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New Vine Videos - Youtube Version

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Sunday, June 23, 2013

Posted at : Sunday, June 23, 2013


Anonymous said...

I thought the top one was going to be annoying orange at first. lol

Anonymous said...


Unknown said...

So cute that adam went to see all of these shows ;) glad he is relaxing.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Back at ya! Adam lol

Anonymous said...

Some music maker named Danny Blu is seeing Adam today - hope they are recording together. He might stay on the East coast until his Orlando concert. I love all the arty, interesting people he is meeting and seeing onstage. New York is a good fit for him, taking new directions, different vibe,off-beat inspiration to get the creative juices flowing. He should spend a couple of months there every year.

Anonymous said...

He has concert on July 2. So he'll back in LA soon.

Anonymous said...

Adam time to grow up, please!!!

Anonymous said...

Danny blu is a kid who just graduated from college and does living room concerts. Lol you better pray adam hasn't sunk so low that he is working with him

Anonymous said...

Latest report says men are grown up by the time they are 43.

Anonymous said...

12:57 I was thinking of the annoying orange too when I saw the picture on the first video. ha,ha my kids would have loved that. Don't forget to give Angie and Adam's beautiful duet some views today. I just watched LWOG , that was some production, many talented people worked on that one and in it too. I would love to go to the next Life Ball, I never heard of it before Adam.

Anonymous said...

Told ya there would be an after party, and he is waiting in line for his drink. Sounds like he is high already, does he need that drink?

Anonymous said...

8:17 any news in that article when trolls grow up and get a life?? lol

Anonymous said...

We all need to get another life, instead of waiting for Adam to show some interest in starting another album. All that talent and only party pics to show us. This life that Adam has chosen seems to have started since his birthday bash. He has always enjoyed a drink or two, nothing wrong with that. He said he has a dark side, even wrote a song about it, he seems to be in full swing of his dark side, and really enjoying it. Hope something or somebody jolts him out of it and back to reality. Yes, I really need to stop hoping to see each day that he is in studio working. This is more than a vacation, it's something else that I don't understand, going on in his life. It is like something has stopped his ambition, now that he has made some nice money, and he is living the life he only used to dream of. Still hoping.

Anonymous said...

8:45 oh boy gag me with a spoon.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

@ 8:45 AM

I couldn't agree more. I guess most of us are grown-ups with lots of other, more important things to do than hang around here or on some other boards when there's nothing much of interest going on at the moment. And there isn't anything much we can do to promote his career when there's no new music.

I do hope there will be some sometime soon. A catchy single if nothing else.

Anonymous said...

check out this link to donate to The New F Word.

glitzylady said...

I love that Adam is reconnecting with his theater friends and his theater roots, and having some GREAT times in NYC, seeing new plays, musicals, not to mention the Red Carpet etc.........and yes, some clubbing. If I were Adam, I'd be doing the same things. (I LOOOOVE NYC!) I also appreciate what we DO get in the way of pictures, Keeks, etc. Adam doesn't have to give us anything of his private life and travels, or his music/new album production for that matter. He has a right to take some time to enjoy life, in addition to working, just like we all do. And when in NYC, there is definitely an endless supply of amazing things to do, especially when one has connections to the theater world, the fashion world, the music biz.... And some money to spend. In terms of his everyday life, his "working life", his private life, we know very little these days, and that's the way it should be. None of our biz....

Adam has said VERY clearly that he is NOT going to share every little aspect of the album production process this time. He said he learned some (probably hard) lessons along the way. And while I'm waiting for this new music with great anticipation, and hoping that it will sell well this time around, with the possibility of a tour in the next year or two (please, please, please!!!..for Adam's sake and for ours!) I'm willing to wait, maybe not COMPLETELY patiently :)) , but without harassing him or grumbling on blogs that since he's not talking about new music, that he "must not be working on it....."..and worse. I'm also assuming he's making some progress with determining the direction of his next music. And I'm also assuming he's been in the studio recording.

To those who comment here that "he must not be doing anything since we haven't heard anything" or "He's lost his ambition...." I say: Oh ye of little faith.

Anonymous said...

cant make a record without the record company

Anonymous said...

Lol time for our glitzy lecture!! You have no problem making a lot of assumptions based on nothing but feel the need to tell others not to do the same thing.

