Adam Lambert: Before and After He Shave
Filed Under (pictures ) by Admin on Sunday, September 29, 2013
Posted at : Sunday, September 29, 2013
Picture via Lilybop
Which do you prefer?
Which do you prefer?
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I prefer Adam........... :)))
me too!!!
I'm going with the shaved look. He looks better that way. But I have a feeling Adam prefers to NOT shave. Maybe it's a hit in the gay community?
Better with some facial hair, but he shouldn't dye it too dark.
I think he likes to have facial hair when he performs since he is not using eye make up lately. I gives him a look.
It's in every community! Everywhere I look the same mustache and chin growth! I'm hoping my husband doesn't get any ideas.
"I like both" option takes all the meaning out of this poll. A lot of people like both but prefer...
Most of us appreciate that it is totally Adam's choice but WHICH DO YOU PREFER?
Most definitely SHAVED!!!! Adam's face doesn't need adornment. He is far and away much more handsome WITHOUT facial hair.
Each morning I start at bottom of the recent posts and work my way up. I wonder if other Adam sites have as many poets as this one does? Rose-petal frequently, Lam-my a new one yesterday and an early morning one from JAK today.
Plus the Anon Troll Buster. Are we cultured or what?
Thanx Guys.
I do not like facial hair. It is not good for cuddling. I think that Adam looks much better without facial. Nothing in the way when I look at those freckled lips and perfect teeth.
I prefer the shaved face because I just think it makes him look younger and we can all see that handsome face. If he wants the sexier look, then it's the one with the facial hair. But no matter what the look, I do like the less or no makeup appearance we are seeing lately. But I will take Adam any way he wants to look as long as I can listen to that amazing voice.
I will take Adam any way he wants to look. He is very handsome either way.
@5:34 AM Lucky YOU! You are cuddling with Adam, WOW!
I love both of course!!!:)
Adam looks far sexier & younger without facial hair so I say shaved, shaved, shaved!!! :-D
I much prefer shaved...although the facial hair was growing on me....still miss some eye make up on him though...
Posting this from my hotel room in Kota Kinabalu by the way...hoping to see some orangutans before the week is out!
I much prefer my singing sex god with a hair-free face. Never tamper with perfection.
The pic on the left is purrrrrfect.
Looks like he darkened his hair when he shaved. I like the hair less black,
facial hair = optional.
That said, bring on all the Adam pictures and video that he is comfortable going along with.
I see nothing wrong with either of these pics. He is jaw-dropping gorgeous in both of them.
Turned off by Adam's facial hair. Bwahhaha! Not a chance!!!
I like facial hair. I don't get the hate. Facial hair on men make them look more manly and masculine.
i like both shave or no shave hes handsome-
Adam is more handsome without facial hair. You can see every detail of his beautiful face!
If he removed his skin we could see his bone structure better.
100 % Melvin Adam is way far more handsome with his goatee.
Very stylish, with out it he looks like a kid.
Hoping for his Rock album debut he'll have Melvin back.
9:12, LOL
OK this is amazing. Adam is viral artist in S Korea. Check this tweet:
@DoubleBB_hes197: @adamlambert Still on the Korea's real time top 100 chart ;) #4 #AdamLambert #IIHY
It's really none of our business. It's Adam's face and his choice.
Lol the none of our business comment is always so stupid.
Adam's beautiful head would spin off of his beautiful neck, if he actually listened to all these varied opinions from his beautiful, loving fans; good thing he doesn't. Have a great day Glamberts/Glamhoppers!
It's none of our business.
The tense is wrong.
I was one of the people whining about the facial hair and now I guess I sort of miss it. Never give a whiner an even break. lol
I hope all of you that like his "younger" look are young yourselves. If not, it's just creepy.
@11:57 AM
Why? Statement does not make sense. Do all the people that find Adam beautiful, and extra ordinarily talented, have to be that way too? We are not clones of Adam's? We are just fans stating our opinions; not creepy at all!
HK fan @7:02 you said:
"...although the facial hair was growing on me...."
I have tears of laughter running down my face because I pluck the facial hair that grows on me.
For you 'younger' ladies who post here, growing old is not all that bad. The hair on your legs and underarms stops growing as you age which frees up all that time to work on your mustache and new chin hair. A friend of mine noticed a long hair on the lapel of her jacket, went to brush it away and realized it was attached to her chin. You really need to attend to those eye doctor appointments as well.
Thanks again HK for a good chuckle.
Can't wait for the response from the critics. Bwahaha
Thank you! Still laughing...
Rea, excellent comment, gave me a good laugh.
it's 50% that people like Adam's facial hair either way on this poll. I voted for that too.
@3:26 AM ... Sorry to burst your bubble but you do not necessarily have to prefer one or the other. If you like BOTH (such as I do) ... that means you have NO preference & ADAM appeals to you equally with OR without the facial hair. Actually I LIKE ADAM as he is ... whatever look he may be in the mood for is FINE by me ... he is still GORGEOUS!!
tess4ADAM(LAMBERT Outlaw)
@ Rea........your tag is new to me, but oh so welcome.
Love your's nice to have the giggles........JAK
What a creepy, low-life comment.
Youth in all is beauty can be appreciated by people of any age.
Apparently facial hair is all the rage so every Tom, Dick & Harry has it including Adam. I thought he dared to be different but I guess not.
I'm middle age so do I like one side of Adam's face shaved & the other side hairy? Get real! Give me smooth, sexy skin any day rather than porcupine prickle.
Since no one here is going to be touching that face, it's a choice between " devastating" and "wickedly devastating"..
I'll go for the simple "devastating" look.....JAK
Same here, JAK. I'm going for the "devastating" look .... let's make it the "RAVISHINGLY devastating" look. :)
My sentiments exactly, thanks!
It's almost incomprehensible for me how saying and feeling 'all accepting and loving' towards Adam is often ridiculed (on this site!)... but since these are my honest true feelings, I'll state them proudly and happily!
Hear! Hear! :D
glad you enjoyed the comment, reading it back now I can see why it made you laugh.....unintentional though:)
Don't remember seeing your tag before, so welcome if you are new.
I wish we could have a good laugh together every day!
It brightens the thread and is a break from the usual fray.
.....'Tis me....JAK
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