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LATEST INSTAGRAM LIKES: Adam Lambert LIKES Sauli Koskinen's Pictures! (10/6/2013)

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Sunday, October 6, 2013

Posted at : Sunday, October 06, 2013

Looks like Adam is following Sauli's skating competition in Finland. There is a chance that Sauli may win the competition!


Anonymous said...

Now that we are speculating that Adam and Eli are a couple, Adam goes and does this. Is he telling us that he is NOT dating Eli?

Oh Adam. Tweet us something!!

Anonymous said...

He's still in love with Sauli. Obviously.


Anonymous said...

Not sarcasm, Adam loves Sauli ♥

Anonymous said...

True love never ends!

Anonymous said...

Please Adam, let your personal life be just that. There are too many people who may not respect what is only your decision to make. Love,

Anne Marie said...

When Adam and Sauli were in their relationship, he was always very proud of Sauli, and I think he is still very proud of what Sauli has accomplished. Sauli said just a few days ago, that Adam is his best friend and they keep in touch a lot. Sauli also mentioned that he is still by himself, when asked about any relationship he might be in. I have been following Sauli also, and am just blown away about Sauli's skating after only a few weeks of rehearsals. He may not win, but he is a favorite of the people. Look what happened to Adam on AI.

Anonymous said...

So, he's been liking 8 photos (one of them of his ex's) and one vid. That's not big deal. He likes his friend's pics. Next might be Eli's (who could be more than friend at the moment).

Anonymous said...

9:26 PM
Sauli said Adam is "ONE of his best friends" and he has many friends. He is such a person that he gets easily friends as we have seen from his show. He also said they keep touch "quite" a lot, if I remember right.

It's nice to see the ex's can still be friends. There is nothing more in this.

Anonymous said...

I have always been an avid support of sauli but after the stupid and un called insult heaped on adam on the previous thread, lost interest..
So all sauli's cray its your thread! Come and pour your undiluted love and stupid speculation into this thread.

Anonymous said...

Well, I watched Sauli's most recent performance and he was excellent. Very smooth and graceful. I wish him well in this competition and, like many others, am glad he and Adam remain friends. It's refreshing to see two adults have the capacity to remain friends after a long and loving relationship ends.

Anonymous said...

love Ferras's Ig's from France, would love to go there.

Anonymous said...

Adam likes anything that catching his eyes ...all photos that facinating him.Nothing unusual :)).Fans are too invest in every detail what he likes in his IG.

Anonymous said...

9:39 Do what you want. But I don`t undestand why you stop following Sauli because of one or two stupid troll? There will be trolls and nasty peeps always. Some Toommy fans are very angry Adam beeing friend or dating Eli also. Stupid comments are not Sauli`s, Adam`s or Eli`s fault. They all are very nice men. There very very rued comments about Sauli also..

Anonymous said...

I did like Sauli to but I love Adam you tear Adam I got no use for any of it. The only reason people have any problem with the Sauli thing is the disrespectful nasty few fans that come here. I agree after the way Adam was talked about on the other thread I just could care less what Sauli does. Eli and Adam may just be friends but Adam deserves someone that really cares for him and does not have fans that would attack him each day it's been terrible all year! I am not starting trouble but Admin I am not forgetting the previous thread and the one before that ect! You have to give respect to get it I always respected Sauli but that last thread broke the camels back totally over it. Don't tell me to scroll it's and Adam lambert site. So far it's been ok on here but doubt stay that way. Even if it does stay above board here not forgetting several previous other threads. My no. 1 is Adam and always will be!

Anonymous said...

Sauli and Nea are just adorable <3 Next time they are going to go "deeper and darker". I wonder how it suits for them and how they manage to bring out that side.

Anonymous said...

Last time they got the best points from judges and second best points from audience. I hope they will be on the competition for a very long time till the end of it if possible.

Anonymous said...

@8:12 PM No he is not telling anything else than that he seems to be following Sauli's DOI venture and they are friends.

Anonymous said...

I feel the same way as @11:12pm. I get that fans of others might not like Adam. But I have never ever seen such a disrespect from other fans on Adam's fan site than I have seen with Sauli's fans. This only makes me wonder the other nature of Sauli that we haven't seen in public with Adam. Are Finnish people that disrespectful of others outside of their own nationality?

Anonymous said...

@12:07 Yes all the Finns are very disrespectful of others than their own nationality. That's why Adam is so popular in Finland.

Anonymous said...

