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Less Than A Month Until VAMPIRE ADAM LAMBERT APPEARS! (Halloween 2013)

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Monday, October 7, 2013

Posted at : Monday, October 07, 2013

Are you ready? :)


Anonymous said...

The pic from Pretty Little Liars is the best because Adam is not acting, but being himself. So much more powerful images for an actor when the acting is natural and not fake.

Anonymous said...

I want the elegant Regency England vampire to nibble, I just had a blood test and my blood is both beautiful and very healthy....quite youthful in fact!......for Adam I could spare a pint or two......JAK

Anonymous said...

10:23......exactly.....we have excellent taste!....JAK

Anonymous said...

I think Adam should dress as a glambert for halloween this year. Some of the glamberts around here have become quite scary. lol Please don't get offended. I'm just kidding around

Anonymous said...

11.02AM Funny as it sounds, it is true. Some of these fans have really gone to the dark side.

Anonymous said...

Come now. Let's try and keep this thread freindly. Please :)

Anonymous said...

Adam on the dark side picture looks like the hottest vampire I have ever seen. Sue

Anonymous said...

JAK!! Liked that!

Anonymous said...

Adam always looks hot! (sigh)

Anonymous said...

Halloween! Cannot wait the pictures of Adam's costume!

Anonymous said...

JAK, I agree. The oh so elegant glampire he was for PLL is my favorite, too. Wonder what he'll have up his sleeve for this year? Hope this stays a fun thread!


Anonymous said...

Adam is ALWAYS changing up his looks in real life.....I think it is time for another theme for Halloween. Don't know what...just something besides a vampire. Suggestions?

Anonymous said...

Man, the PLL pic is pure GORGEOUSNESS to every small detail... that profile and that hairline...the...the...the... EVERYTHING JUST PERFIC!!!

Anonymous said...

Oh, like the last one, too!
Reminds me of Spike... from Buffy the Vampire Slayer...of course Adam's way better looking...Striking fan art!

Anonymous said...

There's only one choice....Dr.Frank-N-Furter in the Rocky Horror Picture Show ( net stockings and black corset ). Adam has said himself he loved the movie!
I'm not giving my tag I'm afraid you'll hit me.

Anonymous said...

Well, 2:28pm, I won't hit you! I said in another thread that if they ever remake The Rocky Horror Picture Show, Adam should definitely play Dr. Frank-N-Furter. It would be AMAZINGLY FUN!

And maybe the only chance we'll get to see Adam in bed with a woman.

xo laura

Anonymous said...

Is it October already?

Anonymous said...

2:28, I haven't seen RHPS in years, but Adam woulf fit right into that crazy world. It's a deliciously bizarre film. Full of LOTS of big-name actors, too, and some that became big names later on. Wonder where Adam will be for Halloween? A club or private party??


Anonymous said...

2:28 P.M. = JAK , right?

Anonymous said...

Guilty !

Anonymous said...

@JAK, gongrats - you have 'a new trailer on your tail'... @3:01 was not me, your 'regular one', he he...

Anonymous said...

Yikes, now I won't get away with anything....I may have to avoid naughtiness.......NOT....

Anonymous said...

So sweet, Adam and Sauli!

Anonymous said...

'Life rewards the brave!'
Carry on!

Anonymous said...

@DRG 2:35
I'm sure he will be thinking of Sauli missing the party...