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How Excited Are You For Adam Lambert's GLEE Character?

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Saturday, August 10, 2013

Posted at : Saturday, August 10, 2013

How Excited Are You For Adam Lambert's GLEE Character? free polls 


Anonymous said...

Glee expectations

All abuzz on the media front
Adam on Glee is ready to stun
Generating sexy musical fun
Anxiously waiting for it to be spun
My antenna says something's sizzling
Smoky signals send us reeling
From all the brew and hullabalooing
Kicking and knocking, brains are fuming
Prying each morning for Adam reviews
A rainbow cart of spinning wheels
Fielding dimensions, scorching news
Spawning incessantly thrills and spills
Trespassing territories no one could
Give us a scoop of steaming hot soup
Adam, sing, act and do what you would
People will see and appreciate the goods
What happens next, is anyone's guess
Twitter a-clicking, flicking in a flash
Do this, don't do that, dodos lash
That's what I label as kooky brain mess lol!
Adam plays Kurt's Moby-Dick nemesis
Plausibly a preposterous blown-up crisis
Entangled with sparks, fireworks, hypnosis
Expect the unexpected encrypted magic...oooh-la-la!


Anonymous said...

Very nice Glee poster. Adam looks handsome, suave; so does Chris...hmm a pot full of Glee magic spills over. So handsome Henry strides into town and spars with Kurt who tries to whip him; not so fast Kurt. Millions are watching how you treat him lol! I like Chris too, very talented with no airs. He sings pretty good high notes but the sifu is Adam. Perhaps Adam is on Glee for good. lol!


Anonymous said...

is he playing a gay man in a straight girl orgy?

Anonymous said...

As I've suggested, let Adam sing Candle In The Wind, third episode. Sir Elton would be proud and that could be a way to usher Adam's character into Glee. Hmm from Glampire, Ali Baba to Diva and now handsome Henry. If Adam plays the teacher, it will be interesting as well; we can watch his teaching skills; also want to see Adam dance...he is a very sensual dancer, he feels all the moves. Actually Glee is officially Adam's first tv series acting; a watershed milestone for sure. All the best! Adam.


Anonymous said...

Just as AI was Adam's first springboard platform, Glee is the second one. And basing on how AI propelled him, Glee might seal his fate to a large extent as a singer-actor. Go Adam, go for it!


Anonymous said...

I'm over the top excited to see Adam on TV again.

Anonymous said...

Hoping that Glee brings a new audience to Adam and his music. The average person probably doesn't know much about what Adam has been doing over the last year since we don't really read that much in print about him. We see vids and pics on this blogsite, but if you are not really a fan, then most people think he has disappeared from the music scene. We probably won't see Adam until Nov. in his Glee role so maybe he will appear on some of the talk shows in the fall to let the viewing audience know something about his character.

Anonymous said...

@ 8:15PM- I also hope that Adam will make some appearances on the returning talk shows in the fall to plug his role on Glee. I remember seeing him on Ellen, The View and The Talk in the past and he has always been so personable and charming as a guest. So let's hope this happens.

Anonymous said...

8:06.....Exactly, me as well! Can you imagine all the close-ups of Adam's face, body...oooh lol! I might even watch the reruns. Gossip time: They say actors have a tendency to fall in love with their co-stars; I think better remain platonic, less problematic...but when Cupid's arrow aims, strikes, reasoning is no match, out the window. lol!

Yea agree but meanwhile I enjoy imagining and guessing; it's fun to see how close on track or how far off track when it finally airs. lol!


Anonymous said...

Lam-my I get the tiny impression you are excited for Adam on Glee as I am. Love your poem, you and JAK should get together and make a book of them.

Anonymous said...

Thank you so much! You know, this is so strange, I can't figure it out at all; why Adam is such an attraction to me. I myself am bewildered; he is about the only subject I can write poems on. I actually tried writing a poem on cicadas, very busy and noisy insects in the wooded area just outside my window-sill. You know, it took me so long, I abandoned it lol! But when I write poems on Adam, the words and phrases just roll out and then I even have so much time to change/upgrade them. I think it's Adam's voice/singing technique; some scientists state with research that voice reaches a deep part of the brain. Seems true to me. Now coupled with the sexy visuals on Glee. lol!