If I believed Adam-fans were nasty people hating Sauli and every one of his fans I would have stopped being a Glambert long time ago, Instead I believe a true fan tries to be like one´s idol ,accepting, loving and not judgemental. I don´t believe any one or two trolls and they will never change me of being a fan of Adam and Sauli. I love both of them. And as for any personal things I let them have their privacy with respect. There is no change in that respect either.

Anonymous said...

I don't think it's Finnish people and real fans of Adam in general at all. Many Finnish people adore Adam and been very loving to him. It's a radical bunch and their really mean and they are ruining it for everyone. Ruining it for Sauli, Adam and Adams fans. I always overlooked it but its become horrible now. I just can't help it today turned be against hearing anything about Sauli. They were relentlessly awful to Adam and his fans! The Finnish people that care for Adam I highly respect. I know Sauli cares for him but I am just burned out after a whole year if this and then today just pushed to far!

Anonymous said...

9:39 and
11:12 (Sue or some troll imitating to be Sue!)

Your comments are very childish and immature. There are crazy, over the top (in more ways than I care to count) fans in every fandom, including Adam's - plus all the trolls and other lowlives just trying to cause mayhem to fansites and between fans. WHY CAN'T YOU trust your own hearts and stay true to those you YOURSELF feel are true to themselves, in this case Adam and Sauli. Please don't let any trolls or crays in these fandoms cloud your 'better understanding', that's YOU giving your VOTE to the trolls & crays, instead of Adam and Sauli (or whoever is the "target" that time), who you ALL KNOW TO BE GOOD PEOPLE!

If you 'desert' Adam or Sauli or anyone you have been 'invested in', do it for your own reasons and based on your own likes and dislikes (i.e. be honest about them), not on some crazy talk from a few trolls and crays!

If you follow your 'logic' (lol) you would have left Adam a long time ago... There are plenty of crays, trolls etc in Adamland, too!

It's NOT Adam's fault and it's NOT Sauli's fault that these THREADS are crazy and hidious! USE YOUR BRAINS AND THINK A LITTLE, WILL YOU!

Anonymous said...

@12:24am, Sauli fans are not a mean bunch of people ,they are interested in Adam because of Sauli and they respect Adam. Don´t let a few trolls affect you, they get their kicks anyhow doing whatever they please, but not because of ruining it from us true fans, I keep my thumbs up for you, friend!:)

Anonymous said...

12.29 you go to hell and stop accusing people of writing stuff you know nothing of. The crap that was on here today was awful. You should get your damn ass banned off of here. Stop talking to people like that. You are the worst troll of them all. Some body tries to be reasonable you attack sign your post or stop accusing other people of writing things. Your crap sound Sauli and Adam no good!

Anonymous said...

12:07 and 12:24
Please read post @12:29

Anonymous said...

I remember fans of others often coming here with their nasty comments. But never seen anything like Sauli's fans thrashing Adam, his family, friends, and fans on this site on constant every day base over and over with the same thing that doesn't end. Some type of a characteristic I have never seen before.

Anonymous said...

12.37 this is 12.24 thank you for your reasonable post. People like you will heal some if this. People like 12.29 will cause nothing but turmoil and ruin it for all of us. More than one person is complaining here so do not blame it on one person. Radical remarks like 12.29 are causing the problem. They have to attack so this time I attack back. Several different people are complaining here not one person! Of more were like 12.37 we could have some harmony they are not!

Anonymous said...

@13:39am bet it's a cultural attitude. Poor Adam had to endure this kind of attitude for 2 yrs.

Anonymous said...

12:49 AM Yeah I wonder why poor Adam said that they had 2 great years with Sauli. He is such a saint.

Anonymous said...

12:39am I have been here since almost the beginning and I have read this site almost every day because I´m obsessed with following everything Adam, There is no grounds for accusing Sauli or Sauli fans every day basis on this site. The Sauli hate is not justified in any way.

Anonymous said...

again get in your head many people are complaining here do not call out one person and call them names you are the childish immature one and you have done nothing to win your case by attacking an Adam fan.

Anonymous said...

Adams fans have also been thrashing adam. Not just sauli fans. In fact, I think Adam fans have been worse over the last couple of months. Blaming him for the breakup, assuming he is sleeping with so many men, some have even accused him of being on drugs now. All this nastiness started after the breakup. Neither Adam or sauli should have to endure this kind of behaviour from their fans.

Anonymous said...

There you go another sarcastic Sauli fan. Thanks for proving our point! 12.58

Anonymous said...

