE not HUGH ____Hugh is Hugh Grant, Hugh Laurie, Hugh Bonneville, etc.

Sorry, but I just couldn't stand it anymore, that's why I'm whining about it and making a huge fuss.

Anonymous said...

at 5:45 AM

Quit whinging about typos and language.

Anonymous said...

Can't believe all the negative comments towards Adam! Of course his working on the new album. Would comments be the same if Adam was hanging with women instead of his friends? Let the guy have some fun.

Anonymous said...

Hmm, now I'm wondering if 12:48 is one of our trolls saying offensive stuff because she thinks all of this is entertaining. Time for her and the other trolls to be blocked.

Anonymous said...

3:42 AM

Listen up you little nutball. I have bought Adam's CDs and seen him in concert. I think it's sane and healthy to have no false expectations about where his career will go next.

There are many talented people out there who never get the success that Adam has already enjoyed. It's a very tough business, and very few have any longevity.

I think your kind of super defensive fan who goes around the internet posting that Adam is an international superstar and the best the world has ever seen are the kind who hurt him. If you listen to Adam he is very realistic about where his career is, and has said that he just wants to be happy and share his music with his friends.

Anonymous said...

at 6:26 AM

Blocking doesn't help much these days. I guess you have never heard about anonymous proxy servers or know what Tor is.

Just saying.

Anonymous said...

I find the question asking why Adam doesn't go to straight bars amusing..haha...nancdruuu2

Anonymous said...


Why do you find it amusing? I am straight and I have been in gay bars dancing with my straight friends. It's been fun. How come it would not be ok also for gays to go to straight bars? Or is it especially amusing to think that about Adam?

Anonymous said...

Well one of Adam's favorite places is Bootsy Bellows which is not a gay bar. I think any place in West Hollywood is going to be gay friendly. Adam has said he likes a mixed crowd.

Anonymous said...

@anon 8:13am - Ouch! I think Adam is in clubs looking for someone and that person would probably not be in a straight bar. I base this solely on what I have learned from Adam in the last four years. Nothings wrong with that! Just my opinion. Adam would be welcome any place and of course, it would be ok to go to a straight I didn't ask for you to be amused. Free country and all to express myself. Please continue to enjoy your time in gay and straight bars. Sounds like a lot of fun! Live your life! I don't need to justify my love and respect for Adam to you who ever you are..and I continue to be amused on this site for now. Peace Out! nancdruuu2

Anonymous said...

i think he may be using the diet aid too, who knows if he was hacked or not he certainly is getting thinner and thinner.

Anonymous said...

Lol of course he was hacked. He deleted the tweet as soon as he saw it

Anonymous said...


Is Adam really always looking for someone when he goes out to bars and clubs? You have known him four years, so you know it. He does not go to those places just to have fun, dancing with friends etc. but always looking for someone? Poor guy.

Anonymous said...

No wonder Adam stays off Twitter or tweets something not so relevant...I mean whoa this crazy speculation. I hope he protects his privacy and doesn´t reveal too much. I guess he has learned not to be so open. Maybe sad for us, but definitely necessary for him!

Anonymous said...

Unless adam is in a relationship he prob is looking for someone. We certainly know he has a very active sex life. He doesn't make that a secret

Anonymous said...

9:48 am

I thought that too. I think he might be just having fun and keeping his friends close. He can stand on his own two feet! At least I hope so!

Anonymous said...

Adam has always tried to keep his boyfriends private, certainly before twitter.

Anonymous said...

9:52 am

I certainly don´t know if he has active sexlife, nor do I want to know. I ´ve never noticed that he flat out told us anything on that matter. Or maybe I´m not a real fan, but just a fan who doesn´t pay attention. Thank God. But what I can say is.. that he is a brilliant, talented singer!!

Anonymous said...

Yes well I would say you aren't paying attention which is fine. Just don't expect other fans to be as prudish as you

Anonymous said...

10:25 am

If prudish here means not even willing to pry every tiny detail about Adam´s sexlife, intelligence enough to understand where the line should be drawn and respect his privacy...then I´m proud to say I am prudish!!! YAY!

Obviously don´t expect you to join the club :D

Anonymous said...

Arent' you even tempted to read this Grandma?

Anonymous said...

12:30 pm

Actually I´m not, Kiddo:) And even the link says it is told from the chris guy hearsay...can be anything...true or false. Don´t care. I gotta go now and have sex with my husband :) and hey Adam still is a remarkable singer :D