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NEW PICTURE: Adam Lambert at Industry Bar in NYC last night

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Thursday, June 20, 2013

Posted at : Thursday, June 20, 2013


Anonymous said...

Lordy, he never takes a bad picture!
I absolutely adore his current look (well any look of his for that matter). What a great way to start my day!

Anonymous said...

The high buttoned up shirt again.
Wonder if he has more hickeys than on his neck, ha ha.

Anonymous said...

Has anybody checked his twitter or instagram for a new follow???? Maybe a guy in new york that is young cuz of the hickey?? lolol How do we check his twitter or instagram activity?

Anonymous said...

Yes there was a new follow of a cute nyc boy after the night of the boom boom room carousing. Not giving out his name so people don't harass him.

Anonymous said...

I don't think this is the best pic of him. He's been partying four nights in row (Sunday-Wednesday -every night after theater, movies etc.) and it shows. Look at his eyes! And high buttoned shirt, again.

What about making some music Adam? Creating, preparing, loving? And some Twitter parties for a change if you have to party.

Anonymous said...

11.28 AM
Is that the guy on the Boom Boom Room -vid that Adam later deleted but is seen in this site?

Anonymous said...

I don't see him on that vid

Anonymous said...

@11:32 AM

If that's him, his partners are getting younger and younger, lol. That guy looks like 20 years old max. But on the other hand he has always loved NYC-cute-young-guys. Young Cody and Ollie probably where at least part of the reason his relationship broke up in February.

Anonymous said...

OMG, come on, please stop. My life is really stressful and difficult and I used to enjoy coming here to see what Adam was up to and have a little break of fun and pretty in my life. All it is now is petty fighting and nasty comments and judgments. Why can't Adam just live his life and we enjoy watching it from afar? I hate this. What kind of fans or trolls are you?

Anonymous said...

11:40 AM
I can see clearly: a blond, young guy waving his hand behind Adam just before Adam says Boom...

Anonymous said...

11:45 AM
Don't open the threads with Adam posing in clubs etc., just the ones with music vids. These party pics are getting so amusing that there is no limit how people comment them. If you don't wanna see, don't look.

Anonymous said...

Wow, somebody looks tired.. Too much boomboom!

Anonymous said...

Ha! ha! crazy Adam fans!!!
More like obsessed with Adam's private fun life!!!

Adam like all of us R Allowed to Enjoy himself :):):)

Have fun crazies!!!

"Crazy Crazy for Adam" :)

Anonymous said...

The guy he followed had dark hair. It was not the blonde.

Anonymous said...

Come on girls hickeygate who is it?? who did he follow???

Anonymous said...

11:49 AM
He certainly is enjoying! Party, theater, party, movies, party, MDNA CD-event, party, musical, party... and did I mention, party. I wish I had that time and money! And yes, I'm jealous. And yes, it is his time and his money and his life. I know. I'm in a wrong body.

Anonymous said...

so much good press from all these NYC events. and he certainly works hard enough to have some time to go out. i saw the time he puts in on sat in pgh -hrs in terms of travel, interviews, sound check, taking pics and signing with fans- he did not have to do any of that, so appreacite it if you want to see him have a career.

Anonymous said...

11:48 AM
Yeah, lol, certainly too much boomboom!

Anonymous said...

Hello all, is anyone willing to share the username of the new follow? Or at least let us know if it was on twitter or instagram?

Anonymous said...

12:33 PM
Yes. When he is working, he works really hard. And when he has his partying period, he parties really hard. Now, he has been partying quite a lot after his BD-party; even when he was on tour, he partied there almost every night. So he can handle the business and pleasure at the same time. But almost half a year, every week several party pics, is getting a bit tiring. I don't understand how he manages to do it. He is quite young, but not at his twenties any more. I hope he won't get sick.

Anonymous said...

No absolutely not. Do you see the terrible things some idiot is posting and tweeting to bridger and Saulis friends. Then they lock up their accounts and we get way less information. Adam will probably never even see this guy again.

Anonymous said...

12:34 PM
Why is it so important for you to know? Would you like to ask him how was it to f**k w Adam? Or will they maybe meet again? Or how does he manage to make such a huge hickey?

Anonymous said...

12:32 what a sane comment, it threw me for a loop.

Anonymous said...