1:09 no wonder. 12:58 answered to this:

@13:39am bet it's a cultural attitude. Poor Adam had to endure this kind of attitude for 2 yrs.

Anonymous said...

Why must sauli fans and Adam fans attack eachother. There is enough hate in this world already. Adam and sauli are friends. Why can't you guys do the same. Why can't you just put your differences aside and move on like civilised people. Nobody knows what happened in their relationship therefore no-one has the right to judge.

Anonymous said...

This seems really invasive to me for someone to tweet everything Adam likes on Instagram. Yes I know anyone with an account could see this info but its something else to tweet all of it to the world.

Anonymous said...

Sauli is also a saint according to so many people. He can do nothing wrong.

Anonymous said...

Please take the sauli fight back to the giant thread. We don't need two pointless long threads on this.

Anonymous said...

1:09am, I´m not 12:58 but please notice poster @12:49am! It is because of posts like that responses always follow. Please try to see my point this is a combined effort showing respect to other posters.

Anonymous said...

You guys have the nerve to accuse sauli fans of bashing Adam. From what I've read on so many threads, it's mostly adam fans that are bashing Adam.

Anonymous said...

1.06 that's not Adam fans that's trolls! No real fan did that.

Anonymous said...

@1:06am only fans of others puts down Adam. Adam fans love him to bits.

Anonymous said...

I was talking about the second 12:49am. I´m 1:18am

Anonymous said...

1.18 I don't agree with that! I said Finnish people as for the most part have been very good to Adam. My post was singled out and attacked. So there is wrong on each side.

Anonymous said...

After seeing this thread I hope Adam stop's liking Sauli's pictures and concentrate on Eli who seems to be also a very nice guy.

Anonymous said...

1.18 you read wrong Adam for the most part gets bashed first then they strike back. They strike back because they love Adam!

Anonymous said...

I wonder how passionate are Eli's fans?

Anonymous said...

Please stop with this petty fighting comments.

Anonymous said...

@1:18am it isn't Adam fans. There is one who starts by finding nonsense things to bring down Adam. Then this person goes on an on writing nasty comments. Then writes responses to his/her comments to make it looks like more than one person feels the way he/she does. Then attacks fans' comments. At the end of long exhausted thread writes about Sauli as how great he is. This person is present at every single thread for a long time.

Anonymous said...

9.39 and 11.12 were two completely different people posting not one person you blamed the post on by the way. I know I was one of them not the other.

Anonymous said...

1:30am, I feel you are a passionate fan of Adam´s ,so am I. I think there is bashing in both sides neither one is better or first in bashing ,both equally bad. I agree we can stop this negativity any time we want because we are the true fans of Adam remember!:)
I try to be civil myself and I give my effort now. I think on topic Sauli´s and Nea´s performance is getting better from the first dance. I saw it last Saturday and I am very excited for them both, they were really cute and smiled beautifully at each other during their performance. I bet Adam enjoyed it !:)

Anonymous said...

@1:21 both posts
I'm an avid Adam fan and have been here almost from the start. What you (two) are saying is simply not true! The nitpicking, I like this, I don't like that, I hate this and that, constant criticizing and (s)mothering seen here every day plus the non-acceptive and homophobic comments (we know you're gay, just don't rub it in our face, he's acting too gay, he goes only to gay bars) - that the kind of love you're talking about?!

And then there's "love" the 'realistic' Adam fans show by bashing fans who love Adam unconditionally...

Love & Light desperately needed here!

Anonymous said...

Well I know one thing 1.47 I never done any of that. Those people are not real Adam fans they are pains in the asses and I told them that! Thanks

Anonymous said...

Further more 1.37 this is a shocker I agree with you ! Good night!

Anonymous said...

Rather 1.47 I agree with you! Again good night

Anonymous said...

1:53am This is not sarcasm, I don´t know that art form at all, Can you please try to think that maybe those people you think are Sauli-fans bashing Adam, are not real Sauli-fans either. Like you said about not real Adam fans ? I would appreciate your effort because I do that myself every day when it´s vice versa.

Anonymous said...

Well you should use your brains too!.I took some friends to iheart fest. To see the queenbert festival and as expected they all loved adam. Initially told them about this site for updates on adam, believe me after reading the previous thread ..I am scared! Adam was totally thrashed by fans of his ex! On his fan site, I personally think that thread should be removed..
So after reading that,will u blame some folks if the admiration they have for sauli, is drastically reduced? Will u blame me if I told my friends not to come to this site? This isn't sauli fault but,after that endless bashing on adam yesterday.. Let say I don't care about sauli's anymore.

