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Adam Lambert Glampire Collage Thru The Years

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Posted at : Wednesday, October 09, 2013


Anonymous said...

So does Admin want the long threads of fighting or what?

Anonymous said...

I'm wild about the third picture in the third row. I've never seen it before. Really scary, Adam, ;)

Anonymous said...

My favorite vampire is the one to the right on the first row. With Sauli.


Anonymous said...

I've been reading tweets about Adam today (from all over the world). While Adam's incredible music might not be played 15 times daily on radio, he has the respect of so many legends and of his amazing fans. Having that respect means longevity and that is so much more important than simply being the flavor of the moment. I love that Adam stays focussed on what HE wants as far as his career is concerned.

Anonymous said...

So Glampire rears his beautiful head once again. Mmm I am well-armed with 3 Glampire poems to date. Now Glampire Part 4...lets see, just a sprinkle of dessert first:

Glampire balancing on tight-rope wire
A daredevil when his voice soars in the quagmire
Waiting anxiously for Dracula to transpire
Hmm I see a tall guy with a lean and hungry look
Approaching Glampire at the brink of the misty brook
Glampire readies his infrared laser beam
Dracula floats by, careens
Sizing up the Glampire fiend
Who bursts out his high G++ to a lusty scream...oooh-la-ah!
Yearns for a taste of real blood
Glampire drools; it!

More to come...this is just to wet my appetite a bit. lol!


Anonymous said...

Should be...whet my appetite; I was toying between whet / wet and I chose wet. lol!


Anonymous said...

scary man, scary.

Anonymous said...

I didn't realize it's October already!!!!

No wonder there's so many Glampires appearing everywhere....I hope Adam tries something new this year.

Anonymous said...

Now back to the pictures: my two favourite Glampires are in the second row...first and last of second row. The first one is so benign and the last one, you can see the blood in the!


Anonymous said...

@7:24 PM Very nice post, I read it right after you posted and keep thinking about it.

Anonymous said...

I believe Adam is fashioned in Bowie glam-rock style on Glee; yes my cup of tea..theatrical and antique perhaps channeling a bit Glampire too, without fangs lol! Adam sure knows how to don fangs with blood drooling. lol!


Anonymous said...

For this year Halloween IMO he should wear his Crawl Thru. Fire outfit since he will be doing homage to David Bowie on Glee.

Anonymous said...

Wishing for out of this world custom to get tons of media coverages.

Anonymous said...

What I'm looking forward to on Glee is Adam and Chris C, their nemesis. I don't know what it is but my crystal-ball keeps giving me flashes of Adam and Chris...a very strong partnership might blossom, work-wise or more than that. The romantic clairvoyant part of me is brimming. lol!


Anonymous said...

I'm hoping for the Big Bad Wolf and Danielle can be little red riding hood.

Anonymous said...

@ 7:27PM-creative thinking, Lam-my, perfect description of Glampire Adam. Woah! I have a Halloween joke for you. Why can't the ghost make a baby?..............Because he has a hollow weenie!......Question, do you have any holiday like our Halloween in Singapore? Margarita Lady

Anonymous said...

I don't get the 2nd joke.

Anonymous said...

One of them is crazy and the other is out of his mind... but breathing fine ;)

Anonymous said...

@8:38-to which 2ND joke are you referring?

Anonymous said...

Hello there Margarita Lady!
You know you have introduced me to a number of 'corrupt' slang words. lol! I just looked up weenie. Hey baby glampire...what an idea. That reminds me of the Pontianak female vampire ghost in Malay folklore which is staunchly upheld in our region. This Pontianak lives in a banana tree and comes out at night scouring for males, devouring their internal organs...and the external one as well...grotesque. It seems the Pontianak needs the food to feed her baby! There goes your imaginative hypothesis of baby glampire. lol! So a huge nail is hammered into the banana tree to keep the Pontianak from preying on men folk. It seems these pontianaks are women who had died at childbirth. The more pragmatic side of the story is it was invented to stop men from affairs especially as they drive along remote areas where these beautiful looking pontianaks would entice them. Moral: Always listen to both sides of the story. lol!
No, we don't have a Halloween holiday but the young ones celebrate it in their own parties / shows. My regards to little Terry. :)


Anonymous said...

Lam-my, in the United States, the male appendage or penis is commonly referred to as the slang word, "weenie" or "weiner", especially in the Southern United States, plus, the term "weenie" is usually used by young children. Therefore, in the HALLOWEEN joke, a ghost can't have a baby because he has a hollow (empty) male appendage or "weenie". This joke can get easily lost in translation. Now, if you watch any United States news, we have recently lost one of our Congressman, due to the fact that he was a sex addict and openly displayed pictures of his "weenie" on twitter. The joke of his crazy life on twitter is that his real name is "Anthony Weiner". You can google his story. A great number of jokes have been made on television about Anthony's weiner.....Anyhow, I just love knowledge about other countries and just wondered if Singapore had a Halloween. Here in the United States, many people decorate for Halloween just like they do for Christmas. The main colors for Halloween are orange and black. A little American trivia for a Singapore gal. Margarita Lady

Anonymous said...