He looks so handsome not least bit tired or any of that. He allowed to wear any type of shirt he wants two days ago he had a black open front shirt on no hickey, so high school. That's a very stylish shirt he has on. He said for a while he was going to New York for a week to go to the theatre and visit friends that what he doing. He be back to California and music next week.he just taking a picture with this guy he however does not look twenty he looks more like late twenties to me. Why so obsessed with age, 5 or 6 years difference no big deal. I doubt everybody husband or mate exsact same age as him. Adam I highly doubt ever cheated on Sauli at all, and only went with other people until it was over and it was over long before they told us. Reason why no twitter anymore to much invading into his private life with disrespect to him and his family has occurred.

Anonymous said...

The new Instagram follow name is chrslhmn. Another young party boy. Sad to witness Adam's constantly connecting with young boys at clubs and throwing away a loving relationship with Sauli. I cannot see him being faithful with any future boyfriend. I just wish he would take his music career seriously. He is so talented and he is not getting any younger. Shame!

Anonymous said...

it would really be nice if admin would wipe some IP's off this slate. It would not be that many either.

Anonymous said...

12:50 PM
Maybe you should see an eye-doctor? Look at his eyes; he looks very tired. And nobody is claiming this guy made the hickey. The 20 year old guy is in that Boom boom room -vid.

And he has had these buttoned-up shirts just after the MDNA CD -after party. He has been out on Sunday, Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday-night; so there are a lot of parties and pics. The hickey pic is the one with the readhead girl. After that he has been hiding his neck. Just for your information.

Anonymous said...

that poster at 12:52 makes multiple stupid comments here on every thread, she should def go. It would prob be a blessing in disguise for her getting away from the computer, fresh air, meet people develop a personality. LOL

Anonymous said...

12:52 PM
Well, he said in one radio interview (it happened to be Sauli's bd and he was promoting his album)that he was a bit surprised he had not felt any temptations as he thought before he left to the promo-tour. This tells about him; he had been in a relationship a year and he was not at all sure if he could resist the temptations while his partner waited for him at home. I don't know what kind of a partner makes him happy enough that he will stay faithful forever.

Anonymous said...

12:53, I wish Admin would hear you. It is so sad to see this on what is supposed to be a fan site. It's rather embarrassing. Adam has enough haters out there, why let it come here too?

Anonymous said...

instagram follow chrslhmn is kinda handsome girls!!

Anonymous said...

All these awful comments here and one comment on the fundraiser for the Friend Movement. That makes sense for this cesspool.

Anonymous said...

1.01 he does not look tired and mine your own business, he a grown man for your information. I never seen any hickey , he was at a damn premier two days ago no hickey. Even if there a hickey who the hell cares, it none of any ones business.

Anonymous said...

1:09 yes I remember that interview. I was surprised to hear Adam' s comment after hearing Adam stating in many interviews his love for Sauli and how great their relationship is. I think Sauli had enough of Adam's cheating and it finally came to an end when Adam returned from NY in February. They were together in Bali and Vietnam in early January and seen together at a show in mid January in LA. Sad. Oh and by the way I am not a hater. I am a loyal and supportive concerned fan!

Anonymous said...

1:22 PM
There is a looong thread about that hickey he got after MDNA after party in a club. Interesting comments, lol. Some flail "how lovely" and some think it's quite teenage -behavior.

And in my opinion he looks tired, say what you say. He's been out four nights in row and he is not 20-year old boy, so no wonder that it shows. But keep your opinion, I stick on mine.

Anonymous said...

Yes, it should be about the fundraiser not about the mans private life. He cannot take a picture without absolute nonsense being made up about him. Some people are bound and determined to make any personal life Ad has into some fantasy they have in their mine. He doing nothing wrong. What he does with his personal life is no bodies business. As far I know he never cheated on any of his boy friends your just making up crap, I sure working out on the road as musician and a very attractive one has many temptations does not mean he gave into any of them.

Anonymous said...

1.26 I agree,!but I think that in the future I'm not a fan anymore. Tired watching this partying and not new music.

Anonymous said...

OMG!!! Adam's single & he can date any guys he wants!!! Pls Don't be JEALOUS, just Be HAPPY for him & that he's enjoying himself:)
If there's a " Hickey" or " Love bite' I believe Adam's playing Dracula / vampire!!! :):):)
Still loves Adam for his amazing Vocals!!!

Anonymous said...

@1.33 well, you said it: you don't know anything.