Anonymous said...

12:07 AM

So WHY you did come to this thread and throw prejudiced and racist accusations about Finnish people??

Grow up please!

Anonymous said...

This is an open site for every one not just fans, I have to believe no real fan of either one, Sauli´s or Adam´s, would give an enthusiastic effort on bashing anybody. These few nasty people get their kicks out of negativity. In case you haven´t noticed this thread is civil by the way!:) I recommend you to watch Sauli in DOI and forget the last thread , The reality is more beautiful in this case, just my opinion.:)

Anonymous said...

12:49 AM and 12:07 AM are the same pathetic troll, who rage here and blurt stupid racist accusations.

Anonymous said...

This is 1.53 get this very straight I did not write 12.07. I tried to be fare about it and was attacked. I trying to be that way now. This is the last I will say about it. I think there are stinkers on both sides. Maybe we should try some how to find out who doing it. I just don't know how to do that when Admin will not monitor these people who constantly cause trouble. I think my feelings were just really hurt about all this. I think when your feelings are hurt you should just shut up cool off and come back another day. I just one on here like I said there are several on here complaining not just me. Hope we can just settle this and forget it I calmed down a lot from my early post. Really hurt by things said about Adam but as you said there are some fake Adam fans that are bad too!

Anonymous said...

At 2:10 AM

Oh dear! I'm sorry because of your sentiments, but fortunately Sauli make the grade also without them...

Anonymous said...

2:10am I am sorry you feel that way and I feel pretty much the same when I read negative posts regardless who the target is, I just wish somebody would come and stop it with good ways, love and light as we say here.
I wish you could forget the nastiness of a few and believe in goodness, don´t give up.:) If you liked Sauli before ,he is really worth your positivity. Have a good day!:)

Anonymous said...

I not 12.49 or 12.07 this is 2.47. I have zero against the Finnish people they supported Adam through thick and thin. A few people are not the Finnish people. -anyone that thinks that is being very unreasonable.

Anonymous said...

2:37am I get what you are saying I support you don´t lose your positivity I feel your passion of Adam and I really want you on Sauli side too please asap! :) Both such good and kind guys and unbelievably sexy and beautiful among other thousand things!:)) Have a nice day!

Anonymous said...

I think Adam on his Facebook page can change the settings as how much of his Instagram information can be seen in public. Instagram is part of Facebook. He can connect his Facebook to Instagram and in his Facebook settings can setup what should be private what should be public. I feel kind of intrusive that fans broadcast everything he likes on Instagram.

Anonymous said...

Are you people done yet?

Anonymous said...

Well, I see fans complaining about Sauli and his fans here and about Liz on twitter. Nothing new. Maybe Adam and Tommy will come to their rescue like in the old days.

Anonymous said...

Oh, and I don't get the hype of Adam liking pictures on instagram. Who cares. I think a lot of it is just business.

Anonymous said...

@3:01 AM Do you mean Liz Tommys girlfriend? What's up with her?

Anonymous said...

Sauli's and Nea's next music will be
Pirates of the Caribbean - Drink Up Me Hearties. Nice to see how those two hobbits like they call themselves manage throuhg this :)

Anonymous said...

1:42pm, I wonder that too, what music choice does that "deeper and darker" lead to? I think Sauli´s and Nea´s music choices have been just beautiful. First choice was about living on the other side of the world and second about waking up in the morning with that special person. I can´t wait for next Saturday again, I guess I need to vote for them a few times this week:)... just to make sure:)!

Anonymous said...

3:20am I can´t believe we wrote at the same time, thankey for answering my question, fast move!:D And satisfied with the music choice too!

Anonymous said...

Yes, they have all turned against her now. Even the "sane", although in my book they have all been the same. They defend Tommy for not having to buy her things and taking her out. I don't know if they stop giving Tommy money and presents if he keeps seeing her.

Anonymous said...

Corruption sucks.

Anonymous said...

@3:30 AM :( I feel bad for Liz. She is or at least has been active on twitter and sees a lot of hate there.

Anonymous said...

The comments on this thread are the pits.

Anonymous said...

I think Liz is strong. The victim is Tommy. I wonder why Adam and Tommy are always the victims.

Anonymous said...

Serves the greedy boy tommy right! Can't eat your cake and have it!( That's if they av stopped giving him money)

Anonymous said...

I thought that I don't follow any more Sauli after the break-up but now I'm addicted to this DOI show cause of Sauli and Nea.

