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Nile Rodgers' Tweets About His Day

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Monday, September 9, 2013

Posted at : Monday, September 09, 2013


Anonymous said...

Nile Rodgers is one of my fav people. Just admire him so.

Anonymous said...

9:33 PM
So do I. Just saw him on Bowie-document. What a great and nice man.

Anonymous said...

Gestalt of three cohesive celebrities
Unleashes Lay Me Down synergy
Encapsulating inherent talent entities
Of voice, guitar, electronic musicality
Esprit de core in ethereal chemistry


Anonymous said...

Nile is a lovely man, and a great artist. So glad he is one of Adam's friends.
By the way where is Adam? He has been under the radar for going on 2 weeks. I am sure he will surface pretty soon, we may never know what he has been doing, although he is rarely by himself. Just seems odd that with a zillion cameras out there, not one pic has shown up.

Anonymous said...

He has shaved and wants to surprise us at Iheartradio in Vegas? Please let it happen!......JAK : )

Anonymous said...

We saw him Labor Day pictures a week ago. He preparing for something busy doing something off our radar. The Vegas show should bring lots of pictures. Sure he will be caught with Queen in Vegas!
Nile's and Adam are a great team. There friendship really has grown this year especially last two three months! That's a very good thing.

Anonymous said...

I know we all have our likes and dislikes of Adam's looks. I kind of like the stash, think it looks sexy. I also think he looks sexy without it. Heck, I'll take him any way I can get to see that beautiful face. Respect all takes on our dear handsome Adam.

Anonymous said...

What I love the most about Adam is his inner beauty and humility, his genuine character and authenticity and his exuberant personality.
So I take him with or without the stache.

glitzylady said...

Adam is a great looking man with or without the 'stache... But just wanted to say that the current "Featured Picture" has just become my new "lock screen" wallpaper on my iPad.. The cute close-up of Adam peaking out at us...Now peeking out at me :))))

Anonymous said...

Okay gotta share this news! I am an intern for a coy and some of us have been picked for some massive behind the scenes interviews and general info for the i-heart festival! I really pray and hope i get to meet adam(i havent seen his or queen's name in the list).
If i meet him..i would definitely tell him about this site!

daydreamin said...

Anon 11:54 how exciting!! Keep us posted!

I am sure wondering about Nile Tweeting about Adam and David Bowie in the same sentence!! Sure would be very exciting for Adam if there is any chance he could meet him at a minimum, and even more exciting would be to sing with him. His dream come true! I know it's a long shot, but this tweet sure has me hopeful for Adam.

daydreamin said...

Anon 11:54 I did mention this site to Adam in January of 2012 when I first met him. He didn't let on one way or the other if he had heard of it. I sure hope you get to meet and talk to him!!

Anonymous said...

Should be.....Esprit de corps.


Anonymous said...

God don't tell him about this site. For one thing he wouldn't give a damn. He knows there are numerous websites of fans out there and the last thing he would do is read it.

Anonymous said...

12:04, oh God, why would you tell Adam about this site filled with hateful comments about him?!

Anonymous said...

11:54, congrats! (but what is a coy?)

Anonymous said...

Have very mixed feelings about Adam knowing of this site... The site itself is wonderful, has always been (so much info and so many features I don't even have time to check regularly!)... Most of the posters are just lovely, loving, informative, articulate, joyous, caring, kind and thoughtful (also when giving critique)... And then there are times, threads and posters that just make one hope Adam's beautiful eyes NEVER witness... even though he sees the same every day in his own beloved social media (his twitter feed and the many sites I'm sure he visits from time to time...)

Anonymous said...

Anon 12:14;tell him please! I would want him to know our genuine and supportive some of his fans are,so he does not take things for granted.And he should also know about those that are obsessed with his ex,naysayers and what have you!but please ask reasonable questions(no insult intended)about his MUSICAL CAREER! Not his personal life as it seems some folks are more interested in the latter than the former.I wish you all the best!
COY -company(industry jargon)

Anonymous said...

