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Random Cute Pictures In The Morning!

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Posted at : Wednesday, September 11, 2013


Anonymous said...

Awesome! Couldn't be a better way to start the day.
Kudos to whoever selected these pics.

Anonymous said...

That one on the floor is he in a bus?

Anonymous said...

Such a nice smile and a good laugh.
Love Adams personality.

Anonymous said...

And what a fantabulous morning these pics have made it..,, it will stop amazing me just how much time I can waste looking at pics of the gorgeous man ...rose petal

Anonymous said...

4th pic is most rtecent, to me Adam looks matured, beautifully ala natural & at peace wthin,
simply love the pic!

Hk fan said...

That 3rd pic on the left, he looks so much like Elvis!

Anonymous said...

@6:55 AM I believe that pic is from the Idol Tour on the guy's bus that was overcrowded.

Anonymous said...

Thanks, Admin! Great pics!

Anonymous said...

Thanks, Admin! Great pics!

Anonymous said...

gas station gorgeous!

Anonymous said...

Gorgeous pics!.....nancdruuu2

Anonymous said...

The pick with Adam on the floor on the bus and Adam in a tank! WOWSY!

Anonymous said...

I know Adam makes MY toes turn up ------- why do his?

Anonymous said...

liked them all.

Rebecca said...

very nice love the first one of Adam sleeping to cute