Anonymous said...

I am addicted to it too, I go on repeat watching their first dances.
I am not on facebook and don´t know if you can see this but Sauli´s and Nea´s performances are here:
and here:

Anonymous said...

@5:21 Lol I know the feeling! I have been also watching on repeat their performance after the show and during the show my both thumbs are up for them. Skating is difficult and there is that element of danger.

Anonymous said...

Not sure if Tommy is greedy, but it looks like he is very much obliged to his fans. Maybe he is happy living in symbiosis with his fans.

Anonymous said...

Actually it's after the show I can enjoy their performance more cause during the show I concentrate to hope that they get through their program succesfully and safely.

Anonymous said...

And soon comes some troll and says these last few posts about Liz and Tommy and who knows who else, are from Finnish Sauli fans. Crazy circle going around and around.

Please stop these idiotic comments.

Most of the trouble comes from
- Anon posting, cause most anons don't clearly address the poster they are answering to, whether it's another anon or a person with a tag
- language problems, broken English (however fluent a foreigner is in English, the chances you are misunderstood or you misunderstand are great...)
- PASSION and passionate fans, who just can't take things note: Adam & Sauli had a relationship, love affair, it's a bit different story to have other people's fans commenting here, say Gaga's, Katy's, Bruno's, Kris 's...there'n no 2 year love & relationship involved...I hope you understand what I mean (and I mean well)
- careless reading of other people's posts, jumping to false conclusions (also here language is a big issue!)
- lack of good will... and shared love for Adam and those HE CHOOSES to have in his life...

Pheeewww! And then there are the forever present trolls...Do they ever rest or take a day off?!

No wonder this place is a mess!

Anonymous said...

5:40am Yes I for one am looking at Sauli and Nea constantly sometimes even in secret from my lap top, my family would not understand this obsession of mine, That way I get a smile on my face in the morning and in the evening, my secret "Med" for against any possible sneaking depressions...:)

Anonymous said...

I made the comments about Liz and Tommy. I am from Finland. Is there a problem with that? I'm not the one telling anyone not to comment here. As Adam would say it's not that deep.

Anonymous said...

they never back together, so don't make rumors guys, and about that boy (Eli) Adam just RTed him, just it nothing any more! haha

Anonymous said...

5:42am, Yes there is in fact only one thing needed, that Good Will, you mentioned. With that comes everything good. I can´t make people be my way but I can show good will myself. Still it is true, many times the language problems cause trouble, even when no ill will is intended. I just hope that good will shines through even when it is raining or cloudy on this site.:)

Anonymous said...

I think Adam will always love Sauli in some way even though they are not together any longer. He was a special person in Adam's life and you don't necessarily forget that even if the relationship has ended. I get to the point where I don't want to read anything about Adam's pesonal life anymore because it is mere speculation and rumor and ugly, cruel comments are made about him or Sauli or anyone Adam is seen with. Let's focus on his role on Glee and hopefully that he is working on a third album. The music is what I want to know about and any other opportunities there are for Adam in his career.

Anonymous said...

@5:42 the moms in this fandom have done damage for Adam's career with their attitude. Look how Miley survived all the critique like a winner. I bet her fans don't patronize her.

Anonymous said...

6:12am, I get also very nervous sometimes reading these threads through but I never lose my interest in Adam´s career. Still I always find some nice posts too, like yours. Sauli is a sweet lovable person for me and that is why I hope Adam would have Sauli atleast as a close trustworthy friend.

Anonymous said...

Sauli is a sweetheart, a throughly nice guy, a fascinating little rascal who makes people fall for him in a big way just by being who he is.

As soon as Eli speculations emerged a bunch of people began to post about how pleased they were about that, how it was a match made in heaven since Eli speaks English, is American, is Jewish etc pointing out that Sauli was never good enough for them, advising him to go back to Finland and find someone of his own nationality.

All this even though the majority of Adam's fans are WHITE females who ALL have their origins outside the US. In Europe.

And now these hypocrites are accusing Sauli-fans of defending him and getting upset by all the rude words directed to Sauli. If that's not pathetic then I don't know what is.

Anonymous said...

Adam is a damn saint. end of story

Anonymous said...

Oh boy, in the beginning, we were worried about Kris Allen fans, Tommy fans and Neil fans, now we have to worry about Sauli fans and Eli fans now lol.

Anonymous said...

Is Sauli going to be part of Adam's life from now on even after the both go their separate ways??

