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Eli Lieb Dishes on His Popular ‘Wrecking Ball’ Cover (Featuring Adam Lambert mention)

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Posted at : Tuesday, October 08, 2013

He came in like a “Wrecking Ball” taking the internet by storm! “omg! Insider” correspondent Keltie Knight, caught up with Eli Lieb, the 29-year-old crooner who went viral with his cover of Miley Cyrus’s mega hit “Wrecking Ball.” Lieb’s version became so popular, even Adam Lambert took to his Twitter to share the video with his fans.


Anonymous said...

I wish you good luck Eli.....that's a really hard occupation to set your heart on......JAK

Anonymous said...

I'm a big fan and I hope he gets a record deal. Hate to see Adam all by himself in music industry. Remember Adam said radio is the only medium that doesn't have the visibility of LGBT artists. TV and cinema already has the visibility of LGBT artists. It is time for radio to get on board.

Anonymous said...

His version is indeed amazing!!:)

Good luck to you sir!!:)


Anonymous said...

Adam all by himself in the music industry? Roll eyes.

Anonymous said...

I don't want to promote somebody song or album anymore. And I'm not gonna buy anything that Adam is promoting. Because we help every singer, Adam promotes. And I don't care if Eli is gonna be Adam's next boyfriend. Avicii got success for his album because of us, idiots Glamberts, Now made over 500,000 views for Eli's cover of Wrecking Ball. Did Katy Perry, Madonna or, even f.. Avicii promote Adam's song just once?Avicii promoted LMD because he knew we will support his album for Adam. Just once, except Bryan and Nile. However, have you ever paid attention how many twitter follows Bryan or Nile have? Again, we are Glamberts, but most of us still naive as our Glam God.

Anonymous said...

6:45 ; I am agree .

Anonymous said...

@6:45 PM
You're so right.
I support Adam only.
Whoever Adam supports is not my business and I will not follow his lead on that.

Anonymous said...

Did it dawn on you those 500K hits came from existing Eli fans, Miley fans and OMG Insider followers? Go ahead and act like a ridiculous child, you not viewing Eli's vid won't make a bit of difference.

Fans who claim to love the person Adam is with his generosity and kindness sure can be cruel and petty.

Anonymous said...

good news, New Eli tweet

Eli Lieb ‏@elilieb 7m

@tianchad I dont have a boyfriend! :)

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the tweet, Eli. That answers THAT question.


Anonymous said...

I certainly hope that when Adam comes out with a new album and the first single is released, that he gets support from some of the individuals he has promoted. I might check out a video of someone whose music he talks about or give a listen to a new song, but I don't blindly run out to buy their music because he likes that song or artist. The music business is a very tough one and it takes all the elements to be just right to be a success. Sometimes talent alone is not enough. Adam seems to have so much going for him, but for whatever the reasons(and we can guess at some),he just can't get radio play or a wider audience of fans. He was brilliant in his concert with Queen and I am looking forward to his role on Glee. What comes after that, we will just have to wait and see.

Anonymous said...

Dear ones, it had to occur to you that Eli getting on the radio being a gay man, not just a ridiculously talented man, is good for Adam, too. Right? More visibility for gay artists is good for every gay artist.

Yes, to us Adam is simply the best and we want him to rule the airways. He deserves to have his slice of the pie. But, let's not get caught up in the mistaken notion that another artists success is BAD for Adam. That Adam shouldn't support artist he loves. There is room for everyone. It is a VERY big pie.

xo laura

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

It's a cut-throat, crowded, competitive pie. And the cream is not always on the top. I'm not so sure there is room for everyone, even though Adam did say that. People who deserve to make it often don't. They are pushed aside by lesser talents.

Anonymous said...

I listen to tons of singers and enjoy all of them. Doesn't preclude me from having the utmost respect and love for Adam's music and voice and from buying his albums. And good on Adam for listening to a variety of music styles. Not everything in life is unidirectional.

Anonymous said...

JAK here....but soon gone

I came for my usual evening 'fix' of Adamacity, but I just finished scanning what's new on each thread since I last looked in. Very depressing neighborhood, I'm taking a break to try to find my smile again. Life is hitting me hard right now and I really don't need depression added to it.
So try to be nice to each other, try to be nice to Adam and for Adam's sake. His fans reactions do reflect on him. We had a reputation we had to lighten up and did for awhile....
Now it's darker than ever. Good luck, good night, hope I'll see you soon. <3

Anonymous said...

Yes, definitely radio needs to get on board with LGBT artists breaking Billboard charts and appearing at Grammy, MTV VMA, AMA, and other music awards. TV and Movies are having LGBT artists getting massive exposure and awards nomination and hosting awards shows. Music industry is way behind living in ancient time. It's about time and as I said yesterday Adam is trying to bring LGBT artists into the scene.

