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Adam Lambert CDs at Rasputin Music in Berkeley!

Filed Under (,, ) by Admin on Sunday, October 20, 2013

Posted at : Sunday, October 20, 2013


daydreamin said...

Ooh I have a Rasputin Music near me. Will have to check it out.

daydreamin said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

Yea he has such fabulous music! Sue

Jadam said...

O Oh the dreaded Take One.

Anonymous said...

Why is it a big deal to see Adam's cds in a store? And why would you take a pic especially including one of the unapproved albums?

Anonymous said...


Why do you feel the need to complain? This is Adam news.

Anonymous said...

@6:37 PM:

If it was me I would take that Take On and stick it somewhere else; way in the back; I think the poster is complaining because Adam is not getting a penny from that CD. And, Adam was sued by those jerks; He had to pay lawyers fight the case in court. Now here it is again on Adam's fan site right in front with Adam's legitimate Cd's. That's why; bad memories.

We remember the stress Adam went thru with this mess. Had to even have his album delayed.

Anonymous said...

I see Adam is still being used by those bums.

Anonymous said...

Good to see Adam'S CD's being sold everywhere. But I hate to see Take One, anywhere near Adam's true CD'S.

Anonymous said...

6:37, OK, I'll go take a pic of Adam's cds in a store near me and get them posted here tomorrow. Really big news.

Anonymous said...

We went thru this before; when fans were telling other fans not to purchase those rogue cd's; Take One and BFM. Because legally Adam could not tell us anymore. So the fans did it for him. People are free to do what they want. But, I was with Team Adam all the way. I bought only CD's sanctioned by Adam Lambert.

Glad to see Adam's real CD's though.

glitzylady said...

I think the REAL point of this picture is that Adam's music is still available to buy in this store. My local Target no longer stocks it. So YAY for this store, and very cool for Adam. That's what we should be cheering about here IMO. :)))

Anonymous said...

Let the past go. The rats had a legal right to sell the album.
Just forget it, it's the past, let's celebrate the present and future. November 7th approaches! ..... so I agree YAY!

Anonymous said...

make that 3 YAY's

Anonymous said...

Only 2 of the CDs were new. One of the FYE and TP. The rest were used copies sold back to the store that they are reselling and Adam makes not one cent off of that.

Anonymous said...

I just like it when I see Adam Lambert CDs still available for sale in stores. That's why I posted the picture.

Anonymous said...

Bet they move a few of those after Glee! Sue

glitzylady said...

Thanks for posting the picture! Much appreciated :)))

Anonymous said...

thanks for sharing that with us LAMBERTLUST. I follow you on IG and twitter and enjoy it all.Ahem I noticed you just got your 666 follower on Ig what's up with that? lol

Anonymous said...

@ Lambertlust. It was nice to see the albums till you explained that they were for resale and that Adam would not be making any money. You felt compelled to share that with us? why?

Anonymous said...

Glad to see some Adam CD's are being sold in certain stores. Makes mow wanna go and check out my Target store since I haven't done that lately.


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Not the sharpest tool in the shed.

Anonymous said...

Pointless and stupid picture especially with the Take One cd and even more so with the info that some were sold back to the store.

Anonymous said...

So nice to "meet & greet" you here! Seen and enjoyed your hard work as Adam fan through these years, thank you very much. Wish there were lots and lots more fans like you!!! Greetings to your better-er half!

Never mind the resident trolls and negative nellies/nicks - poor souls, they don't have anywhere else to go...


Anonymous said...

NVM whether re-sell or not. The store took them and re-sell stores don't take everything. Lot of stuff would never make it to a re-sell store. He must have a good sales record.

Also, now that Glee is happening, there will be an uptick in sales.

Anonymous said...

What does NVM stand for? Nevermind?

Anonymous said...

No not fret @Lambertlust has been around the block a few times in AdamLand and I am sure he can smell trolls from miles away.

Anonymous said...

Just woke up, and read this site. I think that everyone on here has good intentions and love for Adam; especiallly after reading all the posts. I really (my opinion only) don't see any trolls on here at all. The posters are not talking trash about Adam; to me this with indicate that they are trolls.

I just see people who are very upset because of what Adam went thru in the pass regarding the rogue cd's; and they sound like devoted Adam fans.

Also, I am sure the Lamberlust is a very devoted fan and meant no harm. I have seen nothing but devotion for Adam in all the post and tweets I have seen from him. So please don't be disrespectful to him. Also, please don't call Adam's other devoted fans, trolls; because they acted on emotion and protection towards Adam. Just seems like a lot of misunderstanding and hurt feelings. Can't we just all get along. Peace.

Anonymous said...

@6:17 AM

Thank you!

Anonymous said...

I think that T word is thrown around too loosely. These people were expressing their opinions......JAK

Anonymous said...

Adam in good company with K.D.Lang and Lady Gaga!..nancdruuu2

Anonymous said...

Adam and k.d. Lang would seem an odd pairing to most I guess, but she is one of the strong voiced singers I have fantasized him singing with. She can sing a power ballad or wring out your heart with Crying or So in Love....shivers!