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Adam Lambert Can't Wait!

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Friday, September 20, 2013

Posted at : Friday, September 20, 2013


Anonymous said...

JAK here ...... My g'son called this afternoon from Vegas. He said," this is crazy, women women everywhere wearing Adam Lambert tees by pool and in casinos, I didn't realize your tribe was so huge!" All right!!!

HK fan said...

Good to hear JAK :)

Anonymous said...

IHeartRadio is on now and Adam will be on at the stroke of midnight; reminds me a little of Cinderella..don't drop your shoe lwl! or split your pants! updated version, lol! But it'll be my high noon here...better go get cuppa and toasts first. This is Adam...knight of the night in full regalia...Radio gaga radio googoo... Also Never close our eyes... :)

Anonymous said...

Above...Lam-my...See what happens when excited. lwl!

Anonymous said...

"tribe" rofl!

I'm glad to hear he's impressed by our numbers.

Anonymous said...

Kill it, Adam! This is your time!

xo laura

p.s. JAK ... too fun!

Anonymous said...

It's going to be great, but remember this is Queen with Adam, not sing any of Adams songs, just Queens, and not wwtlf.

Anonymous said...

Thank you @JAK - Great to know! I wish I was there with my tribe! At least I will have my Adam t-shirt on
all night!>>>>nancdruuu2

Anonymous said...

Break the chandeliers at the venue with your epic voice, Adam.

Anonymous said...

Make Freddie proud in heaven. Why, this is one platform besides Glee and Avicii that can bring you back into the radar. Love and Light!

Anonymous said...

There should be an after party to beat all after parties, VEGAS BABY.

Anne Marie said...

We probably won't hear from Adam for a couple of days, while he recuperates LWL

lorraine said...

I can just visualize all those t shirts everywhere---I think your grandson will be coming home from Vegas with a new perspective about our guy, JAK ! What an exciting night!!!

Anonymous said...

Yes, Eber, "Radio GaGa"! This is the Queen's anthem on 1980th live concerts! However, I think they don't have enough time for this song:(

Anonymous said...

Let Adam sing his own song...Mmm Down the rabbit hole, Kickin in...What do you want from me...rabbit're Trespassing...Come on rabbit, share, You know me better than I know myself...Okay then, have a cuppa rabbit invites, never closing his eyes, always smiles even after the rainwater Aftermath. Rabbit reports some Outlaws came last night looking for love and rampaged his rabbit hole...luckily he managed to escape because he's Born to be wild...what a Mad world. So after tea rabbit and I Lay down in the Shady darkness. Then as I was half dreaming, rabbit mumbled...You're the one I need...oooh that made my day...oki-dok, now to get ready for Radio gaga... lwl!


Anonymous said...

Hey Anne Marie!
I now declare you the first person to use my lwl! Never thought it would be you! lwl!


Anonymous said...

JAK, LOVE your g'son's report! Now he knows you're not the only crazy one!


Anne Marie said...

Lam-my, don't be disappointed when you find out this is not an Adam Lambert concert. :) Queen has a small part in it. LWL

Anonymous said...

God a bunch of old grannies wearing Adam shirts in public. Way to embarrass him. Not cool

Anonymous said...

And that is why adam will never get played on radio. Because all the radio execs at this important radio concert see that adam has old fans. But as long as the grannies have fun they don't give a shit about ruining his career

Anonymous said...

6:39 - fuck off! the "grannies" are the ones with money to support Adam..and that is what the "suits" care about - and all they care about...AND - Adam has many, many, many young fans...

Jadam NZ said...

I have high hopes of getting a livestream easily with a link the local iheart radio emailed me, as I registered with them. With a bit of fiddling round I can get it thro my laptop onto my TV screen. Will see how it goes, wish it was a day when I was on my own tho.
PS Its on at 2.30pm here (Sat) good time.

Jadam NZ said...

....and Shut up already with the "Grannies" yap. You should be so lucky to live that long and experience the feeling. How old are you? Very immature.

Anonymous said...

@6:29PM Actually, you are very very wrong. Believe me, I'm the most trollish person on this blog:) As less they name me as the biggest troll:) Any who,Queen+Adam got more time than anybody else on this event.Also,they perform at the end of the show. So, they can perform more songs:)


Anonymous said...

All it takes for Adam to capture a slice of the scrumptious music pie is just 10 minutes; to me, short/long duration is not as important as what you can deliver in that duration. Yes of course a one-hour show barely scratches even the surface as far as Adam performances are concerned; but he can capture your heart and mind even with just one terrific song. Hey he proved it time and time again and the latest, being LMD, he sang it with a hangover and it exploded worldwide. But I must say Queen has always been the wind under Adam's wings; they literally led him by the hand.
So 6:29, definitely not disappointed if Adam sings only Queen songs. As mentioned, he wouldn't even be there if not for Queen. :)


Anonymous said...

@6:46pm I can't stop to laugh!What kind of money are you talking about?$100 from your SS? I spent $150 from my 401 on Trespassing campaign,This is only I could afford. JB little fanatic spend $1,000 per month on his souvenirs! Think about this, granny:) And I'm grandmother of 4:)

Anonymous said...

@6:32PM Agree with you. I saw them on most of Adam concerts. Same old ladies block the stage and nobody else can go through this wall!I hope there are gonna be a lot of Queen's fans who will break this wall:) Don't forget about Freddie's fans darlings!They are as dangerous as Beliebers!

Anonymous said...

bow to the Glam God

Anonymous said...

The Lambert train is ready to roll

Anonymous said...

Oh I didn't realise 6:29 was Anne Marie, too excited, I was just zeroing in on her!


Anonymous said...

and we can't wait for your performance Starchild!!

Anonymous said...

JAK here.....I think some of you got the wrong idea, my g'son is single, 6'5"", good looking and was hanging around the pool (naturally). The babes would come out of pool in their bikinis and cover up 'the good stuff' with their Adam tees and slap on sun block! The mature ladies were in the casino having a ball......Adam's music playing everywhere.
Queen and their present frontman were a big draw for all ages.

G'son is not at tonight's performance, his ticket is for tomorrow night because he has friends performing.

Anonymous said...

aren't Sir Elton John and Sir Paul McCartney performing at iHeart too? I doubt there fans are any spring chickens. J/S

Anonymous said...

JAK, can your g'son qualify 'your tribe' if women he's referring is much older women or all ages?

Anonymous said...

@ 9:45 pm....I'm pretty sure they must be all ages, he was enjoying the view.!!.....JAK

Anonymous said...

@6:29 Anne Marie and @other downers!

Care to comment and apologize to your rude and ignorant nit to mention down right false comments??!!!

@granny obsesser
How many years until you reach grandpa or granny age... it comes sooner than you think... i know many grannies and grandpas who are less than 40... you, dear granny hater have a serious problem, deal with it! Somehow I have a feeling you are not capable of doing in your whole life half of the things these grannies are doing right now in their lives!
Just wondering how you will feel when some moron calls you grandpa/grandma for the first time... and I don't mean your grandkids!