Anonymous said...

Excuse me, Lam-my, but Candle In The Wind is for stars with iconic stature like Marilyn Monroe and Princess Diana and I don't want to say anything anymore why not for Cory. Understand?

Anonymous said...

When the soul touches the face of God, He does not ask what song was played at the person's funeral! Perhaps St Peter would scan the report card and tick the relevant boxes. lol! So, a bereavement song too has a status symbol? Goodness, what next!


Anonymous said...

And how do you judge which of the deceased persons mentioned, RIP... deserves or does not deserve Candle In The Wind to be sung at their funeral? Perhaps even Sir Elton wouldn't want to decreed that because I think he has a very open, philanthropic mind and heart.


Anonymous said...

You know, if Lea Michele read your comment though highly unlikely, she'd probably be hurt. You should have left that alone; it was just a mention in any case.


Anonymous said...

Bravo.... Love the poem .... I'm mega excited too..... !!!!.... I'm back to writing dark poems.... they just pop in my head.... it's great to read your light happy ones.. ..and love your comment about the hand of God.... have a great day ..... rosepetal

Anonymous said...

Hi Rose petal
Very happy to hear from you, a poetess yourself. Okay share your dark poem here...take your time. Actually I do like dark poems, they're authentic as they are firsthand real life situations/traumas. I would love to read your interpretations. Thank you so much for dropping in! Appreciate it, poetess friend! :)


Anonymous said...

nice pic of Adam and Chris!

Anonymous said...

18 posts so far on this thread and 10 of them from Lam-my... This is not to insult Lam-my, but to wonder where are all the posters so keen on having this site all to themselves from all the Sauliberts, Adommy fans, Tommy cray crays and what not... lol

Anonymous said...

People who have called Lammy out on her propensity to answer every post whether aimed at her or not have given up to the world's most die hard, have to be right all the time, fight you tooth and nail and to the bone, pompous, arrogant, egotistic, ready to tell you where you're going if you think she's wrong and get downright dirty about it in the process and gone on to other sites where they are not attacked.


Anonymous said...

please no love interest between the two . Chris is not handsome or suave,but that does not diminish that he is a fine actor in this role.

Anonymous said...

Amen - when I see she's taken over a thread, I just move on to another.

Anonymous said...

Who said that Adam was going to play the part of Henry? What happened to Rod?

Anonymous said...

GMF.....Liar! I have not gone on to any other site and you are just grappling with straws as usual; caught red-handed again. I see you have switched your initials, another sneaky scheme of yours?


Anonymous said...

You have 4 lines with only one fullstop and the main subject is "People" at the beginning of the very very muddled sentences. So all of what you said refers to the subject "People" and not me at all! lol! So you may not have lied about me going onto other sites but still you're a liar by stating all those things about "People" who you don't even know! lol! Your sentences are as kooky as your brain. lol! And also I do not tell people they are wrong at all, unless the person initiates an attack in a rude manner like the one above ending it with the word..."Understand?" And I do have the right to refute it, don't I? That's not being wanting to be right! Can you see the difference?


Anonymous said...

2:06 please shut the fuck up, you and yourself are on my last nerves today.

Anonymous said...

I don't care if Kurt and HRod characters are gay but I prefer no love interest between them.

Anonymous said...

Whoa! Fierce! Love it! I don't know how to do that. lol! Thanks! :)


Anonymous said...

I pray Adam sexuality isnt what gonna get attention now.i want the world (including my brother) know what a fantastic singer Adam is.

Anonymous said...

@GMF Amen! Amen! Amen!

Anonymous said...

Geeze, some people need to come to this thread to see the real Lam-my in action. This is SOOOOO typical. She comes back to OLD threads to attack others. Then she comes back again and again to have the last say. It all started with one word: "understand"? BTW, I am none of the previous posters.

Anonymous said...

Here birdie birdie
Take some scraps for your fluff brain
No need to explain lol!


Anonymous said...

Lam-my your immaturity is showing again. "Fluff brain"? Really?

Anonymous said...

Fluff brain wants to know
Rattlebrain or scatterbrain
Well...look no further
