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Off Topic: GLEE Actor Cory Montieth Found Dead

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Saturday, July 13, 2013

Posted at : Saturday, July 13, 2013

Very sad news to report tonight about GLEE.

One of the main characters of GLEE, Cory Montieth, was found dead in Vancouver. Apparently it's due to drug overdose.


glitzylady said...

Very very sad......He'd been struggling with addiction for some time... Tragic..

Anonymous said...

I'm speechless!!! Don't know what to say.
It was his role of finn that Adam was gunning for when he auditioned for Glee.
And I know Cory is romantically involved with Lea Michelle.
I feel for the Glee group, for Ryan Murphy and other executives and most especially to Lea and cory's family.
What a timing for Adam joining Glee and his passing.
So sad.

Anonymous said...

What a week of shocking news all related to Adam.
Condolence to his family.
So young, gone too soon.

Anonymous said...

It's already been reported as a hoax.

Anonymous said...

No it is not a hoax.

Anne Marie said...

Very sad indeed. Just a young man of 31, lost his life to drug addiction. Has been with Glee from the start of the show. I always worry about Adam , it's so easy to get the drugs especially in show business. I hope Adam never goes down that path, but there have been talk about his drinking and the possibility of funny cigarettes, or drugs. I know that is gossip, but you just don't know with these young folks, how they are led astray with their friends. So sorry for Corey's family, prayers go out to them.

Anonymous said...

10:41 no need to spread gossip then

Anonymous said...

Not a hoax, already been on CNN.

daydreamin said...

So sad. Here is more info:
Click Here

glitzylady said...

'Glee' Star Cory Monteith Dies at 31

"The actor was found dead at Vancouver's Fairmont Pacific Rim hotel.

Glee star Cory Monteith was found dead at Vancouver's Fairmont Pacific Rim hotel Saturday, The Hollywood Reporter has comfirmed. He was 31"

Rest of the article found here:

Anonymous said...

Thanks, daydreamin.

Anonymous said...

The Vancouver Police have confirmed it but have not released a cause of death yet other than no sign of foul play.

My sympathies to his family, Lea, the cast and crew and all his fans.

Very sad.

glitzylady said...

A livestream recording of the press conference by the Vancouver Police department..

Anonymous said...

I loved Cory on Glee...such a likeable guy. He's really going to be missed a lot :(

My condolences to Cory's family, friends and Lea.


Anonymous said...

They don't know the cause of death yet. Drug related would be the first thought I know, but things can happen like heart problems, brain aneurysms, strokes, etc even to younger people.

Anonymous said...

I cried about it tonight. He was a huge star on Glee and he will be missed. The news about Adam's new role was one of the highlights of my following Adam. Then, heard this tragic news, and felt so sad, shocked and in despair. My heart goes out to Cory's family and friends. Prob will delay the premiere; not sure, but could. I am so sad right now.

Anonymous said...

I've never understood the allure of drugs, I have only experienced them for extreme medical conditions and the out of body feeling was terrifying. My heart is aching for this young man, the years he will not have before him and the pain his family must be in. Loss is always painful, but a young life shortened is so unbearably sad, for whatever reason......JAK

lorraine said...

Having lost my 2 youngest brothers to drug overdoses-- one at 27 years and the other at 33, I can grieve with Cory's family. It is a heart- wrenching loss that you never fully recover from.

The fact that Cory was the same age as Adam, makes me hold him even closer to my heart that he will continue to stay near and dear to his family and friends who love him so much and want only the best for

Cory R.I.P.

Anonymous said...

Rest in Peace, Prince of Glee. A torch is not passed but remain lit in your memory. atm

Anonymous said...

OMG!!:( I woke up this morning and I was shocked to heard the news on T.V.....

He was still young and full of life:(

All of his fans here in Canada are mourning right now.....

Condolence to the family indeed!!!

Proud to be a Canadian....


Anonymous said...

So sad i hope glee is not going to be canceled

Anonymous said...

Why on earth would they do that?

Anonymous said...

Sadly when people go down this path (IF it is drug related) they not only take themselves out. They destroy or cause grief and stress for others around them. No man is an island so to speak.
This will not dampen my enthusiasm for Adam's role on Glee.

Anonymous said...

So much news this week related to Adam, including this sad story. This is an all too common story in the world of show business. Ironically and sadly, this event will most likely heighten the interest in Glee even more.


Anonymous said...

If there's a photo of Adam with a female, do we automatically think she's a love interest? Same if there's a photo of Adam with a guy, folks. Meddling matchmakers.

Anonymous said...

Whoops! Wrong thread. Apologies.

Anonymous said...

R.I.P. Cory.

Anonymous said...

drugs are stupid

daydreamin said...

@JAK I never understood the allure of drugs either especially in the acting world.

@Lorraine that's is just so sad about your brothers. My heart aches for you with such a tragic loss and so young. I lost a brother at age 24 to a heart attack. Its such a void for one loss let alone two.

