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Neil Lambert's Reporting News Segments for The Game Station!

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Posted at : Tuesday, September 10, 2013


Hot Pepper Game Reviews feat. NegativeNeil - Gunpoint


Anonymous said...

Nice to post this here for Neil. Good to see Neil doing what he loves. He did a great job helping with the meet and greets on Adam's tour. Sweet payback.

xo laura

Rebecca said...

i don't care what anyone else says I adore Neil he is absolutely adorable and funny and is a real firecracker. he keeps me very entertained

Anonymous said...

what becca said ;)

Anonymous said...

There out of three, agree with Laura and Becca.

Kathy said...

Wait, It's four out of four. Love the brothers Lambert.

glitzylady said...

Me too. I'm a fan of the whole family.

Anonymous said...

I love this time of day on Adam Lambert 24/7.

Anonymous said...

How come I've heard all those words used also about some other guy who was near Adam ;). But I agree, they go with Neil too.

Anonymous said...

Anyone who thinks there is anything interesting or noteworthy about Neil really needs to get out more.

Anonymous said...

I do not know why you think that this news

Anonymous said...

Good talker, but don't understand this technology at all.

Anonymous said...

That last video was hilarious. I love Neil. Poor kid. He and Adam do share the same sense of humor, one of the things I really love about Adam.

Anonymous said...

Neil is a cutie! I didn't understand the jargon about this technology either but to those that do, I'm sure Neil's reporting was great! Good for Neil.

I wonder if Adam plays any of these games or has any interest in this technology?


Anonymous said...

Do you really think this belong here? Nice that Neil doing fine:)

Anonymous said...

Those Lambert boys are fine! Neil has sexy hair too, and the older he gets the more he looks like Adam. Lambert Stallions!

glitzylady said...

To the person who said anyone who thinks this is interesting etc "needs to get out more": I get out PLENTY, trust me!!! I find Adam a whole lot MORE interesting and newsworthy but with very little news about Adam happening today, this is a nice little filler..

The blog administrator posts all of the pics, news, etc. so she obviously finds this interesting and newsworthy. Skip it if you disagree...

Anonymous said...

Some questioned whether this belongs here. Well this is Adam's brother. If all the information about Adam's ex-boy friends can be brought here. Then why in the world would not news of Adams own brother who he really loves unconditionally be bought here. Please get a life and smell the family roses, whether you like them or not. Adam loves his family, and they are really a part of him. Unlike people that come and go. Both are so smart.

Anonymous said...

LMAO...Hahahah! ROFLMAO! OMG I'm in tears from laughter. I give anything to watch the Lambert reality show over Kardashian. Hahaha!

Anonymous said...

Hey Neil, how about a video about Apple new products and features announced today. I want the 5s iphone right now.

Anonymous said...

Neil is Adam's brother. His own flesh and blood.

Anonymous said...

Adams brother has proved himself to be a huge asshole who thinks he knows way more than he does. Now he got himself a lame little job and you people find this interesting?
not to mention slobbering over him like he is some amazing person. Wow. Pathetic

Anonymous said...

@12:37PM Thanks for proving who is the asshole here.!

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Anonymous said...

The last video is hilarious!!!

glitzylady said...

One more thing: Neil used to write a blog that was funnier than heck.. It was laugh out loud hysterical. I still miss it..

Anonymous said...

Neil is so, so funny on that last video. Could not stop laughing. Enjoyed this so much, he is a natural, really good. Reminds me of the time our Adam did the weather for some news, talk show in another country; he was so good at it, and funny. They are both so funny and smart. Need the Lambert Hour.

The Dark Side said...

I have always thought Neil a good fit for the air and he must get a start somewhere. He would make a great political pundit so hope this is the beginning of a bigbcareerboprning up for him.

Anonymous said...

At 12:37 PM, you are a fan of Adam's, really? You choose to disrespect Adam's own brother on a blog dedicated to him. You could have just kept your hateful remarks to yourself, know one cares to hear that crap. So pathetic. Feel better now?

Anonymous said...

To whom it may concern, who is the asshole? I guess it take one to think they know one. Take a long hike.

Anonymous said...

Oh yes, I remember Neil's blog about using the wrong condom or something. Actually painful to read because he is not a gifted writer.

Neil's abilities were probably best utilized as Adams pimp during tour. Adam would pick out the guys he was interested in and Neil would collect their phone numbers and make sure they got back stage.