Talking on a blog is not talking to adam, or harassing adam. So sorry little Mary sunshine but I don't think there is one bit of evidence to think adam has a record deal. He is hopefully auditioning for something while he is in NYC. I am sure he is working to find a new gig but his shot at pop stardom has passed. You can be a fan without being a fool.

Anonymous said...

10.09 AM
What do you mean? Isn't RCA still his record company?

Anonymous said...

Why don't you listen to other artists if one doesn't satisfy all your needs? Maybe Adam needs more inspiration or a new muse to get creative or he already is creating like he said. I hope Adam takes the time he needs to make the next album and don't let people rush him. In the meantime I listen to "onnellisuus maanpaossa".. :)

Anonymous said...

10:15 AM

How can he live "rich man's life" if he has no record deal? In NY on the RC he wore 800 dollar sunglasses, 1500 dollar shoes and don't know how many thousand dollar suit. He has an expensive taste on everything. He seems to spend a lot of money; how can he manage in the future? Or do his earlier albums and radio play bring him all the time so much money than he can live like that rest of his life? Just curious. Not knowing the facts.

Anonymous said...

10:15 grasshopper why so angry? My God if he doesn't have a contract he doesn't have a contract do you want me to kill him the next time I see him. LOL

Anonymous said...

10:18 AM
LOL, yeah, Hurts: lovely.

Anonymous said...

It's his money and he can do whatever he likes with it. I hate it when fans remind they are paying for his lifestyle. Good grief.

Anonymous said...

@10:30 You mean you like it too, or not? I love it.

Anonymous said...

You guys really do suck. Its pointless Adam even doing an album. You kind of need fans to buy them which he clearly doesnt have anymore. He has probably realised that. The only time his fans will be happy if he acts serious permanently, he stays in his house permanently, Makes music 24 hours a day and never has or ends a relationship.

glitzylady said...

@Anon 10:15 AM
I seldom comment here anymore, for obvious reasons.. And while I support the increasing plea for a sign in feature so that we can see who is commenting here, so we can follow a conversation, I can also appreciate that there are those who resist signing in with a tag. Just for this reason. If it had been someone else saying the things I said, there would have been no digs at me. Or at that person either. I've followed Adam's career for 4 years and I prefer to be positive and hopeful for Adam's future. If "Little Mary Sunshine" is your impression of me, then so be it. Not a lecture honey (and we know when Adam calls someone "honey" he doesn't necessarily mean it in a good way..), just another opinion. You can have yours, I can have mine. Seems everyone gets to have one. Apparently, I do not. I have concerns for him just like everyone else. I'm no fool. I just prefer to be a positive fan. You can have your opinions but don't expect everyone else to agree with you. Just like I don't assume everyone will agree with me. So many good and positive fans have left this blog because they couldn't stand the negativity, the nasty remarks, the personal attacks on them and on Adam. I'm a fan of Adam the singer AND the man. Say what you will, but let me have my say too. If you perceive it as a "lecture", sorry. By the way, I don't base my opinions on "nothing".. But if you wish to do so, go right ahead. My glass is half full, yours is apparently half empty.

Anonymous said...

I feel so sorry for Adam. He cant seem to please anyone, anymore. No wonder he has no inspiration. Im so used to the media giving him grief but its hard to see it coming from the people who usually slam the media. Everyone is entitled to thier opinions but the nastiness is getting a bit much. This should be named

Anonymous said...

Yes, inspiration is the key. Happens to everyone when you are not inspired you don't feel like doing anything.

Anonymous said...

10:37 AM
Love it!

Anonymous said...

Chaos is not all bad. Do you know about Chaos theory? There's always controlling fans who want to put everything in order in this fandom and that is not good. It kills the creativity and fun. I think the Saulberts are the best part of this fandom at the moment. Easy-going and fun personalities who don't preach and take things too seriously.

Anonymous said...

@11:11 It's been my remedy, lol.

Anonymous said...

If Adam has lost his record deal, I think the news would have leaked out by now.

Anonymous said...

11:22 AM
But S-berts are not welcome here. Some said they must go away. Maybe some have.

But let's leave this subject to this that people won't get upset.

I don't like vines and keeks. Too short and messy. I don't like short films too, I want my movies to be long (but not too long, lol).

