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Adam Lambert On DOMA, Streaker & Queen

Filed Under (,, ) by Admin on Thursday, July 4, 2013

Posted at : Thursday, July 04, 2013

Video by RUMORFIX:

Adam Lambert talks about the demise of DOMA, being a candidate for judge on American Idol, performing with Queen and having a streaker invade his concert.


Anonymous said...

We didn't learn much but he looked Good! : )

Anonymous said...

Not my favorite Adam interview. Some questions seemed uncomfortable for Adam to answer and hence he didn't answer them well.

Anonymous said...

The only one he could answer was the one about DOMA.
Am. Idol hasn't asked or he's been told to keep mouth shut, same with Queen, they haven't decided on televised performance or a few city tour, lips are sealed and how does he know if he'll meet someone he wants to marry at some unspecified time in the future?

Anonymous said...

I think Adam is a bit indiscreet when answers to the marriage question. He sort of burns the bridges behind him. And btw, he is still seeing Bridger too. But maybe all the guys won't mind his attitude..

Anonymous said...

oh contrare..we did learn alot from this interview:
1. he is not involved with anyone at the moment, at least not seriously
2. there is definitely something coming with Queen
3. by avoiding the question "have you been asked to judge AI?" it would seem that he has been but nothing written in we can keep hoping
he won't answer certain questions cause he does not want his fans and the media to get any wrong ideas..I don't think any celebs put all their business out there when it isn't a done deal

Anonymous said...

Idol has not even considered him, let's face it.

Anonymous said...

@10:50 AM - of course you could be absolutley right..but there is just something about his demeaner that leads me, at least, to think that the possibility exists that he has been considered, maybe even approached..maybe the details (financial remunerations) haven't been agreed upon...just thinkin' and hopin'...

Anonymous said...

excuse should be "absolutely" and demeanor"..wish this thing had spell check!

Anonymous said...

I think AI has been in contact with his management, however if he is on the short list, who knows?? Just like last year..

I kind of like when he can't tell us much because that means there is something in the works, so to speak.


Anonymous said...

maybe I'm reading too much into it..but when he gave the thumbs up..I got the impression that there is something going on in the background..only time will tell..I don't want to get my hopes up..

Anonymous said...

Lets face it you do not know what idol has done? It's likely has not approached anyone yet, may felt them out about it like JH, but that was the old producer's not there now. They have more problems than judges the format needs an overhaul. Some interviewer asked Steven T. Daughter if he would come back to Idol she said no he done and she thought Idol was also done as well.

Anonymous said...

I think Adam would be so good on idol, if its meant to be it will if not other things will come, such as Queen great hope for that, sounds good to me with what Brian said as well.

Anonymous said...

We learned he has never been with anybody he has wanted to marry Yet.

Sauliberts listen.

Anonymous said...

Well, it sounds like Queen will hapeen in some way, so that's good. No one knows about Idol, but Adam is kinda coy about it. I prefer to believe that he's still on the list. New album?? My guess is that he hasn't started yet. But there will be an album #3, IMO. Hope many new things fill his calendar. He is doing things that are keeping him in the media's eye. The LGBT things, etc. show that he is a quality person with a perspective on life that goes beyond the music. That's a good thing, IMO. The music will come. .


Anonymous said...

He said the poem he tweeted was not lyrics as some thought.

Anonymous said...

@11:47 I am a Sauli sunflower, but also a realist. :)

Anonymous said...

After all that squabbling and speculation as to deep meanings... in reference to Sauli, Bridger and every other male he knows and, oh yes, definitely lyrics for new song....I'd love to say "I told you so, sometimes a verse is just some thought that flies through your brain and pleases you enough to write it down".....but I won't that would be rude!

Anonymous said...

Lol you seem confused. And nasty. The fact that they weren't lyrics but instead had some meaning to him actually means that it was more personal and not less.

Anonymous said...

I'm not confused and rarely nasty, and I respect anyone who jots down a phrase , a rhyme, a fleeting bit of verse or random grouping of pleasant words that capture a moment or emotion. That's what journals are for. Wouldn't be without one. Adam probably has pockets full of notes he writes to himself every day. Some may or may not end up in a future song. Creative people create.

Anonymous said...

There has been lots of firing going on around Idol.
Mike Darnell, in-charge of reality shows on Fox and the one responsible in picking JHud as judge has been fired.
So, JHud is hanging in the air if that will be picked up by the new reality show chief named Pers who catapulted Swedish Idol to success.
Both executive producers Nigel Lythgoe and Ken Warwick have been fired as well and replacing them are two men who produced award shows as well as VH1 Duva.
Nothing is sure yet as they're still brainstorming on what to do and what changes to bring.
My guess, no one has been approached by Idol to be judges including Keith Urban who is the only past judge not fired nor resigned, is hanging whether to be back or Idol start up with the clean slate.

Anonymous said...

Sorry, that's VH1 Diva above.
Another Idol personnel, forgot her position, is only staying until end of year or until all has been put to place before being replaced.
She has been there for all the 12 seasons.

Anonymous said...

He wrote some words that were not poetic, evocative or clear in their intent. People were trying to figure out what he was trying to say. And you are gloating for some unknown reason. I see. Lol

Anonymous said...

I think the fandom grammar police took the poem most seriously. They really thought it was a song lyric. And Tommy wished happy bd to one of them..

Anonymous said...

11:47 AM
Yes , this certainly confirms that he did not love Sauli at all and was lying all the time. They were only roommates and maybe had some lust moments.

Someone tweeted that she would never expect that kind of answer after hearing Map and Nirvana.

Better luck Bridger !

Anonymous said...

