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Adam Lambert Walks Away from RCA!!

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Friday, July 12, 2013

Posted at : Friday, July 12, 2013

VIA Hollywoodreporter:

The singer is walking away from his RCA contract after two full length albums, 2012's Trespassing and 2009's For Your Entertainment, along with several EPs and a live collection -- all issued by the Sony Music label.

Lambert revealed the news in a letter to THR, which follows in its entirety below. In it, Lambert notes "the oft-cited 'creative differences'" as they related to his next project, stating: "my heart is simply not in doing a covers album." To the contrary, Lambert adds that he's "deep into writing new material with some very talented colleagues," which will surely delight his audience of diehards.

Read Adam Lambert's letter below to Shirley Halperin:

Dear Shirley,

Thank you for your continued interest in, and support of, my musical career. After reading your article on July 8th, and seeing the very impassioned responses, I thought it would be good to write and let you know what is actually happening with my next album.

I've had an amazing few years working with the team at RCA; I admire all of them a great deal, and truly appreciate the energy & enthusiasm that went into making both "Trespassing" & "For Your Entertainment" successes.

That said, at this point, we are indeed having the oft-cited "creative differences" as to what my next project will be. Your article was correct, the label is "pushing for an (80's) covers album," and feels that this is the only kind of release they are prepared to support. While there are lots of great songs from that decade, my heart is simply not in doing a covers album.

Over the past four years, I have been truly fortunate to work with an amazing roster of producers, writers and engineers. Thanks to them, I have grown as both a songwriter and a vocalist. Artistically & professionally, I think it is essential that I continue with this evolution. I am already deep into writing new material with some very talented colleagues for a brand new album, and I can't tell you how excited I am to share this new sound & direction. This music is where my heart is, and I believe that is what my fans want to hear. So after careful consideration, I have made the decision to respectfully part ways with RCA. My passion for the music & respect for the fans will always come first. I am excited to find a new label team who shares this vision.





Magiclady said...

You go Adam!! Love the news about writing new music. Can't wait to see who picks him up!

Anonymous said...

Class act all the way.
Never had a doubt in his ability to "dance his own dance".

glitzylady said...

Instead of posting a new comment here, just re-posting my comment to Adam in response to his letter in the Hollywood Reporter article:

"Been wondering what took you so long Adam! You have my complete support and kudos for making this no doubt extremely difficult business decision. Thank you for sharing it with Shirley AND with all of us, your loving and understanding fans. As a long time fangirl :)), (along with my entire family by the way, ages running from 11 to 63...), I've been increasingly concerned (as have so many others) with the seeming lack of serious or whole-hearted promotion from RCA. Even now, a year plus later, I STILL do not get it. Your 2012 "Era 2" album, Trespassing, which is FULL of fabulous music (including ALL of the Bonus tracks), and best of all, was ALSO filled to the brim with your big heart and came from the depths of your beautiful soul, your personal sharing of just who you are, was not heard in any way, shape or form in the manner it should have been by many who would have loved it if they had only had the chance (IMHO). An example: I recently attended a pre-concert party in San Diego (YAY!!), at the Brass Rail, which was arranged by one of your biggest and most enthusiastic fans (besides me of course :)) ) @Lambertlust. We had a wonderful time, dancing our as**s off to your dance tracks... This "non-party" club goer guy came up to me and asked (shouted actually, because the music was loud and proud and "Kickin' In")..."So what's going on here, and WHO IS SINGING THIS FABULOUS MUSIC????!!!! I've never heard it before...And the bigger question is: WHY haven't I heard it??!!". Sooo we had a conversation: "That's Adam Lambert singing...and this is a pre-party celebrating his upcoming concert at the San Diego County Fair"(I invited him to go BTW.."wait until you hear Adam sing LIVE!! OMG!").. Of course he knew WHO you are, but he couldn't believe he had not heard your latest music... Sooooooo...Adam, just know that I'm here behind you, walking "beside" you in spirit, and loving your integrity as an artist and a human being, to go with your deepest feelings and seek a label who will more fully support your dreams for your future music. Hugs...
MaryMaryQuite ;) @glitzylady on twitter

lorraine said...

