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Adam Lambert's New Instagram Avatar

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Thursday, October 3, 2013

Posted at : Thursday, October 03, 2013


Anonymous said...

Adam is Sooooo SEXY!! I love him 4/ever!

Anonymous said...

When I look at this, I feel like Adam is looking right back into my eyes.

Magiclady said...

I totally agree with both of you!

Anonymous said...

not a fan of the hair. short on the sides makes face look super thin. like the long hair with guyliner.

Anonymous said...

His face is thin period. He very trim love his hair this way to me makes him look very handsome I just do not feel he needs the make up any more. I don't care however he is my same dear Adam either way I do not care. His complexion looks so good. I think he feels little need for it anymore. He is still edgy and hot as can be anyway. Still very fashion forward as always. Sue

Anonymous said...

Adam eyes, not dark, nor light, searing to the bone.
Eyes that did not want to see.
Having seen it all, accepts, finds: "Ignorance is bliss".
Knowledge triste.

Anonymous said...

goody goody two shoes look gotta go. he should look like the bad boy he really is. This is tamed compared to the looks of the past.

Anonymous said...

@ 9:51 AM....Je suis d'accord avec vous. Triste.......JAK

Anonymous said...

FAINT!!! My god how can ANYONE be so beautiful and that they are so beautiful, are so humble?

Anonymous said...

And I agree with both of you 7:39 and 7:55!!!

Anonymous said...

Adam should not use botox all the time... His face looks like some kind of wax mask.

lorraine said...

I know I must sound like a broken record---but he IS the most beautiful man.

@7:55 I agree- his eyes peer into your very being. When I walked towards him to meet him at the Del Mar Fair concert last July,I had a noticeable limp following ankle surgery a few years ago.Initially, he smiled at me, but then a look of concern came over his face as he saw I struggled a little. His eyes- oh my goodness, I'll never forget that look in his beautiful eyes.....

Anonymous said...

One thing about Adam's eyes, not only are they so beautiful, they literally are the window to a soul that knows hurt and compassion first hand.

Anonymous said...

@1:28 PM:

First of all, Adam's face has always been that beautiful. Second of all he does not need botox. Why so jealous? It is Obvious you are not a fan. You sound so cruel and envious. If you have facts; bring proof, or video of Adam saying it; Otherwise; no one believes you.

Adam gets more beautiful as he gets older.

But, if botox can make a man look this gorgeous; then everyone should get it. If someone wants to get botox; it would be their business and none of yours.

Nice of you to be concerned about his health; but I am sure he has health professionals to advise him.

Do you perhaps think he has had eye replacments too, since his eyes are the most gorgeous in the world.

You know what, I bet he had a whole face and head replacement; no one can be born with a face, head and body so beautiful, bet that is a body double we see and not Adam's body at all.

Adam is so smart; wonder if he had a brain replacement; Adam has a heart of gold; probably, got a heart implant.

Oh well, guess we will just have to live with this beautiful duplicate with the (as you put it); waxed, botoxed face.

Me thinks, that you are a weird looking little dude, or female; unable to believe that Adam Lambert could be so beautiful; and you can't be; but, who said life was always fair? Sorry, you will just have to learn to live with your short comings; and stop making lies up about the fabulous Mr. Lambert.

Anonymous said...

Oh crap, another thread of drivel.

Anonymous said...

And yet we keep writing ignore the trolls, not too difficult is it?

Anonymous said...

6:47 your comment had me LoL , thanks for the comic relief.

Anonymous said...

How can God blessed one human being sooo much beauty in and out, and incomparable talent and yet a humble excellent being?