Anonymous said...

@11:36 lookie here..

Anonymous said...

Adam still has to fulfill his contract with RCA. His contract with 19 ended, and so he signed off with them. Hope they help him thru this slight bump in the road. He has the money now to pay some great collaborators, it may surprise you most people expect to get paid for their work. It's highly possible that when he makes a new single or new album, he will take it first to Europe, who seem to appreciate him more than USA. Of course RCA is world wide. He shouldn't have to tour US radio stations begging for radio play, hope that was a lesson learned, the hard way. He did mention a while back he would love to collaborate with Queen to do some new songs with them, and it seems that Brian, seriously would like to do something with him, keeping fingers crossed. His time in NY seems like it has been a long time , but in actuality it's only been just over a week. Most of us take vacations for longer than a week.

Anonymous said...

@11:42 Saulberts have learned to ignore and they can afford to ignore. I made an observation that they seem to have more twitter followers than an average fan, so they are quite popular, in fact.

Anonymous said...

Adam got money he done lots of things not to mention that game deal in china no matter what anyone thinks he made good money on. Adam dies have fans abroad for sure that will but those albums and support concerts. He did Diva's. Queen concert, his own concerts abroad and some here, and lots of other stuff. One reason besides his support of the gay community he got the Glaad award is that he continues to be one if the best saler's internationally he sales well abroad. He also has done many things abroad besides concerts such as the voice, award shows and many things keep his music out there. This year he started off idol and will be on the finale. Looks like he getting more popularity in Austria sounds like he will present the Ema's, he did the life ball in Vienna and it was televised. He does have a good fan base abroad and sales well. Also the Pittsburg pride thing,he brought be nos. in he still has fans here.nothing wrong with fairs big names play them, Rascal F. Ect. Bruno mars played rodeo this year. Those fairs bring in lots people that in term by tickets and albums which are brought there, and merchandise. He does makes good money on merchandise at these things and dies not have to give half to 19 anymore. I do believe he has a contract for and album if nothing else but his international base and he said so. Why don't we not spend time running his life he can manage it ok., thank god for his international and Asian fans they for the most part or very supportive. He has mangers need none if us and our 2 cents to manage him, he pays good money for that. Internationally they do a great job.

Anonymous said...

Vonya Sonya Marsha Spike???? do what??????

Anonymous said...

Why was I thinking others would be making the same comment I was about to make: LOL, how cute and funny.

This place sucks.

Agreed, new name is Hate on Adam Lambert 24/7.

Anonymous said...

let's face it, 19 sucked and they did little to support adam any more than any other AI alumni they handled. they did however suck a lot of money form adam so glad they are gone. adam needs to look good on the red carpet and as we know he is great and recycling his outfits at various occasions. that to me is good money management.agree that this site has become so negative, not sure why I waste time posting

Anonymous said...

you can still promote by attending whatever concerts you can. I saw Adam at Pgh pride, met him after soundcheck. I would say he seems more settled, as laid back as always in person (but not on stage). I am sure there is some disappointment that US sales did not lead to a US tour (despite critically positive reviews) it must suck when crappy music sells more on radio. sigh. we've been down this road too many times but painful to observe.

Anonymous said...

Yea, I have to agree that the money gigs are in Asia and occasionally in Europe.

Anonymous said...

at 12:12 PM

Since when does hate equal with worry and criticism?

And how is 'LOL, how cute and funny' more worthy than genuine worry about Adam's future career?

Anonymous said...

JAK here.....if you would pay attention before you leap to conclusions it would help. Adam in first vine was saying they were waiting to get in the play Vanya and Sonia and Masha and Spike. That's the title. It was also written clearly on the t-shirt. In the second vine Eden was saying they were getting drinks during intermission....they were't at an after party.

If any of you got the Saturday New York Times there was a long article about artists bypassing normal routes to work up enthusiasm for new music. It was titled Who
Needs Critics? Go Cryptic Instead.....I won't quote it all, too long, but some brief points.
"secrecy surrounding the making of Jay -z's new album is in keeping with recent trends in music marketing. In the last 6 months - David Bowie, DaftPunk and Kanye West have kept their new albums under wraps, then
mounted brief,intense campaigns aimed not at critics and radio programmers, but at generating waves of interest on the Internet, banking on their fans to pass along the news.........A musician's interaction with fans has become a form of entertainment itself that drives sales of merchandise and concert tickets as well as corporate sponsorships."