The last thing he would be happy about is a bunch of grannies obsessing over him. Just tell him you enjoy his music, favorite song, that kind of thing.

Hk fan said...

I have no idea what a coy is....but I really hope you get to meet Adam behind the scenes, and maybe a few other stars.

BUT I really hope you don't tell him about this site. He must read enough vile and hateful comments about himself on other blogs and news articles without havi8ng to read them on a 'fan' site...

Anonymous said...

Please don't encourage Adam to read all the nasty criticism here! There is too much complaining about his facial hair, how much he goes out, speculation on who he is sleeping with, and unsolicited advice. I hope Adam never sees any of this!

Anonymous said...

Want to see why Adam shouldn't be told about this site? Go read the comments on the Adam at the Standard Hotel Pool Party post.

Anonymous said...

Want to see why Adam shouldn't be told about this site? Go read the comments on the Adam at the Standard Hotel Pool Party post.

Anonymous said...

You have got to be kidding, Adam loves his fans of all ages. And those grannies as you call them, are among Adams most supportive fans, financially, and otherwise. Adam knows this and appreciates it.
You can be a Grannie at 40 these days. So really don't know what you are talking about. You sound young and or immature. I am young too, but not as mean and disrespectable as you seem to be. You better not let Adam hear you talk about any of his fans, he will read you the riot act. Especially when it comes to his older fans. Grow up.

Anonymous said...

You have got to be kidding, Adam loves his fans of all ages. And those grannies as you call them, are among Adams most supportive fans, financially, and otherwise. Adam knows this and appreciates it.
You can be a Grannie at 40 these days. So really don't know what you are talking about. You sound young and or immature. I am young too, but not as mean and disrespectable as you seem to be. You better not let Adam hear you talk about any of his fans, he will read you the riot act. Especially when it comes to his older fans. Grow up.

Anonymous said...

Sorry about the double post

Anonymous said...

Yes tell him about this fan site hopefully his management can ban or warn this website to monitor the comment section using Adam's name for its site.

Anonymous said...

IMO Nile is so much like Quincy Jones. Brilliant musician and I would love Adam to create lots of music with him.

Anonymous said...

I imagine it's a little late to save Adam from our biting tongues, bawdy humor and endless matchmaking. I'm sure he's found this and all other sites about him long ago. He's a big boy and can handle our cattiness and I doubt he's anything but amused at our fashion and hair style preferences....including Melvin. We know he has read hateful comments, homophobic and otherwise, he has said so. As he has said he learned long ago to dismiss criticism. Everyone can like it or hate it.

I think the only thing that might upset him about this site is how hateful we are on occasion to each other........JAK

Anonymous said...

I agree with
12:15 AM, 12:22 AM,
1:14 AM, 1:17 AM
and 1:59 AM.
I'll even risk saying I have my doubts that Admin is an Adam fan.

Anonymous said...

@JAK I can't speak for Adam, just myself. I will say this site has taught me not to care at all about how hateful we are to one another. I do care deeply when Adam is disrespected. He is not here to defend himself, where as we as individuals choose to participate here.

Anonymous said...

I am overjoyed that Adam is included in Nile's list of people he has shared tweets with. Just to see Adam in such company makes me happy. And Nile is such a legend himself. He knows who the "greats" are.


Anonymous said...

Love the pic of the day, too!

Anonymous said...

Just wild speculation on my part, but wouldn't it be kewl if the "special guest" referred to on the Queen set is David Bowie? His name has come up a lot lately, and now mentioned in the same vein as Adam's. They would certainly bring down the house.


Anonymous said...

I'm thinkig the special guest is Paul McCartney...btw..Miley is breaking some sort of record with the number of views for her wrecking ball vid, which she performs in the nude..maybe Adam should do a nude vid and make alot of money...(kidding..just kidding)

Anonymous said...

Adam is one of striking hendsome man.He can rock any looks except shave head and frankengump.He can wear anything except ponco.sure he will suprise his fan with new looks in Glee.He looks edgy and mean with silver hair.Looks adorable with red blond in black hair.sexsual in acid wolf hair.

