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Adam Lambert's Management Company Says He is Working on Third Album

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Saturday, September 14, 2013

Posted at : Saturday, September 14, 2013


Anonymous said...

So happy and excited for that and no Adam's management not just saying that. Very reputable management company. We know he recorded yesterday if for Glee or for himself. It's all for his career. Love you Adam!

Anonymous said...

Woo hoo!

Anonymous said...

YEA! Livin' the DREAM! So glad you stuck by your own vision for your future, Adam. Sending positive energy your way!

xo laura

Anonymous said...

Whatever he is doing it's all good in my book. This might even mean that he has a record label. We'll find out sooner or later. Stars are lining up for our Rock God. Yay!

Anonymous said...

If he was seriously working and recording music we would have heard from other collaborators, instrumentalists, technicians etc. So I guess this means writing bad poetry and trying to work out a tune or two with good old Tommy Joe in Adams living room. Without a label he isn't going to get anyone better.

But really it just sounds like a statement saying he isn't touring right now. The fact that you think this is some big news is hilarious.

Anonymous said...

Hard work pays off!!!:)

Rock Album is cooking right now!!!:)

Adam is very secretive now a days and I like that!!!!:)

I love surprises especially coming from My Rock God!!:)


Anonymous said...

Love you Adam - follow your dreams!
Your fans are in your corner all the way! Keep going!>>>nancdruuu2

Anonymous said...

Love you Adam - follow your dreams!
Your fans are in your corner all the way! Keep going!>>>nancdruuu2

Anonymous said...

Give it up, troll.

Anonymous said...

Double post! oops!...nanc

Anonymous said...

Troll has personality disorder and doesn't want to get help cause she thinks everyone else are crazy. She is in denial of her mental condition. Words for you troll, don't feel sorry for Adam. Feel sorry for yourself and get help. Life is too precious. Don't waste it.

Anonymous said...

12:10. You are becoming very boring with your predictable snarky remarks. What a wanker lol!!!!

Anonymous said...

Some people get their kicks stepping on dreams. Sad : (

Anonymous said...

I don't feel sorry for adam one bit. Why would I?

I love to laugh at you dumb dumbs that can't use a tiny bit of common sense to see what is really happening.

I told you guys before that adam didn't have a record deal with RCA even though shoshannastone said he did. Guess I turned out to be right, didn't I? And I am right now as well.

Anonymous said...

2:45 Can't say something positive-don't say anything at all. We don't need any of your imput on this site. Go away.

Anonymous said...

@2:45pm just go seek out help. Will you? Worry about yourself. Whether Adam is recording his own music or else, we love and trust him.

Anonymous said...

Yeah Canadian I agree with you, I love surprises too.

elizie said...

@2:45, I don't know much about the recording business, but can't Adam release an album himself?
Or maybe there's a deal going on we don't know about.

Anonymous said...

We want to be positive and optimistic cause we are fans not haters. You said couple of times you are not fan of Adam. So please go away.

Anonymous said...

We want to enjoy the smell and beauty of the rose instead of sticking the thorns into our hands.

Anonymous said...

3 32

I never, ever said I was not a fan of Adams. You guys get posters mixed up all the time.

Anonymous said...

@ 2:45 PM
There is nothing right about you.

Anonymous said...

4:09 ... Then sign your posts so we won't get you mixed up with the other "rays of light that share their happy hearts" here.
I AM surprised to hear you are a fan of Adams. Well, it takes all kinds ...

xo laura

Anonymous said...

Well @laura this is what she posted on next thread:

"If you gush they can tell it's a fan. The more objective you are, the more weight your comment has. If your twitter avatar or name has anything to do with Adam gush away. Your cover is already blown lol"

Obviously not a fan and she'll manipulate and twist things to her own liking. 100% Troll and troubled one too. Poor thing.

Anonymous said...

4 49

Haha wrong. I did not post that or anything else on that thread. You all get many posters mixed up. Perfect example.

Anonymous said...

In fact, I don't even understand what that person is trying to say. I have said I like LMD and I will buy the single just like I have bought all the rest of Adams music.

I think we all need to worry about your mental health 4 49. Please take a break and stop imagining things.

Anonymous said...

What so ever, troll. Go away!

Anonymous said... you are trying to be objective and put more weight on your comments so believe you are a fan. As you said your cover has already been blown. We can smell you now from 1000 feet away. Stop wasting your time and get help!

Anonymous said...

