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Avicii Thanks Fans and Supporters for Supporting His "True" Album

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Posted at : Tuesday, September 17, 2013


Anonymous said...

I think Adam might have contributed significantly to the Avicii True album windfall. All three benefit. And the layout of the graphic shown is a little haphazard especially the lettering. The photos of the three are beautifully displayed. That purplish lettering does not quite gel with the overall design. Just an opinion.


Anonymous said...

Nice tweet. It certainly is an interesting album.

Anonymous said...

Nice tweet. It certainly is an interesting album.

glitzylady said...

For those asking who wrote the lyrics...

Nile Rodgers ‏@nilerodgers 15m
RT @tattoojo: @nilerodgers did you write all the lyrics for Lay Me Down? {Me, @Avicii, and @AdamLambert co-wrote the lyrics}

funbunn40 said...

I think the ever supportive Glamberts stepped up as usual and continue to do so, contributing to nthe success of True and I think surprising Avicii. We are a mighty force!

Anonymous said...

It is easy to support you Avicii your album is great!! Your hard work is paying off.

Anonymous said...

As usual, being an Adam Lambert fan has opened my eyes to music in other forms of expression. If it were not for Lay Me Down, I would have never heard of Avicii and his style of music. I really enjoyed Levels and can now appreciate what Avicii is all about. My one wish, as I said before, is a video of Lay Me Down, with the fabulous Adam starring in it. Of course, Nile and Avicii can be in it also!haha

Anonymous said...

Glad that the question about who wrote the LMD lyrics has been settled. Adam IS a co-writer and is reaping the benefits of its success. So glad to know that he and Nile will also work on a second album with Avicii. And YES, I think the Glam Nation has done its part to get this album to the top!


Anonymous said...

Withpout adam lambert voice- the avicii album is nothign to me- adam lambert voice in it it makes the avicci album good-after all its adam lambert voice peoples -buyers after -great for adam lambert with nile guilar and avicci sounds.adam lambert is very famous all over the world now avicii is also famous but not the whole world.avicii and adam lambert now both famous- ITS THE VOICE WIL COUNT.

Anonymous said...

LOL, wait until Avicii hears his album is nothing without that one song with Adam.

glitzylady said...

I've been listening to the album every chance I get for the last two days and I think it's a great collection of fun music.. Something for everyone. And I really think Lay Me Down is going to do extremely well, for Avicii, Adam , and Nile, all great talents in their respective arts. Been hearing Grammy speculation for the album itself. That would be fabulous...and a boost for Adam for sure. Congrats to all involved in TRUE..

Anonymous said...

7:25, you obviously have no idea how huge Avicii is. He is absolutely better known in Europe than Adam is.

Anonymous said...

Maybe you could be a bit kinder and see the whole picture. I have a feeling @7:25 comes from a far foreign (Asian?) country where what he/she says is true and this is his/her opinion.

About Europe:
Avicii is huge among young people ("the hand dancers" I call them, no disrespect!), I doubt "the grown ups" or the more matured folks know who Avicii is... maybe he gets popular among a more varied crowd now - thanks to Adam & Nile, cause Adam has had fans in all age groups from the start and is very well known in Europe! And Nile Rogers & Chic is known already from the disco era...

Respect & Perspective, both are needed - think before you post and 'tell people off'!