I'm curious because it seems Adam just can't get away from Sauli in one way or another.

Maybe when Adam makes it official with Eli, then things might slow down a bit but on the other hand, things might get crazier.

Anonymous said...

All Saulberts listen, we need to get this thread to #1 and beat that Eli thread.

Saulbert 4ever!!

Who's Eli again??

Anonymous said...

at 7:26 AM

Eli? In my opinion he is a whiny wimp with not that many friends around him. Lots of selfies on his IG.

Anonymous said...

Hei kaikki suomalaiset fanit!
Mitä jos pidettäisiin muutaman viikon paasto tältä sivulta? Vihaposteista syytetään lähinnä meitä eikä se tunnu kivalta. Annetaan tilanteen rauhoittua ja nautitaan vain Adamin musiikista.

Anonymous said...


jag håller

Anonymous said...

7:31 AM
OK! I'm in! I love his music and voice and from now on it's only that. :) Bye, bye!

Anonymous said...

Oh m y g o d.... this is so full of shit.
I love both adam and sauli, they were and are still very close friends and that is all i need to know. I keep following sauli because he is a wonderful guy. If adam likes him, so will i.

Anonymous said...

Care to translate, please?

sick and tired of this said...

Blah blah blah

Anonymous said...

Have been a Sauli fan from 2007 and Adam fan from 2011. I come here because of our amazing Adam and follow Sauli elsewhere. Over 10.000 people loved Adam to death during the Finland concert, and still do. He gets much deserved respect here. Finland loves Adam and his music! So, if two or three over emotional kids from Finland trash Adam and his love ones, the rest of us absolutely don't agree. We wish Adam a happy life and look forward his new music!

Anonymous said...

Lambertlust is an idiot.
(And grubbing for gifts.)

Anonymous said...

@7:31 I'm in. Don't like to be blamed for everything and not gonna hang here for a while.

Anonymous said...

Sauli has turned into an amazing skater and the pics above are nothing less than adorable. My current favorite, the cutest and sexiest Sauli moment ever (so far) is the moment when he is planting his jalapeno and saying my bush... my bush... that's on the fourth episode of SPK with topchef Stefan Richter. <3 Sweeeet!

Anonymous said...

8:26 AM
I'm not the one who wrote 7:31 AM but it is a kind wish for all Finnish Adam-fans (Finnberts) to stay away from this site for some weeks till the situation has calmed down. Because some are accusing about the hate posts mostly us Finns which does not feel nice. It is a wish to just enjoy Adam's music.

Anonymous said...

Wanted to post, but after reading all this, I'm too worn out.


Anonymous said...

8:54 AM
I love that moment too. He is so sweet: "my bush, my bush".

Anonymous said...

Most fans are so Sick. Either you're hooking Adam up in a relationship with every guy he takes a picture with or cant let go of the whole Adam-Sauli Past
They are over with, drink on it, celebrate cuz they certainly are.

I think he's actually messing with the ladies these days.
Curious minds.

Anonymous said...

I don't think Adam is a "damn saint" as someone commented, but he has had to put up with so much crap in his life involving his friends, his music, his lifestyle, even his hairstyle and color. No one is perfect, but Adam certainly should not be getting all this negativity and ugliness we often see on this blogsite in addition to what has been written in the print media or pictures we have seen. He seems so strong to be able to withstand all the scrutiny and ugliness that has been dished at him, and I am so happy to read all the positive accolades he has received for his recent Queenbert performance. The man is very special, an amazing performer and a wonderful human being. If this is sainthood, then I guess maybe he is one.

Anonymous said...

Finnish here, there's a phrase what doesn't kill you makes you stronger. They are like sharks and when they smell the blood (fear) they attack. I can stay away from here, but if I feel like commenting I just might. Sometimes I stay away for weeks. I'm not scared of the accusations, because I've seen so much all kinds of wank over the years. A bit curious about the imposters though, because Adam and Sauli are not together anymore and they are not going back together, imo. What do they gain for pretending to be Sauli's fans. I may have to investigate that in my spare time ;) I have nothing against Eli. I welcomed Godfre to the Glamily too, but I doubt he's interested.. :)

Anonymous said...

I am Finnish and I'm sure a lot of people here are Finnish too because Adam is HUGE in Finland. His songs are always #1 here.

I love him and I like Sauli. The person trolling is not Finnish, probably an American.

Anonymous said...

Finland fans, stay!!

We love you.

Anonymous said...

Adam has many wonderful Finnish fans!
I am so happy for their support!