Anonymous said...

1.32 I stick to my opinion too your the one acting like a teenager, who cares about that. How do you know how old anyone is. Again not anyone business I stick to that.

Anonymous said...

1.37 your right I do not know anything about Adam life and you sure do not either nothing at all!

Anonymous said...

1:39 PM
I was talking about Adam's age and I happen to know that he is 31 years old, not 20.

And this "hickey-gate" has been going on Twitter for some time. People still talk about it. Old and young. And try to find out who did it and when. And they laugh at Adam's buttoned-up shirts he's been having after that party. Childish? Yes! Stupid? Yes.

None of our business, but seems to interest people for some reason.

Anonymous said...

Can we talk about this supposed hickey-giver on instagram? Anybody check him out?

Anonymous said...

1.51 well there just silly let them talk if they have nothing better to do on twitter or wherever. Just because he 31 does not mean he cannot get a hickey if he even has one anyone actually seen it. If he did he did, he did not hurt anyone. Some people have nothing better to do than make fun of people there so perfect.

Anonymous said...

Amazing how many ppl think they know what is best for Adam and how he should party. Now they are telling us the reason he and Sauli broke up is because he was cheating on him. Where does this crap come from?

Anonymous said...

Where is Bridger?

Anonymous said...

This whole extended hickey conversation is so ridiculous. Adam must be aware of it and is finding it ridiculous, too. Sometimes a buttoned-up shirt is just a buttoned-up shirt.

Oh, and it's perfectly possible to still be a big fan of Adam's music and buy his music, even if you don't visit his fansites. So, just because you decide not to visit the fansites anymore, doesn't mean you can't be a fan. Simple.

Hope we're on to better topics.


Anonymous said...

1:59 PM
There is a thread: Latest Pictures! Adam Lambert Backstage at Pippin. The third pic with a girl with pink hair is the one that everyone thinks A has a huge hickey on his neck (left when you look the pic). I don't know what that is, but it surely looks some bruise or sucker bite. That's what people have seen. And that Adam has been hiding with collars. And it surely did not hurt anyone but Adam, maybe a bit, lol.

Anonymous said...

12.52 just a lot of nonsense, he was true as long as they were together, you have no proof of anything else. They broke up long before they told anyone. He threw no Loving relationship away it died a natural death and they grew apart. I notice the Sauli people only come on the posts when Adam out. They are not around when he out performing concerts, just did a tv show, he got some other performances coming up and maybe a queen show will you be around for comments for that doubt it, just the negative. Adam single why so jealous of his life, he can do just what he wants I do not believe he is steady dating anyone. I out if here, another post taken over by crazy untrue comments.

Anonymous said...

2:07 PM
I think it comes from Adam's behavior as a single man and from the social media through which people got to know how he behaved in NY in February (like a single man, lol).

Anonymous said...

Do you guys think Sauli knows? Do we think this instagram is the hickey?

Anonymous said...

2:17 PM
Nobody can say what is nonsense and what is true. We don't live Adam's life. Even you can be wrong, can you. And don't blame "Sauli-people" if some individuals tell their "own" opinions. Do you always see about the comments who belongs to Sauli-people? How do you know they are not commenting the gigs, tv-shows etc.? Sauli himself is a very positive person and Sauli-people are also usually positive and support Adam what ever he does, buy his music, go to concerts etc.

Anonymous said...

Guess what he was a single man in feb. they broke up by then just did not tell us until later.

Anonymous said...

Lol what? Does Sauli know that Adam has a hickey? Omg lmao. Why would Sauli care.

Anonymous said...

2:23 PM
Knows what? That Adam has a hickey? He might know b/c he said just on today's interview that they are still close and Adam is one of his best friends still. So, maybe Adam told him. And I believe if he did, Sauli just laughed. It's not his business anymore.

Anonymous said...

2:17 Agree! That's where it came from. His behaviour at that NY club was sleazy and disrespectful towards Sauli. Even if they had parted ways before this outing at least wait to make out with young boys and have your threesome after the official breakup announcement.

Anonymous said...

2:26 PM
Sauli said in today's interview that they broke up "at the beginning of the year", so I think he means Jan/Feb just after Adam's BD-party (with lap-dances et al) but b/c of the Helsinki-gig on March, they announced it after the WAG-tour in April. This topic has been discussed several times in these threads.

Anonymous said...