Margarita Lady
Thanks for the weiner/weenie update. I did hear about this Congressman; he apologised via CNN which I watch every day; they have the latest detailed news.


Anonymous said...

Hey Margarita how do you celebrate Halloween...perhaps take little Terry adorned in orange and black on your 6-mile ritual... :)


Anonymous said...

My wish for Adam is to attend one of the high level celeb. Halloween party and dress up as out of this world Glam Rocker. This will give him tons of media exposure before his appearance on Glee one week later. Then we have more news for his Glee appearance.

Anonymous said...

I think that bottom picture is from a celebrity party last year.

Anonymous said...

Lam-my-my friends throw a big party and we dress up our dogs in incredible costumes. We give a big prize to the winner. We serve a fantastic buffet and all dishes must be made in the colors of orange and black. We just love Halloween-it is our very favorite holiday!.....I hope Adam dresses this year as a knock out 70's glam rocker with those fabulous IHEART boots! Margarita Lady

Anonymous said...

Adam's appearance on glee is already past Halloween.

Anonymous said...

That's really cool! Margarita Lady. :)


Anonymous said...

This is a vote? I vote for top right corner.

Anonymous said...

Am tired seeing adam with glampire costume.why not he do something else like ziggy stardust/velvet goldmine stuff/ naked on wrecking ball hahaha..

glitzylady said...

@Anon 1:30 AM

Shhhh! Don't tell Adam, but I vote for the "Naked on a Wrecking Ball" costume this year ;))))))))))))))))))))

Anonymous said...

at 1:40 AM

That would be the day!!! Not going to happen, though. :(

Anonymous said...

I vote for the top right corner too:), though I almost hear a growling sound from the last pic bottom left.:)

Anonymous said...

Lam-my 8:21 PM
What about Will Sherrod? Isn't he Chris C's bf? What do you see in your crystal-ball to be his fate? What does your romantic clairvoyant part brim over him if Adam and Chris bond a strong partnership work-wise and "more than that".

Anonymous said...

I prefer Adam for Halloween as he appeared in Pretty Little Liars last year - so gorgeous & very classy.

Anonymous said...

My crystal-ball at times forecasts things quite far-off into the future; it does not mean it must happen in the foreseeable future. Sometimes it doesn't happen but many times they have come to fruition; with no deliberate or bad intent. Que sera sera...


Anonymous said...

My favorite is the elegant Glampire, too. Shows off all his best asssets. Hope he has a great Halloween party, wherever he is. Love hearing that old "hollow weenie" joke again. Haven't heard it in years. I remember telling it as a kid, and my kids told it, too. Always dumb, but always funny!


Anonymous said...

I like the Pretty Little Liars classy look too.

As for all the prognostication we all like to have fun with, the law of average sez we will be right now and then. lol

Anonymous said...

How about Adam disguised as a geek for Halloween. Perhaps as a college professor - Bow tie, large glasses, button upped shirt, corduroy jacket with patched leather elbows, carrying an old leather brief case. A pipe in his mouth (not smoking lol). Bring on the natural hair color, maybe a crew cut! And then I could be the college girl who has my way with him. Yes, I'm dreaming I know! Of course, he will look even more sexy as nothing can disguise that!

Anonymous said...

I'm trying to picture Adam and Chris as a couple. No, no way!
Lam-my I think your crystal ball is cracked!

Anonymous said...

My actual words... "a very strong partnership might blossom, work-wise or more than that."
Focus your narrow mind on the word..."might" which means, it may or may not happen.
I emphasised more on "work-wise" putting it first.
"or more than that" can be anything, perhaps a strong platonic relationship, not necessary a couple!


Anonymous said...

His Indian customs aren't in these pics. The one at Katy Perry's party and the albino one.

Anonymous said...

Also..."partnership" refers specifically to persons in a joint business venture; not so much to boyfriends relationship. Open your little brain windows wider to let in more up-to-date ideas, please!


Anonymous said...

at 10:32 PM

My halloween wish would be to see him grow up and stop playing kiddie games. I do not particularly fancy the idea of Adam wearing Halloween costumes till the day he kicks the bucket.

Anonymous said...

Adam is always invited to Halloween parties where one usually wears a costume.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>nancdruuu2

Anonymous said...

I hope Adam stays true to Adam until the day he kicks the bucket. He loves this holiday and I hope he always enjoys it. Celebrities of all ages celebrate in Hollywood in LA.

Anonymous said...

We have a Halloween party every year and everybody dresses up and we're mostly over 50.

Anonymous said...

I hope I never get so old I have to grow up and quit having fun. I may plan a dress-up funeral.

Anonymous said...

JAK, I hope this is you & you're feeling better!
Borca miseria, ritorno subito, this site needs you!

Anonymous said...

The edgiest and most rad:
First row, Adam and Sauli!

Anonymous said...