@ glitzylady Wonderful letter, Millions of Adam's fans all over the world, including me, echo your heartfelt words to Adam. Amazing person, isn't he??? And the most beautiful soul-which he bares for all of us to see and hear every time he sings.I think I can sleep more peacefully tonight {and with a smile on my face} after reading your letter. Thank you.

Anonymous said...

I'm glad somehow that Adam wrote that letter directly.
When the news of the RCA pushing for 80's covers, some posters in other blogs said that it could just be a ploy to save face of being dropped and that Adam could go off saying differing of artistic vision.
They were saying that was the way it happened to David Cook and mentioned a few more Idol alums, can't remember who now.
I believe Adam in this.

Anonymous said...

Wow!...mixed emotions...just admire his courage(party time over now adam)

glitzylady said...

Thank you!!! I meant every word and admire him so much. It couldn't have been easy to make that decision. But a long time in coming.........

Anonymous said...

Glad to see him leave RCA rather than give in to a cover album. Congratulations Adam!

BTW I am seeing comments from fans on other sites being very negative of RCA. Adam was very classy about RCA in his letter. I wish fans would see that and do the same. We never know where the future takes us and it would be a shame if fans burned that bridge for Adam. Plus it just makes all his fans look bitter and rude.

Please try to stay as classy as Adam when commenting on those very public sites.

Anonymous said...

If you need the link to the new story

or Lyndsey Parker's follow up on it:

glitzylady said...

The link to the Hollywood Reporter story is in the tweet from Adam in the thread topic header as well...

Anonymous said...

From MJ's

"Personally, I don’t blame him for rejecting the cover album idea. It would instantly render his music career irrelevant."

"Also, agree this whole deal–from Shirley dropping the “gossip” earlier this week, to the Glee announcement, and now the letter to Shirley revealing the split with RCA–it appears to be well orchestrated by Adam’s people.
Whoever is in charge of Adam’s PR deserves a major raise."

UPDATE: Shirley Halperin responds to MJ:

"There was no orchestration, MJ.
I had the tip, asked Adam directly at the Live Proud event, he wouldn’t comment. Same with his rep and the label.
Feeling confident in my sources, I printed the story, the reaction came flooding in and it precipitated a decision of whether to move forward with a third album, or not.
Both sides would have to agree on a creative direction in order to move ahead with the recording contract.
That’s the God’s honest truth.
Just good, old-fashioned journalism."

funbunn40 said...

Great letter, Glitzylady and as usual, echoes my sentiments,as yours, Lorraine. I also left comments on The Hollywood Reporter. Adam's letter was well and respectfully written, smart, knowing to "never burn your bridges", no matter what the circumstances. I believe Adam made the right choice. As far as pure enjoyment and the ability to out sing any cover of any artist, we know Adam can easily do justice to their music. I don't think now is the time to rely on cover work and the stigma that labels it as the decline of the artist doing the album. Adam has so many creative songs to share that captures his own personal vision and RCA/ Sony is not interested in creative artistry and excellence in music, but safe, generic music or success of artists of old, afraid to embrace individuality and new territory, guaranteed money being the bottom line. Other labels should snatch him up, but if not, Adam and other creative artists should ban together and create their own label IMHO.I think Adam will be fine. He has us! lol

Anonymous said...

Yuhuu, ADAM, I love you so fuckin mucho!!!!!

Trust the Man with the Voice!!!

So proud to be your fan, always!

Anonymous said...

Adam's letter is so actual and well written. I really love that he mentioned that the new music is what his fans wants too, good to know that he is already writing it. I can't wait his 3rd album! :)


Anonymous said...

Do you remember the Poll Admin put up (many, many threads back), where we were asked whether we wanted a) covers, b) new original music or c) don't know...