Anonymous said...

5:13 a.m. And 5:39 a.m.

Don't worry about Adam he has a one woman defense army - Sue!

Anonymous said...

And Lam-my at 12:13 AM and 9:50 PM - don't worry about it either -no one knows what you are talking about anyway.

Anonymous said...

I my most perfect dreams, Adam gets to meet Bowie and McCartney. They have great conversations and jam together. Then they get to perform onstage together with Bowie and McC praising Adam's talent. In reality, I just hope that he gets to meet these two legends at some point, IHR or otherwise.

BTW, just read that Miley has been "punished" for her antics by being able to host and perform on SNL in a few weeks. Poor thing. Of course, she lost the Vogue cover, but oh well. She'll survive.


Anonymous said...

Actually the vogue cover is still on

Anonymous said...

I mentioned Bowie as a/the guest at IHR w/ Queen+AML a long time ago here in some thread... not because I am particularly smart or connected, neither is true, but just because he has a new album and would use IHR as a platform to promote it, would make sense.

Anonymous said...

Well there is nothing at all to indicate he is going to be there. So I would agree you are neither smart nor well connected

Anonymous said...

Well, I say that those guys are composing new songs for Adam. And if they aren't, they should bloody well start doing that this minute!

Anonymous said...

At 7:00 AM.
Wow, tell us how you really feel. Rude much.

Anonymous said...

Bullies are alive and well on the site. Take your meds please.

Anonymous said...

If Bowie wanted to perform he would be doing his own music. Not flying to Vegas to perform some random queen song. The special guests are probably people who are already scheduled to perform there, sitting in on a queen number. Use a tiny bit of common sense people

Anonymous said...

I love Nile's tweets and reading about where heis in the world. He is very youthful and looks forward to every day.

Anonymous said...

Adam has a granny right? Soooooo I'm guessing it is ok for her to follow his career right?

Anonymous said...

ageism is alive and well, right here. but I think adam appreciates that older, wiser fans appreciate his talent, share and promote his talent with younger people, and yes, have financially supported all of his products as they are often in s position to do so.

Anonymous said...

Why do the grannies always claim financial support of Adam?

Anonymous said...

Cause for the most part grannies are dumb as a box of rocks.

Anonymous said...

NOW I realized!!
iHeart Queenbert and Bowie and
duet of Under pressure!!!!!!!!!!!!
Bowie and Queen made it 1981....

Let`s see?


Anonymous said...

11.21 and 12.04 shut up with your moronic BS!

Anonymous said...

I think it's cause grannies have dough and can spend it as they please and do as they please. Fly to London to see Adam, sure why not. Fly cross country to Las Vegas absolutely. This present generation of Grannies raised their children worked a job and are now retired and free to choose Adam excursions instead of the golf vacations their husbands take. Go grannies go!

Anonymous said...

I don't know why some of you peeps are so sure Bowie wouldn't be at IHR ... Exposure and promotion is exposure and promotion, get a clue dudes.

tony Bennett did his duets thing with Gaga and many other hot artists for more than just the fun of it! Frickin geez people, y'all think your marketing geniuses. nobody here said in any snarky know it all way that it MUST BE Bowie, they just commented on the plausibility of it .... AND IT IS PLAUSIBLE, maybe not probable but certainly plausible.

We shall see

Anonymous said...

and Bowie did it with Annie Lenox when he probably had his own music to promote too ... Mr/Mrs Know-it-all should inform themselves better before shooting his/her mouth off. it is NOT that strange of an idea to contemplate that Bowie would do Under Pressure at IHR and/or join in on other Queen sons relative to a time frame when he,Bowie, was also a mainstay in music.

Anonymous said...

Maybe those rich grannies should quit hogging the front row with those camp chairs every single time and spread the wealth around.

Anonymous said...

They're certainly not doing Adam a favor by being so visible and bragging on it.

