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Transit Bus in San Diego with Adam Lambert Fair Concert Ad

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Thursday, June 13, 2013

Posted at : Thursday, June 13, 2013


Anonymous said...

hey you guys, everybody have a good time at the concert for me too. I hear 150 people are going to the preparty of @LAMBERTLUST.

Anonymous said...

Love the picture of of my favs!


glitzylady said...

So, yep, less than 3 weeks until the San Diego concert..and the latest Glamily Reunion.

I'm going: who else is here?? I know a few are....

Anonymous said...

Anything else for Adam after San Diego?

Anonymous said...

I am staying at my uncle's. Going to the concert with my cousins. Can't wait!

Jadam NZ said...

Lucky, lucky people. I hope you have a great and exciting time. Show Adam lots of love for all of us.
Really looking forward to all the videos.

lorraine said...

I smile whenever I see these buses go by in downtown San Diego.There is also a huge billboard picture of Adam on top of one of the buildings {near University Heights.} I'm counting the days----19 !!!!! -------till I see him again. XO

funbunn40 said...

I'll be there and at the party!Loved seeing the bus ad with Adam on it! I'll be staying at the San Diego Hilton Del Mar if anyone else will be there and wants to say hi!

HK fan said...

@funbunn and Glitzy
How I wish I could join you at the preparty to meet and chat, and of course at the concert.
Have fun and report back here with all the little and big details.....
I don't post much anymore, but I'm usually here lurking.

Anonymous said...

@HK fan,
Sooo nice to see your tag & post!
Please don't just lurk...your input is needed and appreciated here!
Best wishes!

@Fans going to Pittsb. and SD!
Oh boy, do I wish I could join you all in these events! That preparty... PARTY, PARTY, PARTY with you all --- 'ALL NIGHT LONG, ALL NIGHT...' (remember the song by L. Richie or was it him...LOL!)

Anonymous said...

Those buses would be cool to see driving around town :)

HK fan said...

aww, thanks:)

funbunn40 said...

@HK fan, I always love seeing you here and miss your input! I definitely will share my Adam adventures and hope there will be some good ones as I've had in the past! I'm really looking forward to seeing my Glamsistahs!