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Adam Lambert Retweets American Horror Story

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Thursday, September 19, 2013

Posted at : Thursday, September 19, 2013


Anonymous said...

Looks yucky to me.

Anonymous said...

Not my cup of tea.

Anonymous said...

Guess ya gotta get into it.

Anonymous said...

I know it may not be for everybody, but if you've never see American Horror Story you might check it out. GREAT writing and story lines, many strange situations and twists, and VERY interesting characters. And, most importantly, it makes sense. I love it. This "Coven" idea is brand new. Looking forward to checking it out.

xo laura

Anonymous said...

Well laura, since you like it, I think you should watch it with Adam.

Anonymous said...

Oh my, I hurt in all those spots, obviously a witch has worked a spell on me. Begone wretch!
...jak...!!The beastly hag has shrunk my tag!!

......evil creature of the night
......hie thee ever from my sight thy peril return to me
......and I will put a hex on THEE!

Anonymous said...

6:29pm ... Oh, for sure. He has surround-sound and I don't. All I have to do is bring the popcorn.

xo laura :)

Anonymous said...

I suspected there was soething different about you @ JAK now I realize what it is, you can cast spells. : )))