Same question. Where is Bridger? No tweets, no pictures. Could it be that he is in NY, hiding mostly in the hotel?!

Anonymous said...

No, one of Bridgers friends posted a picture of him in Hollywood yesterday. They just met, they are not in a serious relationship.

Anonymous said...

He did nothing to Sauli in New York they were already over. Thee was a couple if pictures showed nothing and some guy trying to get attention. Know one had any proof of anything not that it matters they ere broke up then. Adam or Sauli did not owe any if us an official announcement about anything really. They are friends very good ones no matter what any of you think. The fact that they are friends proves neither did anything ban to each other, they still like each other they are mature unlike se of you. They are not together as bf's anymore so both can do what they want. The relationship over except to be friends please get over it, you have no right to ruin so many posts with lies about Adam cheating which is not at all true, any thing went on was after they broke up and no announcement was really owed to anyone they just were just nice enough to give you one, when ever they decided too. Is it fun to make up untrue things about people and live your life through them. You should not believe all you hear because some said Sauli cheated I did not believe that. So why do you believe things some kid said on twitter.

Anonymous said...

Adam looks some past one's prime man... He might to be too old to celebrate in clubs every night lol.

And that chasing of young teenage boys starts to be quite kinky. I wonder has he started to do his works at all?

Jadam. said...

OMG Give me strength. No wonder the more sane amongst us a few and far between now in their commenting. Just leave it to the crazies.
No wonder Adam is not as forthcoming as he once was, he knows how things get twisted and speculated on.
Then again if he did tweet more of the real story, maybe it would stop some of this, tho I doubt it.
I am out of here for today, anyway.

Anonymous said...

In an interview Katri int w Sauli in Iltasanomat, Sauli says he has a home now both in LA and in Finland and he is going to Finland for work issues in the fall. He says he is grateful of being still close friends w Adam and Adam is one of his best friends.Sauli says to be grateful for Adam for many things,without having met him he would not live in LA now. That is from the man himself, no hearsay or speculation. He loves LA people cz they are so easy to get to know and happy people.:)

Anonymous said...

I've been wondering about this friends situation between those two. There has been absolutely no sign of friendship between them other than what Sauli has said. He is a really sweet guy and acts like one, too.

Adam has said nothing about their relationship after that clumsy bagel comment. Even if there were some sort of problems, Adam has certainly not behaved like friends usually do. No kind words or tweets, the three(?) pics after the split were very strange and stiff.

Frankly, he behaves like Sauli never existed in his life and I find that, and excuse me for saying this, sad and despicable.

Anonymous said...

Omg 3.33 you are absolutely nut's completely nut'. Never have I heard such bull. I am out if here too, let just leave it to the crazies every normal person knows everything they say is insane. This is why no twitter parties or Adam being honest as he used to be. Some of these people been thrown off his twitter and there out to get him, like anyone is listening or believing them. Leaving this one to the crazies out of here for today or awhile no more arguing with utter stupid totally non true comments just trolls.

Anonymous said...

I saw pics. Of Sauli partying too. It is just that his news are in Finnish language and we don't get to hear about it. These people writing nonsense here on Adam's fansite because they are allowed to spite their venoum. They got blocked on Sauli's blogs because of their nonsense delusional comments.

Anonymous said...

Adam one if the sweetest guys there is, he said Sauli was a great guy and they remain very good friends. Sauli does owe a lot to Adam he was good to him and has never said one word against him. More people ask Sauli about Adam than Adam about Sauli so why would he constantly talk about it. 3.45 you are a very nasty, disputable person who I suspect is one that has made nasty comment after nasty comment about Adam who deserves none of it. Only two or three same people come here constantly and make the same nasty comments all the time, this is an Adam site go talk about Adam like this to Sauli he will throw you off so fast tour head will spend, because he cares for him just like Adam does him you know nothing about their relationship you need to leave them alone.

Anonymous said...

Saulis int should be achievable translated in one Adam site(?), I suffer for venomous posts too and would like everybody to know how nice Sauli is and his true fans respect Adam too.

Anonymous said...

At 3:49 PM

Lol you yourself seems to be the biggest troll here.

Anonymous said...

I hope that maybe some day we get pics where we can see Adam and Sauli as friends, I miss to see that too.:)

Anonymous said...

3:33 PM

You said that, lol. Agree with you.

HK fan said...

