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Gorgeous Fan Art of The Day

Filed Under (,, ) by Admin on Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Posted at : Wednesday, July 24, 2013


Anne Marie said...

absolutely stunning picture. But I don't see Adam as riding any horse. LOL

Anonymous said...

That's a tie for beauty.

Anonymous said...

Interesting.....interpretations of Adam. He is really stunning so it is fun to draw.

Anonymous said...

Never seen anyone who can change his look like Adam. Just shows he could go into so many different character's. what a lovely picture so talented of Adam. So glad for new posts. That large one that just left was a lot of nonsense and that's all. We have had some wonderful news about Adam lately, Vegas and Glee. Unfortunately dampened by CM death but life will go on with just some delay and I feel Adam will be great on the show and the show will be great for Adam as well as the wonderful opportunity in Vegas will also help further a career that I feel has already been impressive, nothing us everything we want it to be. I would never ever be depressed in anyway about Adam or his career, I so thrilled for the new opportunities heading Adam way, he a beautiful talented man. The best I ever seen in concert he moves me when he sings and I hope someday I am well enough to see him in concert again, because he will be performing in one way or the other for many years to come. Sorry but the horse is gorgeous but they all take second place to Adam! Sue

Anonymous said...

Wow!!! That's A-M-A-Z-I-N-G!!! Lord of the Manor!!!!

Anonymous said...

Glambertmax, you are one talented artist! This painting is beautiful, like the old school Masters. Not only did you capture Adam perfectly, everything in this portrait is stunning. I hope you're doing something professional with your art, you'd be very successful.

xo laura

glitzylady said...

Just for the record: this pic was photoshopped from an existing picture. Great photoshop job, but the artist who did most of the painting was someone else. Adam's handsome face & head shopped in... Still awesome but most of the credit lies with someone else.....

Original source via @Lilybop2010 on twitter:

Anonymous said...

great photoshop!!

Anonymous said...

Adam as Heathcliffe! THUD!.nancdruuu2

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

OMG, when I first saw this I thought the face was photoshoped in because it was so perfect! But I hoped it was an original and didn't want to insult artist. I guess this is it's own type of art. Ha. Thanks for the info. Still, a beautiful job.

xo laura

xo laura

Anonymous said...

There are so many good artist and this is one of the best of Adam!!:)

Thanks for sharing this magnificent art and more power!!:)


Anonymous said...

OMG, this painting is so life like, he is so beautiful, I can't stand any longer.

Anonymous said...

A lot of fan art is either photoshopped like this one or "computer painted" meaning they used a program to paint over actual photo.

Anonymous said...

The picture looks like a cover of a romance novel, Adam of course as the sexy main character..


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Can you imagine Adam in a period film where he is a "lord of the manor" type and wears very elegant, sexy clothes and gets romantic with God only knows who? My imagination is running wild and my bosom is heaving. LOL!

Anonymous said...

Quick. The smelling salts!

Anonymous said...

Interesting.....but I'm just thinking of all those guys who did it the hard way.....with paint and brushes. Van Gogh, Vermeer, Monet, Manet, Renoir, Klee, Reynolds......... everything else, art evolves!........JAK

Anonymous said...

Oh contrare...he and friends went horseback riding on the beach at one point during the Glamnation tour.......

Anonymous said...

Oh' such a fantastic job. I wish I could do this.

Anonymous said...

Adam and sauli went horseback riding on the beach in mexico

Anonymous said...

AND it's also a wonderful nod to Ashley Dzerigian who loves horses and often donates her time promoting organizations that help these wonderful creatures.

Anonymous said...

Reminds me of Wuthering Heights.

Anonymous said...

Move over Colin Firth - Adam in all his glory is Mr Darcy!! Magnificent photoshop!! Adore it!!

Adamluv said...

@7:15 - Did not know of Ashleys love of horses nor her involvement in organizations that help them. Makes me like her even more than I already did. . . . Adamluv

Anonymous said...

Stunning photoshop. I love Adam dressed in all that finery. He wears it to perfection.

I'm a horse lover too. I had 7 horses when I was a lot younger. I've seen a beautiful photo of Ashley with a horse.