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ENTV: Adam Lambert Joins Glee Season 5

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Thursday, July 11, 2013

Posted at : Thursday, July 11, 2013

Adam Lambert joins the cast of Glee Season 5. He will star in at least two episodes, just like another former American Idol contestant Jessica Sanchez.


Anonymous said...

OK, so understanding a little better here. Thought Adam was going to be on the show full season. This means he'll be filming, working on #3 and touring on and off. Great exposure and a great boost for Glee too. Way to go Adam!

Anonymous said...

Two shows are we sure about this?

Anonymous said...

States he will be joining the season. Need to get the facts strait.

Anonymous said...

how did they word it when Jessica was scheduled to appear on Glee?

Anonymous said...

It was on E true and false tonight. Said did not know forgot wording the capacity. Did not say anything about guess star.Murpphy said join cast so will see. Do not believe they know. Sue

Anonymous said...

No, the original statement was he will be joining the cast on Season 5. That could mean multiple appearances or it could mean he is joining the cast for a single performance on Season 5.

We just have to wait for more info.