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New Adam Lambert and Sutan Video

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Sunday, October 6, 2013

Posted at : Sunday, October 06, 2013


Anonymous said...

Artistic Sutan is a reliable friend of Adam's; Adam takes good care of his friends and so the reciprocation. His many close friends have his back and are always there for him in his times of need.


Anonymous said...

Nice to see Adam partying for a change. There have been too many shopping pics and other news here, lol. He has not been seen with Sutan for ages. Nice to see them together enjoying life.

HK fan said...


Anonymous said...

Yeah, the man needs to get some variety in his life!

Anonymous said...

Haha yeah poor adam never gets to go out and party.

Anonymous said...

Haha, all he does is party! Between the shopping pics, club pics, more club pics and with some shady drug taken dude pics, I wonder if Adam is actually working on a third album. I guess there is no sense of urgency to get some music out and hopefully played on radio or why is there no news of a record deal? Odd isn't it for someone having one of the best voices in the industry. Adam really needs to take his career more seriously. He needs to be seen and heard on stage and on radio.

Anonymous said...

5:21 AM
But this is not Bootsy Bellows or Hooray Henry's, right? There is variety in his life. This is Giorgio. He must have been buying some new clothes for Giorgio the other day with Markus et al.

It really seems like he is on some club on every Friday and Saturday and during the week also. When he is not performing somewhere. But he is young and he has still a lot of time to spend alone home also, watching tv, listening to the music, creating music, going to movies and so on. So, don't you worry, folks.

Anonymous said...

What do you mean it's nice to see Adam partying for a change at 4:36am. Haven't we seen pics lately with him out at HH and BB in Hollywood? And many of the comments we read here are often about Adam partying too much. Going out with friends, being photographed, socializing, networking, etc. are all part of the show biz lifestyle. He is working on Glee, so he has to be prepared to do that whenever he is on call for an episode. I am most interested in learning if he really is working on a third album. I think that all of us who are fans are waiting anxiously for any bit of news about that aspect of his life.

Anonymous said...

@ 6:15, do you not get when someone is joking?

I for one want to know when "Lay Me Down" will be heard on the radio in the USA! Still waiting for this single.

Anonymous said...

6:15 AM
This is 4:35 AM. There is a bit sarcasm on my comment (but I'm not good in it). We really have seen a lot a pics about Adam partying. But there were some shopping pics in between also. That's why the lol.

I would also like to hear something about his next album. He did tweet sometimes when he was processing Trespassing (and had Twitter-parties). ("I prepare, I create." ) Now his tweets are more like promoting other artists. But maybe he learned something and does not want people start speculating and asking.

Anonymous said...

I mean seriously all I am seeing re Adam are party and club pics. Boring already. Where is the new music, new record label contract? Glee? Seriously? Adam, you can do better than that. Take charge of you career. Focus on releasing new music and collaborating with talented songwriters. Is that not happening?

Anonymous said...

:( It's a instagram I can't see it.

Anonymous said...

Personally, I could think of a few more hobbies or pastime activities than watching tv or going to the movies, actually I wouldn't call them hobbies at all.
No one is suggesting that he should stay at home alone or live a life that middle-aged people are used to do. I assume we all know that there is so much more to do in life than just go shopping or clubbing. It is kind of strange that Adam sticks to those two only.

Anonymous said...

And in case you've run out of ideas what else there is to do in life, why not check out this list, it's a good place to start seeking one:

Anonymous said...

all the people giving advice about hobbies probable spend all their time trolling Adam Lambert

Anonymous said...

It seems that Melvin is back:(
So sad, Adam doesn't want to do anything with his life anymore. Didn't except him to be so stupid.

Anonymous said...

I can't see the instagram either. It think Adam is busier doing really substantive things than we realize. But we don't get pics of those things. There is always someone taking pics in a club or on the street. We all want to hear about a new label and a third album. I assume Adam is very aware of the necessity for new music. There's a lot we don't know that goes on behind the scenes.


Anonymous said...

This didn't get to the worlwide news, but one of Adam's and Tommy's friends made it to the tabloids all over Europe. He hang out with Courtney Stodden.

Anonymous said...

@DRG Adam is parting every night. So, he probably sleeps during the day and prepares for another party. Sometimes Adam wakes up earlier for shopping or getting another tattoo.

Anonymous said...

you know adam is in the entertainment business and lives in hollywood, and who the hell wants to stay home and watch tv alone every night - do you? no one knew about lay me down until months after the fact I wish all those with negative comments would STFU. better yet close down the site as you can find better ones w/o the negativity elsewhere

Anonymous said...