It's a method to circumvent the critics and major media outlets.....remove these gatekeepers and go directly to the fans with a blitz just before release of new material.
The say "Viral marketing thrives on the Internet and well chosen clues."

"It ain't like there is a lot of money in selling records anyway," said Steve Stoute, founder of the marketing agency Translation LLC. "If the music is shared and people like it, you are going to make the money on tour."

It's a very long informative article on the necessary, at last, effort to break up the log jam that exists in getting new music out there and heard. Go around the obstruction.....sort of guerilla warfare.....let's hope it works! Maybe that's why Adam and RCA are mum.
Quit whining!

Anonymous said...

11:01 and 12:12
Excuse me, but there's nothing wrong with this place! Admin does a great job keeping this site going.
It's the PEOPLE commenting & posting things that make a site pleasant or unpleasant to visit.

Admin seems to be a total optimist, trusting that people would (given the chance) learn to communicate with respect even when disagreeing... hence there are no rules or regulations, no moderator... no registration or sign in. :)))

Question to everybody:
BEFORE your next post stop & think
- Are you really an AL fan?
- Are you doing your best as an AL fan to make this place a pleasant and interesting one or
- Are you just trying to cause trouble, ruin the atmosphere, run down this site?!

For many this has been the preferred AL site for 3-4 years - why would you wanna destroy that?!
So many have already left! What o you get from driving people out from their "AL Home"?!

Anonymous said...

anybody going to orlando

Jadam said...

Great post JAK, good information, things have really changed.
Also well said 3.03pn.

Anonymous said...

JAK, the article you cited is really food for thought. The critics and radio barriers should no longer decide what gets played and what makes money. I like the new strategy. It should reach lots of potential and really level the playing field. And yes, maybe Adam IS looking at this strategy for his new music.


Anonymous said...

at 3:03 PM

I'm curious. How many? Are you sure they aren't still lurking around here and posting without identifying themselves?

I think there has been more interaction between people than for ages. People are expressing their opinions and discussing and debating on Adam related issues. Not just rephrasing how gorgeous and sexy Adam looks.

Also, I would like to remind you that Adam too has got opinions which sometimes make him less popular with some people...

Anonymous said...

I came here 4 years ago. There was about 5 comments on each thread then.

Anonymous said...

The Tony-award winning play "Drowsy Chaperone" started as a living room play. Gaga was a New York club kid before she made it big and a lot of kitchen sink theatre and performance art marks the beginningsof some pretty amazing artists. At least the people Adam is meeting in New York seem energetic and creative and up to interesting new things.

I like NYC Adam. Hope he stays there until Orlando. Another 3-4 nights of theatre and arty people suits me.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

JAK Thank you by your excellent explanation! HH.

Anonymous said...

You're welcome...JAK

Anonymous said...

I haven't been coming to this site for a while but just now thought I'd have a quick look, and just as I thought nothings changed, all the same bickering and arguments especially from glitzylady the security guard of 24/7. I can't tolerate the rude way you love to pounce on other fans who have a different opinion and JAK you are no better, arrogant and aggressive and always boring others trying to be humourous, well I don't find you funny at all and I'm sure their are others who also find you a bore.

Anonymous said...

Wow! @ 1:30 AM......JAK here...Did someone slam the door on your tail? You do notice that Glitzylady and I identify ourselves quite clearly so our posts can be scrolled past easily if you don't care for us. I suppose I should apologize for trying to be funny on this 'oh so serious site'
It is completely out of place. Again, since my tag is clearly posted, no one is forced to be bored against their will.

I am curious just what part of the quotes from the NY Times did I aggressively and arrogantly inject boring humor.....I myself rarely find The Times funny?

Anonymous said...

Anon 1:30 AM

Don't mess with these two real, loving and true Adam fans & AL 24/7 long-timers!!!

These two ladies are the salt of the earth here, please don't insult them. Their wisdom, knowledge, patience, writing skills, kindness, humour and life experience can teach you a lot, if you care to lose that attitude of yours!

glitzylady & JAK, I mean this from the bottom of my heart, just hoping my ecpression is ok, obviously English is not my native language, lol!