Anonymous said...

@JAK. We are on our break from our little negative friend cause she doesn't live in US time zone. She'll be back around sometimes after midnight west coast time. She lives in Europe. She wrote a long manifesto on one of very old threads and she isn't an Adam. She is a fan of somebody else but she knows every single detail about Adam and wrote it in her usual snarky way. Feel bad for her!

Anonymous said...

Hi7:43pm, xo laura here ... was that "gag" for me?

Well, let's see if I can help you go all the way and hug the porcelain pony.

Thousands of artists around the world would kill to be in Adam's position. He is loved by not only fans, but industry people that have worked with him, extensively or even just in passing, other artists of huge reputation, and new converts daily. Adam is a force of nature and I have no doubt his time for "FULL" stardom will come.

So, swallow hard, take a deep breath, calm your stomach and have fun observing how things go for Adam ... and maybe even wish him well.

If not, well, I'm sorry, but it's only your own fault for coming to a fan site where positive comments make you sick.

xo laura

Anonymous said...

Meant to add ...

8:04pm, well said!

xo laura

glitzylady said...

I'm really excited for Eli, getting some publicity for his music (he has his own also..not just covers..)... And Adam got some mentions on both last night's and tonight's OMG! Insider (and that gorgeous picture of him with Eli***not Adam's boyfriend***who I think is really cute also :)) ), to millions of viewers, more than few who probably said "Whoa! Adam Lambert is looking GOOOOD!"...a VERY VERY nice bonus for Adam). . Happy for Eli, happy for Adam...

**I've been following Eli's career ever since we first became acquainted with him a few months ago. He seems like a great guy. There's plenty of room on my iPod for many more singers. I loooove Adam but have a lot of other music too. Thanks to Adam I've added music I might not have heard otherwise. (The girl group "HAIM" being the latest: LOVE their album and I agree with Adam, I'm sort of addicted to their single "The Wire" right now.

It's all good!

Anonymous said...

8:04, radio can't just manufacture Billboard record songs and appearances at Grammy, MTV, etc awards. The music industry as a whole needs to find and promote talented artists who also happen to be LGBT. As for the movie and tv industry giving massive exposure and nominations, that's not true either. Yes it's easier to be LGBT as an actor these days but it's still hard to be gay and it's why some people wait to come out. LGBT people are still told they can't believably play straight roles.

Change and acceptance has to come from all areas, society as well as industries. Change and acceptance is happening.

Anonymous said...

Yea, this site needs a clean out. I love Adam with all my heart but time for another break. Constant headaches health suffering again. I leave a week and comeback same nasties here. It make me act bad sometimes defending Adam he fine he does not need me. These nasties lies will not hurt him. They are hurting me. Like a few others here te for another break. I hoping finally Admin will clean those few that have been kicked off every single site and twitter but here. I guess she enjoys them but I do not. So time to take another long break. I will check out what Adam is doing skip comments. To much time wasted on those t's life is to short staying here could make it even shorter. Good night again! Good night all regulars taking a break don't blame you at all! Sue

Anonymous said...

@9:00pm it seems you don't watch TV or go to movies!

Not only I see LGBT artists on TV and movies, some of them are even very successful director and producers. I listen to radios as well and I don't hear any music of any LGBT artists. Not even DJs. Seacrest has someone on his morning show but he is in the background seldom says something.

Anonymous said...

Yes thank you Eli, you confirmed that uoy dont have a boyfriend. Hey you all, did u hear. A d a m is NOT h i s boyfriend

Anonymous said...

@6:45am what u said is the end adam is suffering coz nobody want to promote his music execept his fans who are standing behind him.see how long it takes for his music video or whatever on utube about him to get million viewer compare to other artist who can get million viewer within a minute.sorry to say that adam's fan has being used for benefit of he said "i will do it for the people"

daydreamin said...

@JAK I don't blame you at all but just want you to know that you always bring ansmile to my face and I am saddened to know you have been chased away yet again. I hate all the finger pointing and name calling too. I do hope admin realizes that she is losing the good ones.

Anonymous said...

9:37, I do watch tv and movies but I also read.

finds that homophobia still runs pretty rampant in Hollywood.

Homophobia in Hollywood: Why gay movie stars still can't come out of the closet

Anonymous said...

daydreamin, I don't think Admin cares about Adam or longtime users here, I think she prefers the hits for the long wanky threads.

Anonymous said...

9;41 please don't tell me your comment was suppose to make sense.

Anonymous said...

I dont mind if adam in the Gaga / rihanna position ,has legion of fans,successful worldwide,selling million of records,Yet take a chance to promote others music.But he is not at that level yet.Yes he can share his fav music with his fans but as a fan we have to think what is priority for us to promote,adam or other artist that pimp by adam?