Last time I checked the results (~500 answers) the split was a) 23% - b) 54% - c) 23%

Tells something about the posters/lurkers/visitors on this site... You would think true fans grave for NEW ORIGINAL music... or at least have an opinion...

Anonymous said...

Adam Lambert freaking ROCKS and has no fear! He will not live a lie!!!
Love him even more if that is possible.

Anonymous said...

1:26, that's probably because those of us who said a cover album was a bad idea were called names and some people hedged their opinions in case Adam actually did it.

Everything Adam has said and done up to now pointed to he would think it was a bad idea too. Kudos to him for standing up to what he believes in.

Anonymous said...

This is the best news EVER! I (we?) have been so angry at RCA for so long in not "getting" Adam, not understanding his music, not strategically picking the singles. The music has always been there, but someone up in the Ivory Tower just doesn't get it -- and screwed up the obvious potential that the Trespassing album had on the radio.

I know this is a bit trivial, but never thought that CURRENT and PROGRESSIVE and GLAM Adam Lambert was a right fit for the century-old RCA label (despite the fact that, yes, there are other current artists on there). I'd rather see him on something like Epic Records, which is Michael Jackson's label, and also has folks like Avril Lavigne, The Script, and even Adam's pal Bonnie McKee.

Or, better yet, Interscope, label for Madonna and Lady Gaga, and scores of others, including a few idols. Of course, that depends upon whether Jimmy Iovine likes Adam.

In any case, I'm super excited and I think this is going to be a wonderful new beginning for Adam!

Anonymous said...

My apologies Glitzylady. I didn't know you are the only one allowed to posts multiple links to the same story in a post. Won't happen again.

Anonymous said...

ADAM LAMBERT BABY!!!! You are FIERCE indeed!!!:)

You have the principle to fight and being respectful to your fans indeed!!!:)

Wow!! You are gaining more fans for doing this......

You are the SLEEPING GIANT and ready to rise above them all!!!!


Unknown said...

I am so proud of Adam for sticking to his guns, he knows what is best for him and his fans, he has such integrity. He is the greatest singer ever, and deserves to be treated as such.

Anonymous said...

He's got BALLS that is for sure! Wanting a record deal like he did for so long and walking away from it? I think there is more to this story. I don't see why the 80's album would have been a big deal. I think he would probably make the songs hits all over again, but the artists would enjoy making the royalties. Maybe he is unleashing his stubborn right now? Hope the decision is a good one.

Unknown said...

I am so proud of Adam for sticking to his guns, he knows what is best for him and his fans, he has such integrity. He is the greatest singer ever, and deserves to be treated as such.

Anonymous said...

Adam has enough fans and a Twitter following that he can just offer his original new music as a download and not pay those fees to a record label.

He could sell CD's for those who can't DL from his web-sight.

He could do an EP and get something out there soon and then add to it. Lot's of independent artist do that today.

Anonymous said...

While he's busy with all these news and changes... wish there was a way to RELAUNCH the Best of the best from TSP... you know with a twist Adam style!!!
TSP nevah got a fair chance of proper launch that it deserved!

Anonymous said...

Wow, what a week for Adam Lambert news. First, we learn that he will have a role on Glee joining the likes of Whoopi,Kate Hudson, SJP, NPH,etc. who have been in a number of episodes. Then today the news that he has walked away from RCA. That must have been a difficult decision for him to make, but it was the right one for Adam. What a well written, intelligent, respectful letter. But I wouldn't expect anything less from Adam. Glad to hear he is working on new music too. Hopefully there will be several record labels out there clamoring for him to sign with them. This vocal powerhouse deserves to do music his way and not give into a label who really did nothing to promote Trespassing and just didn't realize what a "diamond" they had in their hands. Here's a quote from Ralph Waldo Emerson which I think sums up Adam Lambert and his career: "What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us." And now I can't wait to see what the third album will bring us.

Anonymous said...

