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Adam Lambert and Neil Lambert Looking Sexy ~

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Posted at : Tuesday, October 01, 2013


Anonymous said...

neil looks a little wasted...adam going for that 'come hither' look...

Anonymous said...

that's Neil? omg

Anonymous said...

LOL, one sexy and one dorky.

Anonymous said...

Probably at the after party in Vegas. I think they caught Neil after a little drinky. Adam is obviously the gay brother, also after a little drinky. Unless he was trying to be funny, or dorky. This is not the usual Adam look. I would suspect neither of them are pleased that this pic showed up. What was it Neil said when he was taking a picture of his girlfriend, and Adam stepped into the shot. "ooooooooh sh--t" LWL

Anonymous said...

10.11 that was a whole lot of crap!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Yes it was!

Anonymous said...

Neither look sexy, just a little toasted, and silly. Typical look at a party. That's not the look Adam had when he was singing in Vegas, now that was sexy.

Anonymous said...

10:21 what are you? 12

Anonymous said...

They both look less than 100%. Tomorrow is another day.

Anonymous said...

Neil is cute. Adam is HOT and SEXY.

Anonymous said...

Neither look sexy to me,Neil looks tipsy, Adam looks coy .

Anonymous said...

10:11 AM,

What do you mean "Adam is obviously the gay brother, after a little drinky", no shit, Adam is gay, with or without a drink. OK, super brain What has this stupid statement have to do with anything.

Looks like two brothers having fun to me. Adam makes silly faces when he is not drinking; but so what? They are both over 21 years of age; therefore, grown men and can do whatever they damn well please.

By the way, Adam probably not worried about this picture at all.
It's just a picture. Unbelieveable!

All these "perfect" judgemental people, amazing. So nice these brothers are so close to each other!

Anonymous said...

Not sure how 10:11 can tell who the gay brother is.

Anonymous said...

Neil is chunky, Adam is tight.
Neil looks femmie not Adam

Anonymous said...

LOVE THEM!>>>nancdruuu2

Anonymous said...

@12:24 PM

Not nice; this may be your opinion, but not a nice thing to say about a member of Adam's family; if you claim to be a fan. They are brothers, not clones.
Also, beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

You may not look as good as other
members in your family; in other people's opinion; I doubt if they would state though.

Very rude; grow up. Hope you didn't think you were complimenting Adam, while trying to dis his brother.

Anonymous said...

They are both nice looking men. Let move on to a happier post!

Anonymous said...

actually neil is quite handsome..they do not favor all that much to me..esp. since adam is natually a ginger..bless his sweet heart..and neil is, or appears to be, natually brunette..but both are funny as hell and so interesting..of course, i love me some adam...they should do a comedy skit on SNL..

funbunn40 said...

I wouldn't call this pic sexy or flattering for either of Adam looks sexy not doing a thing, just standing still sends shock waves in the best way!

funbunn40 said...

Both men are nice looking and intelligent. Glad they have each other and are part of such a supportive, loving family.They obviously are having fun, enjoying the moment, being brothers.Good for them!

Anonymous said...

When God showered beauty and sexiness, Adam took them all.
Poor Neil.

Anonymous said...

Who's cut out of this pic...? WISH it could be my hand holdin on to Adam's...

Anonymous said...

11:41 PM
What a nasty, unkind and untrue thing to say. >(

With Adam now having black hair, he and Neil are very much alike except that Neil is carrying more weight at this point in time. I've seen numerous photos where Adam looks like Neil. Both are great-looking guys.

Anonymous said...

I find Neil very ordinary looking and wouldn't look at him twice in a crowded room. Cannot say that about his big brother who just oozes sex and hotness. Neil is all cerebral and Adam is just yummy.