Anonymous said...

10:10pm ,,,

Back to Adam "pimping" other artist?

Your comment implies that Adam is just a needy kiss-ass that mentions other artists for selfish reasons and not because he just really likes their music. Kinda disrespectful, even if you didn't mean it that way. If you've followed him for any length of time, you would know that is NOT Adam AT ALL.

I can tell you're a fan and want the best for Adam. But, you can want Adam to reach the heights of Gaga and Rihanna without throwing shade on his love of other musicians. He is being genuine. Not a "pimp".

xo laura

glitzylady said...

I personally believe that we take nothing away from our support of Adam and his music if we appreciate and enjoy the music of others, ie Eli Lieb.

Adam will always be my #1 priority as a fan. Nothing wrong with expanding our musical horizons in a myriad of other directions........ I love a wide variety of music genres and I love it when Adam lets us know about something he's excited about musically.

daydreamin said...

@JAK I really hope you get to feeling better soon. I don't like the sound of it when you said "life is hitting me pretty hard right now" and "I need to find my smile again". You have me worried! Please at least keep us posted when you feel up to it.

Interesting that so many here thought Eli was a lot older than Adam but he is only 29!!

daydreamin said...

This is a tweet from Eli:

Eli Lieb ‏@elilieb 7h
One of the best voices Ive ever heard RT:“@ElianeMe: @elilieb You know Adam Lambert. I love him. What do you have to say about his voice??”

Anonymous said...

So, Wait; No Justin Timberlake, But Should Gay Actors Still Not Play Straight Roles?

Variety today which opines that Justin Timberlake should stop acting and no one should send him scripts.

Read more:

Anonymous said...

Why is Eli being so quiet about how old he really is. From his own story he has to be over 30. Some are saying as much as 36. Why won't he tell? Is he my grandma? Weird.

glitzylady said...

Eli is 29. Not a secret.....

HK fan said...


Please come back soon. We all worry and miss you when you're not here.

But also please come over to, you will be welcomed with open arms.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

@12:11 AM
Hello! The weird thing is your comment. Eli is 29. There's nothing secretive about it.

Anonymous said...

There are public records showing he is 34. He can't possibly be 29. He said himself he moved to NYC at 20 and lived there for ten years. Then he moved back to Iowa and spent more than a year working on an album. That album came out two years ago.

Anonymous said...

at 5:05 AM

How come his birthday is not mentioned anywhere??? He looks a lot older than 29, I'd say something around 35.

Anonymous said...

Honestly a person should not make emotional decisions after 9 at night. Wait till the light of day and revisit the situation. Everything looks better in daylight.

Anonymous said...

Aren't all of Adam's fans "29"? This just proves he is a fan of Adam. Love him.

Anonymous said...

JAK, my thoughts and prayers are with you. Hope things improve soon. We need you here. And sue, please take care and keep coming here, too. Strength in numbers.

I am trying to keep an open mind about the music industry in genera. There is nothing "fair" about it, just as many things in life are not fair. Good luck to Eli. He may be one of the lucky ones. And Lord knows, luck is very important in the music business. We all know it's not always about the best voice, or the handsomest face or the most winning personality. Sometimes it's just luck, the kind that lasts. I hope Adam gets some in the coming year.


Anonymous said...

Adam did not kiss his ass. He just retweeted the video, that's all. I'm not surprised all the household names in this blog are now a big Eli fans. Greetings from Finland.

Anonymous said...

What's the big deal regarding Eli's age? I suspect all this hoo haa comes from Tommy and/or Sauli fans who can't bear Adam to be associated with any male, attractive or otherwise let alone be in a relationship with a guy unless the guy is Tommy or Sauli. So what if Adam and Eli connect. Adam's happiness is of paramount importance. Furthermore, Adam's private life is his business, not his fans.

Anonymous said...

In praise of older men. :)

Anonymous said...

Eli is 34. He is trying to hide it and its funny. The end.

There is nothing that makes me think he is Adams boyfriend. He said he is doing a lot of co writing so he and adam might be working on something.

Anonymous said...

@7:11AM Age is not a big deal, imo, but the secrecy about it is interesting. I don't like Tommy and let's forget about Sauli.

Anonymous said...

Oh it's a big deal when your trying to break into the entertainment business. Everyone wants to appear young. He just put out a video called young love. He doesn't want to call it middle aged love

Anonymous said...

@8:33AM Omg, forgot the Young Love. Lol, now I get it. I know this is ot but I really appreciate Nile. I was dancing to disco music in the late 70's and he is still relevant. How cool is that.

Anonymous said...