4:49 you enjoy attention that's why you are constantly making silly comments. You must be a sad and lonely person. Get some help sweetheart.

Anonymous said...

There is a simple sensible way to settle this
PICK A FREAKING. TAG !!!! It's easy and doesn't hurt a bit. For your secrecies sake, change it every day but at least we won't have these mix ups when we are insulting each other day to day. PUH LEEZE !

Anonymous said...

Oh, BTW, I'm TX. I'm really from WA but who wants to be WA?

Anonymous said...

2:45 Adam was still with RCA when you started with the no label thing and I really thought we killed you off with the Glee news you took that bad but recovered well. You are hilarious too.

Anonymous said...

The troll on here seems more agitated lately, if a person is agitated on a little blog site just think how they are in RL. Pets, kids,elders, co-workers beware. I am not joking either.

Anonymous said...

5:35pm and 5:39pm - Too funny.
And I agree, all this person needs is a tag so she can quit complaining that we "dumb dumbs" keep mixing her up with another sour puss. Such an easy solution it makes you wonder who the dumb dumb is.

Hi 4:49pm - Yes, I saw that post but didn't take the comment as much more than an observation/opinion, knowledgeable or not. It could be the same person? It's easy to pick out the posts for THIS particular gal on this thread: 2:12am, 2:45, 4:09 and 4:54pm. Thanks.

6:54pm - It does make you wonder, huh?!

Okay, this has been fun.

xo laura

Anonymous said...

All you people replying to the troll all the time are reacting exactly the way trolls want you to. Trolls are beasts that get FED by other people replying to them. If they don't get replies, they die...

Anonymous said...

no they don't -that's the problem !

tess4ADAM said...

Well ... I may be wrong but I just SCROLL past the TROLLS w/o even reading their posts ... if I don't like what I see ... I save my eyesight for only the supportive posts here. I very seldom answer the negative comments ... don't have time. If I'm going to read something about ADAM ... I want to CHOOSE what to read!!

tess4ADAM(LAMBERT Outlaw)

Anonymous said...

8:20pm troll is someone that just writes nasty comments and doesn't know anything. This one is obsessed back stabber with everything Adam troll that knows everything. She even knows that Adam was out on what nights or tweeted what when. I mean creepy and scary to the max. She is a dangerous one in my book. YUCKS!

Anonymous said...

Negative Nelly, may be negative Nick. Has anyone thought of that? Someone with a deep crush, that Adam wanted nothing to do with. Someone he knows who is always attempting to rain on his parade. Start calling it the no name monster; take the assumed power away from he or she.

Anonymous said...

This person knows nothing; He or she just wants you to think they do. Just start calling it the no name monster; take it's power away. Perhaps, scorned person that Adam no longer wants in his life, or ex-fan, etc. Who knows?
He or she does not matter. Perhaps that is the problem.

Anonymous said...

Sorry, I actually copied your idea of the no neck monster. Great idea. Was just repeating it. Thanks.

Anonymous said...

This is 1:03- My 1:09 message was for poster 12:27.

Anonymous said...

8:20 is correct! It is well known and recommended to not respond to trolls on sites without moderation. When they get no replies they move on to another site where they get a reaction. It doesn't matter if what they say is true or not, they just want a reaction. We can't even go one day here without somebody replying to the troll. And there is more than one troll here. want them to go away? Then stop responding to them!

Anonymous said...

And since people here can't ignore the trolls, it needs some sort of moderation. Please, Admin, at least block the trolls!

Anonymous said...

See what I mean? Numbers are nightmare. Just use tags,
Ben, Bob, Bill or Dolly, Daisy or Doris, So much easier.

Anonymous said...

You people have too much time on your hands.

Anonymous said...

Seems you know a lot about adam,truth is you should be ashamed of yourself because if you really and truly know adam, you shouldn't be badmouthing him and constantly looking for means to bring him down. I do not care if u are an ex, former friend or just plain sick.
Just get help because you need it.

jackie said...

2:56 and 8:20. Agree, its difficult not to respond when people are being spiteful but we should ALL bite down and IGNORE. Whoever it is is just looking for attention so lets just cool it down.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I don't know why people are so sensitive, if you don't like a comment scroll on by and ignore it, use some self disipline. By whinging and complaining you only stoop to the same level as the troll.

Anonymous said...

I promise to not respond to the trolls. Anybody else on board?

Anonymous said...

I never do. Their comments are meaningless.


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