I think it just seems like Adam parties every nite..he obviously has a need to be around people..esp. his friends..if he is growing Melvin back..then we can assume that his taping of Glee is finished...I hope that it was more than only one episode..personally, I do not think he has a new record label yet..I think that info would have been leaked by now..we have no way of knowing how much time he is spending making new music..I much as I HATE to admit it..I feel that Adam values his personal time more than his career..but that is his choice and we have to deal..just hope he doesn't just lay around and become forgotten...

Anonymous said...

Actually we did know about adam working with nile and avicii the very night it happened. People tweeted, pictures were posted. If he was doing an substantial work on his album or working with any collaborators we would know about it.

Without a label he has no chance for success so I don't blame him for giving up.

Anonymous said...

Oh dear
maybe dear admin shouldn't post videos or pictures of adam's personal life anymore....all the comments on this thread is enough to scare anyone off...
I really want the best for adam, but if anything happens to his career, its his fault,

Anonymous said...

I don't think it is in Adam's DNA to be a quitter..but, I do think that the Hollywood lifestyle has him a bit sucked in..he enjoyed drugs, sex and rock n' roll before Idol and I am sure he has not gotten that out of his system yet..God, I wish we could talk to him one on one and let him know how we feel and encourage him to 'bust a move' with his career..I wonder if he has been shopping around for a label..

Anonymous said...

I don't see anything wrong with this video. Do you hate disco music or what? It is weekend in case you didn't notice. I love disco and yesterday I listened to some good old R&B from the 90's.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Can anyone post the video so we who cannot view IG can see it???

Anonymous said...

@7:36 AM I cannot believe that Adam would be only in one Glee episode. Melvin is easy to get rid off.

Anonymous said...

If you can see the head shot pic of Adam without playing it, that is all you will see in the IG play plus a few seconds of hands playing a keyboard and setting up drinks.

Anonymous said...

This is adam's life ,why we want to bother?He loves to hang out and party with his friends.When come to work,he will work like a hell.He definately wants to be sucessfull in his life .am not worry about him coz he and his team know what to do for his future.

Anonymous said...

We don't know what Adam is doing with all his time. We are lucky to get the glimpses we get with pics of Adam out with friends. It's amazing how short the memories are here and how nothing is ever good enough. Adam isn't seen out for a couple weeks and people are upset. Adam is seen out and people are upset. Adam just did a big show in Vegas but people are complaining he doesn't work. We know he is working on Glee. Adam says he is working on new music and we've seen tweets that confirm that and Adam said he isn't going to be as open about this album yet people either can't remember this or doubt Adam. It's all so stupid and ridiculous and not supportive. With fans like this who needs enemies.

Anonymous said...

damn 8:27 - you are so right..thanks for reminding me, at least..speaking only for myself..I can say that I am impatient...but I do trust that all will be ok..

Anonymous said...

Why do the comments have to suck most of the time.

Anonymous said...

Actually, Adam told Ryan S on his interview that he is working on his new album. But I think he mentioned it just for fans. Like, come down, ladies. I'm working very hard.

Anonymous said...

Adam's friends have received benefits from him. Most have been given work by him. What has he received from them? Was he hanging around Raja near the time him and Sauli started having problems? Still don't believe they just grew apart. Maybe Sauli got tired of the lifestyle. Sauli is looking great. Clean cut guy. Everyone speaks very highly of him. Don't see him out partying all the time.
Adam needs to observe.

Anonymous said...

@8:27 ,totally agree with u.This shows that some fans is not have a faith in Adam,they easily give up,whine too much and less patient.Adam knows his fans very well,little news leak from him can coz disaster in the better for him to keep tight lip rather than share anything.

Anonymous said...

I guess I was of the belief that Adam HAD signed with an Indie record label. Wish I could remember where I read that. As for his social life...he's allowed. He probably wants to meet new people since he is not in a relationship. Why shouldn't he do what others his age do? He has a life beyond entertaining us, you know.

Anonymous said...

Listen folks; one, or two pathetic trolls got up early and are answering themselves; the troll{s} does not give a damn about Adam or his career or his happiness. Spewing lies and innuendoes is how they get their kicks. Ask yourself, "would a real fan be this degrading towards Adam; even if they were offering advise?"
My answer would be a "resounding hell no".

The troll or trolls' feed off of Adam's fans being upset. Always trying to make Adam's fan's doubt this beautiful, humble man; who would never hurt another human being on purpose; or pass judgment on anyone; in fact he said in an interview once, "people should live and let live; and stay out of other people's business".

Adam loves his fans; his fans love him so much; and he is gaining new fans daily. Just continue to have faith in Adam; this precious soul will never fail. He loves what he is doing; and is in it for the long hall.