I think with Shoshanna coming to town next week there will be more announcements to come. She did tweet something like "this is just the beginning" a while back and her smiley face response to another tweeter is all good news! Adam seems to be in good hands with his management team and I'm sure they have all worked hard to get him a new contact with a pregressive label.
Also waiting for news of a Queen collaboration of some sort and an Idol judging role. Not too many dull moments in Adamland!!!!!!!


glitzylady said...

@Anon 2:14 AM
I was only trying to be helpful for those who may not be able to cut and paste a link to the article. (There might possibly be a few who may not know how to do that..) The link in the thread header in the tweet is one that can simply be clicked on without cutting and pasting.

Anonymous said...

4:47, if you have read the comments from industry people and Adam himself you should understand why it's a big deal about not making a cover album. It's rare to make hits out of something like that and is generally seen as the end of your career for a third album. I don't think it is stubborn to hold on to his dreams and integrity. I know Adam didn't leap without looking. He's got a plan. Have more faith in him.

Anonymous said...

I can't wait to see who puts up the $ to produce new album!

Anonymous said...

A change is going to come. One of the songs Adam has sung before he was real famous. Adam happened to sang this song again at the finial end of his coming home Glamnation tour. This song fits him good. And Adam knows it. Anyone else remember this?

Anonymous said...

We all remember it and it was a COVER of a classic.

Anonymous said...

12:04 I believe Shirley. Truth is stranger than fiction.

Anonymous said...

Adam soul of the song! ♫ ♩♫
Congratulations to follow its logical heart,expressing what he feels and wants of the music. Success in your new projects!!!
Thanks Glambert, for their excellent comments and information! HH

Anonymous said...

Doesn't mean I want an album of COVERS.

Anonymous said...

Yikes, news every day!........JAK

I truly don't care what Adam records, they all make my heart happy. : )))))
However, I want his heart happy too!

Anonymous said...

I´m truly happy for Adam!! He is one gutsy man who certainly marches with the beat of his own drum :) Like he said he thought this through very carefully. He knows what he´s doing. I hope he finds the best label to support his vision. I don´t know much about music business, but what I do know is what a talented singer and a great vocalist sounds like. And that´s Adam! Very happy for him indeed! :)


coloforadam said...

Too bad it has to be all or nothing. Great anticipation for the growth in endeavor #3 but I don't see why there can't be a couple of covers on each album. Don't we all have a song we would love to hear him raise to new levels? Worked for Adele and it certainly didn't lessen the power of her original works. Bottom line, whatever he sings brings me to my knees with unbelievable joy.

Anonymous said...

I am so proud of Adam!!!!!!!!!!!

Tall Tree

Anonymous said...

How could something as mundane as a singer's new job and label become an event of the proportion of a supernova explosion? That the singer possesses the golden voice of an angel from Planet Fierce, sings like "Zeus in a thong", has "balls of titanium (not just steel)", reckoned "a biological experiment to build a rock god", and we begin to understand that the comparison is no mere hyperbole. atm

glitzylady said...

Well, since you put it that way.... :))))))

Exactly right!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...


Always excellent post! . . . ana

Catharine Sloper said...

It seems to me that if RCA waited long enough, Adam would have come up with a bunch of songs that could have worked for a great cover album. Adam seems to pick up a song every once in a while like "Is this love", "Stay", etc. just because he seems to enjoy doing it. Now if they were really going to narrow down their requirements specifically to 80s music, well, they might have had to wait a really long time for that. I'm not sure what to say about this. I know a big place like RCA would be more interested in making spectacular money rather than just really, really good money. So that could be some of what is going on here. But I have been really, seriously disappointed that Adam has not toured recently in America, particularly in the New England area. It would be great if some other label took him up, one that understood his artistic vision more. On the other hand, as someone else was saying, it is a whole new world in the music industry and just for artists in general. So there are ways to reach your audiences and disregard the middlemen which offers an exciting challenge to Adam artistically and in every way. So I just look at this situation as more opportunity for Adam, sort of on the level of a crazy, adrenaline inducing balance between risk and opportunity. I just hope Adam really reaches out and grabs this chance to go in some new and exciting directions. Now is certainly the time to do it!