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New Picture! Adam Lambert walking with friend!

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Saturday, July 13, 2013

Posted at : Saturday, July 13, 2013



Anonymous said...

Thanx for sharing.
Yes, us Glamberts are great.

glitzylady said...

This is a new song by by Adam's friend, Eli Lieb. Really sweet...

An article in OUT magazine and the video "Young Love"

Anonymous said...


glitzylady said...

By the way, Eli Lieb is the friend walking with Adam....

Anonymous said...

Adam looking sooooo good.

Anonymous said...

Cute couple! That is, if they are a "couple." Not jumping to conclusions.


Anonymous said...

I think they have known each other for awhile and id guess just friends Adam was at bootsy bellows. There is another picture out there of him with markus molinari last night.

Anonymous said...

adam not looking good with that ugly hair on his lip.

Anonymous said...

Adam's facial hair is delicious ...I love it.

Anonymous said...

And everything is back to normal with the regular trolls.

Anonymous said...

Ha! Ha! @7:26 PM...

You are right!!!:) Still, we need to carry on and let them drool he!he!

Adam is delicious to look at eh!!


Anonymous said...

AL is better looking than most of the company he keeps. who is this dude?

Anonymous said...

I just came from Adam's fan club site and maybe this was posted already but I think it is so cool. Liam McEwan won this years Shorty Award for Radio DJ of the year beating out Ryan Seacrest. Liam is the 17 year student that does his Adam Lambert Hour every week from NZ for two years now.

Anonymous said...

Kudos to Liam I love his AL hour.

glitzylady said...

@Anon 8:14 PM
He's a singer. Go to my 2 posts above. Eli Lieb.....more info there.......

Anonymous said...

Adam looks sooooo good!! So sexy and relaxed. Love him like crazy!

Anonymous said...

He is a singer, song writer, trying to start up his career, hence the friendship with Adam. He spent 10 years in NY, where possibly Adam met him, and now lives in LA. He has done one album, that he produced and made himself, has no label working with him. His first single came out today, on you tube. Adam better be careful, these people come out of the wood work. Not saying he is not a nice guy, he probably is. But being in NY for 10 years and couldn't get any where with his music, and now trying LA. I think he is probably too old to try out for AI. I think he has some things in common with Adam, so they have plenty to talk about, music wise.

Anonymous said...

Well adam has no label either so these are the kind of people he will be collaborating with if he tries to do music.. Honestly I hope he just goes back to theater unless he does well enuf on his stint with glee to get more acting jobs.

Anonymous said...

9:11, you don't know what your talking about. You act like Adam has nothing now. Singers change labels and managers all the time. Not to worry. I'm totally with Ad, who wants to have a hand bearing down on you when you are so artistic and talented. Totally behind Adam.

Anonymous said...

We don't know yet if Adam has a label, or one pending. I don't think he would have given everything up with RCA, without an assurance of another label. He is too smart to do that. Unless this guy has talked him into going alone.

Anonymous said...

Lol why would this guy have anything to do with adam leaving rca? I am just saying now he is going to be working with the many musician friends he has who do not have labels.

And no, I don't think he has any chance at a major label now.

Anonymous said...

July 19: Concert Paso Robles, CA. California Mid State Fair, Chumash Grandstand Arena. Gates at 6:30pm.

Anonymous said...

9:28, come back when his new label is announced and tell us you were wrong. kthxbye

Anonymous said...

9:41 if you bought tickets from the fan club you have to pick them up at will call. I just got an Email.

Anonymous said...

Nobody said that this guy talked him into leaving RCA. This was not a spur of the moment thing with Adam, It has been brewing for quite a while. It's all news to us, but not to Adam and his team. I think Adam is totally in control of his life right now. He obviously didn't make this humungous decision without advice.
He knows a lot of suits in the business who have labels, that he probably had long conferences with.
Adam knows this might be a life changing event to his whole career.
I wouldn't be surprised if that was one of many reasons why he went to NY, for over 3 weeks. We will see on Monday if any news is about his label.

