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Funny Adam Lambert Picture of The Day

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Sunday, October 20, 2013

Posted at : Sunday, October 20, 2013

VIA ladymaserati8


Anonymous said...

Is that a bindi?

Anonymous said...

Must be from Lifeball.

Anonymous said...

Glee should feature the funny side of Adam besides the 'weird' aspect. Like the crying under the piano and the argument with NeNe in Diva, the shattering of the chandelier...all sooo funny. lwl!


Anonymous said...

Why is this picture duplicated so many times?

Anonymous said...

Instead of twos, now they are coming in fours. Enough please.

Anonymous said...

Wonder what Adam is looking at so strangly?

Anonymous said...

Not the most flattering picture to post 4 of. Although he still looks a lot better then most. Eyes, baby eyes.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

The humor escapes me.

Anonymous said...

Maybe it's from that dancing contest he helped judge at LifeBall.

Anonymous said...

Oh Adam, that's the PERFIC look to give @the resident evil lol troll!

Anonymous said...

7:07 PM
It's the same picture, starting small & gradually getting bigger.

Anonymous said...

what does this say about the users mentality that come to this blog

Anonymous said...

adam,you like bindi?.....india glambert.i love that:)