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New Picture: Adam Lambert's Friends Listening to His New Music!

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Sunday, July 14, 2013

Posted at : Sunday, July 14, 2013

VIA leecherry: "@aliaut and @scarlettcherry listening to @realadamlambert 's new sheeiitt!"


Anonymous said...

let us listen to the new sheeiitt too, paleease.

Anonymous said...

By the looks of the pic, this song rocks and is perhaps upbeat.! I hope the album will go rock. Adam's voice is pure rock and roll. Whatever he chooses, it will be incredible just like the man himself.

Anonymous said...

He'll have to find a label first before anyone can hear it. Just hope it's not so controversial this time round so the radio stations will be more willing to play it.

glitzylady said...

Just a general suggestion/plea: how about we keep this thread happy, upbeat, and positive. We've already had enough of the gloom and doom as of late. Word of new music from Adam=instant joy and optimism for me!!!

Adam will undoubtedly find a new label..(perhaps already in talks with one or more..) and hopefully they'll promote him and his music properly. As for the type of music, he has said he's evolving and going in some new directions, as is currently being reflected by the new trends in music in general. So new era, new music, new hope.

And as @Anon 11:22 AM observed, it looks like Alisan and Scarlett are really enjoying the sound, whatever it is..and it looks like its going to be upbeat and happy, perhaps rockin' music.... Guessing it's going to brings smiles to our faces too. Can HARDLY wait to hear it!!!!


Anonymous said...

@11:40 AM - yeah, he needs to not be putting out tracks that appeal to the gay community - no prob from me - but the majority of people in this country are straight and prefer music that is not so 'gay specific'..Adam is so smart, I'm sure he understands this..

tea said...

I'm guessing the next news from Adam will be the name of the new label.

Anonymous said...

Trespassing was and still is one of the best albums I have heard, usually when I buy an album there may only be one or two songs I really like but I can honestly say with Trespassing each and every song is good quality music. At the same time it wasn't to everyone's liking, and the lyrics for some people were controversial and sadly I'd say that's why radio stations were reluctant to play it. Now that's my opinion and I'm entitled to it, I also believe I have a right to express my thoughts honestly rather than go on with a lot of false WooHoo's. I will look forward to hearing Adam's new album when it comes out however I do believe he has a lot of challenges ahead and hope this time round he produces music for everyone similar to his first album where he had far more sales songs like WWFM and IFIHY, were more commercially viable and did do well for Adam.

Anonymous said...

Adam has some wonderful friends in Alison, Scarlett and Lee!!!!! What a great way to let us know he is working on new music.

I love beening an Adam fan but I feel sad today that another young man has lost his battle with drugs. RIP Cory!!!!!


Anonymous said...

The majority of songs, both on TSP and FYE are totally applicable to all walks of life...if you care to listen with your heart & soul!

When will the majority of the so called STRAIGHT people get that it's their TURN to adapt, accept and grow up!

The world around you is changing fast, uppgrade your attitudes and middle age beliefs!!!

glitzylady said...

@Anon 12:11 PM
We all have a right to an opinion. And my woohoo's are totally real, by the way, nothing false about them. I do understand your concerns. I also wish for appreciation for Adam and his music: great success for his next album, with music that will appeal to a wide audience. Much of his music on Trespassing should have done just that, but was dismissed without a fair listen or chance to be heard by an actual listening audience. The radio powers that be arbitrarily made those decisions for us. Sadly. I know that for a fact by the comments I personally received from several DJ's: they were not allowed to play the music no matter how many requests they received: not on their approved playlists. So... we have fingers crossed for the next time.... That's a given. But I ALSO wish for some positivity and optimism for the future, on a day, or days of late, when so much of the news has been difficult to hear, or to absorb. And so many things are up in the air. All I'm saying. No criticism meant.

Anonymous said...

No matter what they think of Adam's music, fans who adores him will buy it because he is full of life and encouraging..

His passion makes us more committed to him indeed!!:)

I wish him all the best and more success!!:)


Anonymous said...

I think the next news will be about his role on glee or a picture from the set.

Anonymous said...

those girls look like they are movin and grovin.

Anonymous said...

I agree that I'd love to see an era of positivity on this site. There is so much good stuff happening in Adam's world. It's a shame to waste energy on negative, worthless commentary. I know his new album will be great and if it takes a new direction, rock, etc., that would suit me fine. I have thought that the songs from TP may emerge again in future years. That happens sometimes with albums. Certain songs get "re-discovered" long after the album came out and really catch on. Those songs are too good to be buried forever. Despte the Glee tragedy, I hold hope that Adam's time on the show will help boost his visibility to a larger audience.
I'm an eternal optimist. Life's too short.


Anonymous said...

I agree- Trespassing is a great album !!! Oneday it will receive the recognition it deserves !!! I am enthusiastically looking forward to Adam's next album. By the way - I love all the hats that Scarlett wears.

Anonymous said...

12:28 PM
I agree that both FYE & TSP are totally applicable to both gay and straight people, however not all everyone see's it that way, I personally love both albums but many straight people don't bother to take the time to listen and this is even harder when they don't get the radio play they deserve.

As far as your comments regarding STRAIGHT people needing to ADAPT, ACCEPT & GROW UP, comments like that only serve to push the divide between gay and straight people further apart. Equality should be and is about fairness for both gay and straight people, it should never be all about gay's or straights, and I've heard Adam say this himself many times, he often says no matter what gender, race or religion you are it's all about EQUAL RIGHTS, so if that's the case then equal rights should apply to EVERYONE not just a small few.