Anonymous said...

@12:44pm you're obviously a troll. FYI @Glitzylady is a doctor. Stop with your negative remarks about Adam, his family, and his fans. You definitely crossing a huge redline. Go away nasty bully.

Anonymous said...

@12:44pm go see a psychologist or better a psyciatrist to take medication and therapy.

Anonymous said...

Obsessed sick person writing nasty things. Move on if you don't like it. Why don't or can't you?

Anonymous said...

well said The Dark Side! exactly- everyone must start somewhere ... & this is a good place for Neil to make a start if on-air is a goal of his. IDK, I just prefer to build people up rather than tearing them down. good for Neil. he has made mistakes AS WE ALL DO, wth just let him learn from them as we all do. good to see any 20-something working hard at their goals IMHO!! Good on ya Neil

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

1 30

I find it entertaining and hilarious to come to this site.Tears of laughter rolling down my cheeks funny.

And I don't say things I don't believe. I don't reply to my own comments. I am just giving my opinion. Neil is an incredibly rude, self important, and completely mediocre guy. Go on twitter or to another site and you will see many people with this same opinion. People acting like he is some special snowflake just because he is related to adam is pretty funny. And sad.

And the fact that you get so worked up makes it all the funnier.

Anonymous said...

So what if many people like you do about Neil, does not mean a thing. Different strokes for different folks. That still does not give you the right to come on here and be so disrespectful to Adam's younger brother. I really don't think Adam would approve. You can disagree with him without all the hate. You act as if you know him personally and he has been mean to you. A lot of people say bad things about Adam that are hurtful and untrue; are you going to jump on their bandwagon too?

Anonymous said...

I mean't, so what if many people FEEL like you do. (correction to 2:14 PM)

Anonymous said...

@ 12:37
Jokes on us !!!

Neil posted it himself, typical of his sense of humor.

Anonymous said...

That's Neil's public persona, don't you get it; look at how much attention it gets him. This is show business folks. Carry on.

Anonymous said...

Neil, Neil, Neil! High Five!

Anonymous said...

I wish his show came of regular TV, ratings bonanza.

Anonymous said...

correction: on regular TV.

Anonymous said...

@2:08pm what gives you the right to think that you know everything? Why do you feel that you know Neil? At least he is honest to have negative next to his name. You aren't brave enough to tag your comments. Why should anybody believe what you write?

Anonymous said...

Glitzy is a doctor?

Anonymous said...

I had conversation with Neil on twitter and he came across as a very smart knowlegable person. Love the Lambert family!

These videos are fun and informative. Last part of video 3 and all of video 4 very funny.

Anonymous said...

Condescending sick bully!

Anonymous said...

Well, Neil is doing what most twenty-somethings should be doing. He's working, creating, marketing himself. Making money. I believe he has a business degree, if I remember correctly. The electronic game business is a multi-million dollar industry with many potential customers who are interested in this sort of information. I would guess that this particular job is not the only thing he does for a living. I may not agree with everything Neil says, and I may not even like his often abrasive manner, but he is smart, well-spoken and has the Lambert wit and humor. I'm interested in the Lambert family as a whole, because they are a part of Adam, whom I adore. If you don't like Neil, just skip all this.


Anonymous said...

I read on one fansite that we might be able to watch iHeart concert via xbox. I have xbox and I watch movies or listen to music sometimes. I'll search about it to let you all know if for sure it is true.

Anonymous said...

@2:08 (and @several other timeslots)

You so often mention 'all these other sites' and all those 'realistic' people on these sites and in Twitter who agree with you and don't post delusional and pathetic comments like fans on this site. Wouldn't you be happier going to those sites and STAYING there with your own kind?!? Think about it, why don't you?! I'm pretty sure this site can survive without you... js

Anonymous said...

I believe Glitzylady works in a dental office, either as an assistant or a hygienist.

And Neil Lambert has a degree in Political Science.
Someday MSNBC channel for Neil, when he learns to tone down his sassiness .

Anonymous said...

Glitzylady is DDS. Real dentist.

@3:12pm well said

Anonymous said...

I enjoy anything Neil Lambert! Love those Lambert brothers and the whole family as well. Yes, Neil is easy on the eyes too. I think he is in a very good place. Good Job!

Anonymous said...

1:15 u are asshole come to adam blog only to trash ur unwelcome opinion.please get ur asshole out of this blog!