So nice to see our man out and about, just wonderful. Those that don't want to see him having fun; here is a hint, "do not look at the pictures". This should not be too hard for anyone with a brain. So glad he keeps people out of his 24 hour day. Smart man.

Gossip mongering trolls, why don't you do something constructive like tell the truth or help with one of Adam's many charities for youth; or the clean water project?

Have a beautiful Sunday Glamberts and Glamhoppers, off to join the real world!

Anonymous said...

So far Adam's only scandal that has reached tabloids worldwide was the Ama kiss. When he kissed Tommy again in the beginning of GNT a few tabloids and I think People mag (is that a tabloid?) published a pic of it. It was just short-term publicity. Just like Uh Huh Her had a small scandal with some airline company. It didn't sell records though.

Anonymous said...

I guess because we only want the best for Adam in his life and his career, some of us get a little bit crazy when we think he is out clubbing too much, shopping too often, or not working on a third album. We only see a small portion of his life and not on a daily basis. And what we do see or read on this blogsite or others, sends us into a frenzy of speculation or negativity at times. But...there is nothing that any of us can do about it. Adam will be Adam and do exactly as he wants, when he wants and with whomever he wants. We have chosen to be fans and either can accept his lifestyle or just drop being a follower. I will continue to be a fan and believe that Adam will be around for a long time in the music business because of his amazing vocal talent and mesmerizing stage presence.

Anonymous said...

at 7:18 AM

And what might those more substantive things be? How come there are no pictures of him doing other things that singing, shopping or partying? He doesn't need paps for posting pics on his own Instagram. Still, there are just pics of him singing or partying scattered among the endless number of selfies looking good. And that's just about it his life seems to be about. Some variety would be nice. And some new music or concerts, even smaller ones, at clubs or something. That shouldn't be too difficult to arrange now that there doesn't seem to be any major events ahead for him.

Anonymous said...

@8:45am,am sure adam will find his match made in heaven.Sauli is a great guy too unfortunately he is not for Adam.anyway time will tell.

Anonymous said...

Lol well getting thrown in jail was a scandel. Attacking the pap in Miami was a scandel Busting a hole in the ceiling of a restaurant was a scandel.

8 49
No one needs your lectures. Why Don't you follow your own advice

Anonymous said...

I get the impression some of you are just frustrated and disappointed there are no pics of Adam with a certain band member.

Anonymous said...

@8:45 AM

You need to observe; it is obvious that you are a fan of Sauli's and not Adam's. You seem upset about the breakup, you need to move on and stop comparing these wonderful men, who are individuals in their own right; neither one of them is perfect; but, what human is? You don't know what Sauli is doing in his private time. It is not Adam's fault that more people may be interested in him. You have no idea what happened in their relationship and probably never will. So just stop the stupid speculation. Two different people that remain friends and still seem to respect each other; so why don't you observe and follow their lead.

Anonymous said...

Try to remember we are Adam's fans not his Life Coach. There is a difference.

I agree with the person who pointed out Adam's lack of scandals. My daughter is a fan but not a Glambert. She picked up on Adam after seeing his AMA performance.

Personally I will follow and support Adam forever.

Anonymous said...

9:01 AM

Touch a nerve? then don't read it.
Seems as though the shoe fits and you are wearing it comfortably.

Not lecturing, just stating my opinion as I see it, looks like I ruffled someone's feathers.

Off to real live activities.

Anonymous said...

at 9:02 AM

Honestly, who really cares about Tommy if it's him you are referring to? In real world, it would be lovely to see Adam perform somewhere and perhaps make some new music. On a smaller scale if nothing else is possible at the moment.

Anonymous said...

@9:01 Blimey, I've forgotten the Helsinki incident, the wrestling with the Miami pap and GaGa's bd party. I suppose because nobody's been reminding about them. Yes, they were scandals too.

Anonymous said...

The constant posting of his party/clubbing pics is not helping his image. Why are these pics not kept private? If he is working on his next album I think it is wise to share a bit of this process. Why the secret on that? Maybe he has nothing to share. Of course his management or publicist will say he is working on his next album. Smoke and mirrors?

Anonymous said...

@9:11 AM
They were non-events, that's why you forgot about them.

Anonymous said...

