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Adam Lambert's Gorgeous Hands

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Sunday, October 20, 2013

Posted at : Sunday, October 20, 2013

VIA shimoli710 (Adamtopia)


Anonymous said...

I remember a Shanghai fan once said: Adam's hand was 'full of meat'...a direct translation from Chinese to mean fleshy; and yes his hands look fleshy especially the palm, a sign of wealth and health; the last picture, an artistic pose. I have a small, weighty bronze sculpture of a hand. Long shapely fingers indicate, artistic. :)


Anonymous said...

Adam Lambert... "I Wanta' Hold Your Hand"

Anonymous said...

Yea that will be a most appropriate song for Adam's hands; and one of my favourites.


Anonymous said...

very nice hands, never realized that before.

Anonymous said...

Love all the jewelry.

Anonymous said...

They look rather feminine to me.

Anonymous said...

10.29 PM I got an impression that you referring Adam's hand to feminine you mean it in a negative way.Correct me, if I'm wrong.
As a woman I can't understand why feminitity is seen as a negative quality.

Anonymous said...

Touch down!
Touche (sp?)

Anonymous said...

I agree .... Adam's hands look feminine. I shook his right hand at a Meet and Greet and it was very soft but that's not an insult. It's a fact. He obviously takes good care of his hands.

Anonymous said...

From 12.32 AM
Thank you for your appropriate answer!
Nothing wrong with the fact that Adam's hands are considered feminine.

Anonymous said...

Nothing wrong except for the fact that he is a GUY! Lol...