Anonymous said...

at 9:32 AM

Oh come on, open your eyes, can't you see that it is Adam who's stirring the pot by getting into situations that make his fanbase go crazy time after time!

Lots of shady pictures, numerous boyfriend candidates and ongoing speculations on this and that. He is really enjoying it to the fullest and small scandals here and there give him mentions on gossip sites.

Adam loves attention and I'd like to remind you that he said himself that he is an attention whore. So there is no need to start bashing me for stating that here because that's the way Adam is and the consequences can be seen here.

He is a nice guy but not a saint - far from it.

Anne Marie said...

At 9:07
He also said that jalapenos make him horny. I thought that was funny. Love Sauli and his skating and his "best friend show". My love for Sauli has absolutely nothing to do with Adam. I follow Adam closely as well.
Sauli was a popular personality in Finland before he met Adam.. No wonder Adam fell for him. Sauli is very different from all the other friends or dates that Adam has had, but unfortunately for what ever reason they have each moved on. Sauli seems very contented and happy with his life now. Not sure if Adam is quite so contented with his own life right now, but he seems happy enough, and that is all we can hope for. His voice is a gift from heaven, and won't be overlooked.My personal opinion is that Adam is at a crossroads now, and is carefully deciding which road to take. His real fans will support him in what ever he chooses.
I hate the childishness that some commentors bring to this site. Adam likes Sauli and Nea's skating,
is that a crime?

Anonymous said...

8:54am, I think in Saulin Paras Kaveri Show Stefan Richter was sooo funny and there was a lot of laughter, it was good entertainment, Sauli is a natural host and gets his guests relaxed. On the next show there is a "Bay Watch" -episode, of which I saw a little glimpse, where Sauli ran on the beach looking really sexy and hot!!:) I can´t wait to see that one!

Anonymous said...

10:03 AM
Thanks! Wise words. Not a crime at all. Just a friendly gesture.

Anonymous said...

10:03am I think that your description of Sauli is correct ,he gives a different vibe already, compared to other competitors, when you watch his DOI-performance. It is a special authentic unique feeling of the moment,when the music starts and Sauli starts like revealing his soul by dancing:).

Anonymous said...

@1.15 Of course Sauli is a saint.
I have an altar at home where I sacrifice lamb for him every Saturday, on Saint Sauli's day!

Anonymous said...

I´ve been away rom this site for months. I was already long ago had enough of all the negativity I read here. Now I came here yesterday and today to read comments. I´m still shocked about this negativity. Neither Adam or Sauli doesn´t deserve the hate they both have gotten here already before and now. I love both of them. My love for Sauli is getting stronger day by day. That doesn´t mean I would love Adam less. It´s their business to decide what they do, who they meet or if they will get back together or not. It´s not our business.

Anonymous said...

9:51am Thankey for your sweet post for us Finns, and thankey nancdruuu2 too:)! I hope it will get better day by day!
Now this weekend has been like some Halloween with trolls and witches on the move. It is really too early for them, they should wait for the end of this month:). But then we will be prepared, so nothing like this anymore :) Agreed fans? Good night!

Anonymous said...

at 11:31 AM

As you should. Good job!

Anonymous said...

Oh happy days, when Adam sings; it washes my fears away!

Anonymous said...

Oh my gosh, I just started on this site yesterday (was referred to it by someone on twitter)and I believe my time on here checking out posts is over as of today! What sad people we have here on this site posting. Such hatred for people.WTF?Here's my opinion, and then farewell.I am here because I'm an Adam fan. Love his music, and wish I were a part of his world. He brings me happiness and hope. I loved it when he and Sauli were together. The looks in their eyes and on thier faces in pictures showed how in love they were. Don't know what happened...don't care....hate that either of them have had to go thru heartache. Adam has had a busy six months in his life both in his work and in his personal life. We have to remember he does have a PRIVATE life, which we are not privy to, nor should we be. Leave the personal life to him. I trust he will make the correct decisions in his life....correct for HIM not us. I want him happy again, so he has someone to share all the excitement with when he comes home to relax. We should ALL want that. Happiness for him....if it be Sauli, or whoever.....he will make the choice and our only wish should be for his heart to be overflowing with love again. Why do people have to be nasty about anyone? This site seems to a newcomer (Me) to be a terrible bullying site. Hope you all stop tearing each other apart.Adam would be ashamed.

Anonymous said...

Posts like yours just make me laugh. Get over yourself

Anonymous said...

