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Melvin vs Shaved

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Posted at : Tuesday, July 09, 2013

Picture VIA @glam_alidol: Fan art by yani: Adam and his twin brother Lambert


Anonymous said...

Adam will always have my UNCONDITIONAL support.
No matter what, where, when, etc.!!
Ignorant comparisons like this only serve to rile up the glamily.

Anonymous said...

I'm just a casual fan and I really don't care.

Anonymous said...

I like both.

Anonymous said...

Right you are. Well said.

funbunn40 said...

Adam rocks it both ways and should do what makes him happy. My preference is the clean shaven, movie star handsome, natural look, not covering up absolute perfection. Adam has such classically perfect features, the hair gets in the way of the view! Like fine art, "it's in the eye of the beholder."

funbunn40 said...

I don't see Adam's facial hair as important enough to rile up the glamily, just superficial fun to discuss while waiting for new music or videos of Adam.Most really don't care, just something to pass the time until something important comes along. :)

Anonymous said...

I love the CLEAN shaven face.He's so handsome that way to me,but BB will do what he wants to,won't he?He will shave pretty soon,I think,...we'll see..

Anonymous said...

Serena, we're just having fun with Adam's looks. I enjoyed seeing Adam's gorgeous face wherever it may be, and the discussions might even inject some levity in times of stress over Adam's career direction. BTW, preferring one over the other has no bearing on our unconditional support for Adam. Also, I'm not a casual fan and I care for whatever Adam feels like rocking at the moment. atm

Anonymous said...


You have post at the end of the thread "New Cute Adam Lambert Picture"!
PLEASE, react and do something, F I N A L L Y!

Anonymous said...

JAK here.......please keep in mind that I am only having superficial fun here......

My visceral reaction is left photo....nooooooooooooooooo
Right photo....yessssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss

Adamluv said...

Clean shaven face all the way! Havent said that, wouldnt kick him out of BED even with the facial hair. It would be a sacrifice I know, but I'm willing to take one for the team. LOL. . . . Adamluv

Adamluv said...

Oops! Meant to say "Having said that". See what happens when you try and be funny!!!!!! . . . Adamluv

Anonymous said...

Riled up.....noooooooooooooooooooooooooo
Revved up.....yesssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss ^o^

Anonymous said...

I agree, funbunn40, his facial hair is not a real crucial thing to me. He's hot either way. And, of course, he'll change it up when he's good and ready.


Anonymous said...

I like them both. six months of each would suit me fine.

Anne Marie said...

There are only two people who have a right to say anything about liking or not liking Melvin. They are Adam himself and his lover whoever that might be. I am sure some of his close friends have given opinions about it, and we all know Adam's answer , it's one of those F words, and I don't mean friend.

Anonymous said...

Adam don't have a boyfriend. He burned the bridges.

Anonymous said...

Either way it's Adam and he is absolutely gorgeous with sex appeal indeed!!:)

As I always say, NO WORRIES!!!:)


Grace said...

i like both.

Anonymous said...

Grace, your thingamajig is cute.

Anne Marie said...

@ 3:39
Only Adam knows if he has a lover.

Anonymous said...

It doesn't matter if Adam has facial hair or not.

But did you notice how drop-dead gorgeous he is WITHOUT make-up?


Magiclady said...

You funny!
I like both, am a little partial to the scruffy look, but believe me, I would not turn either down!

Jadam NZ said...

Love clean shaven look, always have disliked facial hair, not just on Adam.
However in saying that it is just a bit of fun, love him unconditionally.

Anonymous said...

Rather have clean shaven but if he walked up to me I'd melt either way. Adam is still Adam no matter what he does.

Anonymous said...

2:41 AdamLuv ... the only problem - he'd kick US out of bed.

Damn it.

xo laura

Anonymous said...

I love him anyway he wants to be..

Anonymous said...

Anyway too...but loved the silver lavender hair sooooooooo much.

daydreamin said...

Adamluv I love it!

Laura sadly you are right. **sigh**

Anonymous said...

Adam is always perfect looking to me. Which ever look he has at the moment is the winner. Adam is never boring and does not submit to pressure. Thank goodness for that!

Anonymous said...

Enjoying the facial hair, he looks very sexy and manly.

kicked out of bed? right moment right time it could werk. orgasm is orgasm

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I love that Adam can change it up, never boring. I do tend to lean towards the clean shaved face, but heck the rugged look does something to me too, heck I can't decide!

Adam would kick us out of bed, but I wouldn't go without a hell of a fight..LOL


Anonymous said...

SHAVED by a gazillion glory miles!! Tampering with perfection should be illegal!!

Anonymous said...

I don't mind the mustache but maybe just trim on both ends to shorten it.
I love Adam no mater what.

tess4ADAM said...

No preference! Just LOVE ADAM ... PERIOD!!

tess4ADAM(LAMBERT Outlaw)

glitzylady said...

Had to move on from the "80's Cover Songs" thread... needed to come up for air (Phew!!)

This is DEFINITELY more fun :)) And less heavy.

I think Adam looks miiiighty fiiiiiine any old way: 'stash' clean shaven, etc.. etc..Hair up, hair down, high fashion..casual...leather (excluding the tan tunic thingie from a couple of years ago...ooops! But bless his heart anyway :))))... But if I HAD to choose, I really like the natural "ginger scruff" look. And of course his clean shaven look. I also LOVED his platinum/grey/whatever it was at any given time from last summer. I thought it really suited him to a T. And his much-lighter-reddish-blondish-on top highlights that he only recently gave up. And his not-so-much-product-looser-and-relaxed-look-bed-head hair...

But most of all, I LOVE Adam!

Anonymous said...

He always looks great but at the right pic he looks a little younger.

Anonymous said...

me too glitzylady.

Anonymous said...


I tend to lean towards Adam.
- in anything!
- in everything!
- always!!!

Anonymous said...

I'm not a fence-sitter .... most definitely SHAVED for me.

Anonymous said...

@8:47PM, ditto!

Anonymous said...

I prefer a hairy chest to a hairy face so I prefer Adam's handsome, clean-shaven face to Melvin. :)

Anonymous said...

Love Adam but NO to facial hair and make-up, these just cover his handsomeness

Anonymous said...

I love Adam clean shaven with little make-up. And the light highlights in the front of his hair are stylish and I like this look.

Anonymous said...

Would not chance a hair on his... well anywhere on him!!! Just perfect as he is, always!