Geez....just up about the bloody pic shows a mark, shadow, whatever.....the photos from the next night, and even the same night show nothing...
4 days of inane comments about one blurry photo..
And people say a hickey is teenage behaviour!!!!

And STFU about him being out partying all the time.....he maybe out with friends, but he is also networking, a huge part of a celebritys life. If you don't like this side of Adam, then go and get alife outside the internet and wait patiently for new music to come out.

And quit with the Bridger crap, so he's been in a few photos with Adam, doesn't mean they're in a long term relationship.

And who does it matter who he's now following on Instagram or twitter, he's not f****ing everyone he follows!!!

Wasn't going to tag this, but decided I would, just so pissed off with the constant crap on here.

Anonymous said...

Oops... I am 4:28 PM and I meant that upper 3:33 Pm...

Anonymous said...

at 4:31 PM

And who are you to tell anyone what is crap and what is not?

No one is above criticism in this world, not even Adam. I am not surprised that the gay community does not support him the way some people would expect them to. Adam is a talented artist but not all gays wish to identify with him because of his lifestyle and his obsession about his looks.

Anonymous said...

Adam looks so handsome as always

Anonymous said...

at 4:55 PM

I wonder what he would look like in speedos...? He's always well covered (save for the hickey LOL).

Anonymous said...

...and then there's the music!
Seems that's been all forgotten.
Everyone's mesmerized by Adams
schedule right now and other things.

Anonymous said...

Anon 4:55PM
Give an honest answer -
Why are you here on this site?!

You're only criticizing and ridiculing Adam in almost every thread.
Why are you so obsessed with him?! It's very obvious you don't love Adam, you don't even like him, you only criticize and write bs...

The only thing you don't criticize is his talent and voice, cause even you know that would be a huge lie and a totally ridiculous thing to say.

Why are you so keen on judging Adam?!

"Not all gays wish to identify with him because of his lifestyle and his obsession about his looks"... LMAO!!! Nobody's asking them to do it, least of all Adam. He has always encouraged people, gay or straight, to be true to yourself!

Have never seen you post anything remotely positive about Adam. Why do you spend so much time on a man you don't appreciate & love/like?!!!

Anonymous said...

There is no new music to talk about, we chat about what is new, the hickey is new, and actually never before seen on Adam. Or am I lying about the hickey. People keep talking about the young guys Adam is seeing in the clubs. Don't they have to be 21 to get in? Unless you mean the endless parties that Adam is going to for the last 6 months with no end in sight. It has been noticed before that Adam is very good at shooting himself in his own foot. Seems he is doing it again. I would be very surprised if AI judge would touch him with a 10 foot pole, he is not giving a good image of himself at all. I wish he would stop telling lies about how he is thinking about the new album. Between going to events, then partying til the wee hours, then getting 8 hours of sleep, gotta eat, and go shopping, and possibly entertaining a hook up or two. not much time left in the day . This is not just in NY, he was doing the same thing in LA.

Anonymous said...

OMG why would adam post anything at all about sauli so that all you nuts on this space would just go on and on about it. it is really nonsense on here now. most of the time. is this high school or HS age people on here, like tweens?

Anonymous said...

5:39 Don't you get bored spewing the same crap over and over. I think its time for you to take a walk on a short plank and don't come back. If you don't get what I am saying I will be brief and to the point "F**K off.l

Anonymous said...

Is anyone going to see Adam at universal in Orlando on June 29? just wondering

Anonymous said...

@ HK fan.......My compliments.....I keep taking clumps of days off, hoping when I return things will be better. They never are. Your rant was refreshing. I'm teetering on the brink of silently folding my tent and disappearing. I'm trying to enjoy my "golden years"....... Most of them spent in holding my aching bones together.......I try to surround myself with happiness, beauty and love, I'm not finding much here....mostly I leave depressed. It's a damn shame.
JAK ....<3

Anonymous said...

wow we sure are passionate about our guy. These blogs are getting sillier and sillier but here I am too. lol I am friends with my x which means we make it thru mandatory birthday parties and other events w/o sucker punching each other.

Adamluv said...

@HK - you are so right and I agree with everything you said especially the STFU part! . . . Adamluv

glitzylady said...

@HK fan
Ditto your remarks.

I know exactly what you mean... This place is getting less and less tolerable. Please come back at least once in a while...

Ditto again.