@ 6:03. My extremely hip amazing dancer 17 yo neice and her dance friends love Adam... and my own 15 yo's girlfriend likes him and her BFF loves Adam! They all watch glee. They are a music loving bunch, so perhaps have a little more depth and are more open to loving Adam's talents than maybe your average 15, but I have faith that demographic will grow. My sister's friend's 16 year old daughter went to several GNT concerts etc... I have full faith that demographic will grow. His talent can't be denied, resistance is futile :)

Anonymous said...

I wonder what Eli thinks about disco music.

Anonymous said...

I wish I was 34 again. "sigh" It was the best time when I was 30-35. You are not too young and foolish but you don't have many wrinkles and pains etc.

Anonymous said...

I suppose a person either likes dance music or then don't.

#NP Calvin Harris - Flashback (Eric Prydz Remix)

Anonymous said...

Eli trying to hide his age and not answering tweets about it makes it an even bigger deal than if he just told the truth.

Anonymous said...

In Hollywood you should be forever young. Eli knows that.

Anonymous said...

@10:29AM I think you mean to look young. Hollywood is backward and not very current in my book. Just my opinion.

Anonymous said...

10:29 AM
In my opinion 34 is still young and Eli looks even younger than he really is. He is boyish/boy-next-door -looking guy. So, I don't think his age is a big deal if he has luck. As someone said, he needs just luck.

Anonymous said...

I don't think the people in Hollywood have much ideas. They are just good stealing them.

Anonymous said...

I mean, I did stalk Molinari and friends' pics and imo none of them are trendsetter.

Anonymous said...

11:08 AM
Shouldn't you be a bit younger than Molinari to be a trendsetter in LA? Or who are the trendsetters? The movie stars and singers at all ages? I really don't know.

Anonymous said...

LOL, looks like Eli is really 34.

glitzylady said...

I originally thought he was over 30 based on the info I read on his blog a few months ago, but apparently OMG! Insider made him 29 on their show. Doesn't really matter to me one way or the other. Shouldn't matter to anyone else either :))) He's talented, cute and apparently a nice guy. All that really matters in my book....

Anonymous said...

Yes but obviously omg insider was wrong. Surely even you can see that?

Anonymous said...

It's ridiculous that we're still talking about Eli. Go to his website for more info.

Anonymous said...

LOL, glitzy sure has a lot of comments for someone who doesn't care how old he is.

Anonymous said...

Eli is very much like Tommy. Over sensitive, me me me type. I got the impression because he tweeted haters gonna hate. Does he mean glamberts, who didn't become lieberators.

Anonymous said...

If you have seen the video of young love, you should realize that young does not mean in years (as age) it means new love, just beginning = young love!

Anonymous said...

When Adam did the EMA he got way more than ELI in one day all his vids got tons if hits. They took the vid down are would have a had a million in a minute. People still managed to fine and view it some. I can't get the stay vid in it I would. Adam management has not try so hard to get views on covers because he had other things on his plate such as glee, I heart that would do him way more good. Eli had a long way to make it to where Adam is now! He had tons of help getting those views. OMG insider, Adam, his management himself getting people to push it and MC fans they want more of them so now OMG insider trying get Miley to do it. She may for them other wise no she just out for Miley. It's time to let the Eli thing go Adam done is friendly thing he got some publicity out as well. Hits on a vid will help but still think its a long way from a solid career that bit by bit Adam is building. He getting his name out there that's a good thing. Time to get back to Adam. I got to tell you it over kill I liked him now I just sick of him.

Anonymous said...

@ 10:49 am

You got the wrong address, Avraham is not on this site.
Check out the Koran, you'll find him there. Peace.

Anonymous said...

at 2:28 PM

Whatever, 29 or 35, he is still too old to become known outside LA. He is a talented singer but he doesn't stand out. 1M views on YT is not much.

glitzylady said...

Oh for f's sake. Let's just pick on me some more shall we????? :))))))) Have at it peeps.....

Anonymous said...

The only reason he got so many hits is because over zealous Glamberts thought that he was Adam's boyfriend. Aw shucks, even I clicked on the video to see what all the fuss was about. The only way Eli is going to be extremely popular is that he's Adam boyfriend, which he denied. So no more million hits for him. It was the Adam effect that put his name on the map. Personally, I don't care one way or another, because the only artists I'm supporting are Adam and Queenbert.

daydreamin said...

I think it was Miley's fans that put him on the map.

Did anyone watch The Voice last night? Plenty of performers said they were 24 and 25 but look much older to me. I was always told that I looked several years younger than I actually was so I'm not sure why all this fuss. Or all the negativity AGAIN and again and again...

I'm about ready to go find another site where there are rules and just abandon this one. This is ridiculous.