Anonymous said...

was never a Glee watcher, but sympathize with the loss. Having family members who battled booze and other substances, isn't a fun thing to witness. Lives are lost and some are restored. Hoping his family can get the strength to cont. on and help others with the same pain. Drugs shouldn't be glorified in movies or press. You see alot of it on film and influences viewers. Lessons will come from it.

Anonymous said...

A talented, young person has died.
The fact that anyone is mentioning Adam (on any level) in the same post is poor form.
RIP Cory Monteith.

Anonymous said...

I liked Cory in glee. I defiantly will miss him. So sad that this had to happen. You ask yourself why? My heart goes out to the people that were really close to him, and his family. He will be missed.

Anonymous said...

10:10 like you just did?

Anonymous said...

Shocked is the word. I can't believe he is gone.

Anonymous said...

Reminds me of Keith Ledger who died from a drug overdose. Such a gorgeous young man who's career in movies was just starting to take off. Leaving behind his beautiful little daughter and his wife. Some artists from this industry can't seem to shut off from the stress, so many are forced to work tirelessly and can't keep up, so drugs can become a tempting solution. I think Adam is too sensible to go down this path.

Anonymous said...

It's Heath Ledger, not Keith.

Both are terrible loses. RIP.

Anonymous said...

Johnny Depp went down a path of destruction but turned his life completely around. After he cleaned up, his opportunities were endless. Some are fortunate to get it right, before it kills them. Sad for this young man that wasn't so fortunate. I hope his family can find peace from their loss.

Anonymous said...

And why haven't we heard from Adam about this yet? Surely he knows and should offer his condolences.

Anonymous said...

Maybe his too busy chasing up a new recording label, but agree, not a good look to ignore this tragedy.

Anonymous said...

None of the people from the show have said anything yet. Ryan Murphy, Chris colfer, darren criss

Anonymous said...

@Anonymous July 14, 2013 at 1:22 PM,
some members of the Glee cast did tweet.. but I think some of them would be too devastated to write something... Not good to use social media when emotions are running high...

Anonymous said...

Maybe Adam does not really know how to react, maybe Adam offered his condolences face to face... many reasons why Adam hasn't reacted yet.

Anonymous said...

I think Heath Ledger was already divorced when he passed away...

Anonymous said...

Adam will say what from his heart at appropriate time, stop being so mean. Was Lea M. Involved in the show romantically or in real life? I very sorry to hear this its very sad news, so sorry for his family Lea M. The show and everyone involved very sad, so young. Sue

Anonymous said...

Heath Ledger and Michelle Williams were never married, altho they had a daughter, Matilda, who was two when Heath less a tragic loss..Heath and Michelle were no longer together at the time of his death..but she was devastated nevertheless..

Anonymous said...

I believe that Lea and Cory were romatically involved both on the show and in real life...don't know if they still were..but I'm sure she is most saddened..

Anonymous said...

BTW..Adam has now commented via Twitter his sadness at the passing of Cory Monteith

lorraine said...

Thank you, JAK. It is a loss for all of us when our loved ones go down a path of addiction. I am so sorry about your brother. I can imagine the heartbreaking loss it was for you and all your family-and I admire you even more, for keeping your love of life, your kindness and sense of humor,knowing you have endured this tragedy from the time you were so young.XO

lorraine said...

@ daydreamin Sorry about the confusion regarding the loss of your brother. And the same words I wrote to JAK, can also be attributed to you. You are such a positive and loving person and I admire your strength to go on, even after such a tragic loss in your young life.Thank you for being the special person you are.XO

And JAK-you hold my admiration and gratitude for being such a positive force on this site. You and daydreamin and many others help make this a happy place for me to come to each day. XO

Anonymous said...

Unfortunately, Cory battled drug use all of his adult life. His first time in rehab he was 19 and the last he left just one month ago. Sad, sad, sad for all his loved ones and friends.

Anonymous said...

Why must react right away? Anon 12:57 & Anon:1:15PM
Shocking news to everyone !!! Unbelievable, so young too!
Sad Sad Sad day!

Cory Montieth RIP,,,,,,

Anonymous said...

Cory Monteith, in the ways of heaven!. Rests in peace! HH

Anonymous said...

@ lorraine....JAK here.....I thank you for all the kind words, but somehow you have mixed up messages. I did lose my brother, but he was 61 when he died of cancer. I have never lost anyone to the sad despairing death of drugs but I'm sure it is heart wrenching.

lorraine said...

@ JAK, yes,sorry for the confusion. I was able to correct my mistake when I reread daydreamin's post and realized that it was she who lost her brother in an untimely way due to a heart attack. {see 2:27PM above}

However, I do have a precious brother who is 58,{still lives in NY,darn it!}, and I know that losing a sibling at any age is a very deep loss. So I do believe that your dear brother is smiling down at you as you bask in the joy that is Adam! XO

Alyssa said...

This is cool!