*** People have been asking where #Daydreamin is:
She, like so many lately, is fed up for now and is taking a break. The rude remarks and personal verbal attacks on "tagged" posters has become too much for many long-time commenters. So many have just left in disgust, and no doubt more to follow if this continues.... We used to have fun here. Had respect for each other and ADAM, not to mention his friends, family, loved ones, etc...There may come a time, perhaps soon, when all that are left here will be people who bicker back and forth about hickey's, twinks, and other BS. There is nothing wrong with a good, thoughtful discussion, with different points of view. We don't all have to agree. But the disrespect is becoming too much. I doubt Adam comes here to check out the blog.. but then again, who knows. Would you really want him to read some of this crap? Would you say some of these things to Adam's face. I seriously doubt it. Adam isn't perfect, but he sure is a whole lot better person than some of you would seem to think.

Anonymous said...

Lol do you people realize their are several other adam sites you can frequent. Or would you prefer to just piss and moan endlessly that people post things you don't like.

glitzylady said...

I prefer to piss and moan thanks. :)))

Too bad you missed the point.

Anonymous said...

7.53 FYI this site used to be an extremely interesting and fun site. It is not a fun site anymore or interesting. The problem is it is hard to let go and people keep thinking it will improve. There are a lot of optimists out there I imagine most of the good posters will be disappearing in the future.

Anonymous said...

I believe it's Sue here but without the tag.

HK fan said...

@JAK, Glitzylady, daydreamin, adamluv
you are all part of the reason I still come here....its tough to totally cut ties with 'friends' we've made on here.
Please come over to to chat, you would all be welcomed with open arms...

Anonymous said...

at 8:47 PM

Try Adamtopia or Idolforums, there you won't find anything that might upset you. This one is one of the few Adam sites where you can actually say what you think and it makes this site a lot more interesting than many other sites are.

Anonymous said...

YOU, a bully and trouble stirrer, trying to advice where to go to people who have been here way longer than you!!! Who have been Adam fans from the start!!! (believe me they've known of all the other sites long before you). YOU trying to drive people from this site!?? THE AUDACITY!!!

People who have been here a long time, have CHOSEN this place as their PREFERRED Adam fan site. YOU and all the rest of the newcomers and/or trouble stirrers should respect that! And start acting like grown ups taking responsibility of your actions, in this case when "saying what you really think", which by the way - having read many of your posts and others just like yours - does not give a flattering pic of your thinking capabilities...

Why don't YOU answer the questions posted at you @5:31PM, before you post anything else?! NOW is your chance to REALLY say what you think! Go ahead, I dare you.

funbunn40 said...

HK fan, Adamluv, Jak,and all of those that are tired of the insults and bickering, I feel as you do along with daydreamin that has had enough of the senseless rudeness and insulting button pushing. I've tried to encourage keeping the peace, respectful differing of opinions, etc. but this site sounds like 8th graders bullying and making up scenarios as fact regarding Adam's personal life with no facts, just impositions that they personally know what Adam and Sauli chose to do regarding their relationship. I don't blame either of them for not commenting further. They do not owe us any intrusions into their personal lives. The actions of fans contacting them about who they see is appalling and is harrassment. Whatever they say or do gets blown out of proportion and fictionalized. They seem fine except for what the so -called fans do to them. Eventually the artists become isolated from society thanks to people meddling in their lives. They're mature men that handled their choice in a dignified way. What used to be an intelligent, fun site has deteriorated into depressing, juvenile name calling and nastiness. I like and respect Sauli and i do enjoy knowing he's going forward with his career and has friends here. I hope he can continue to enjoy LA and the mutual friends he has with Adam. I just am tired of the accusations that have no merit and attacks on each of their characters. They both have my admiration and respect. Adam also is in charge of his own destiny, whether we approve of his social life or not. We don't walk in his shoes or are present in his life 24/7. Peace, y'all It's getting so pointless.It's driving me to make a drink!

Unknown said...

ITS SAD ALL OF THE TROLLS ON HERE THEY SHOULD DISABLE THE COMMENTS ON HERE AND IT SAD THAT ALL OF YOU ARE IM GUESSING OVER 20 GROW UP GUYS COME ON SERIOUSLY GOD IM YOUNGER THAN 20 AND I ACT MORE MATURE SO SAD HOW PEOPLE KEEP SUCKING ADAMS BALLS JUST WAIT FOR THE MUSIC AND DONT COMMENT He is beautiful and im really getting tired of people say negitive things so anyone who comments atter this if you have nothing good to say shut up and if I hear and more whens the new album I gonna flip he cant shit out another album and when he comes out with that one yall gonna want a 4 th one a day later shut up and wait when he is ready then he will release!