Anonymous said...

1:30 am - The JAK tag is the first thing I scan the thread for, I know the comment will usually put a smile on my face.
Not many comments do that - like yours for instance.

Anonymous said...

I wonder if @ 1:30 a.m. could be convinced to use a tag at the beginning of her comments? That way we could scroll past her bitter blasts. We have more of that than we need. :(

Anonymous said...

7:41 AM
Such double standards, given that your own comment shows no tag. LOL.

Anonymous said...

Oops sorry, used the sad face instead of my usual. kk
Better now?

Anonymous said...

By the way - is LOL your tag? Just wondering.

Anonymous said...

Glitzylady and JAK...don't suffer fools. As I said long ago, some people are just stupid. Ignorance can be educated, but stupid is just stupid.

I am so missing the days of Love and Light and wonder how her son the Army sergeant is doing, Big Mamma and Big Papa, Maggie Longfellow, Michael, Carlos, Coloradofan, MGF, Shiggles and so many more. It was a fun site, we all tagged; anons were scarce and soon learned that no one was going to bite them and they began to tag too. After all the anons came with their vitreol in ananomity this site has become toxic and when I come here now I leave sick to my stomach more often than not. This is no longer a place where I can come and enjoy Adam in all his glory (whatever that brings). From this point on I will no longer read the comments, I will instead simply enjoy the posts and hope that Admin will soon require registration and passwords to enter as Glitzy has suggested so many times.

24/7 has become either a teenage hangout (by some comments I wonder the age of the commenter) or a place for lonely older women to spew hatred because their lives are so boring and devoid of love.

Anon @ 10:46 - You're a great example. Where's YOUR tag?

Some say change is good, but this change from a once happy place to toxicity is anything but.


Anonymous said...

68 comments 11 tags. Sad

glitzylady said...

Thanks for the kind words from those who mentioned me in a positive manner.

I've been coming to this site for 4 years or so, and have loved it up until recently. I try to say positive and supportive things about Adam. I don't always agree with everything he says or does but all in all he is a mega talented singer and a good, kind human being. It pains me to see some of the negativity and even complete BS posted here. Seems not all come here to support Adam but instead to tear him down. Piece by piece.

I'm not naive or stupid, so please don't assume that...

Guessing it's time to take a break from here. I truly hope Adam, his friends, family, etc.. never stumble upon this site to read what quote unquote "fans" have to say about Adam. Some of the comments are lovely, but others are appalling.

Not sure how long I can stay away but in the meantime: I'll see some of you in San Diego!!!!!! Only 1 more week...

Anonymous said...

@ Glitzylady .......JAK here...... Since we are both in the doghouse at the same's a shame we live at opposite ends of the country. We could meet, shop, lunch, reminisce about the 'good old days' on 24/7, shop some more and talk about "our mutual hobby".....don't stay away long, we may be fighting a losing battle.......but we're still on our feet...... well, not me so much, but sadly for some, my mouth still works! Have a peaceful hiatus. : )

Anonymous said...

@ GGPASS.........JAK here.....I'm sending you a 'thumbs up'
And adding to your list of absentees....Eva, Elli, Ronnie, Sister and SG. . . Wherefore art thou?

Anonymous said...

@JAK - your post to glitzylady made me silently lol, although the issue itself (that more long-time regulars are vanishing or taking breaks) is sad. For a pessimist you truly are an absolute riot and bringer of 'real love & light'!

I also liked the post where someone said (no time to seek for it now) when opening a thread he/she seeks your tag first cause she knows your posts are worth it!

I say the same of your posts and of glitzylady's posts and of many other familiar tags now gone missing... Hard to miss someone @Anon however good posts they write or however long they have been on this site... I'll add a few names to your and @GGPASS' list when I have a moment to think...

Currently Anon myself... LOL!

Anonymous said...

JAK here....If you are searching for a tag I can recommend QT-PI, Suzi-Q, or perhaps something more literary...
Heidi, Ophelia, Juliet, Miss Eyre.
Something sweet...Lilac, Gardenia, Honeysuckle, Jasmine, I'm pretty sure none of the above have been used on this blog!
Wish I'd chosen something more interesting than my initials...since everyone calls me Jack but I call me Jake! Big mistake!