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Latest Tweets From Adam Lamber (September 17, 2013)

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Posted at : Tuesday, September 17, 2013


Anonymous said...

No need to explain, Adam...they're fairly clear to me. lwl! Lyric can be interpreted myriad ways. But if you know Adam fairly deeply, you would be a little closer to what his LMD lyric mean. Just don't think the most obvious, but perhaps at times, yes the most obvious because Adam is an open book most times; sometimes he trips you. lwl!


Anonymous said...

Lammy: 'scuse my ignorance, but what does lwl stand for?

Anonymous said...

Isn't there "a lyrics book" with the True CD (the real CD, not the downloaded one)?! Somebody post the CORRECT lyrics of the whole song, if available, please?!!
(find it odd @PattiHum asking the lyrics from Adam, she usually KNOWS & finds out everything possible... so just wondering are there no official written lyrics anywhere?!)

Anonymous said...

I explained it in my earlier comments; I usually use lol! but sometimes I mean lwl!...laugh with love, which means laughing at something in a loving way as opposed to just laughing which can be interpreted as jeering at times. There's another one I sort of innovated but have not used it as often... lvl!...laugh very loudly. lol!


Anonymous said...

English is my second language and even I know what those lyrics mean. Why she had to tweet him about them? Some people do anything for attention!? They know his soft spot and they do anything to get his response when he is on twitter. Tacky!

glitzylady said...

Everyone has been wondering about some of the lyrics on Lay Me Down. She wasn't asking what the lyrics mean..she was asking what the lyrics WERE. As in the actual words. There is nothing wrong with asking Adam on twitter about the lyrics IMO. There has been LOTS of guessing. LOTS!! And lots of wrong guesses. Not tacky at al to ask, and get a definitive answer from the one who knows what the words are...l. And not for attention. Sheesh! I suspect Adam was happy to answer her question. Otherwise he wouldn't have answered her. And he himself added the Urban Dictionary suggestion (I suspect with a "wink wink": Adam being Adam .. :)) She just got very very lucky......

funbunn40 said...

@ Glitzylady, I agree. She was just asking a legitimate question that several were wondering. The unecessary snarkiness continues...

Anonymous said...

I've researched and still in the dark as to what they actually mean.

jt said...

I think we have to take them as written. No hidden agendas. Sexy Adam lol

Anonymous said...

@11:43 PM I hope you're paying attention to Lam-my. Don't make her repeat herself yet again.

Anonymous said...

lwl..Laughing with love lol...laying on lizards

Anonymous said...

Love my Adam sexy.


Anonymous said...

Reasonable question but from one of the attention whore know it alls.