I just watched Sauli & Nea ice-dance and I have to say Sauli looks so fit, he is such an eye candy... A firm, tight pocket package (as Adam is the total package!) NO WONDER Adam likes watching his pics!

Please, let's just concentrate on the positive, both guys totally deserve it!

Anonymous said...

@ 3:14

Posts like yours are refreshing it makes me glad to know many of Adam's fans feel as you do. I don't blame you for not wanting to join us. Though there are many nice people here, they are overshadowed by idiots. I regret the idiots but like mosquitoes they are hard to control and we are not allowed to poison them. I've tried voodoo dolls and long sharp pins but they haven't worked.

I'd like to ask you to stay but it is wearing and discouraging trying to sidestep the trash in the gutter we seem to attract. I hope you will find a site less argumentative, I haven't left (except for brief cooling off periods) because I've become quite fond of some Anon's and many who tag. They seem like neighbors and I would miss them.......JAK

Anonymous said...

3:14pm, This thread is in overall a positive one, you have come to the right thread today.
This is an open forum for any one to visit. This site is a mirror of all the posters here, we all contribute whether it becomes rude or nice. Hope you will have nice moments here, I have had many special ones ,which I cherish in my heart. So wellcome on my part.:)

Finnish Adam-fans and Saulberts are reasonable people and I can say most of us post respectfully.
There is no grounds to think we are trolling here as a group. We love Adam. Have a really good day!:)))

Anonymous said...

Oooops above, forgot to add - before I get barked at (please no hate talk on either of these lovely guys, thank you!)

Been a keen Adam fan since Feb 2009 and to be continued... Knew nothing about Sauli before Adam found him in Finland Nov 2010... I like following Sauli's journey, too! And I ain't going nowhere... :)))

Anonymous said...

Ooops AGAIN, I meant to refer with my 3:57 post to my 3:41 post... lol & sorry

Anonymous said...

3.14 is just a troll, or a regular poster trying to make a point. She didn't just discover the site today. Honestly you people are so naive

Anonymous said...

And hello JAK I post nearly always anonymously on Sauli-threads and other guy-threads. I knew there was some woodoo in the air ,I guess it worked today at last IMO:))! Have a nice day also, I´m going to sleep, it´s 02:00 here in Finland and it´s way past my bed time already:),ZZZZZ.... MS

Anonymous said...

4:03pm, Really? If that´s true I am puzzled, I was having some bells ringing due to the start of that post. Still hope she/he is a newcomer...nice...dreams... good night.:)

Anonymous said...

@ 4:03pm. I'd rather be naive than a crank. The point she made was a good one. Have you contributed anything positive to the thread or just insulting innuendo ?

Anonymous said...

No, she didn't discover it today, it was yesterday... or actually the day before cause today is Oct 8 already! LOL

However, I agree with you up to a point, I think it was a fake post. Like the two male posters that "showed up" a few days ago and have never been heard since...

But I don't think this is funny. If you or any of the regulars (trolls included) are behind these fake stories... it's just sad and shows the sorry state this blog is in nowadays...

Why is it so hard to have a friendly, lovin and fun atmosphere on blogs? Or why do some feel that friendly, lovin & fun atmosphere has to be ruined...why is it so bothering to some?!

Anonymous said...

@3:15AM I think you would only accept about a few like minded people commenting in this blog. A fan community would be a better place for you. Intolerance is not funny.

Anonymous said...

3:15am , I have thought about it too, How to keep a good humour on if I can´t sniff a troll any more. Maybe there is a need here for realistic posters too, if they can detect fakes better. I know I would appreciate that help. Still some politeness wouldn´t hurt. Have a nice day:)))!

Anonymous said...

Sorry, don't follow you...Isn't this a fan community, a fan site - isn't being a fan supposed to be fun, informative, supportive, sharing & lovin. You call that intolerance? Care to elaborate?

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

" Anonymous said...
I feel the same way as @11:12pm. I get that fans of others might not like Adam. But I have never ever seen such a disrespect from other fans on Adam's fan site than I have seen with Sauli's fans. This only makes me wonder the other nature of Sauli that we haven't seen in public with Adam. Are Finnish people that disrespectful of others outside of their own nationality?

October 7, 2013 at 12:07 AM"

I have not read all comments here, but Finnish people really hate all celebrities. There is no respect towards anyone. It is really hard to be celebrity in here, because no matter what you do people will always hate you.

And that is why I dont have any friends who likes Adam or Sauli.

October 17, 2013 at 4:58 PM