Why are people so mean. Just plain hateful. Adam a kind good person he just did I heart and blew them all away great reviews. He working in Glee it is more than one episode. His management said he working on music. Think they know more than us. Every thread here today is nasty and full of the regular ones that ruin every thread yes most are t's. to the person on another post that said to bad I can't get my brain fixed I just did. I got it fixed well enough to know I was right in leaving here for awhile and wrong in coming back. Adam just gave the performance of his life in Vegas and good things are coming for him. I will let the Pro's handle this. This site needs cleaning out. Have fun hating on everyone and sweet Adam. I really off if here for good I mean it. To many hateful people. But I will always follow Adam. Have fun being mean! Sue

Anonymous said...

Yes he did spend a lot of time with Rajah, after the break, but I don't think Rajah had anything to do with the break, they have been friends for years. Since someone else mentioned Sauli, I will add, that in Sauli's last interview, just a few days ago, he said that Adam is his best friend, and they keep in touch a lot. When asked if he was in a relationship, he said he was "by himself". He would be back to CA after the DOI. We already know Adam is following Sauli's shows at this time.
I think clubbing is part of Adams life, and I don't see that changing any time soon, he also did the club scene with Sauli, but not quite as much. You need to know Adams friends are at the clubs, and it doesn't mean he is drunk every time he goes to them. Give him a break, and he still watches TV and movies, he records them, to see at his leisure. I also, after following Adams career for the last 4 years, noticed he is a night person, not a morning person. Don't complain if he doesn't change his lifestyle. I think he is probably going to do more work with Avicii and Niles. I don't think Queen is done with him yet. Also don't keep saying he is young, this is the most important time in his life, at his age, to be taking his career very seriously, the years go by so fast
and he does need a 3rd album. but obviously he doesn't quite know what genre he should be doing, as he has said himself. His last album, he said was to let us into his life, and that was what he wanted to sing about.

Anonymous said...

Adam is his own man and that's why we love him. He is a people person and grew up entertaining people. He was in theater entertaining people, and clubs entertaining people. And at after parties, etc.
This is a big part of Adam's life. He also attends and supports his many friends who are also in the entertainment industry.
Adam is not an athlete so we won't see him at football games and other sporting events. He is political when it comes to the gay community and has been at many of those events as a performer and award winner. In short, the man I have described is Adam Lambert. If you don't like how he lives, follow someone else. Peace.<<nancdruuu2

Anonymous said...

@8:49 AM

You mean when Sauli and Adam were put in the tank in Finland to sleep off their drunk event; at the club at Christmas. They realized how stupid they were and apologized to the club owner the next day. They were not arrested.

Having fun at Gaga's party low ceiling he threw his hand up while dancing; Gaga verified it was not a problem everyone was having fun. Perez Hilton blew the whole incident out of context as usual.

If you mean the incident where Adam let the pap in question take his picture, and Adam said that was enough; It was reported that the pap started yelling out homophobic and degrading things to Adam and still trying to come up and take pictures; so Adam laughing tried to take his camera. The pap acted like Adam wrestled him to the ground. Tried to get money from Adam by pressing charges. Case was thrown out; no charges.

Any other lies? You are not pretending to be a fan; are you troll?

Anonymous said...

9 09
Lol we all recognize your condescending posts in every thread. Stop telling other people what to think, what to do. You sound like an idiot

Anonymous said...

9 28
Oh my. Lol this kind of defensiveness and inability on your part to recognize simple facts about adam does him no good.

Anonymous said...

The photos and videos of Adam show only a few hours out of his week. Only a few hours of clubbing and shopping. The rest is home and work. Just becuase we can't see it doesn't mean he isn't doing it.

Anonymous said...


My Post is FOR @9:01 AM.

I apologize to @8:49 AM

Anonymous said...

Guys, let's move on. Adam was with Eli at the club. Eli is good publicity.

Anonymous said...

JAK here.....I have to laugh at the idea that any of us need to sit down with Adam, face to face, and point out the error of his ways. He's not a 5 year old playground bully.....though we seem to attract them. He has been in charge of his own life since he was 18.....he has lived that lifestyle for 13 years. He is still alive, still healthy, still handsome, still has a happy good nature, still has friends, still is a loving son, and is making money to live on quite easily. Whattaya want from him?

Try really hard to resist checking out any thread about Adam out with friends.......Save your fingers all the effort of typing your insults, unasked for advice and worrying in overdrive. Admin. is not going to stop showing pictures of Adam out with friends, most of us like them and when news is slow everyone clamours for more more more.

Those of you who are intrusive and warden keepers for Adam, do you also treat your family and friends this way? Yikes ! Do people run when they see you coming or refuse to answer the doorbell? I would.
We are each in charge of our own destiny and will rise or fall according to the choices we make, give Adam the unfettered chance to live his own life. Is that too much to ask?

Anonymous said...

9:36 AM
Yes, he is. And he is cute.

Anonymous said...

