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New Picture from Last Night in NYC

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Friday, June 28, 2013

Posted at : Friday, June 28, 2013


Anonymous said...

What do we want from you? How bout some more pictures, that's all!! lol

Anonymous said...

The more I look at it, the more I think the facial hair really shows off his jaw line. Not just fresh faced, young...but mature, handsome

tea said...

IMO this pic shows his sweet face look.♥ ^_^
What do I want from Adam? More CD's. (But I understand there are many factors to cause a wait.)

Anonymous said...

#starstruck is perfect.

Anonymous said...

Sweetie cant think of anything I want from u .... but the guy there with the great facial hair ...well great hair period ....and the million dollar smile ....He's a different story let me c what I like from a few hours... rose petal

Anonymous said...

Food for thought and comments:

Are we going to miss Melvin when he leaves and banter back and forth whose fault it was - Adam's or Melvin's?


Anonymous said...

Too funny best laugh I've had all day and things we're pretty crazy at work ... I think I'll blame it on those sunglasses he wore to WWZ.... damn things don't want to be upstage ....rose petal

Anonymous said...

I love his facial hair.

I was watching soccer last night and most mega millionaire players have facial hair. Shakira's husband has Taliban like facial hair. LOL!

Anonymous said...

@Melvinbert. I'm gonna rant if Melvin leaves. OH NO DON'T GO!

Anonymous said...

I'm going to jump for joy when Melvin leaves!lol I miss his youthful baby face.

Anonymous said...

JAK great uncle (94) was visiting over the husband was teasing him that I had a boyfriend. I showed him a photo of Adam and Melvin.
Now I should mention that he was a barber for 60 years.
He said " He's a nice looking boy, but his mustache
needs to be trimmed,it's too long, he has a wide mouth and it should end at corner of lip, not curl around the least a quarter inch on each side should come off!"
.......Critics everywhere...... : )

Anonymous said...

Melvin makes Adam look more masculine, I absolutely love it, but Adam looks just as gorgeous without it. He is a very handsome man who can get away with almost any look and that includes make-up or a more natural look.

Anonymous said...

I think Adam could wear a clown nose and I'd find it attractive ,,,,,rose petal

Anonymous said...

6:26 PM

So do I! I'll jump here with you when the time comes.

Anonymous said...

I think he looks like any other handsome 31 years old guy with mustache. The mustache is now the first thing you notice when you look at him. But without the mustache you notice the whole beautiful face and eyes and lips better. Without mustache he looks not just anyone but someone very unique. js

Anonymous said...

Adam is so good looking with or without the mustache. I think you would notice him anywhere even with a cap and sunglasses because he is just so handsome. With or without the mustache, whatever his look, it will never satisfy 100% of his fans. It's a personal preference. And with Adam Lambert, he is never boring or uninteresting. There is always something to talk about whether it is positive or negative. Looking forward to the concert vids from Orlando and then the next few concerts from Calif.

Anonymous said...

Adam I'm sure will change it up soon and Melvin will be gone for a while at least. And that's what makes him so interesting plus a few other attributes!!!!!!!'

Never a boring moment in Adamland. I look forward to my daily dose of Adam surprises and on a slow day there is so much to go back to and revisit.

Melvin or Melvinless......I love this beautiful human being!


Anonymous said...

Every Tom, Dick and Harry has a mustache and beard these days. So uncool to follow trends. Better without the facial hair, Adam - ALL of your handsome face is like no other.