Adam said many times when he was with sauli that he never thought bout marriage. This shouldn't be a surprise, except to those crazy fans that wanted to say they had some deep, everlasting love and were as good as married

Anonymous said...

1:45 PM

But if you are in love, don't you ever even consider marriage when you use words like "love him to death ".

Foolish me , l'm too romantic.

Anonymous said...

Sauli said never considered marriage ever, never gave it a thought in an interview. Does not mean they did not care for each other, for whatever time it worked.

Anonymous said...

many people fall in love but do not wish to marry..I mean Adam's parents divorced and he said he did not see it coming..he DID love Sauli, and prob. still has feeling for him..most of us fall in love several times in our is only the lucky few who mate for life in a loving relationship..I don't believe for a minute that Adam is in any way seriously involved with Bridger..get real!!

Anonymous said...

I don't believe he seriously involved with Bridger either, but what do I know.

Anonymous said...

Perhaps fans read too much into Adam's relationship with Sauli, maybe Adam invited Sauli to live with him too save on expenses while he was living in LA. I have no doubt they had a lot of fun together and were quiet fond of each other, but clearly Adam wasn't ready to settle down and I don't think Sauli was either. There's no harm with this both of them seem happy enough so why worry, and I don't think Adam was lying about anything, even when he was living with Sauli, he stated on more than one occasion that he wasn't thinking about marriage and I'm sure he would have been honest with his feelings with Sauli from the start, he doesn't come across as the type of person to mislead anyone.

Anonymous said...

Many people move in together with the idea of having a casual relationship, but then it comes time to move on, seems this could have been what happened between these 2 guys.

Anonymous said...

Many people move in together with the idea of having a casual relationship, but then it comes time to move on, seems this could have been what happened between these 2 guys.

Anonymous said...

1:52 PM

You could say I love them to death about a friend, or even a pair of shoes. haha It doesn't mean anything special - it's just being enthusiastic.

Anonymous said...

Moving on and changing subject. I just hope Adam gets better musicians. Someone tweeted WWFM was different last night. That means they corrupted it, or made a fug version of it, like it sounded in the vine snippet. Haven't seen any vids and don't think I want to.

Anonymous said...

the streaker didn't bother him at all. was that a compliment or an insult:) I took it as the latter.

Anonymous said...

He still has time to find someone to grow old with. Maybe his current life style is better than a steady relatinship. By the way: How old was Elton John when he met David? They have been together quite a long time.

Anonymous said...

I think this streaker wants AL to manhandle her tits.

Anonymous said...

Elton John is 66 and he has been with David for twenty years.

I think Adam really wanted a boyfriend and a monogamous relationship at the time he met Sauli, coming at the end of his tour. But they didn't have enough in common to last forever. So better to break up now and move on to others.

Anonymous said...

What's is wrong with saying:I don't know"? Why read something into this statement? It could actually be that Adam does not know and is not going to say anything until whatever it is comes to being. And I am tired of reading about Adam's past relationship with Sauli or speculation about a new boyfriend. When Adam wants us to know anything, he will tell us probably on Twitter. So give the guy a break and stop asking the same questions to him.

Anonymous said...

I would love to see some vids. Saying something different does not mean its corrupted. I think the band has sounded great lately.

Anonymous said...

2:45 PM
Tell that to the interviewer . He asked the questions . My impression because of this and also the earlier intervews is that he did not take it very seriously at any moment . It was maybe just nice to have a boyfriend . Sauli was just a playmate.

Anonymous said...

2:57 PM
Yes exactly, Sauli was only a playmate, because Adam is so immature and childish. He is unable to stable and lasting relationship. He has made himself look ridiculous, when talking other and behave completely different way.

Sauli deserves so much better... I hope he will soon find someone better and steady relationship.

Anonymous said...

No matter whether one is a glambert, saulbert or Sauli fan, Adam's answer about marriage lacks discretion..

Maybe he was caught off guard or maybe he just wants to seem like he doesn't care, or maybe he truly doesn't care at all. Nevertheless, he shouldn't have answered like that.

Anonymous said...

the top two comments are seriously moronic! you guys seem like immature teenagers..and if you love Sauli so damned much..please go and talk about him on another site..this site is for Adam Lambert lovers!!!

Anonymous said...

@4:02, 3:53 here

Thanks for the advice. i'll happily do exactly that.

Anonymous said...

4:02 PM Look yourself! How old are you? Judging from your speech I guess 12 yrs...

Anonymous said...

sorry, I am 71...I just can't tolerate Adam being called childish and immature..cause he isn't...and face it - his love life is none of our business..I prefer to focus on his amazing talent and many attributes..

HK fan said...

My sister in law has been living with her partner for 12 years, has 2 kids, never talk of getting friend has been with her partner for more than 20 years, has an 18yo...aren't married,
my brother has been living with his partner for 18 years, not married. Doesn't mean their relationships mean any less, marriage isn't for everyone.

Anonymous said...

Didn't Adam just say in San Diego to stop analyzing everything he says???

Anonymous said...

I thought this is Adam Lambert NEWS site...News are exactly what make people form their opinions. Where does it say that you have to brainlessly worship him? This worshipping gets here preeeetty spooky and childish IMO. People can disagree on things hopefully in a nice way. Why is it such a huge deal?

Anonymous said...

I think the Adam Worshippers have been overtaken by the Adam Critics. Most comments are negative, his hair, his beard, his chest hair, his clubbing, his choice of companions, his immaturity, his extent of gay-ness, his language, his use of urban dict. made up words, his spelling, his friends, his choice of set lists, his comic dance steps to entertain, his actions which many consider vulgar,
Poor Adam, to be so observed thru pessimistic eyes, his looks and actions always critiqued. I am so glad to be an absolute insignificant nobody!........JAK