@9:29 AM

Who is we? stop trying to act like a normal fan. I agree with
9:09 AM. You are the person on this site and every site that Adam is shown with men friends, that gets you all upset.

Please don't try to put Adam's fans in your crazy world. I wonder what has Adam done to you?

Anonymous said...

8:58 AM
I think Eli Lieb with whom Adam has been out earlier and was on Saturday night too, is something that we could say "match made in heaven", isn't he? He is talented musician, he is American, he is Jewish and he is exactly Adam's type (smaller and so pretty). And nice. I've seen just good mentions about him. And many comments under the pic Eli posted to his IG an hour ago say he is Adam's boyfriend.

Anonymous said...

Anon 8:45
Oh mehn! Obsessed with sauli aren't you?
#quick advice, go to google, type in sauli(m' sure u know his surname) there must be a lot of fan sites for him along this is adam lambert fansite..go to sauli site and bitch about adam and continue your stupid comparison

Anonymous said...

Every one that matters speaks highly of adam except you sauli right hand man...queen (guys) avicii, nile rodgers, katy perry, glee crew. Need I go on?

Anonymous said...

@9:54am,u are right!they can create music together and can be a duet duo,one can play instrument and another is good vocalist...u know like' morden talking 'duo.

Anonymous said...

9:54am,tho eli lieb is cute and smaller than adam,i dont think he is his type coz adam loves his to be younger and pretty.i think he just fool around with us.

Anonymous said...

I like Eli Lieb and would love Adam to be his bf but I think they are just freinds.If you listen to Eli's interviews he speaks so well and seems to have his feet planted solid on the ground a great influence for Adam. Time will tell.

Anonymous said...

at 10:14 AM

I guess Eli is nice, and judging by his IG a bit lonely too. Whether Adam is good publicity for his career, I really have to doubt that.

Anonymous said...

I like Eli. This would be Adam's 2nd 'health nut' bf. What is it people saying about being like the types you hang out with?

Anonymous said...

Eli said they are friends. So they are not bf's, at least for now.

Anonymous said...

10:14 AM
But Eli looks young. And is pretty and smaller. Just as Adam likes.

And I don't see OOFTA tat anymore in that pic. Maybe this is Adam's way to say he has a new bf.

Anonymous said...

speaking of Eli his Wrecking Ball video Adam posted about yesterday has 254,000 views already. Go Eli.

Anonymous said...

All this is is whining, squabbling and matchmaking. Some of you need jobs or hobbies or mental help.

If so many of you think it is just one troll why don't you ignore them instead if responding?

Anonymous said...

God, I hate the matchmaking. It is so stupid.

daydreamin said...


I read on twitter something about Terrence's birthday. Maybe they are having a birthday bash for Terrence. I think it in a day or so but people celebrate their birthdays on the weekend all the time. Just a thought...

Anonymous said...

Lol, lol, lol, lol, lol, lol, lol, lol. Ok teacher how many times must I spell the Adam Lambert sites Dailey trolls name it's so boring!

Anonymous said...

YAY for Eli he also said he gained 30,000 more followers on twitter and reached his 100,000th subscriber on youTube.It looked like I might have been 100,005. YAY for me. lol He has been having issues with his voice so he best take it easy for a while.

Anonymous said...

Terrance is in Vegas now

Anonymous said...

I saw some "only" Adam's fans hoping Adam would date one of Molinari's underwear models, but they were very quiet when the pic of Adam holding hands with the other model surfaced. Be careful what you wish..

Anonymous said...

how many times has Adam had the oopta or oofta or whatever the hell you call it tatt removed already?

Anonymous said...

10:52 AM
Two or three? And it is OOFTA (that is for sure. don't hesitate to write if next time). There is a thread full of it's meaning, so I don't repeat it here.

Anonymous said...

@10:52AM yes he removed it. He is with Eli now. Deal with it!

Anonymous said...

Omg the tattoo is still there and he is just friends with eli

Anonymous said...

Who cares about the tattoo in norwegian. It was probably Eber's idea.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

@9;28 You are 100% correct on all of those incidents. No big deal. All have been forgotten.

Anonymous said...

Who is Courtney Stodden?

Anonymous said...

My theory is that Adam eats breakfast and sometimes lunch at home - but he has no desire to cook dinner-for-one. So he goes out for dinner each night, has a few drinks with friends he runs into, and then heads home fairly early. After all he has to report to the GLEE set each morning. It does appear that Melvin is back, but he probably just lets it go for the weekend and he will be clean shaven again on Monday morning. Last week Nile tweeted that he would be in LA this week, and wanted to meet up with Adam. They may be working on some new music. All is good!