Anonymous said...

Just curious, how come you've come to the conclusion that there's just one person, a vicious troll who spoils all the fun in every thread, ie. the endless rant about how gorgeous Adam looks?

And why so many of you keep posting messages without no real content? Do you really think Adam, or anyone else, needs to be informed about the way he looks after every frickin pic?

Anonymous said...

Well, I hate to tell you all this, but this site is what it is. There are other nice and polite sites out there that require a permanent sign in tag. This has been going on for a while now. If admin wanted to change it, they would have by now.
I've also noticed something. Some of the folks that regularly comment with a tag, sometimes leave it off when it suits them. How do I know? Well, I'm paraphrasing, but some have commented, "I started not to tag this, but did."
I also don't believe it is just one or two "trolls" answering there own posts either. Look at the twitter list to the right and see how many people are following this site.
If some of the comments bother some of you so much, why do you even respond to them. Just skip them and respond to the ones that are positive. You are playing into the trouble makers' hands, because that's exactly what they want - a response.
Adam is not perfect. No one is. He is a celebrity, and this is what happens when you live a very visible life. Look at all that has been said about other celebrities. People who know nothing speculate endlessly. And positive speculation is the same as negative speculation - its still speculation. Are all of you Adam's close friends? Does he let you know the intimate details of his life? If not, then quit griping at each other for doing the same thing. Enjoy the pictures. Comment positively and ignore the rest.

Anonymous said...

@ Jacko - if you are indeed under 20 it might explain a lot. However, I doubt it, but nevertheless go back to school and learn to spell and how to express a thought without the gutter language. If anyone is a troll it's you.

HK fan said...

I take it the @I wasn't going to tag this but did' was a dig at me.....well I can assure you that is the first time I had not considered signing my name.
And the only reason I considered not signing was because I thought I would receive the usual crap load of shite that seems to be the norm here.
But hay ho, I have broad shoulders, I can take it...

Anonymous said...

HK, my post was not a dig at you specifically. I've read that before. Maybe others who regularly sign in have posted anonymously when they've gotten fed up and wanted to vent without a tag. Maybe so, maybe not, I don't know. See, I'm speculating.
And that was my main point. Only Adam and his friends and family know what goes on intimately in his life. All other talk is just guessing. To me, it's harmless, up to a point. When folks start tweeting Adam and his friends about his personal life, then it becomes stalking. But, if it's just contained on a site like this, I don't understand all the angst. Just pass on the negative comments. Respond only to the positive.

Anonymous said...

@4:42am ,thankey I appreciate your effort here. I wish people would really consider doing just that, what you suggested. Just posting positively yourself and ignoring the nastiness. Especially you that are so fed up with the nastiness, I would like to see your good will and a positive twist in the middle of negativity, it wakes up in a good sense. It might be effective too. It´s better than calling names back or seeing no light anywhere.

Anonymous said...

And glitzylady, your sudden humour is the best thing! I like your way:)))!

Anonymous said...

You don't get it why all the angst re negative comments?

Well, my SPECULATION is that most people visiting this site regularly (most of whom have stopped coming here or are just lurking & rolling their eyes, thanks to all the BS & malisciousness) have been raised at a time, when commenting something, by writing or by speaking, was done in a polite and respectful manner... When disagreeing was possible wo namecalling. And when you just KNEW there are limits you just don't cross, especially when it comes to people's (also celebrities') private life. And that was NOT such a long time don't start ranting about 'older age' etc.
Just a few examples and JMO.

I'm capable of nasty, snarky and negative comments, but that's not why I come to an Adam fan site. I adore Adam & his voice, I love him as a fan and I think we all who feel the same way should feel free to express our love and admiration without being attacked and ridiculed by people who have (obviously) NOT been raised to respect other people...

So there. Futile. I know.

PS. There are some things this 'social media bullshit' will never take away from me:
My love & respect for Adam and my sense of humour!!! So have a nice day, ya'll!

Anonymous said...

it has been confimred that chrslhmn instagram is the hiceky giver

Anonymous said...

Hooray, mystery solved...let's never mention it again!