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New Videos: Adam Lambert sings the National Anthem at Broadway Bares

Filed Under (,, ) by Admin on Monday, June 24, 2013

Posted at : Monday, June 24, 2013

VIA zakresnick:

My phone won't let me post this anywhere but YouTube-- but it needs to be seen. Such an unreal talent. Big fan over here.

VIA @x_serenade: A friend took partial vid of @adamlambert @ Broadway Bares last nite for me [apologies about shoutout] The Star Spangled Banner


Anonymous said...

The first video clip has clearer audio. Amazing vocals from our guy. Now if he sang the NA at a huge sports event next!

Anonymous said...

Pretty good sound on the one from zakresnik. Hope we get a full video soon and a full professional video soon rather than later.

Great cause. Glad they raised so much money.

Anonymous said...

What ever this man sings,
where ever he sings and
what ever the cause he sings for,
I hope I get to listen and support him,

In the words of Paula Abdul:
Oh my god, Adam... Adam, Adam, Adam!!!
Take it all in, my dear...

Anonymous said...

Adam will never be invited to sing the NA in any sports event and that is sad.

Anonymous said...

Adam has gotten way more opportunities than most people off of idol. No reason to be sad for him.

Jadam said...

That was a truly "Adamized) Nationl anthem, wow what a voice.

Jadam said...

Sorry "National" of course.

Anonymous said...

great salute and march off Adam!! So cute.

Anonymous said...

He sounds so awesome! His voice is incredibly gorgeous. :)

Anonymous said...

I think Adam's interpretation went a bit overboard. It was very very dramatic with numerous pauses and all. Skilled of course but the end salutation looked kind of funny... he is clearly not a soldier. I mean this kind of patriotism is not common in most countries among young people and it is mostly associated with extreme right wing parties or activist groups.

Anonymous said...

I actually prefer the simplicity of the Miramar version.

Anonymous said...

Adam was performing for an over the top broadway group of people and show. He would not sing it like this in front of a different crowd. Adam knows what he has to do in various situations,so I don't feel this was disrespectful. Also @2:12 I hope you are wrong about that, I think Adam will eventually sing at a big sports event. Positive thoughts!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Wonderful! Amazing! Over the Top!
Theatrical! 100% Broadway Adam!

No wonder the crowd was hopped up. Geez, Adam really gave it to them!

xo laura

Anonymous said...


You are certainly a sad person and a liberal at that! Too bad you can't find a patriotic bone in your body. This is America and we all love it!!!!! You can crawl back into whichever hole you live in and please stay there.

Anonymous said...

I'm just gonna say this again, WHATEVER!:)

For me he is the best in this generation indeed!!:)

He is an excellent artist!:)


Jadam. said...

I myself would actually prefer a more simplified version. But of course it was perfect for the event he was at. Adam is very clever like that. In saying that I did love this version.

Anonymous said...

2 42
Yes this was a campy version and made me lol. Doing this kind of thing at a sporting event would not be appropriate, as adam would surely know. At this event it was fine

Anonymous said...

This was an OTT fundraiser with Broadway performers in little more than thongs and glitter. An OTT version of the national anthem was appropriate. Adam is very good at tailoring his performance to the audience.

Plenty of young people are patriotic as demonstrated by the theme of this show.

Anonymous said...

at 3:08 PM

Just sceptical about nationalism. I could think my friends would burst into laughter if heard Adam's performance at BB. Different worlds, I guess.

I'm not denying his talent, though.

Anonymous said...

That event was filled with people who know amazing vocals when they hear them and there have been plenty of tweets from people who were there about how amazing Adam was. I think I'll go with the experts who heard it in person on this one.

choons said...

I'm imagining a totally accapella album - just Adam's voice with no distractions. It would be heaven, whatever he sang. He's the only one who could pull that off.

Anonymous said...

I don't think @2:42 is a US citizen.
Therefore diff. POV

Anonymous said...

Yes! He sang it in a style that suited the occasion. No disrespect to America or anyone else. Fantastic job, Adam!