Anonymous said...

OK, now back to some music news :).

Neil LOVES Arcade Fire and that group just released a new single today called "Reflektor". It's the type of music that I personally love as well. Video on Youtube since yesterday. Can't wait for their album. And all of Adam's exciting events and music this fall.

Anonymous said...

Have to say very much more handsome on video that still pics! Probably more so in person! Love his dry humor :)

Anonymous said...

Oh man, you guys!!! Really? All this shit talking is so unattractive and disturbing. Work on your negativity( as in work on yourselves) or find another outlet for your shit. When you get your shit together you will see that you will feel very little need to bash other people.

elizie said...

@Glitzylady, what type of doctorate do you have?

HK fan said...

great article

Anonymous said...

OMG!! Leave Glitzylady alone!!!

She contributes good news here ok!!!

Whoever this freaking alien who disrespect the fans here, you just kiss your pathetic a** looser!!!

By the way before I forget Neil is not depending in the government and he has a job too!!!:)


Anonymous said...

Neil and Adam are so nice on the eyes and ears...think they are so adorable..

Anonymous said...

HK fan, your link triggered my malware protection and I didn't try again. This is just fyi, I know you're one of the good guys here.

Anonymous said...

I've always thought of Neil as a 'cutie' or 'nice looking', and he is both those. But it would be cool to have Lee Cherry do a photo shoot of him so we can see a 'hot' and maybe even 'sexy' Neil.

glitzylady said...

Dr. of Adamology


Anonymous said...

boy that person at 2:08 sure thinks he has a lot of power around here.A little grandiose to say the least. Time to move on now little nobody.

Anonymous said...

thanks for the videos of Neil, I enjoyed them a lot. Nice little job he has there.

Anonymous said...

What we really need around here is a psychotherapist.

Sigmond Fraud said...

@2:08 I concur, tho I find nothing amusing about some of the posters here. Mental illness is not a laughing matter.

Anonymous said...

I believe we had one - Kentucky Fan. I guess we were so impossible she gave up on us!

Anonymous said...

Gee the knives are out today on both sides of the coin.

Anonymous said...

Featured Picture

"No I can't" gif .....

I can't do what?? ;-)

Anonymous said...

Oh my goodness, Adam and Neil are so alike in their mannerisms and they're obviously alike physically albeit Adam is thinner than he used to be. And the chilli - woah! How on earth did Neil give the review after eating it??!?! Entertaining - I wonder how long it took Neil's mouth to recover!!

Anonymous said...

Neil would make a great news reporteron tv.Neil & Adam both are well educated.

Anonymous said...

I miss @kentuckyfan. Loved her comments. If you are lurking come out of the lurk dom and join us again.

Anonymous said...

Would rather watch neil,than keep tabs with adam's ex

Anonymous said...

LOL at all the crazy comments. And Glitzy is going to go on letting people think she is a real doctor. OK. I am a VP, call me Joe.

HK fan said...

did it...sorry about that, it was fine on mine, and I think fine too on another site I posted it on.

Anonymous said...

omg how could Neil eat that red hot pepper. I was LMAO though.
Joe, glitzy said what her occupation was many times on here. She is not your bitch and doesn't have to answer any questions on here esp. to please you.

Anonymous said...

So what does Glitzy do for a living since she has said it many times on here? I missed it and now I'm curious. I work in the call center at a bank if anybody cares.

Anonymous said...

Yes Adam and Neil have some similarities but yet they are different. As it is the case with most siblings. My brother and I are so different that strangers can't believe it that we are related. My brother is a doctor, more academic. I am more into fashion, music and arts. I don't know any siblings with exactly the same characteristics. Not even identical twins.

Anonymous said...

@2:34 AM I care. I'm glad on line banking hasn't put you out of a job. There was a time I used your services often.

Anonymous said...

Good acting on Neil's part. That was NOT an habanero pepper. It was a small yellow bell pepper. I've had a teensy taste of an habanero and they are NOT yellow. If in fact he had eaten an habanero of that size he would be spitting and possibly vomiting... certainly not able to talk. Plus he would have been eating every piece if bread that was next to him to absorb the oils in the pepper. Been there done that.

Don't believe everything you see.

Anonymous said...

Cool! Neil is good performer :)

@Glitzy, you are indeed Dr. of Adamology, you`ll keep all of us on track when we need some `guidance` LOL