Anonymous said...

DRG,12:56 PM
Sounds like you want homogenise this site, If everyone simply gives sweet and pleasant comments then this site will surely lose it's appeal to many. I'm not referring to trolls or trouble makers but we do live in a democracy and people do have a right to differ with their opinions. There's no harm if fans wish to express their concerns as long as it's in an honest and polite way. Adam has a large number of diverse fans from all works of life and we don't always see things in the same light, I think it's important to respect that fact.

glitzylady said...

All I was hoping for was one thread of happy today..

Anonymous said...


Urethra_Franklin said...

I think its insulting to suggest he stay clear of gay-centric lyrics. Especially since he handles them very gracefully and as non-controversially as he possibly can while at the same time making them applicable to ANYONE. Not to mention the fact that he writes from his own view point. To tell an artist to ignore WHO THEY ARE when writing is blasphemous.

You cant cure an ignorant mind that refuses to see its illness. People that don't like him cause hes gay will NEVER like cause hes gay. And he isn't writing for those fools. So why should he pander to their "needs?"

Anonymous said...

12:58 I think you misunderstood what Adam has said. He says it isn't who you sleep with, it's about LOVE.

People who come here are Adam's fans (at least I hope so) who whatever their personal beliefs may be, accept him for who he is. He exudes love for everyone without care to age, weight, race or religion. Let's see if we can do the same here for each other.

Just sayin...

Anonymous said...

2:37 PM
I agree, Adam has every right to write the sort of music that he feels so passionate about and for those who don't want to listen then no one is forcing them to. Adam isn't for everyone but I'm sure Adam himself knows this, he needs to be true to himself and I have a great deal of admiration towards him for taking the steps he has just recently, with RCA. Let's hope he finds a new label soon who will value him for who he is.
with RCA.

Anonymous said...

3:01 PM
I totally agree with you, but I think it's you who misunderstood my comments. Your tone sounded rather anti towards straight people so hence my comments. At the end of the day there are both good and bad people whether they be gay, straight, a different race or religion. The best any of us can do is to show some mutual respect for each other and tolerance towards any differences we may have, and if we are speaking about love, that should also include forgiveness, so I apologise if I offended you in anyway, as that was not my intention.

Anonymous said...

Thank U so much 4 all ur informative posts, so thankful 4 them. Loove ur and JAK positivity I always look 4 ur posts Again THANKS!!!!
So sad RIP Cory

love and light

Anonymous said...

12:56, No I don't want to homonenize this site. I have strong opinions, too. But it's frustrating when perfectly good threads are hi-jacked by someone who wants to take some miniscule detail and blow it up into a major issue that doesn't really exist. That's all. I've expressed many opinions here. I guess I just feel frustrated when a picture of Adam is posted when he's not smiling and it turns into a whole argument about whether his whole life is sad or not, just because of a one-second picture. That's just one example. I like rich, productive discussions as much as everyone else does. Hope it keeps up here.


Anonymous said...

IMO Adam should also have a listening party for his fans to see if it's a top 40 song or not. His friends might have a different taste than what's played on Top 40 radio station. Some of you say they play bubble gum music. But if he wants the top 40 spot he has to make a top 40 music. The lyrics and music arrangement should blend in and harmonize that people want to crank it up.

Anonymous said...

why don't we just make a wind up doll, call it Adam and program it our way

BettiB said...

to glitzylady: are you the same
Mary, Mary something (glitztlady)?

she/you has written on other sites
and it does not sound like your writing! Whoever it is, her writing is more "teenagerish" than
your very proper and enjoyable style.
Please clarify. I respect you and
your knowledge of Adam!


Betti B

glitzylady said...


Hmmm...not sure :)) My twitter name is @glitzylady with a "nickname" of MaryMaryQuite ;)

I write on a few sites occasionally but generally here. I posted a comment on Adam Lambert Unofficial Official a couple of days ago, which was essentially my comment on the Hollywood Reporter article about Adam and his Record Label parting ways, which I also posted here.. Beyond that, not too much. So ...not sure, unless its my split personality taking over my "name".. And my other personality is a teenager. (Which is entirely possible...) Do you remember where you've seen it? I do know there are some other Mary Mary's here and there...

Anyway, thank you :))))

tea said...

Adam and Sauli chumming around together - with pics

Anonymous said...

DRG, like what Lammy did to 1 photo??? A novel about her reading of one shot. Lol!

Anonymous said...

I have played Adams music every single day in the car,in my house,at work,my ring tone is what do want from me,& I have never missed a day since this site started being on it 5 mins or for hours. I like music good music I listen to other artists but not to the extent I do Adam my family is all the same way.We talked about Adam today & I said you would think that I or my daughter,granddaughter or my friends would get burned out on listening to his music since Idol but it has not happened yet so I don't think it will .I work with special care patients some times they can't even remember their own family.I will never forget this one lady she was a singer she had forgotten most every thing except her music.I played Adams music from idol & his first album for her she would listen & after each song she would say what a beautiful voice he has.Adam was the only one that could hold her attention she has passed away now but I thought that was amazing & that said it all for Adams talent.

Anonymous said...

Those of you complaining Adam's songs are "too gay" would never have known the stories behind them if Adam hadn't told us. And considering the first two songs released from the album were BTIKM and NCOE and were not written by Adam and still weren't played much shows how invalid your "too gay" arguments are.