Anonymous said...

I think Adam is a soldier just as I am their are soldiers in all walks of life.Don't start preaching to me my family has more medals than most including the PURPLE HEART.I would be proud to hear Adam sing at a big sports event.What would be wrong with that?

Anonymous said...

Adam is so special and very much a patriot. He sang the NA his way and the crowd sincerely appreciated his genius! Adam always knows what is appropriate as far as I'm concerned! Adam sang the NA in front of the military before he won Idol (I mean came in runner-up lol), if my memory serves me correctly and he was spectacular and they all loved it! You sang Adam and I am in awe of your amazing voice!.nancdruuu2

Anonymous said...

Very close up version is on this site.

Anonymous said...

All the doubters and debbie downers in the earlier threads, go to Adamtopia and learn something from real fans & professionals describing Adam's exceptional singing skills and how wonderful his performance really is!

You all should apologize for your rude, ignorant and inconsiderate posts! ADAM IS UNIQUE AND SUBERBLY TALENTED!!! Shame on you for doubting him in any way, the man totally knows what he's doing!

There's also a excellent close-up vid (love it!), but so far no vid of the whole song has emerged... Here's hoping!

Anonymous said...

sorry for mistakes & typos above, am in a hurry! :)

Anonymous said...

@3:08, what's wrong with being a liberal? I'm liberal and I love this country.

Anonymous said...

It was an OTT Broadway theatre show in New York and Adam as a special guest of this show did his rendition of NA at the end. Loved it! Adam is a soldier for equality and human rights.

Anonymous said...

Adamtopia is full of crazy old ladies. Wish they would stay there and not come here.

Anonymous said...

Time to sing NA at dodger Stadium, I'm emailing the Dodgers now, get that Home town boy in front of 50,000 people!! Maybe the Dodgers will start winning haha!!

Anonymous said...

JAK here.......since I'm from a military family I preferred the Miramar Naval base rendition he sang........however I thought this was appropriate for the theatrical audience he sang for last night. His voice is a treasure and some of you may have missed that his salute at the end of the anthem was the Boy Scout salute....not the military. Only recently have openly gays been allowed to join the Boy Scouts .
More progressive baby steps to eventual equality.

Anonymous said...

Sometimes a salute is just a salute.

Anonymous said...

Adam's Miramar NA version is pure perfection but this version was in its element where it was.
NA should always be rendered with respect and not make it your own and still the best is that of Whitney with all the bravura.

Anonymous said...

Just a couple of comments, I believe that was the Boy Scout salute, aren't they having a cirfukle right now about gays, being in Boy Scouts? I think that was Adams nod to the scouts.
Actually Adam did not end the show, it was like introducing the next performance, which was like a risqué army boot camp thing.. He did sing extremely well, but will not be always able to sing his version of the SSB like that.But his Miramar version is also beautiful, and show cases his voice in a different way. It takes guts ( I put that politely) to sing accapella(sp) in front of a huge crowd. Most great singers will not do it.

leilani Aloha said...

Totally agree with anon 6:26PM:)

Anonymous said...

Why do you even want to compare this or any song of Adam singing in totally different places, atmospheres and scenes?!

The Man is the Master of Adaptation and Nuance!!!

He does not sing his own songs exactly the same way EVER, he's an ARTIST OF THE BEST KIND! He is a VIRTUOSO!

Anonymous said...

Lol the salute had nothing to do with the Boy Scouts. It was just a jokey salute leading into a jokey military skit

Anonymous said...

And you know this because - - - -?

Anonymous said...

A proper military salute would have been inappropriate since Adam has never served in the military. It is a military sign of respect. So I suspect Adam knew that and there was a reason to use the Boy Scout salute.

Civilians use a hand on the heart as a sign of respect for the flag or National Anthem.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

K, you stupid Lol'ler - please at least address (@tag or @time) the post you're Lol'ling at... otherwise it's just a waste of comment space and does not tell anything to anyone!
Or better yet, PO!!!