Anonymous said...

3:10 PM
I so agree, grannies make Adam look ridiculous, their an embarressment standing up near the stage waving their arms around feel so sorry for Adam.

Anonymous said...

Are these namecallers and granny haters on this site in every thread and all the time??!!! Take a rest and don't come back until you come up with something new and original, k??!!

Anonymous said...

Grannies standing next to the stage drooling and frightening Adam.

Anonymous said...

Are we having fun yet?

HK fan said...

All this granny friend was a Granny at 34 and is stunningly beautiful....

Anonymous said...

They convinced me, this granny is going to stop supporting Adam.

Anonymous said...

I see some things need to be spelled out. You are a granny if you are old and clueless. It doesn't matter if you have a child or grandchild.

Anonymous said...

I bet most of the so called Grannies on here are more attractive, well off and way more supportive of Adam than you dead beat trolls on here. You obviously have no life, no career no friends and probably as Ugly as the back end of a jack ass which is what you all are jackasses with no intellect no manners and no brains. This is not a lecture this is your biography. They don't make grandma's like they used to we are quite attractive, smart and we don't drool on Adam or anyone else. By the way if anyone got the IQ of a rock it's the trolls on here but I would say rocks are down right brilliant compared to the but balls trolls on here. Trolls to kind a word for you I say filth fits you better. Your not hurting the ladies on here your not hurting Adam one little bit he knows Internet trolls are just that and there useless he laughing at you all the way to the bank. He will be on a national tv show and at a huge televised festival in Vegas while your playing with chalk in the street like other children do. One more thing all of the useless trolls on this post and other posts just go to Hell where I suspect you came from.

Anonymous said...

4 40

Just stay quietly in your home and send him money you can still masturbate to his picture but don't tell anyone. The only bad granny is a visible granny

Anonymous said...

5 47

Oh my, I can tell you are quite the smart cookie.

Anonymous said...

Adam, Nile, Avicii
Gestalt of voice, guitar, electro- musicality
Lay Me efflorescence of synergy
Esprit de corps of three super talented celebrities


Hopefully a clearer version. lol! Thanks! 6:52.

Anonymous said...

Adam at 19-20 years of age, worked as a singer on a cruise ship. At times he had to sing to an audience with old folks. I remember if I'm not mistaken, that some would nod and doze off but he would carry on singing and so they fall deeper into slumber with the swaying and the lull of smashing waves. So Adam has direct experience on how to take care of old folks. lwl! My suspicion is perhaps that's why he enjoys singing antiquated songs and in the process bring them back to present day alignment with his rearrangements of them. Adam should have sung Slow Ride or his version of Ring of Fire; and they would ring a bell in the dozing-off folks, who would, they sound so familiar. And when the brain starts to wonder it'll wake. lwl!


Anonymous said...

Sorry Lam-my, nice try but you are still going to have to explain
Gestalt - efflorescence - synergy
and esprit de corps to the trolls.

Unless they have a grannie who will explain the words to them!

Anonymous said...

Grannies Rule!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

3 Cheers! Hip Hip Hooray Groovy Grannies! Short form: HHHGG! lwl! lol!


Anonymous said...

8:40 picked out 4 words/phrases from my verse, that though appear different, have the same connotation...basically they mean...various elements conjoin to form a unified whole as in LMD and the unified whole is greater than the different parts. Thanks.


daydreamin said...

When I told Adam about this site it was WELL BEFORE the trolls were anywhere near here.

I can't stand when comments are made about "grannie's" and especially when no clue is given to identify many of those ages, much less are the trolls identifying themselves by a tag or their age. Why are you hiding behind "anon"?

Adam would be the first person to call out the trolls but he would do it respectfully. Let's all do this (skip to 6:47)
Click Here
Some should take a clue but I know that will never happen.

Anonymous said...

@Lammy - One thing we can count on you for is being irrelevant to the max.

Anonymous said...

Stalker scrounger
Scoops leftovers from my table
There you go...grey matter