Anonymous said...

good to see our guy out and looking so nifty. All you micro managers on here are so funny. No one knows shit what Adam is up to and if you do , big whip.

daydreamin said...

I am hoping there are record labels chomping at the big to get at him.

Anonymous said...

Absolutely, you got it in one. It ain't delicious at all.

Anne Marie said...

Just saw the news that Cory Montieth was found dead in Vancouver, he was part of the cast of Glee. Does anyone know the name, I don't watch Glee yet. Drug overdose in hotel room.

Anonymous said...

Cory is one of the main cast of Glee. OMG!

Anonymous said...

I don't watch Glee that much but I think he was Finn. Just recently in rehab for drug addiction.

Anonymous said...

Adam auditioned for Cory's character before Idol but Adam didn't get the part. They loved his voice but they told him he looks old to be a high school student. So Cory got the part instead of Adam. OMG I feel so bad. RIP Cory.

Anonymous said...

Cory had drug addiction problem. He's been in rehab so many times but couldn't overcome his disorder. Gush, so young.

Anonymous said...

I feel so sad about Cory. Didn't see it coming.

jt said...

7:04 and 10:18. same person, always doing the questions and answers themselves, its very childish. Just take a dive.

Anonymous said...

SOOOooooooo proud of Adam! Love him!

Anonymous said...

I'm 10.18 and I'm NOT the same person as 7.04 so YOU take a dive, smart ass.

Anonymous said...

Such good news about Adam getting a role on Glee, but so sad to come to this series with the death of Cory Monteith. Who knows how this will affect the premiere of this season's shows and how the storyline will have to change. If it is a drug overdose for Cory, so sad for someone who was so talented and so much to look forward to with his career and his love Leah Michele. Adam does look so handsome and relaxed in this picture and let's not assume that each time he is pictured with a male friend that it is the new BF. Adam has a lot going on in his life right now and maybe a new relationship isn't in the picture at this particular time.

Urethra_Franklin said...

9:47 you rock! LOL

Seriously, this kid will have a new label in no time. That is, if he hasn't already signed with someone.

Anonymous said...

OT and NOT...
This pic so reminds of the nightly pics of Adam and Sauli walking away from some place after a fun night out...

What a HOT pair of jeans, Mr. Lambert!

Anonymous said...

So shocking to hear about Cory Monteith - RIP. So sad for Leah Michelle. She must be so heartbroken over this tragedy. Sending my love and prayers to family and friends.
As far as Adam is concerned, I continue to see his future as very bright and I'm confident he either has a record deal or will get one soon. As far as Glee is concerned, life will go on for the show. Too many promising young people are gone and there is always hope the tragic pattern will stop one day soon.
On a positive note, Adam is looking so fine and I am thankful for his great family, friends, and fans who give him such loving support when he needs it most.

Anonymous said...

5:51 You might as well be for all you added to the discussion.

Anonymous said...

Lol, is a troll, heard nothing after glee news now with RCA news knew it would come out of its rat cave.

Anonymous said...

There is no one named Lol you idiot

Anonymous said...

12.33 talking about the ever hateful lol 9.28. Will always try to put a damper on anything good happening. Seems it was at a lost for nasty at the Glee news, It will think of something to bring it down. Knew it would chew its way out if it's rat cave for the label news.

Anonymous said...

Well I am 9 28 and I did post that I was very happy he got the glee job. You don't know who is posting what. I have seen other people called lol as well.

Anonymous said...

Adam does look relaxed in this pic, but also a bit wistful, I guess he has a lot on his mind right now.

Anonymous said...

As my father told his children and my husband and I told ours: You NEVER decide to leave one job until you have another to go to. All of our children have followed this advice and I'm happy to say they're all doing quite well. I'm positive Adam would have something in the works before leaving RCA. We'll hear soon who he has signed with. Happy dance! RCA was holding him back and he will be better off with his decision.

Glass half full!