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Adam Lambert's Beautiful Hands

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Monday, September 9, 2013

Posted at : Monday, September 09, 2013


Anonymous said...

Beautiful hands, beautiful heart.

Adam is a very kind man. He promotes other artists, he follows them on Instagram.

Katy P and Kelly Osbourne do not even follow Adam on IG, what is up with that ?

Anonymous said...

Oofta LOL!

Anonymous said...

yeah..When is he going to remove that tatoon! they are over and it´s time Adam to forget Sauli IMO

Anonymous said...

Oofta is a good reminder " don't get drunk and make an ass of yourself! " applies Sauli or not.....JAK

Anonymous said...

I miss his nail polish, eyeliner, and clean shaved baby face. I love him no matter what but I just miss those.

Anonymous said...

Who asked for your opinion? I know you have one, but so does Adam. It's his oofta, not yours.

Anonymous said...

Oofta has a good, positive message about life in general. It's kind of a "Go for it! Life is great!" sort of thing. Doesn't have to have anything to do with Sauli forever.
And yes, Adam has beautiful, sensitive hands, just like the rest of him.


Anonymous said...

I can say my opinion if I want. And What I see Adam is liking Sauli´s pictures, re-twiting him and does sauli do any of this.. now or has he even ever.. i hope he stays in Finland and I believe he will!

Anonymous said...

It actually means more like oh fuck. It certainly does not mean life is great.

Anonymous said...

9 00

Sauli alway likes Adams profile pics on his facebook. Sometimes he puts a comment too. They are both friendly to each other. People have different habits when using social media

Anonymous said...

7:32, quit stirring up trouble with the who likes who on instagram. You in middle school?

Anonymous said...

DRG, oofta or uff da does NOT have a positive meaning, just the opposite. Trust me, I am around people who frequently use it. It is used as an exclamation when you are glad something yucky, hard, bad or exhausting is over. Go check google.

Anonymous said...

Oofta has got two rings that are joined together... just saying that it must be more than just a silly word without any deeper meaning. Adam and Sauli have always been very vague about the tattoo in public and even though the tattoo is visible, the meaning remains private.

And since they are good friends why on earth do you think that they communicate via twitter, IG or FB only? Don't you ever call your friends? Or text or skype?

Anonymous said...

I am not into hands but Adam's are OK. Nothing wrong with a tattoo saying you effed up and realize it, kind of cute and unique.

glitzylady said...

As someone who married into a family of Norwegians, I can tell you with some certainty that OOFTA or OOFDA can mean "oh S**t!" Or "oh heck YESSSS!!!!" Good and or bad. As in "OOFTA! That Adam Lambert is one FINE looking man!" It can have a whole lotta meanings depending on the context.

As for Adam keeping the tattoo, that's his business. Same with "liking" Sauli's pictures etc.

That's my opinion :)))

Anonymous said...

As far as anyone on here knows, Adam may talk to one or more of his ex-boyfriends, (who all seem to be his good friends), every day, and you don't know who calls who at any given time. They probably communicate many other ways without the public knowing anything. I hope fans donot think that everything is public. What is public is probably not that important; just something for the fans to talk about.

Anonymous said...

It is probably painful to remove a tattoo, and what's the point, unless it is someone's name. Some people keep tattoo's like they do friends, maybe good memories. If one person removes theirs and the other one does not; so what, not that deep; or anyone else's concern.

Anonymous said...

I wonder if our beautiful man is in New York today where Glee is being filmed and the fashion week is going on; I certainly hope so. If so, I hope we get lots of pictures.

Anonymous said...

9 33 looks like you're a Katy P and Kelly fan. aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

Anonymous said...

Well, it looks like I wasn't completely wrong, as I usually am. OOFTA!!!

(It would be nice if Adam did make some of the Fashion Week events in NY, but I don't think so. He dresses pretty funky when he goes there.)


Anonymous said...

8:10 and 9:00
For a Finn you sound awfully bitter.
Both guys are fine with each other and on their own. Maybe you should stop coming to this site and enjoy all the publicity Sauli has in Finland right now, no offend, js.

Anonymous said...

@Anon 10:09AM
Thank you for your lovely post, you said everything I wanted to... and so much more elegantly and wisely!

Anonymous said...

Adam's hands are really beautiful. His fingers are long and thin and sensual. When he stands on stage and gestures with his hands it is mesmerizing. Also note that when he goes barefoot on stage, his toes are also long and lean and sexy as he44.

Rebecca said...

LOL..OMg my mind fell straight into the gutter with mention of hand porn. going back to my bunk now

Anonymous said...

I think the oofta or uf da as it's pronounced where I come from is an all round expression with many meanings.
Exasperation! Damn it! Thank God that's done! Oh well!
And since the guys we're talking about got the tats right after they got arrested in Finland it is probably the reminder as mentioned above. Mybe we should all have an oofta tat.

Anonymous said...

Beautiful hands with curly thumbs.

Curly Thumbs